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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. So very, very boring and senseless. Is part of EBR’s new contract control over her costumes? I can’t remember the last time I saw Felicity in a short flouncy dress with heels. Also, what’s with KC’s styling. Her shoulders looked wider than SA’s during their interview and her E2 flashback looked to be taking place in the 1940’s judging by her outfit and hairstyle. Nice how they have Oliver going on about transparency while BS is at his side impersonating his dead friend. But I guess that’s okay, she’s redeemed. After all, she was only about to choke a guy until Felicity told her to stop. Felicity and Dinah being happy she actually killed the E2 version of the guy really needs to be seen to be believed. So, last week there was hardy har har about Oliver being the rookie, this week he’s framed as being the lead in the little team comprised of him, Dinah and Officer Bad Taste in Men. Are all the characters in Curtis’ virtual reality? Because so many things are out of whack. I will give Curtis this, him being at ARGUS made sense for the first time with implanting bombs into people. And he made a lot of sense in the middle of the episode. Plus, he actually give a second’s thought to Oliver and Felicity even if their months long ordeal, which included their adolescent son being targeted rated below Curtis’ stab wound. Still more than Dig offered. But Curtis still pissed me off barging into Lyla’s (his actual boss) sensitive interrogation, and then yammering about doing things his own way at ARGUS at the end there. Um, just no. I liked the frowny face emoticon she used when she thought Dinah wasn’t willing to help. On par with whatever it was Emiko was pulling when she was angry at Oliver in the beginning.
  2. So, it’s Emiko that’s in the hospital next episode. Bad promo given the concept of the episode.
  3. Yeah, Rene is actually the one missing from those pics. Or maybe Thea's pit symptoms are acting up again. Or maybr, they just take the film crew there. Monday is Big Belly Burger night. Tuesday is Yahtzee. Wednesday is emergency trip to the hospital.
  4. Most of those are taken on the hospital set, aren't they?
  5. In all that time not filming Arrow. I'll give them this, the interview process for this type of work is something they haven't done before. And while mostly boring, at least Cupid is having a blast. Oh my God, where does Curtis think he's working? Why would an ARGUS employee just barge into a room where the actual boss is conducting interview to essentially chat? He's not bringing Lyla any crucial information to justify this crap. Lyla is seriously being too lenient with all her talking subordinates. I know she doesn't want to be Waller, but there's got to be some medium between Waller and this.
  6. That may be the single greatest spoiler I've read this season.
  7. Does anyone watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? I just watched the last six episodes and Busy Phillips is in one of them. I've never seen it before, but in some instances it looks like she and EBR are twins. Except one of them is 4 or so inches taller. It was bordering on freaky. I think it was the facial expressions.
  8. From the trailer I actually assumed that Mahershala Ali's character was the saviour.
  9. That sandwich song really reminded me of Bunny and Kitty.
  10. Felicity floated the idea that it was Emiko's way of reaching out to Oliver, either consciously or subconsciously. It's best bet so far.
  11. That's a plausible theory and maybe the most depressing aspect of the flashforwards so far, the implication that we're stuck repeating the same mistakes over and over.
  12. I abdolutely agree about Curtis' puzzling enthusiasm. I tuned out for a lot of that scene, even missing some blathering about cake posters have mentioned, but he practically whooped when Emiko told him and Rene (just Rene?) to suit up.
  13. Oh, I didn’t know that. I still haven’t watched this year’s crossover aside from some scenes I found on Youtube. While I’m all for Walter showing up, would a talk with him have made a difference? The letter was in a warehouse paid by Moira. I assumed he never got it. Moira Queen, the ultimate WASP hoarder. Get rid of the evidence, dude!
  14. True about Thea. I wouldn’t count Lance as deputy mayor as nepotism though.
  15. There’s a 10 year age difference between Oliver and Thea. I can’t remember him drawing on the show. Seeing the drawing actually made me think of William in S4 and how he probably inherited Oliver’s lack of artistic talent.
  16. 😂 That’s a great moment of levity for this episode. I’ll have to rewind that scene.
  17. Hello, nepotism. A few things pinged my radar in this episode. One, mentioning Walter as the addressee of Robert’s lame pass the hot potato letter. It could point to him showing up in episode 150 as one of the interviewees. This could have been a way of reminding viewers who he is. Aside from liking Walter, I really would like to hear what he thought of Oliver outing himself as GA. Then there was Oliver and Feliciy talking about his reaction to Thea’s birth. Foreshadowing to another boy finding out he’s about to get a baby sister?
  18. Robert’s level of fatherly concern is really touching. Leaves instructions to Walter to take care of his kid after his death, does shit all for said kid while he’s alive. Father of the year, really. At least it will give Oliver and Walter something to talk about. This is my regularly scheduled please bring Walter back post. I’ll give the episode this, that exchange about Oliver’s drawing was pretty cute. What excatly did he draw though for them to comment that he wasn’t thrilled about Thea’s birth?
  19. The whole thing was a fast forward of the first 13 episodes of season 1 to get to OTA. Except that Oliver was stuck in hell for five years and suffering from PTSD and still kind of felt like less of an asshole than Emiko he did his due dilligence on both Dig and Felicity before bringing them in found Felicity’s car in the garage of Queen Consolidated (?) where he was actually shot so badly he flatlined. Meanwhile Emiko didn’t seem that badly off and mosied off to find Rene. All this seems senseless. I’m puzzled as to who her mother was if this many people were involved in her murder. Also, is she the one who trained Emiko to be an archer and close combat fighter with Oliver? Why? I was told my questions about her would be answered in this episode and they’re really not. I’m taking Curtis not being included in the tattoo talk as indication that he’s out after this season (present time). Either he bites it or relocates. I don’t care. Here’s my theory about Diggle this season. He’s the Big Bad, most likely in the future timeline. I’m not even being facetious here. We have him being a complete asshole to not only his friends but now his wife as well. Really, Lyla should have stuck him in the pipeline for that stunt he pulled. And him drinking the Argus kool aid, while Lyla is distancing herself is actually something that has been consistent since he joined. Then we also have the parallels to S1. Which, as has been reported, should have started Tommy’s rise as Oliver’s nemesis. This is just putting Dig into that role six years down the line. I am willing to allow for the possibility of the real Dig being locked up somewhere, or stuck on a different earth with Sara, but this character that I’m watching this season is a villain, it’s just that nobody is ready to see that yet.
  20. I mean, let's be fair here. Dig didn't have Oliver's back either. He went to visit him once, then expected for Felicity to accept him either rotting away in Slabside or get killed there. And then he effectively let Oliver's family at a psycho's crosshairs. #2018digistheworstdig I think we have the polar opposite definitions of fun, Beth. A) What the fuck does Oliver have to redeem himself for? B) I think he's been redeeming his whole family long enough now. Come on.
  21. So the new Green Arrow shows up at Rene's place injured and needing surgery. Who does this remind me of? They are so going to try to get them together. On a different note, I really hope Zoe is sleeping at a friend's house. Yes, Rene was a vigilante too and not being a hypocrite here for once. But this is still a woman he doesn't know, so I'm not that sure having her stay the night in the same apartment as his kid would be the best idea.
  22. I don't know if we have been given Nick's age on the show, but a 15 or 20 year difference seems about right. Plus, he has a grown up son working with him, doesn't he?
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