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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Another great thing about the dress I don't know about the first one. Just cuz, I guess.
  2. Through episodes 11 and 12. For the poster who asked, Joan Margaret is played by Millicent Martin. I think the last thing I saw her in was Modern Family, in which she played Jay’s first. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0552815/
  3. I'm finished with episode 9, which probably means I'll be done with the season tomorrow at the latest. The following comments include information up till then.
  4. I’ve watched four episodes and Brianna is vexing me the most. Likely because she’s featured the most. They’ve just made her so one dimensional. The episodes do pick up, though. I’ve enjoyed 504. I’m enjoying Sol more than in probably all the previous four seasons.
  5. I was baffled by that and thought that they were talking about S4 at first.
  6. I'm not that crazy about the CSI either. You don't want the GA on the force? Fine. But he gave no indication of touching evidence. WTH, lady? Clearly, she'll ease up by the end of the episode, though, since Oliver will obviously be protecting her when the station goes boom. I appreciate that Lyla isn't reacting to Diaz, but can Argus as a not very good idea be any more obvious? Come on, make them the Big Bad, please.
  7. I think this definitely should be experienced on the big screen.
  8. I got Caitlin. I don't know that there's really a key to the result. I picked a supersuit because I don't really like weapons and everything else seemed like kind of a drag. I'd have expected you'd need to pick the ice thing there. Although now that I think about it, it could have been the Polar Bear that decided my fate.
  9. Having struck out with Thea, I guess Rene will be moving on to Oliver's other sister. Thankfully, Robert seems to have been a habitual cheater, so there may be more out there. Pros about the promo: Oliver and Felicity working together Oliver in the suit Cons: stupid Argus plot (unless it leads to somewhere tangible) Oliver being saddled with BS on top of Dinah. Come on, give him a break. Is that SC's latest mayor he saves in the precinct?
  10. Not Arrow per se, but wait until the end of 209.
  11. What about Slade? I really dug his S1 and S2 arc, and I have to say S1 Malcolm is still great in my book. It's those appearances in the following seasons that soured me on them, but I still try to keep the way they were in their heydey separate.
  12. How did you manage to suss out the title from that?
  13. He was definitely using Kane Wolfman in the present day. Not sure about the flashbacks to when he and Slade reunited after Lian Yu.
  14. Oh, it's got Eric McCormack and Lolita Davidovich, I see.
  15. I'm only familiar with that because the shot of her lingering in bed was used in some AU Olicity edits that used to be popular a while back. Never really knew what it was from, though.
  16. I thought it was a wedding too. An artsy photo from a funeral seems odd to me, much less sharing it on a social platform.
  17. It honestly depends, I don't have a strict policy. I am looking for something bright and soothing. @BkWurm1hit the nail on the head there. Happy new year, everyone.
  18. Good job, @Mellowyellow. And happy new year! 🎇
  19. Bright green seems like a young person’s game. 😁 This is such a light color that I’d paint everything but the ceiling that. Well, two walls that face each other basically. Because one is completely covered by a wardrobe, and opposite that is a bookshelf and a window and door leading to the balcony. So nothing is really visible there. I don’t even know if I want the hassle of emptying out the wardrobe and dragging it away from the wall. Even though it might not be a bad idea. How would you do a feature wall? ETA: 25-28. I can’t figure out how this test works, but certainly felt older than that taking it, because I paused when I got to the fruit. But, but, I want all of them. I decided to go for peaches since they’re completely out of season. Also, I thought my last answer, coffee, would definitely push me towards older.
  20. I'm looking for decorating tips. I bought a new mint green rug and the walls need to be decorated badly. The rug is pretty similar to this. We're talking about a bedroom with a working corner here, so nothing too bright. I was thinking blush, like this. But I am open and welcoming to other suggestions.
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