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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. I actually bought this as they were selling it and thought the final episode needs a mirror scene of it. Audience freaks out and then William pops up. Felicity, tell her not to shoot in the house. She almost hit mylaptop!
  2. I'm comforted by the knowledge that there can always be a worse scenario. 😃
  3. The FB live video is very sad. It's also the most I've liked SA in a long while.
  4. I have been very vocal about not wanting that type of ending for Oliver for years because I thought he deserved to live his life in the open. Then living it the open actually happened and it hasn’t been that great. So now I’d be totally fine with it, except that I’m worried about Will. He’s with his grandparents and stays with them in the current future timeline. If they took him away when Oliver was alive would they let him go with Felicity when Oliver was “dead”? I don’t want him to get left behind. Unless Feliciy goes mama bear on the grandparents and demands custody and that William grows up with his sister. Then, I’d like you to meet our Uber driver. You’ll probably find him familiar, don’t freak.
  5. I’m not talking about the regularly scheduled secnd part of the season slog. The previous seasons at least had working towards the big bad. This one doesn’t. Diaz was ridiculous even when he was free, but he only got more so since he’s been captured. And I guess Dante is supposed to be the next in line but there’s not much about him/her/them so far.
  6. The like button needs more options. Like: I'm not conflicted at all. That's a sacrifice I'll gladly make.
  7. This is the most frustrating part of this season, that it seems to have no clue where it’s going as they throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. Due to reasons unrelated to this show (nothing bad, lest someone worries) I didn’t watch the last two episodes aside from some clips on Youtube. I actually had the time to catch up this weekend, but didn’t and I’m leaning more on more rowards just binging it all when the season is over. Things might be more frustrating that way. Eh, what happened in the crossover actually made them stronger as a couple so I really don’t think the writers thought this through. I’m going to throw in the school as something that makes me bitter as well. What kind of dumbasses (tm Red Forman) don’t make damn sure to contact the parents of an underage boaring kid and have them pick him up???!!! Yes, he made a fake website, but I seriously doubt 13-year-old Will made clones to fool the school. If fake Laurel sued them for gross negligence, she might actually score a point or two in my book.
  8. For that one sweet episode back in S3 they did.
  9. KC looks different but I can't figure out what it is.
  10. I could see directly into the eye of the great fish. Mammal. Whatever. 🤣
  11. Maybe I shouldn't, but I'm expecting a repeat of Dig's old army buddy/commander being the villain of the week in season 1 (I think).
  12. Appearance wise, not really that much. Mostly because my genetics is pretty good in that regard. My Dad looked pretty youthful and my Mom still does. One of my grandfathers died at 84 and he barely had wrinkles at all. Of course, there are some off days. 😄
  13. I tried it. Inoffensive, I'd say. I wasn't vowed but it wasn't bad either.
  14. I almost bolted the first time I was in their store. The security guard told me I wasn't allowed to do it. Excellent. I really have to be in the right state of mind to visit. And have a clear plan which sections I want to hit and which to rush through.
  15. Funnily enough, John Oliver did a segment on Ikea on his season premiere. Ikea, voted number 1 in the Places Couples Get Divorced Magazine. For an added layer of hilarity, they caught his team's attention because they have been selling a map of the world missing New Zealand. As they are preparing to open their first store in New Zealand. 🤣 That said, I am very much opposed to their maze like structure. I know it's to get me to see everything and buy more stuff, but it just makes me feel like cattle being led to slaughter. That said, they have some nice, affordable stuff that I've bought. Nothing that required assembly, it should be noted. 😁
  16. ETA: Never mind, I see the misunderstanding was cleared up in another thread. For some reason, I can't erase a user handle, so hey, @Mellowyellow
  17. That’s a very strong end for this segment of the story. While Philip has vexed me for about 95% of the time, that final scene was marvelous. When he got everybody to calm down, I was totally eying him like Elizabeth was during his Antarctica video. Then of course I fell over laughing as Cecil continued to drone on. I’m amazed pandemonium didn’t break out during it. I honestly don’t know whether I liked Elizabeth more in her confrontation with Philip or setting down Macmillan. If season three continues the tradition of her scolding pompous PMs like naughty school boys, that would be swell. At least one should sit like a kid waiting to see the principal like Churchill did.
  18. I honestly can't suss out the intention behind the photo shoot scenes. Tony was creepy as fuck banging around upstairs. I felt like I was watching a scary movie. Get out of the house, Margaret!
  19. I didn't know you were expecting. Congratulations. 🙂🎉
  20. The pic of the three of them at the computer is especially jarring. Like, what the eff? If Felicity hadn't actually left the apartment a fee times, I'd start to suspect she'd developed agoraphobia. It would make more sense then all this twisting of characters they're doing. Also, I'm totally envious of SS's luscious locks, and wondering why Emiko has all those lockers. Maybe Flaurel can get a tour of William's room. 😡 This is insane in how unearned it is. COME OOOONNNNNNNN!!!!!!
  21. Cute. I particularly enjoyed the aside about babysitting.
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