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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. I really never expected her to order that. She protested against just that in season 1. In season 7 she insisted that the Ironborn relinquish the practice of raping and pillaging as well. But I can certainly see Dothraki being Dothraki on their own accord.
  2. Maybe it's because we've never actually seen any Dothraki babies, but it's really hard to imagine Dany and Drogo's child being a chubby cuddly delight. At the time it felt like, yep, biggest bit of fiction shown thus far.
  3. It reads like spec to me too. But reading it makes me wonder, does Arya know how Talisa died exactly? It's not impossible, but was she told on screen? Wasn't that while Arya was hallucinating?
  4. Yes, I think she would have kept going back for a while at least.
  5. Now that you mention speeches, what is everyone guessing is the speech in which she talk in multiple languages? At first it seemed obvious that it was addressing the troops before battle, now I'm not so sure. It's still a possibility, but maybe it's a part of her breakdown. Heh. Just wondering the same thing.
  6. Arya’s comment about Daenerys not being one of them reads as odd in retrospect. I’m not saying she isn’t allowed to be distrustful (although I would appreciate an explanation for it at some point), but the wording doesn’t gel with the Arya who’s gone to Essos due to her interactions with Syrio and Jaqen, and has expressed a wish to explore more.What’s west of Westeros? She just doesn’t read as excusionist to me.
  7. The show said this a while back when Catherine basically turned into Selina for an episode. I can't remember which episode it was exactly and what pushed her.
  8. If they are going to parallel her to her father might as well go all the way. I don't like the idea, but there it is. Simply for the fact that it would put Jon in Jaime's shoes.
  9. The undead and the undead dragon? This truly gives me pause because is Viserion now going to get raised from the dead? I'm suspicious. If Jon kills Daenerys he'll do it from the back, surely. Ned will be so disappointed.
  10. I didn't take it as distraction, more commiseration at striking out. Tough luck, wildling, here, get wasted. Speaking of all of this, Jaime really has no game. Even Brienne was looking at him like, boys are so weird, when he was being all twitchy. No wonder only his psycho twin would sleep with him.
  11. When did the Mad King make Vyseris his heir? As I remember it Vyseris got that claim only after Aerys, Rhaegar and Rheagar’s son with Elia were killed. True, although I still weep most for Rickon who felt abandoned at a very young age even before he actually lost his mom and went half wild over it, only to get unceremoniously shot up after going through years of various shit as he finally saw his brother. That one hit me hard because I was harboring the hope that he’d end up among the wildlings. I think he’d have fit in there.
  12. I don’t think we’ll see him again, although a tried general sure would be useful.
  13. Minna offers Selina asylum. Gary: She prefers spa. That honestly killed me. We have Amy being an absolute idiot for jonesing to hook up with Dan, and the OB GYN that Amy and Dan went to for an abortion now in a relationship with him, and Andrew being alive? Blergh.
  14. This! It’s not that it’s impossible to see there being something in her that could turn to madness, it’s that the storytelling isn’t gradual enough. Plus the fact that some of her current moves are being given the edit of oh, noes, she’s gonna blow when that’s not what we’ve been getting from her this season.
  15. That's a good theory. I'd even use the witch's prophecy about her having three children to back it up had the show itself not contradicted it with the black haired baby back in the first season.
  16. Was it all those times Cersei conspired to have him killed, last of which was featured in just this episode, that made him so sure of himself and her?
  17. Murder on the Orient Express? Yeah, I definitely think everyone in the Seven Kingdoms deserves a shot at her. They may even put in money for it, highest bidder goes first and so on. The proceeds go to the reparations of the country torn up by years of war. Still not buying the Mad Queen sell, but for Dany’s sake she should have flown past Dragonstone on onward to Essos. Who cares about an ugly chair that is her #birthright when she had managed to conquer and rule overseas on her own merit. Speaking of overseas, man was it a misfire to leave army strategist Daario there.
  18. If Dany never gets the throne, is Gendry even legitimate? Without her becoming the actual queen of the Seven Kingdoms, I don’t think her proclamation during a night of drinking holds much weight.
  19. That flight on Drogon really lasted a good long while then because the Iron Fleet was brought up in the war room meeting at Winterfell.
  20. I think it's been plenty clear in the show as well. Maybe not so much the sexual part, but the smitten part for sure. Dude was mooning at her birthplace seasons ago for God's sake.
  21. Davos goes with Jon, he’s already mounted on the horse to leave when Jon says goodbye to Tormund, Gilly and Sam. But not to Ghost or his siblings. Come on! I’m mostly convinced that was the last scene of the last Starks together and that sucks ass. I’m hoping the wildlings and northerners manage a more peaceful co-existence. At least for a little while. She was actively avoiding that and practicing archery. It made perfect sense for her character to me. However much I wish she could heal enough to be able to relax and rejoice over this magnificent feat, to share that with her brothers and sisters in arms, I’m not sure that’s achievable.
  22. The last two episodes better include Drogon burning Euron to a crisp and then his charred bones being given to the wildlings to use as toothpicks. Fucking cunt.
  23. Given that she's kissing Gendry in the promo, I think she's obviously not averse to giving it another go. I mean I thought the look was about the circumstances and if I were to make any cheeky comment, it would be that she had clearly worn him out.
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