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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. The expiration date was a clever twist and not something I saw coming, so that's a plus. And Grace is pregnant, so my Ben/Saanvi ship stays afloat a bit longer, also a plus. But if this season is a model for the next 4, I don't see myself coming back. The domestic drama and tiresome triangles are just too much to wade through for such a tiny bit of pay-off.
  2. The writing has studiously avoided the Frosts checking out Lorna, which is why I keep coming back to Esme deliberately avoiding it to protect Lorna. Though if true, them letting Sage die is pretty brutal.
  3. I was listening to Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast a few days ago and they were discussing clutter and the endowment effect (which is the way your brain ascribes more value to something once you own it, making it harder to get rid of it). I'd heard of the effect before but this time I realized that it could be one reason KonMari works for so many is that the question of sparking joy kind of short circuits that whole mental process. It gently devalues the object in question because if something doesn't spark joy, why would we want to keep it? I have a laundry room clutter problem and it's funny, yesterday I was hanging up stuff from the dryer and my eyes were idly scanning the hanging rack, saying no joy, no joy, no joy... 🙂 Which is a major shift from "ugh, I don't want to go through those clothes and decide what to keep".
  4. Thanks. Just wanted to add that I just accessed the site using a Chromebook and it did the same thing but in this case the browser was originally set at 125% and when I clicked it to 110%, it behaved the same as above. So it appears to just be reducing the zoom that activates the layout shift.
  5. I'm not sure why there isn't a new episode on 2/19 since the big 4 networks all have new shows. Even PBS is new but the CW is reruns.
  6. So, I've been defaulting to the Follows a lot of the time because I like being able to see when and who was the last poster but I'm trying to figure out why I can only see it now if I put my browser window at 90%. On Windows 7 it's the same with Chrome (latest), Firefox (kinda old) and Opera (latest). The first graphic is the 90% version. Note: I installed Ghostery (in Chrome/Firefox - Opera has it built in more or less) recently for the anti-tracking, so I see in IE it looks normal at 100%. Does that mean I need to choose?
  7. I'm willing to give Max the benefit of the doubt for a bit longer. We don't know how the aliens process emotions and the events of 10 years ago obviously ended in trauma for a lot of people. If humans can still be dealing with the fallout, why not the aliens too? That said, it can be a bit cringe-y to watch.
  8. My husband likes to explain what everyone is doing wrong (or right, on occasion) whenever I wander into the room when he's watching. It is fascinating, the logic underlying the games. If I ever got on the show, I'd forget all the strategy under the glare of the camera so I don't worry about. 🙂
  9. This post is a test. But since you're here, the last thing I saw on my local PBS station was the Miami episode with the Calder mobile. It was pretty cool.
  10. All during the first season I was waiting for Jace to see the light and now I just hate the sight of him. Any episode he is in is sure to be an orgy of over the top violence. On this show, that's saying a lot. Poor Clarice indeed. I'm not sure what that swirl of purple was, though. Was it her body disintegrating? Is Esme protecting Lorna?
  11. Crap. Jace is back? I guess The Flash just moved up in the to-watch queue. I'm not ready to deal with Clarice's demise (I like her, dammit!) and Jace both.
  12. I just noticed this too. In my Roswell, New Mexico forum only one tag shows up, even though if you go into the edit option, the other is there. (Spoilers/Book Talk)
  13. That's happened with several of my other shows in the last few years. I stream them on Netflix, they disappear and then show up in local syndication. I bought the dvds shortly after it went off Netflix. I forget the episode title from last night but it was one of the rare times I didn't like Elizabeth, when she tells Neal to lie to Peter's face (and do anything he had to, to keep Peter safe) when he doesn't want to. I know they always need something to keep the conflict going but it isn't one of my favorite plot points.
  14. I thought they chickened out before making any donations? I just saw the first episode not too long ago but my knowledge of the first five years is pretty spotty, so maybe they did after that?
  15. Elizabeth is a great character. The Mozzie/El friendship was one of the best things on the show. My husband and I are up to S4 in our annual rewatch. The episode last night was Family Business, the whiskey counterfeiting one with Scott Evans.
  16. Warrior premiers April 5th. http://www.ksitetv.com/warrior/warrior-cinemax-premiere-date-trailer/188687/ 3rd trailer:
  17. Posting this tonight so I don't forget. Was listening to NPR on the drive home a couple of nights ago and there was someone from the Price is Right on Marketplace. https://www.marketplace.org/shows/marketplace/02052019 23:20 minutes in.
  18. Posts here should reflect actual AM Joy content, which shouldn't be used as a springboard to related articles (unless Joy quotes or is mentioned in them) and political discussion in general.
  19. It's too bad we can't kidnap a Winchester brother to make sure LoT lasts ten more years.
  20. I'm not a television insider or an attorney but I'm pretty sure Hulu doesn't have any rights to Roswell other than a contract to currently air the original series. Intellectual property is a really weird thing. Basically, the author (or in this case, the publisher who hired her to write the books) owns the characters/plots in the books. With American television, usually an individual or company (A) buys an option to develop the story for television. Because all that costs money, the option for the story (and sometimes "A") will end up at a studio where the show will be made. The studio now owns a piece (or all) of the show. I'd guess that 20th Century Fox Television and Regency Television probably own the rights to the character of Jesse (and Tess, etc.) , though you never know without seeing the original contracts. Check out the Writers Guild link to see who all gets a piece and in what circumstances. (And this is just for writers in American tv, not any of the other participants.) https://www.wga.org/contracts/know-your-rights/tv-separated-rights As for Jesse vs. Noah, I think most of the similarities come from the character of Isobel and the kind of man she would be likely to marry.
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