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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. I hope they don't go there. I know it happens in real life but it would be so much better to see Jackie and the kids' reaction when/if Dan starts dating again. (In late Season 2 or Season 3, preferably.)
  2. Lecy tugged at my heart strings when she was standing on the porch and Bridget turned out the light on her. She looked so forlorn. I can't concentrate when Darlene is at her editing job - I really, really want that huge old wood file cabinet thing behind her boss's desk.
  3. I wasn't really paying close attention at the time and hadn't heard that Chibnall didn't really want the job but do remember hearing that there was a good chance Doctor Who was due for a "rest".
  4. Yesterday's New York Times had an article on reboots losing their luster but this paragraph stood out: "Fox has seen solid returns from “Last Man Standing,” a comedy starring Tim Allen that was revived this season after it was canceled by ABC in May 2017. And even without Roseanne Barr, “The Conners” has done well for ABC, generating numbers that suggest it is a sustainable draw. Through five episodes, its ratings are on a par with the CBS hit “Young Sheldon,” good enough for seventh place among entertainment programs. It is also ABC’s highest-rated sitcom."
  5. Sorry, I don't have anything tangible. But I'm on a private, mostly British DW group that has a member who has had good info in the past. And you can see the effect outwardly by the public discussion that there may only be 6 episodes in 2019 (if that). For most BBC shows that isn't a big deal but DW has a lot riding on regular seasons and licensing deals.
  6. There does seem to be some BTS drama going on, with Chibnall not happy at all. So I wouldn't be surprised if he left early.
  7. The Unquiet Dead had Rose stepping out of the TARDIS in a Victorian gown and Nine looking gobsmacked. I loved that scene.
  8. Just wanted to remind everyone that links to Rachel's specific outside appearances and projects can go in the Rhodes Scholar thread. (I'm leaving the Bagman comments here since they are mixed with the Watergate documentary.)
  9. Didn't Eric say she deserved it for bringing the family back together? Or was that the year before?
  10. I almost posted a comment earlier about BS's cheap and lazy redemption arc and then realized it was an expensive and lazy arc, in that I still miss Quentin. But at least it was something tangible and honestly, Katie is selling it, IMO. She has an element of sadness that I've never seen in her performance before. I can buy BS doggedly plugging away at the law stuff in a way I never bought OG Laurel as a lawyer. (Though it's funny they both are terrible at it.) I can't really compare her arc to Regina. Not-Laurel may be irritated that no one believes that Quentin's loss could have had that much of an impact on her or that she is capable of change but she doesn't ooze arrogant entitlement. And people aren't forgiving her instantly. ETA: I quit watching Arrow for the better part of a year after Laurel became BC, so it's not like I ever liked Laurel. This version I can tolerate.
  11. @Bastet, that's pretty much how I was figuring it.
  12. Now I'm not sure if they explicitly mentioned Emilio's status but I thought he was undocumented? He told Jackie he had to leave a decent auto plant job because of political enemies. Either way it sounds like he has a good case for asylum. (Like Roseanne before it, The Conners is going to always include some topical subjects.) It's shallow but my first thought with Emilio was wondering just how much younger than Becky he is. I couldn't find out much on the actor online but in his last tv role, he had a boyfriend who was in his late teens.
  13. In the revival, I never got the impression that Roseanne treated Mary like anything other than her granddaughter. With Geena now in the mix, it has kind of changed the dynamic between DJ and Mary a little, though I doubt that was intentional. Genetics really are strange. I have biracial nieces and nephews, same mother and father, with skin tones ranging from very dark to extremely light skinned.
  14. Just catching up with my latest batch of Arrow episodes and I'm a little thrown by the fact that the best thing about Arrow recently has been not-Laurel and Felicity. KC and EBR work very well together. Everything else... well, not much to say there that you all haven't said better.
  15. I think they will always love each other but there are too many toxic years to get past. First love rarely lasts forever.
  16. I doubt it. Just storytelling shorthand for Darlene eventually realizing that the best kind of relationships don't involve walking all over your partner. Roseanne might have been overbearing and Dan easygoing but he had a spine. (Unlike David.)
  17. IRL, women would be all over Dan already. I agree though, that Dan dating would be better saved for later.
  18. The writing isn't doing Geena any favors. I laughed at the Afghanistan comment because it felt real but who on earth would say God put that (baby/life?) in her uterus? I live in the Midwest and we have plenty of Hispanic neighbors, both citizens and not. Some come up to work in the packing plants or do farm work and they stay. Lots of times they open restaurants. That's one of the side benefits of immigration. If Dan hires Emilio to hang dry wall the Internet will probably explode but I would enjoy the irony.
  19. A few upcoming casting mentions. First, Sarah Chalke will be back. https://tvline.com/2018/11/14/the-conners-sarah-chalke-andrea-season-1-becky/ And Katey Sagal will be showing up too, playing a new character. https://tvline.com/2018/11/19/the-conners-katey-sagal-cast-season-1-spoilers/ ETA: So much of the show takes place at Casa Bonita, I wouldn't be surprised if the next spin-off (should there be one) is based there. :-)
  20. I'm a bit disappointed but not terribly surprised. Hopefully Santiago Cabrera shows up on my screen again soon though.
  21. Aww... you say that like it's a bad thing. I loved SJA. Really though, Doctor Who started out as a children's show and is still a family show. The 8-10 year old has always been its target audience. I'm not sure it was ever world class scifi, though obviously mileage varies. I will agree that the spider episode was a mess production-wise.
  22. I've moved a few posts to the Ratings topic. Speculation on what the effect of Ms. Dungey's departure will be is okay but let's not belabor it. (Unless someone has some inside info, then we are all ears.)
  23. Religion is a highly personal subject. Best to keep discussion focused on what happened in the episode. Thanks.
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