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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. I bought it as the reason for keeping everyone in the dark - for the first few episodes anyway. People who found out really were dropping like flies. It just wasn't sustainable, like a lot of the other wretched writing choices. This show has potential but the filler crap is killing it. (Filler crap = most of the romantic triangles to date. I'm still here for Ben and Saanvi though.)
  2. It could be a while before we hear anything official but it sure looks good. Usually I try to avoid reading the comments for articles like the one above but it was nice to see the praise for Lecy there.
  3. We do now. Thanks for reminding me to create one.
  4. Discuss comparisons here. Note that there is a thread for the original Roswell if you just want to reminisce,
  5. For my part I think that his rant was kind of embarrassingly ignorant. Storytelling is one of the most basic human art forms. If you look at prehistoric cave art, you can see that storytelling with pictures has been around for tens of thousands of years and I'm pretty sure that comic books and graphic novels will be around long after Bill Maher's political comedy is a distant memory. And I don't even read or like comic books that much. (Though I might own a Batman/Dark Knight or two...)
  6. Political commentary is prohibited on this site. (Please see the following post in our FAQ.) Political topics presented within the show may be discussed in that direct context but posts containing the following may be subject to moderation: personal political views political topics not addressed in show references to politicians or political entities References to controversial issues (such as immigration) are not considered political as long as they don't violate the over-all site rules on politics or the "Be Civil" rule. If you have a question on this, please PM the forum moderators, @tessaray and @Giant Misfit. Thank you.
  7. Ours either. I do see it at potlucks and other gatherings though. I guess it's all what you're used to. My mother's family is from the south, so we tended to have plenty of bacon/bacon grease in the old comfort foods.
  8. Crushed potato chips on top of a casserole is meant to mimic bread crumb topping, au gratin style. My Midwestern family used bread crumbs or oats in meatloaf to stretch it. Potato chips would be too expensive by the time you added enough. (And who would waste perfectly good chips in meatloaf? lol.)
  9. I think the Becky/Emilio thing worked for me because it was spread out. She went from not wanting anything to do with him, to unbending a little due to the idea of child support, to starting to be seduced a little by the way he tried to take such good care of her and the baby. And Lecy did a wonderful job just radiating when he was doing things for her. She's been on her own for so long. Dang. Becky isn't the only one falling for him a little. :-) (And I really didn't like Gus on Major Crimes, so good job RR.)
  10. Darlene grabs her by the shoulders (to sit her down) and said they had to talk.
  11. I remember that one! It's on Youtube.
  12. That bugged me too but it actually kind of makes sense with the shutdown. Still, there's no way they could have known in advance, so yeah - dumb, cringe-y line. We were told from the beginning that immigration is going to be an ongoing theme for the show. (They couldn't resist the easy parallels.) With the way things are in the SW, they don't need to be heavy handed with it, though. Just show how it is and leave the audience to work out for themselves how they feel.
  13. That's interesting because most of the comments I've read have been from OG fans. (Myself included.) I think some people have seen JM on Grey's Anatomy too. She feels like Liz to me, for the most part. Maybe without the sense of vulnerability that Shiri Appleby's Liz had but ten years will do that to you.
  14. Since all the S7 episodes have been filmed, I'm assuming that it would be problematic to do more of them at this point. I just want to see them go out on a high note. p.s. I'm still working my way thru S6... so much tv, so little time. Rest assured, I'm savoring them.
  15. You can watch for free on Yahoo. It looks like they are a week and a half behind but they do have this one. https://view.yahoo.com/show/the-conners/episodes
  16. So for those looking for clues, a "season finale event" doesn't exactly sound like ABC slinking away from the show and cutting their losses. (Just saying...)
  17. I liked it more than I expected to but since I wasn't expecting much it was a pretty low bar to clear. I didn't like Michael at all though. Not sure if it was the writing, the acting or what. The original show made me sympathize with him, thanks to the crappy foster father and horrible life he had compared to Max and Isabel. Here they mention it but it didn't have the same impact. And with very little Maria, there wasn't the sort of quirkiness or whimsy I half expected. (It's not like the original was perfect but it did have a chemistry that is probably impossible to duplicate.) I do think this version could have potential, in an X-Files/government conspiracy sort of way.
  18. Until this episode, I didn't think that David and Darlene had any chance to be anything other than complicated co-parents but Darlene's instant objection to David and Blue having kids made me rethink a little... at least on Darlene's part. Personally I think David and Blue having a kid would be the best indication that The Conners is in it for the long haul.
  19. I agree the episode had an awful lot packed into it. Should have had a "To Be Continued" at the end because it really seems like a 2-parter. So, the Dan and Emilio scenes were very strong. And the last one with Becky, Jackie and Dan. I thought the baby shower was pretty weird. Next week will be interesting anyway.
  20. I didn't know it was on Prime. I won't have time to rewatch it now but hopefully they'll keep it around a while.
  21. There is one more episode next week and negotiations for a second season are underway. It's mainly a question of scheduling from what's been said so far. That said, the earlier episodes of this season seemed better on average than the last few. A late sophomore slump?
  22. I have the death cleaning book and the underlying theme is - don't make your kids have to sort through all your stuff. It can be a heavy emotional burden and a huge time sink. Sort it out beforehand, identify the things that are meaningful so there is less for you to deal with now and less work for them later. It's short and very sweet. Maybe not worth the $18.99 I spent for the hardcover but definitely worth checking out from your library. I think my favorite cleaning/organizing show was "Neat". Marie Kondo has those twirly skirts but Hellen Buttigieg had those boots! (And a sympathetic but firm way of addressing clutter and chaos.) The language barrier is real in this show. I know Marie is very popular in Japan - it would be interesting to see her work in her native environment.
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