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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. I love these kind of shows. Not Hoarders level but normal "way too much crap to deal with". Like Clean Sweep or that British show Life Laundry. (Does anyone remember that one?)
  2. I don't recall which episode it was but DJ is a vending machine maintenance guy. It was a scene in the garage, maybe the one where Dan was needing extra help hanging drywall.
  3. I've been hedging my bets, mainly because who knows what Goodman and Metcalf want to do at this point in their lives. But yeah, totally not shocked that ABC wants another season.
  4. IMDB has all the episode titles posted, though no descriptions are available. Makes it feel real. A month isn't that far away now.
  5. Jackie took the project 3 1/2 days longer than I would have. I thought Katey fit right in and it would be nice to see her again. She and Goodman had such an easy rapport. Dan twisting his wedding ring was a nice touch. Again, Becky was the best part of the episode for me. She definitely livens up the scenes she's in.
  6. I can see it, too. Being a single working mother is exhausting (no energy for sex) and for years the kids were young enough to probably meet her emotional needs with hugs and snuggles. But they're older now and sleeping with David likely was a reminder of things she was missing in her life. Sleeping with your boss though... I suppose the consent as foreplay is progress but the man still controls her (now only) paycheck. It's gross, even though I like the guy.
  7. I think people will like the new Clubs feature. With them it will be possible to create groups for all kinds of topics. For instance, it might be that someone would create one for MSNBC fans, which would let people discuss things like frequent guests, books being promoted across the various shows, Watergate, etc. - stuff that's interesting but not on-topic for the individual shows. There are a few things I'm not terribly crazy about but this version of the forum software is creaky and hard to maintain. The new forum will be more stable and more importantly, upgrade-able. It will definitely be worth the brief adjustment once things are up and running.
  8. It looks like Chibnall won this round, with no new Who (other than the New Years special) until 2020. https://www.blogtorwho.com/doctor-who-series-12-hits-screens-in-2020/?fbclid=IwAR1kkJ7Y8NcQPysu-t0SIv_pzMaC4bT7RMxd_eiQjC2BjQK7Cxmc1WrpZKI
  9. If you go to the ABCD press site, they have a description of the upcoming episode with tons of pictures. I thought this one was interesting, Dan is actually smiling a little. Note: I wouldn't recommend looking at all the pictures unless you want to be really spoiled. They're so detailed you can pretty much hear the dialog in your head.
  10. So, I was searching for info on the next episode and I guess it's the last one until after the holidays. Maybe that's why they added an extra episode, so they could pad out January a little. I take that as a good sign. If the plan was to be done with it, they likely would have aired all the episodes before the break.
  11. To be honest, I'd prefer human technobabble with a possible dash of timey-wimey over aliens or mystical/spiritual. If you think about it, an airplane is a perfect place for shenanigans, because for the most part it would be in international air space and it's an enclosed area where the subjects can't just get up and leave. They could even use some kind of subliminal suggestion to affect who would volunteer for the second plane. And human beings are always messing with things they don't understand, with unintended consequences. Also, the show so far doesn't feel like a setup for aliens, so there's that.
  12. I don't follow this show anywhere but here and haven't given it a ton of thought so my theory might be extremely lame. I kind of like the idea that the plane was already being used by some kind of secret research team (the mind connection stuff) and that it <whatever technobabble experiment they were conducting> collided with some kind of natural phenomenon - with the plane ending up in the weird 5 1/2 year stasis. That would account for the passengers mental connections and the fact that the kidnapped passengers were being experimented on already - by a hastily resurrected research team. ETA: I'd be good with replacing the natural phenomenon with aliens. I'm easy there. :-) But a huge no for them already being dead or anything like that.
  13. Sara may be gay but Darlene isn't. I'm not sure most people would buy it if they took the character in that direction - at least not with the current writers. Personally I don't have any desire to watch the show without JG/LM, though I'd give it a chance.
  14. I'm looking forward to it. Spaceships are always welcome on my television. The leaks about the pilot script make it sound like a pretty faithful adaptation, so basically it's going to come down to casting. For me, that's what will make it or break it. Anime is not my thing though. I was a Firefly fan, so I only watched CB because of that connection.
  15. Maybe the David/Darlene shippers are tuning out? Or it could just be the holidays. I don't think it's really fair to compare it to the revival at this point in the run.
  16. Yes. Also, I laughed when Darlene said David and Blue finally made sense once she knew Blue had been a dominatrix.
  17. I'm the opposite, I guess - mainly here for the mystery of the plane disappearing/reappearing. I'll probably keep watching as long as the passengers' stories aren't really annoying. I will say that Grace kicking Ben to the curb is probably the best thing that could have happened, at least to keep me watching. The actors don't have any chemistry, so it's a relief to not have to try and root for the characters to get their life back.
  18. After every episode I try and figure out why I'm still watching this show. It's probably just my enduring affection for The 4400 - though I do like the cancer researcher, Vance, the stewardess, and Olive. I'm 50-50 on Ben. None of the domestic drama with either sibling works for me. I can tolerate Michaela at work, sort of. So yeah... why am I watching? :)
  19. I wonder if Blue is Darlene's unexpected source of dating advice in the next episode.
  20. Air date: December 4, 2018 Some may find it interesting that this episode is directed by Kimberly McCullough.
  21. Didn't they already do the bullying thing on the revival season of Roseanne? They've shown us that Mark has friends now, so my guess is that they won't address it again, at least for a while. Though maybe if Ben and Darlene end up dating the subject will come up again. It might be interesting to see how a potential stepfather would handle a non-traditional kid and Darlene's parenting philosophy.
  22. This has come up before in episode discussions. Mark has innocently professed a liking for boys and a penchant for clothes with a traditionally feminine feel. Darlene has chosen to allow him to do his thing, whatever that ends up being. Most schools have to handle a wide variety of students and teachers are better trained these days, so I can see even Lanford schools being accommodating and aware. (See the Halloween episode and the beleaguered principal.) It helps Mark's cause that he is very intelligent and has a sunny disposition.
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