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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. It was and one of the mentions that I was counting. River was there too and her story is done.
  2. The Big Finish audios with the 8th Doctor/Susan/Alex were great. I always wished we could have gotten an onscreen reunion. And more 8 in particular... I will say that considering how Moffat liked to mess with canon that I'm surprised he never did anything with Susan but the occasional mention here and there. I'm glad he left her alone though. ETA: In The Five Doctors, Susan does get some time with the 5th, which was fun to watch.
  3. I thought that the Johnny/Level 5 subplot was a nice bit of continuity from early Killjoys where Du/J wouldn't take kill warrants. Oh, Zeph. Telling Dutch better be the first thing you do in the next episode. So, of course she probably won't. I do think they are deliberately teasing the audience with a 1st season Arrow/Olicity vibe between Zeph and D'avin. (As long as it doesn't get too much screen time, I don't mind.) The Aneela/D'avin exchange was quite interesting and Pree looked pretty good with the warlord getup, too. All in all, a definite improvement over last week.
  4. I wasn't thinking place so much as the vibe he had with Bill. 7 had it with Ace too. It was just reinforced by the university location. But I imagine now it will come down to the new companion(s) as much as anything. The professor/student relationship is just something I like. Traveling companions is good too. And I would also vote for more non-earth adventures.
  5. I just came across this forum today and had fun reading through it. I had Sling TV when it first came and now have Sony Vue (you don't need a PlayStation, just a Roku/FireTV device/Apple TV, etc). It isn't the cheapest anymore but I love the cloud dvr and most of the channels have tv anywhere sign-ins. @SunnyBeBe - I'm not familiar with most Smart TVs but I'm assuming it depends on how their app support is. But a set top streaming box will always have wider access to subscription services.
  6. I thought she looked a lot like Kate too, which could make future UNIT episodes interesting.
  7. Lost soured a lot of people on any kind of "plan". For me, it was Battlestar Galactica. At least they finally admitted they were making it up as they went along. Doctor Who is best when the episodes are mostly standalone and the Doctor/companions explore the galaxy/history and have adventures. Not that I didn't enjoy Matt Smith's first series but the subsequent arcs just dragged the show down. (IMO, YMMV) I hope they let JW continue the professorial thing that has worked so well for Capaldi this last season.
  8. I was against a female Doctor until we actually got one, so now I'm (also) cautiously optimistic. (Funny how that phrase keeps popping up.) I liked the reveal, because I do think we needed to see her as the Doctor. She really did nail it without saying a word. Honestly, the thing I'm most worried about is Chibnall saying he had a five year plan. No. Just No. Moffat's convoluted, timey wimey crap is one of the things that annoys me most about nuWho.
  9. So, getting the band back together doesn't always go smoothly and the Soviet Hullen spy town thing was kind of creepy with just enough of a scifi twist. But Delle Seyah and Aneela... I don't know, that felt like bad fanfic. Not sure why but after 2 really strong episodes, this one just didn't resonate for me.
  10. I'm rationalizing some of the episode choices by assuming that after the firm almost went under, the survivors formed a bond that transcends the normal hierarchy. Rachel taking over the associates to save the firm and Louis from himself seems almost normal in that context. (Although I agree that even Gretchen would have been a better choice.) The only thing this show gets right is Harvey and Mike. They bring out the best and the worst in each other. They are the OTP. Oh - and the distillery scenes were kind of cool. Not the acting, the equipment!
  11. I had planned on just stopping after GT left but don't have any new shows at the moment, so I caved and watched my recording of Suits. I don't look for spoilers and don't really care one way or the other, but was wondering if the show was planning on killing off Rachel? There were a couple of potentially anvil-y lines that made me think they might be. Donna buying in to the firm, it's dumb but no dumber than Mike, the felon and non-law school graduate being an attorney at Spector Litt, so whatever.
  12. Really? I would love to see this actually happen but there have been so many disappointments over the years, it's hard to get your hopes up. And I suppose ABC partnering with Hulu would make sense, though Amazon and Netflix could be great if they got seasons to binge on. It occurs to me that I will hate to see Todd and Blair's happy ending messed up. (I rarely watch GH, so I'm ignoring most of that stuff.) PP told a lot of story in those 40 or so episodes.
  13. I don't think he ever gelled that well with Elementary but he was a decent actor and much too young.
  14. I'd tune in for an AJ/Brenda kid, though I always thought we should have gotten an AJ/Keesha kid at some point. Or an AJ/Julia Barrett kid maybe.
  15. Aw, any mention of Taggert brings back memories... good times. I haven't seen GH in ages (except a few clips from Jane's last episodes) but am kind of enjoying reading the various speculations about Oscar. Depending on who his father turns out to be, it might even tempt me to watch again for a while. Except Sonny. That I wouldn't watch.
  16. Ran across this clip on YT when I was searching for Time Trax stuff (I love cheesy 90s scifi). Kassie was in this one, of course but the episode also had John de Lancie in it. (The episode title was Beautiful Songbird.)
  17. I always thought a half hour daily format that was on at a time like Wheel of Fortune is (between the news and prime time in my area) would have been a perfect evolution for soaps. People are off work, in the mood for a little tv and you'd get a wide range of viewers, including some young ones. I don't see a current online spot for OLTL or AMC. Disney doesn't have that great of a digital presence, like CBS does. And the PP venture showed a lot of people won't pay directly. But otoh, people are a lot more familiar with accessing digital shows now, so who knows? I would pay for access to a vintage soap service, where they had all 3 (AMC, OLTL, GH - maybe Loving too?) starting from some point in the 90s. :-) Like Youtube, only better quality.
  18. I'm just so p.o.'ed with Sheila saying Quinn was all about Eric's money. Even the most rabid Quinn haters would have to admit that she's never been about the Beverly Hills lifestyle (well, unless it's for Wyatt). And honestly, FU to Eric. He knows how Ridge is. He knows that Quinn was insecure and how Ridge operates. Maybe he should remember how Quinn stood at his bedside, doing everything in her power to get him well, to keep the control of his company his, how they suffered the humiliation of a wedding where none of their families showed up, where she was attacked nonstop as a psychopath and a gold digger without retaliating. You can see what all that earned her. Not even a fair hearing without the smug, first gen psychopathic ex gloating in the same room. Sheila being in that discussion just makes me even more #TeamQuinn. (And I was prepared to be on-board for Quinn getting her comeuppance.) If Eric and Sheila hook up, I'm taking a really long break. And now that I have that out of my system, can I say how class-ist it is for Eric to order Quinn out of "their" home, which obviously when the chips are down, isn't. Maybe that is what really irked me when I watched today's episode. Yeah, JMc was bringing it but between the writing and Sheila, all it did was make me hate him. And yet, if he had been hurting and hadn't gone on the attack, I probably would have been on his side. Sigh...
  19. Ah, then I'm surprised she hasn't saved anyone's life yet but I guess there's time. :-) I should clarify that I thought RJ was gross, giving her a cheesy bikini and wanting to photograph her in it. Her response gave me hope for the character.
  20. This thing with Ridge and Quinn, with Sheila added to the mix, is hard to watch. Not liking it at all. Honestly, Sheila hasn't added all that much to the show yet other than nostalgia. I guess she freed Katie from having to expose Quidge, so there's that but she has no job, no money, she's not a designer - what are they going to do with her now? (ETA: what did Sheila do when she was on before?) I also thought the bikini gift scene was unappealing. (RJ, to clarify. He thinks he's a player. Ick. OTOH, I can believe he's Ridge's son there.) 2nd ETA: Eric's reaction was great and heartbreaking at the same time, given what the audience knows. This is exactly why Brooke, Katie, Ivy, and even Charlie folded - none of them wanted to do this to Eric.
  21. So, so happy Killjoys is back. Premiering on a holiday weekend seemed weird to me though. I didn't get a chance to watch until late last night. (Who needs sleep anyway?) I'm not a shipper by nature but I could change my mind about Dutch and Johnny if they do go there. Either way, they belong together and I hope Johnny is back on board soon.
  22. My main objection is to Sheila, though what I know of the character is mostly from Y&R - a little bit of real Sheila, a lot of Lauren/Sheila and a smidgen of Phyllis/Sheila. But I love Deacon. Yes, he can be a horrible, sleazy, grifting conman and drunk but SK does liven up the place. And I hope the show is on long enough for Hope to have at least one adventure with her father, where she flirts with the dark side.
  23. Lol. It must be. Though let's be fair, sometimes that breakneck speed works in our favor. Exhibit A - the recent Lizzie drama.
  24. I don't think it's completely gone. I remember this Thomas doing something design-y with models in and out when he first came on. And weren't there models when Ridge was doing the collection where Caroline was helping him draw? There also seems to be the occasional model wandering in or out every few months or so. With all the budget cutting in soaps, the extras (or lack thereof) have become very noticeable, though B&B is actually better than the others most of the time.
  25. Ah, I completely forgot about the double date and I actually watched that day. I guess I didn't see the other instances as being about Sally herself, just Liam being Liam. They really need to give him an evil twin story. SC has to be bored out of his mind. And yes, here's hoping TPTB never hook up Sally and Liam.
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