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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. This cannot be said enough. I also like the crack about CHinese Secret Agents. I was also thinking having the big wedding and fix the paperwork later. Ticketyboo, we should ALL send a thank you not to that pipe.
  2. I just threw Mombatross out there as the first one I thought of. Spydad and serial killer are also good.
  3. Nooooooo. Marlowe is in so much trouble. I wanted a nice wedding with no wacky hijinks (other than Castle being Castle with an assist from Ryan and Esposito) or murder intefering. Instead we get: 1. Long lost husband. Because New York would have a record of a Las Vegas wedding for a couple living in California at the time of the marriage. Hello, did anyone notice throughout the gay marriage debate that marriage is a state thing? 2. Some convoluted plot that OUr INtrepid Heroes must overcome to be together. Because all the OTHER times they were shot, kidnapped, blown up, dropped in the river, etc, were not enough to show they were Meant To Be. 3. The fugly beyond belief dress being ruined. Okay that is a plus. So she winds up getting married in her mother's dress. Which is a very Beckett dress and should have been the only dress she considered anyway. 4. The wedding venue burning down so they have to get married at the house in the Hamptons. Which I said they should do long ago. 5. The world's fastest divorce in history. Even with a consent, it don't go that fast. Plus waiting period after the license issuance? Except we don't get a wedding, Instead we get a mysterious car running Castle off the road. Who said the Mombatross was dead? And who called it last week it wasn't the end. I did love Martha's speech to Kate. Thanking her for making her son happy. I really hoped that meant a happy ending. Nope, Marlowe just can't let these 2 be happy. He has to fuck with them because he is a miserable person who wants everyone else miserable.
  4. Alisha is still now owning anything about her life. Hence the anvil from her client that she IS part of the 1 percent. She just thinks of herself as this housewife from Chicago. She's only the governor's wife when she wants something. SHe is only a tough attorney when she wants something. The rest of the time she really believes she is just Mom. She does not accept she is a wealthy woman with power in her own right and power from her husband that most women just do not have. Since she has no power, she just floats along letting other people make decisions for her.
  5. Just this season. Best I can come up with is he got whammied by some artifact that screwed his hair up and they can't figure out which one it is is, so they can unwhammy him. Because no one would voluntarily have that haircut for more than 5 minutes. I would shave my head bald before being seen in public with that hairstyle.
  6. Don't do it Peter. Don't do it. You love Alisha. You need to work it out with her, if you want to keep her. An affair would be bad. Very bad. Canning is violating his fiduciary duty to the firm if he is driving away cases. He signed a partnership agreement that contains language about not hurting the firm. But oooh, pissed off Diane is a sight to see. As is snarky Cary. Good for you Cary pointing out how it feels to push around your own firm. But Cary please stop sleeping with Kalinda. You know she is just using you.
  7. Aaand this is how conspiracy theories start. There was a lot of mention of how if they won D & C would be the first father-son team. I remember all the talk about how an all-female team had never won. Then they finally cast the hyper competent Nat and Kat. The level of female contestants have declined since (IMHO).
  8. Really Country Girls whining that Connor and Dave are taking your first place? Really? You wouldn't even be trying for the final 3 if it weren't for them. Hell, you would still be trying to put your car together back in Malaysia (?) if not for help. This is the very first leg you had to do everything yourself without absolutely any help. I also noticed how generally angry you got that the goalie would not let you through on your looks alone. Am not looking forward to hearing Brendan and Rachel babble about having a baby if they win all next week. All the freaking time. Some people should not reproduce. Hey, did you know Dave is old? I had no clue.
  9. So as far as I can see, it's all Johnny's relatives who have caused mayhem, not his dad, not his mom and not him. Sure he got has been pictured partying and drinking while underage. What a shocking act for a college kid. The only thing he has done bad is screwed up at the Manning Football Camp.
  10. We already knew a Grimm could produce a non-Grimm offspring. The first time we met Mamma Grimm she said her brother never developed the abiity, while talking about learning from her father.
  11. I love when the people bring in letters from famous people and then are amazed it's not actually signed by the famous person. Like they have never heard of form letters or autopens. Who in this day and age has not heard of form letters? Do these people really believe that this famous person has nothing better to do than write personal letters to every single person who writes to them?
  12. Aaaaand yet another person gets taken to the trailer. Why not put a big sign over it "Grimm Trailer here" I was cool with Theresa helping out Josh. She knows more than Nick did at this point in his Grimm career. I did not like when asked her name she responded with the cliche. She a nice girl who wants to help people. That's not trouble, so stop calling her that. Again Monroe and Rosalee have their own separate story. Renard is on his phone. Adalind is plotting something. Rinse, wash, repeat.
  13. Seriously? I mean my dad is 74 and is hardly decrepit, but that dude did not look old enough to remember the Blitz.
  14. I did have one nitpick that glared like the light of a thousands suns to me. The guy who remembered living through the Blitz. Umm that was more than 70 years ago (VE Day is today and that 69 years ago). To remember it clearly, the guy had to be in about his 80s and his did NOT look that old.
  15. Oh look, Brass has a long talk with her daughter and has to think about things. THIS is how they send off Brass, he decides he needs to spend more time with family? Why? Ellie is going to prison for a long time for killing her mother (among others I believe). Brass quitting his job would do nothing to change that. Just ugh. Ellie was always a whiny brat who thought she wasn't loved enough and punished those around her for it. Meanwhile her dad was a cop who caught the bad guys and made a difference in people's lives who appreciated what he did. He deserves to go out being a good cop, not giving in to his whiny butt daughter. Oh and there was some crime to solve to, I guess.
  16. One little factoid I found out reading Randolph Mantooth's blog -- every single rescue was based on a real life rescue somewhere. Not necessarily in the LA area, but somewhere in the US that rescue was in the logs. THAT's versimilitude. Of course, I look at how empty the ER at Rampart was all the time and how they only seemed to have a case at a time unless there was a brush fire and laugh. I am quite sure ERs were never that empty.
  17. They should have put it out of its misery long ago. After the Ray years definitely when they threw everything about the show away because the writers were all "OMG Laurence Fishbourne." They redeemed it a bit with the intro of DB, set him up as a supervisor, low key, not the focus of every episode. Then they should have killed it when Marg Helgenberger left and they brought in Elisabeth Shue. Where they made almost every single mistake as they did with the Ray character. The only mistake they did not make was they actually made her an experienced CSI so her knowledge made sense. But then they put her front and center and let her swallow the show. If not then, they absolutely positively should have killed it when they decided to kidnap DB's granddaughter. That was so out there as to destroy everything that had been established about his character. Sure in the early seasons there was a lot of CSI in peril, T!I!P! (Sara and DV cases comes readily to mind), not to mention personal involvement in cases they should not have been. Anyone remember Catherine butting into the investigation of the death of her ex-husband? And outlandish stuff -- a recording in a clay pot, really???? But it wasn't every other episode. It wasn't to the point you wondered why ANY of these people still had a job. Now it is clear the writers just want to write incredibly out there stories that put the CSI's in more and more danger each time. Kill it, kill it with fire and destroy all trace evidence.
  18. this is why I mostly listen to tv these days. I don't want to have to read all the stuff cluttering my screen. Did have to laugh when Elliott talked about having to stay off the phone and focused. Because not being focused can get people killed. When did Captain Obvious take over the Saga? Which is a bucket of rust. Great ship you bought there Elliott. Keith found the honey hole for sure. Even he was surprised how fast his fishing went. The shoot off between Edgar and Norman was hilarious. Sig and his "they haven't slept in a day and a half and now they are going to play with guns" also ranked up there on the laugh meter. If he truly felt it was not safe, he would have stopped it. I have always had a soft spot for Jonathan (which was sorely tried during the DB years) ever since the TB rescued that man overboard and he cried about it. Tonight he proved it again with his "I want everyone to do well and come home safe. I just want to do better than everyone else." Sure he is competitive as hell, but he really is a nice guy.
  19. Wow. This show just keeps hitting on all cylinders. Every episode leaves me breathless. Now we know why Vigiliance got started. If you want an excellent movie on the perils of over surveillance I recommend Eyeborg with Adrian Paul. I watched it because well, Adrian Paul. I thought it would be cheesy. Yeah it has a lot of cheese but makes a really good statement about surveillance "evidence." Ma'am got saved by someone she would have tossed aside as expendable. Bwahahahaha. And good thing Shaw likes Finch more than she hates Ma'am. Good job reminding her Reese. Loved Reese reminding everyone repeatedly that getting Finch back was the most important thing. Yeah, he only saved everyone's lives by giving them purpose. How the hell does the Machine know there is no immediate danger? Carter anyone? Besides Decima's folks know how to hide from surveillance which means the Machine has no data to evaluate. Is it next week yet?
  20. Presumably she explained what the tape was and who was looking for it. Then they listened to it and investigated further showing she had been set up. Then they had to get further evidence on Bracken. You don't interrupt a press conference to arrest a sitting Senator on murder charges iwthout a lot of evidence. But all that is boring so they skipped over it and went straight to the bust.
  21. I see Kim made it to the Met Gala. At least she wasn't wearing a couch this time. ANd considering some of the other "celebs" who were there, she might not have been the tackiest.
  22. On the plus side, the mombatross is well and truly dead this time. But honestly, Castle why do you want to marry a woman who breaks a promise to you so easily. Yeah she promised to not do this alone, but hey, the chance came up she took it. Which is a stupid ass reason. Same with the PD. Why does she still have a job? She can't even keep her gun that is in a stuff (hey a new way Beckett loses her gun) and then she goes to Vulcan and ruins any evidence against him. Good thing he wound up dead. I presume that box of stuff was not in the apartment when it went kablooey all those seasons ago? Convenient for Beckett. Honestly Bracken commits all these murders and has drug money funding his campaigns and there is absolutely no evidence? None? No one is that good, not without supernatural help. And this show is not does not do that. Then there is the preview. Oh goodie, the oldie and not goodie unknown previous marriage. Ya know, most people know they were married before and are not surprised at the license department. Really.
  23. Well that was a waste of an episode. I don't speak Spanish so most of the show was incomprehensible to me. I do not want to have to read my tv when watching it. No Pete is not in love with Myka nor is Myka in love with him. They are friends who care for each -- and THAT. IS. IT. Do not do this to me with so few epsisodes left. Claudia and Jinx's case was hilarious. See Jinx can be funny. He just needs to let that guy out more often. Just as an aside, I think if you go to work for the Warehouse, they should pay off your student loans. I mean with the threat of getting whammied and DYING, it is the least they can do.
  24. Marcia had kids and became a stay at home mom. Jan left teaching at some point and became an architect. She and her husband were in the process of splitting up right at the time of a Very Brady Christmas. But spending the night in the spare drawer (please don't ask) at the Brady home brought them back together.
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