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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Hah! I live under a bigger rock because I used to think the employees loading up a cart in each aisle (while I was shopping) were shopping for themselves, that they were done with their work shift and on the way home. It was only recently that friends, at a weekly gathering, informed me that these supermarket employees were shopping for the folks who ordered online or by phone. Duh. Never gave a thought to those big lockers out in the entrance way to each supermarket. I knew about this type of shopping for groceries but never connected it with the employees in the aisles (maybe because I've never done it?) Maybe I should shop this way (and save some money!) because I can enter a supermarket for just a few items (especially Wegman's) and leave with a huge cartload :>)
  2. Does anyone want my leftover turkey meatloaf? Neither of us wants it. It's not that it tastes bad. It's just...meh. I'll pack it up for ya & send it via UPS :>)
  3. I've never watched Valerie Bertinelli's cooking show but I've tried two of her recipes and they're both keepers (got her cookbook from the library and plan to try some more). Still, I wish FN would have more chefs for cooking shows (and less of the crazy competitions). So I watch PBS (Lidia's my favorite) for no-nonsense cooking tips. @Qoass: I'm no baking expert but I'd put the chocolate milk in. It's milk (which you need for the recipe) and it's chocolate so how bad could that be?
  4. Thanks! Geez--that Merv Griffin set retrieved from the dumpster by Kramer--loved it. Maybe Jerry's living room set could be donated to the Smithsonian :>)
  5. When we toured Warner Brothers a couple years ago, we stopped at an exhibit of a Friends set (didn't watch the show but it's the one in a bar or coffee place with the orange sofa). The tour guide would take your picture using your camera/phone as you sat on the couch. I was wondering if there was a Seinfeld set at some studio where tourists could do the same thing (either Jerry's living room or the coffee shop)...cause I'd go next time I'm in LA.
  6. I'm not much of a baker...can do the basics (but nothing like that adorable gingerbread Love Nest--that takes talent!). Yesterday, despite the horrendous heat here on the East Coast, I decided to bake Valerie Bertinelli's Blueberry Tart. I must say--it's delicious. Even my husband liked it (and he prefers chocolate anything). You can slightly taste the lemon zest in it and the cinnamon, and the crust is a yummy shortbread.
  7. I was stunned by GWB's swinging & swaying which was bad enough but he kept trying to get Michelle Obama in on the act & she looked uncomfortable (until she covered up by trying to smile at him).
  8. I wonder if I'm the only person who loved the finale. If you've only seen it in reruns, you're missing out on all the minor characters, sitting on their couches watching the trial on TV, & absolutely loving the drubbing Jerry, George, Elaine & Kramer were getting. I thought it was a clever way of reminding everyone of all the weird characters the foursome dealt with over the years. As far as writing for a female character, didn't they have Elaine Boosler on their writing staff at one time? Wasn't she the person Elaine Benes was based on?
  9. Chicken Curry with basmati rice for dinner tonight. Got a head start on tomorrow's dinner: I made a turkey meatloaf and it's all ready to pop in the oven. Never made turkey meatloaf before so I hope it's good.
  10. Hooray! New episodes of Ina. Now that sure cheers me up re: TV-watching these days, especially when it comes to FN. Hah...just realized why there will be new episodes. She's got to promote her new cookbook. Oh well...love her show anyway :>)
  11. Oh that sounds so good! Since clams here are so crazily expensive (and so salty for some reason), I just get the canned ones and add them to a red sauce. For my last meal, I'd want to start off with baked clams (topped with those garlicky, buttery toasted breadcrumbs).
  12. I'm making grilled portobello sandwiches for supper. There's Worcestershire sauce in with the garlic and olive oil marinade that makes those mushrooms so steak-like. I like to serve them with sauted bell peppers and onions, and some aioli. It's vegetarian but I never think of it that way.
  13. Oh, glory be, JTMacc99...I'm salivating reading about that flank steak (and when the heck does flank steak ever go on sale? Not around here!) I have a real little charcoal grill that I need to buy some charcoal for and fire it up for a steak and burgers one of these days. You've inspired me. Gas grills are great for easy grilling but they can't compete with charcoal grills for that wonderful flavor (and aroma).
  14. Loved this film...but then, I was a little kid when it happened and remember my parents pointing out a hotel outside of our town as a gathering place for "communists" (a/k/a liberal New York City intellectuals who vacationed there, wearing odd clothes and socks w/ sandals, something bizarre in our small town). The best thing about this movie was Bryan Cranston. I wish my parents were alive to see this film. It would've meant more to them. That was an ugly time in America.
  15. Whew! What a waste of time watching this on FIOS. I couldn't wait for it to be O.V.E.R. Good grief--the way they wrote the dialogue to explain the story and the history of Joy was so awkward (especially when Bradley Cooper's character was explaining QVC's evolvement to her). Ugh. Wish I had read these comments before selecting this wretched mess. To anyone reading these comments and still thinking they might want to watch it? Have a couple of drinks first.
  16. I never understood why Jerry just stood there and let Kramer steal his food over & over. Actually, the show would've been just as funny w/o Kramer as a regular, IMO. There were certain episodes when he was great (loved that scene at the Cuban embassy when he did a double take of the strange looking woman waiting in the reception area as well as his scenes with Elaine's roommate) but they could've easily used him less.
  17. If anyone has a Harris Teeter in their area, and likes ice cream rolls, HT sells one called Slice MMMMMs which is a roll of half chocolate/half vanilla and rolled in chocolate "crunchies". I love it and have had a few slices already. The folks who are reallllly into their special ice creams would probably find it boring but it tastes very good to me! :>) Had a friend over this afternoon and served it with some fresh strawberries on the side of the plate.
  18. ETA: U.S. Men’s skater Joshua Farris, 20, has announced his retirement from competitive skating due to the lingering effects of the concussion he suffered last summer and other health issues. Darn it all. He's one of the very few current male skaters I looked forward to watching compete. Not good at all ;>(
  19. Firing up the (gas) grill to make Sweet Chili Chicken and also grill some corn on the cob. I don't use chilies (don't know nuthin' 'bout chilies) so I use dried red pepper flakes. Also making pilaf (shortcut tonight...making from Near East brand's Rice Pilaf Wild Mushroom & Herb). + a tossed salad leftover from last night.
  20. I can't remember if I posted that I made a Cubano sandwich for the first time (never had one in a restaurant either). I just remembered some of the ingredients (meats,cheese and a pickle) so I used some leftover cold cuts, 2 slices of Swiss cheese, sliced vertically a few cornichons, used aioli and some Dijon mustard on the Portuguese roll and then put it in the grillade using the panini sides and smooshed it. Geeze laweeze that was very good & so easy! I'd never had Portuguese rolls before but had heard of them. They're delicious & remind me (a little) of the hard rolls we used to get in bakeries in NYS back in the day. So now I've had a Cubano...who knew they were so good?
  21. The Chinese Skating Federation has ordered Pair skaters Peng and Zhang and Yu and Jin to switch partners, a move that apparently no one is happy about except Zhang. Zhang told the Federation that he needed a new partner in order to be successful in competition, and the Federation responded by teaming him up with Yu, despite her objections. However, in China, skaters do what the Federation tells them or they are dropped from the program. The new Pairs teams are Yu and Zhang and Peng and Jin. Maybe it's just my imagination but I swear that I read online (during Worlds 2016) that Yu was not happy skating with Jin. Was that true? In any event, I don't envy her skating with Zhang. When we first saw him, back in the day, people referred to him as a tank or football player or something like that.
  22. Does anyone else watch movies or TV show reruns just to see a certain scene (or scenes) all over again? Sometimes I'll watch until I see that scene and then go on to watch something else. Of course, it's always a comedy. In Easy Money, I just love the scene in which Joe Pesci drives his van over some obnoxious frat guys in a sports car who take his place at the racetrack (there's a similar scene in Fried Green Tomatoes, when Kathy Bates shoves her big ol' sedan into a tiny car driven by some young gals who took her spot, telling them she has ample insurance to get away w/ such stuff). These are things I guess I'd love to do but don't dare!
  23. There' s another scene that stands out for me. It's when George repeatedly becomes a captive of J. Peterman and he's riding in the car to visit Peterman's mother who is very ill. My favorite part is when Peterman takes a corner turn so hard that George's face is smeared into the window. I don't know why but I always laugh joyously when I see that little scene (it's the only reason I watch that episode cause the rest of it annoys me).
  24. Tonight I made a fritatta, tossing in leftover cold cuts, a few cooked potato cubes, and some diced green bell pepper, plus some cheeses. It was quite good. I haven't made one in a long time. I never liked the crust in a quiche so fritattas are best for me.
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