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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I can't enter anything into the Episodes thread for some technical reason. The video of Bill Hader keeps showing up. Anyhow, did anyone like last night's episode of the traveling salesmen? I didn't...at all. Too much angst to be funny. Sure, it was ridiculous, to be going to people's homes to sell globes but for a half hour?
  2. Dear ol' Donny Deutch. Remember his show from a few years back, when he always wore light purple or lavender shirts?
  3. Blech! Tonight's supper featured a new recipe: cauliflower soup. My sister found it in a blog and sent it to me so I tried it. It required a bit of chopping too. And I tossed in extra seasonings too. Don't you hate it when you've spent quite a bit of time on a new recipe and then it's a bust? Mr. P914 is going to finish it (first doctoring it up with some salsa and other ingredients). Tomorrow I'll make Ina's Eggplant au Gratin, which I love.
  4. Marvin Kaplan was the actor who played Alfred. Marvin recently passed away. He had a real NYC accent. I can't remember what that show was about but I do remember we liked watching it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0044276/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm Wow-that's something about Chastity telling her mom as a very young child that she no longer wanted to be a girl. Those kids know early on. Cher probably thought it was a typical little kid-cute remark and had no idea that her little daughter really meant it.
  5. I just watched Ina on qvc.com where she visited the set and watched as the host kept devouring one of her dishes after another (then doing his happy dance cause it tasted soooo good). She looked so short (or maybe the host was so tall?) They must have had 20 of her recipes cooked and on display on a long table. I'm not sure I'm going to get this cookbook as the dishes didn't look all that appealing to me (but I do love Ina and she'll probably have home decor and party tips along with equipment/food brand advice so maybe I'll put it on my Xmas wish list!)
  6. This is a great article about the show with comments from Delta Burke, Annie Potts, Charlene Smart & Linda Bloodworth-Thomas. I didn't know where to put this link to the article so I just put it here: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/designing-women-at-30-a-tribute-to-the-four-man-loving-feminists-who-changed-tv-201223694.html
  7. Grilled marinated portobello mushrooms on toasted rolls w/ aioli and sauted red bell peppers and onions + tossed salad. This is one of our favorite meals :>)
  8. You're lucky it wasn't also for you. My sister & I had to eat the stuff whenever our mom made it (our parents just loved it w/ crispy bacon). Ugh! Too bad we weren't aware of cholesterol issues back then--it would've spared me that terrible stuff.
  9. What show was "Albert" on? or was his name "Alfred"? He recently died. My sister and I adored him for all of his sweet dorkiness. Private Secretary? Meet Millie? I just looked at that schedule and it was fascinating seeing all those old shows. I grew up 60 miles out of NYC so we got all their stations thank goodness. One channel had movies on The Early Show, The Late Show, and The Late Late Show (I never stayed up for that one!) Even though TV back then was limited compared to today, there were some quality programs with good writing.
  10. Geez...my husband is finally getting over that virus and my daughter & little grandson in Minnesota are recuperating as well. I've been using antibacterial wipes on doorknobs, appliance handles, light switches, phones, and TV remotes. Germs be gone!!!
  11. I Married Joan. Now that's going back. I think it was a couple years ago I was scrolling through the channels and came upon that show. Wow. It was a trip back into my childhood. Loved the theme song. Haven't seen any old Topper shows but I remember enjoying it as a little kid. I remember watching I Love Lucy but not really liking it all that much. All her shenanigans made me worry about her (for the time, in each episode, when Ricky would find out whatever she did) and that was not fun for a kid.
  12. I've got turkey chili simmering on the stove right now. That and avocado slices, taco chips, and a big ol' tossed salad will be Sunday supper. Thank goodness autumn has finally, really arrived here in the Mid-Atlantic!!
  13. I forgot about The Odd Couple...and I'm sure I forgot about a bunch of other classic sitcoms. And Wayne Rogers was my favorite actor on Mash. It's too bad they let Alan Alda have so much control over story lines/dialogue. It got to be more of a downer after a while. I loved finding out that Wayne, who was an Alabama native, gave himself a New Yawk accent to avoid being given only southern roles. Ding ding ding: one more great program--WKRP in Cincinnati (Herb Tarlek was my favorite).
  14. Yup! That's the thing with these ancient shows. You think, "Yay...this'll be so much fun!" and then you watch it and are almost glad when it's over...and you don't watch any more episodes. IMO, the best writing for TV sitcoms was mostly in the 70's and 80's (Barney Miller, MTM, Designing Women, Newhart-psychologist, Cheers, early Mash, etc). I wish those writers (any who are still with us) would set up a school so they can teach the young writers of today how it's done. How to pace those funny one-liners (and fit them into regular dialogue) so they're not on top of each other and actually have some memorable humor to them. I had to add the word "mostly" as I just remembered my favorite, Seinfeld, was in the 90's ;>)
  15. Since there's something weird technically going on at the episodes forum, I'll post here. Bill Hader RULES. He can do anyone and Wednesday night, he just took over Spaulding Gray. This was as good as their Grey Gardens mockumentary IMO. Loved the subway token collector (complete with the sounds of the trains rumbling through). I wish this show were on every week!
  16. I wonder how all these angry people are going to react when HRC is elected president (it'll be close probably...as crazy as that seems). I saw one TRUMP/Pence sign on a lawn today and one Clinton/Kaine/Connelly sign. Not going to put a sign on my lawn as I don't want to lure any crazies to my property! Back to MSNBC: I must admit that Chuck Todd is the only one on that network that I watch from time to time. He handles himself well, is professional, and doesn't shout/interrupt. I wonder if anyone actually likes the way Chris Matthews behaves on his show. I used to watch Hardball in its early days but Chris has become unbearable over the years which is too bad because he could have an interesting program.
  17. I hope this link is ok. Geez, I couldn't believe what I was reading today in the Post. What's Andy Lack smokin'? https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2016/09/27/nbc-news-chairman-andy-lack-brian-williamss-credibility-problems-are-ancient-history/?utm_term=.58064dbb9146
  18. Much better than Rice-a-Roni, I'm sure! Thanks :>)
  19. OK...I give up! What is an "It's It"? And boy, are you lucky to have endured only one 90+ temp day. We've finally, this week, been graced with autumn weather, in the 70's (after the second hottest summer on record in the metro DC area). Yay for autumn!
  20. French toast, with chicken sausages, raspberries and blueberries on the side and lots of powdered sugar sprinkled around (+ whipped cream). I planned to make it for breakfast but just couldn't get going in the morning. Better late than never, I say!
  21. Good God! There's a disgusting photo of fungus-infected toes at the bottom of this page where we're discussing food. Blech. Back to Arbys: I used to work near one and would get their chicken salad sandwich. It was delicious (had grapes and walnuts in it, good seasoning in the mayo dressing, on whole wheat bread). We don't have an Arby's around here so I wonder if they still offer that chicken salad sammy.
  22. Oh...that's awful (but why did I burst out laughing?). I'm still laughing. Thanks for today's major chuckle. For some reason, I'm thinking of a young Georgie Costanza and little Jerry Seinfeld doing something like this in their childhood ;>)
  23. I hate pranks just like I hate teasing. I feel there's some hostility tucked inside the prankster/teaser. And dirty jokes (cause they're almost always at the expense of females). But I'm not an angel cause when I was a kid, my friend & I used to call up numbers we'd find in the phone book and ask the lady who answered (it was always a lady) if she'd like to participate in the Snappy Girdle Contest. Two young bored kids (wish we'd had computers back then...but maybe it was best we didn't).
  24. Years ago (like back in the 80's and early 90's) I loved the tostados at Taco Bell. I'd have them put guacamole and sour cream on top and they were delicious. I bought a tostado a few years ago at Taco Bell and it was not good. Have they lowered the quality? Or, maybe it was just that one Taco Bell and they're still good? Right now I could go for Bojangles wings but there are no Bojangles in northern Virginia (land of Popeye's...so greasy!)
  25. Yo quiero Juan Likes Rice and Chicken. I had a grin on my face throughout the whole dang thing. Now I can't wait for next week's episode cause it looks like Bill Hader will be sporting a whole new character. So far, Bill has killed with his James Carville & Little Edie impersonations. I just love this series (& I never saw the real documentaries they're based on). I can rarely find anything on TV to watch so this (and good ol' Fargo) is right up my alley ;>)
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