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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. harrie: Thanks for the link to David R's fb page. I've copied his baked Italian clams recipe (never made them but there's always a first time, right?) Does anyone know what kind of clams are not so salty tasting? I know, back in the day, I used to order clams and they were just right...only a hint of saltiness, but in recent years they've been OTT salty.
  2. That photo of Blue Bell ice cream (half chocolate half vanilla) brought back a memory of the way ice cream was sold many years ago. I can't remember the brand...maybe all the brands did it, but they sold a carton of ice cream with half choc/half vanilla and my sister went after the chocolate, I went after the vanilla. They also sold a carton with the 3 flavors: vanilla, chocolate & strawberry and I loathed it if the strawberry got mixed in with my vanilla. The only place to get lots of different flavors was Howard Johnson's (I really do miss Ho-Jo's: good food and wonderful, gazillion different flavors of ice cream).
  3. Tonight I made two new recipes for dinner: Shrimp Moqueca, and Grilled Corn & Bean Salad. The bean salad is from Valerie Bertinelli and is wonderful (maybe because I subbed black-eyed peas for the chickpeas). The lime vinaigrette dressing is delicious. The shrimp dish (can't remember where I found it, maybe the NYT?) needed help: some garlic powder, Mural of Flavor, and at the last minute I tossed in some shredded Parmesan. I wish the shrimp I used were better (frozen organic from Wegman's and not the greatest). Next time I make this recipe I'll be more careful buying the shrimp. It really does have potential (the sauce was excellent after the extra seasonings & cheese were added). Awww...DeLurker. So sorry to hear you're still suffering :>(
  4. Good Lord, I loved the Five Neat Guys and the medley introducing their latest hits. SCTV had a creepy episode where they introduced Martin Short's very weird character, Ed Grimsley, emerging from the steam in a basement of a building. Oh, and then there was the TV talk shows: the one with Joe Franklin (a local NYC daytime talk show) and the faux TV talk show with the host, Sammy Maudlin. Loved Jackie Rogers, Jr. as a guest. Why can't a show like SCTV come back on TV? Where are the writers and creators of these crazy characters? They're certainly not employed by SNL.
  5. DeLurker: I've done that too. One thing I've done with a chicken seasoning container that I use for a lot of things is I adhesive-taped the "pour" side so it only gets used when I really want to pour a specific amount out. This way I now can grab it and when I flip it open, it's just the side with the tiny holes. It may be a different bottle that the one you had your incident with but it's along the same lines--potential disaster just waitin' to happen :>)
  6. The Barefoot Contessa is a great show. Unfortunately for those of us who love Ina and her show, it seems to only be in reruns nowadays. I have most of her cookbooks but you can get so many of her recipes on line. Tonight I'm getting some pork tenderloins ready for tomorrow's grilling (Ina's Herb-Marinated Loin of Pork). It is delicious and easy to make. Mural of Flavor is sold by Penzey's online. I use it in soups, stews, casseroles--just a whole lot of dishes.
  7. This is Ina's eggplant au gratin. Just like Ina says, with recipes that have few ingredients it really makes a difference to use "good" ingredients (we've made fun of her for using that word repeatedly, but she's right!!). I always add garlic powder & Mural of Flavor to this recipe and I think it makes a difference :>) http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/eggplant-gratin-recipe.html
  8. Ok, you guys have made me curious. Got a link? Which recipe do you want a link to?
  9. Well, I scored 22 out of 30 questions on the Seinfeld quiz so I'm no Seinfeld expert. Love that show!
  10. @chessie: I really enjoyed reading your posts. When I read about you on the platform of the Eiffel Tower...shudder...I think you were very brave (I had to carefully shuffle to the down elevator immediately). Rue Cler--I spent a lot of time around there (that's where our fun waiter, when I asked for my steak to be medium, said, "You Americans!") Gosh, you really traveled around. In Avignon, did you go to the Pope's Palace (and see the room where the French revolutionaries lopped off the statues' heads)? It's been so much fun "traveling" with you via your posts. I guess you're home sweet home by now. Post some more :>)
  11. I made Ina's Eggplant au gratin today. Gosh I love that dish (I always add garlic powder & Mural of Flavor to it)...so easy to make and so delicious.
  12. I am so sick of hearing the PNC commercial "music". It's played during Nationals games & has been played for several years now. It actually isn't even a real song IMO, just ditzy irritating pingy notes. Maybe it's only played in the Washington DC metro area? Can't grab the remote & mute it fast enough ;>(
  13. Yay harrie: What a great excuse to enjoy champagne! and I also like your menu.
  14. I wish I had an Italian neighbor who would cook vats of sauce and share with me!!! I love the way Italians make sauce at home. It has almost a nutty flavor to it (must be the olive oil) when it's a marinara. I've only been to Italy once (the Liguria section along the Mediterranean--looked like a fairy tale land, so misty & gorgeous, and OMG...fabulous food). Last night I cheated and cooked Bertolli's Shrimp, Asparagus & Penne (that I enhance w/ garlic powder & Mural of Flavor). I could eat the whole thing myself but had to share it with Mr. P914 so I also crunched away on salad. Tonight I'm making a cheater's version of paella in a throwaway foil pan that you wrap in foil and put on the grill. Esta bueno!
  15. Why does the name Alexander Lakenik ring a bell (and not in a good way)?
  16. At my book club, we find ourselves complaining about the lack of good editing. The Goldfinch just about wore us out (e.g., two pages to describe a walk down the street on a rainy autumn day). We often find ourselves skimming pages of books. But the thing that really makes me slam a book closed (for good) is when I cannot envision the town/area in which the story is taking place. Usually there is too much description or it's confusing.
  17. What, no jokes in almost 2 months? Ok, here's something a bit lame, but still. This is from a contest in the Washington Post where this week they were asked to slightly change the name of a food or brand of food and describe the results. My favorite won 4th place--I thought it should've been the grand prize winner & the honorable mention should've been 2nd place. But that's my humor...obviously not the judge's: 4th place S'moron: A chocolate graham cracker sandwiched between two toasted marshmallows. 3rd Place Crap'n'Crunch: The Breakfast of Multitaskers. 2nd Place Lawnuts: Extract from shell at own risk. Must be 18 to use oven. We are not responsible for burns or allergies. By baking with this product, you waive your right to a jury trial. Winner Phlegm in meringue pie: What you get when you're nasty to your waitress. Honorable Mention Chili con 'kay so: Bland Mexican food.
  18. That's one of the episodes I'll take a pass on. Just don't like it (although Larry Miller did a memorable job in the episode, just like Bryan Cranston was so unforgettable in his few scenes as the dentist--who converted to Judaism for the jokes). I think Bryan was in 2 episodes. They really used some great actors for small roles.
  19. Actually, that recipe didn't require any ingredients that I didn't have on hand (except for a 28 oz can of whole tomatoes that I had to go out & buy), no strange spices. It was just the time involved. I get my spices either from Penzey's or the supermarket. I probably should've used supermarket cinnamon in the recipe as it's mild compared to the cinnamon I did use (Chinese cinnamon which is quite strong). Live & learn! Tonight I'm taking it easy. I'm going to gussy up some leftover pork fried rice (from last night's Chinese delivery) and add some fresh pineapple cubes, a little soy sauce and sesame oil (cause the fried rice is a bit bland). Mr. P914 will eat the leftover North African meatballs & pasta (he hates to see food thrown away and that's what I'd do with it!). Cooking--it's a good thing I enjoy it!
  20. I have found that the more ingredients in a new recipe, & the more effort put into making the dish, the more likely it will be that I'll end up hating the results. A few nights ago I made a recipe for North African meatballs & sauce. There was cumin and cinnamon in the meatballs, fresh o.j. in the tomato sauce + more cinnamon. I ended up adding garlic powder and Mural of Flavor to the sauce which helped a bit. I served it over angel hair pasta. Geez...we still have leftovers & I can't bear to eat it any more. The recipe called for ground lamb but I just cannot eat lamb so I used lean ground beef. Blech! I've had cinnamon in ground beef when I make moussaka which I love. Oh well...onward & upward as they say :>)
  21. That's a good kitty---patience is overrated (or, underrated?). We had Parmesan Chicken Cutlets from a 03/2013 Bon Appetit. I must say they were good and something to serve when company comes to town (I can make ahead of time). We still only have fans to cool the first floor (hope this gets fixed asap) so I boiled some tiny bowties & dressed them with butter, freshly ground Parmesan & lemon juice w/ S&P, and served them w/ some salad, & cooked spinach. I love the crispiness of the chicken cutlets.
  22. We had grilled brats tonight. Why can't I pronounce them properly? I keep getting corrected by Mr. Midwesterner ("they're called brots, not braaaaats"). I kinda like mispronouncing them! :>)
  23. My book club just read Notorious RBG which we all loved. What a trip down memory lane for some of us who forgot what second class citizens we girls were back in the day. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has to be commended for having a "deaf ear" to all those fellows who didn't want her to attend law school or be hired in a law firm (for any number of inane reasons). She put up with a lot. Also nice to read about her sweet friendship with the late Justice Scalia.
  24. Well...not exactly holiday inspired but Mr. P914 is driving home from MI tomorrow & the main floor of the house is not quite AC-cooled (problems w/ that AC unit which won't be cured until 6/6) so, with ceiling fans running, I just mixed up the "sauce" for Summer Spaghetti for tomorrow night. All I have to do when he arrives is cook the pasta & serve a salad with it. Sunday or Monday? One of those days I'm making potato salad & grilling Michigan brats & heating some sauerkraut from Wegman's. The flag is out (got the outdoor lights shining on it so it's all legit) & will be watching the Nats play the Cardinals. Go Nats!! Hey, have a good weekend, everyone, remembering our veterans--those still with us and those who have passed. Bless their hearts.
  25. The Mandelbaums were on again. Sonny was driving Jerry's blood-filled-engine car while Izzy shouted "faster" through the microphone to Jerry who was trying to jog behind them.
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