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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. We're not traveling this Thanksgiving so we too are thinking about making a reservation. But the restaurant we were really interested in (Ebbitt's Grill near the White House) is just serving a Thanksgiving platter and I have no interest in eating turkey in a restaurant (I want seafood!) I love not having to do dishes :>)
  2. Asian bistro delivery! Lemon chicken (the kind of lemon chicken that is crispy and the lemon sauce is on the side).
  3. Finally! I got to see one of the new episodes today. Did they ever eat that nice looking salad? They seemed to go for the dessert right after the pizza. It was great to see a new episode after all the reruns. I thought it was interesting that Ina mentioned all that Jeffrey does as a consultant. Maybe it got back to her that, over the years on her show, he was looking like the village idiot & that she needed to let people know what a smart man he is. He's a good egg! I loved the looks he was giving her as she was making remarks while he tried to make a pizza. I'd have flour all over me and been a mess trying to make a pizza.
  4. Where can I go to find really good recipes for slow cookers? And, can anyone recommend a safe brand that can be left on during the day while my daughter is working? She said she needs to start using a slow cooker to make good and nutritious meals for her 6 year old son, her husband, and self. She's tired after a full day of work and not ready to start cooking. I'm not a fan of slow cookers (but then, I had an old, original style Crock Pot and the food always reminded me of hospital cafeteria food!!). Thanks :>)
  5. I'm not pleased that they've returned to competition. There were a few too many "experiences" with them during competitive events (the most glaring was when she started falling out of a lift and then they stopped for some reason--her leg "cramped"--and then were allowed to continue) + Scott's whining & snarky remarks about scores he thought weren't fair, etc.
  6. I believe they started out in the south and then moved to CA. I enjoyed the show (except for the entertainment patios they insisted on building in the front yard--I'm a private person and couldn't stand that!). I liked when they'd go to other houses on the street and give those owners a little help with the front of their homes. I also liked the kitchen renovation show with that very cheerful, sweet, big guy who was in charge of the work. And I miss those shows in which people were trying to sell their homes but no one was interested so a decorator would visit and then renovate, paint, sometimes do just little things. I learned a lot from those shows. I can't take the brothers. They're nice guys but they're so goofy looking & nerdy it drives me crazy :>)
  7. Sheesh! A lot of us looked young 26 years ago (I'm sure some in this group were in rompers, right?) I was working on a gubernatorial campaign and went to a political gathering to see the entire Gore family. That was back when working on campaigns was fun, unlike today. Back on topic: that's funny re: Rachel's comment about Andrea Mitchell (I can't watch Mitchell's show...she's one of the gaspers).
  8. Gulp! I can't imagine having live lobsters in my kitchen (I have them steamed at the market).
  9. Geez, Wings707...now I'm starving and I just had dinner! :>) I'd do the lobster if I were you!
  10. I think the appealing thing about Madea is that she doesn't take any crap from anybody (guess no one told her to be ladylike or a girly-girl). Now there's a real authentic Nasty Woman. I think the Nasty Woman t-shirts should have her grinning face inside the heart :>) She always cracks me up.
  11. I only watch the scenes that Madea is in. The rest of the plotlines are sappy and usually are about the same old stuff: female gets treated badly by terrible love interest while good, kind other guy patiently waits for her to wake up and realize he's the real deal.
  12. I finally muted the song (always disliked it). Last year's music for both of her programs was so good. Who the heck picked Sweet Dreams? I felt the same way today when they showed Jason's SP. The music was dreary and had nothing to do with his skating. This is what I dreaded when they announced several years ago that vocals would be allowed. Right now, most skaters are picking pretty good songs (w/ vocals) other than Ashley & Jason's SP music. I'm thrilled to pieces for Ashley, winning Skate America. That gal really pulled herself together a few years ago and decided to "go big or go home". I give her a lot of credit for what she's accomplished since then. And Mariah? I kept thinking, while watching her skate her LP, that her style of skating reminds me of Alissa Czisny. Gracie, IMO, needs to take a break, switch coaches and choreographers, and get away from these diva programs. Have some fun out there with a different genre of music (and if it's still torturous to be out on the ice in competition, find something else to do with her life).
  13. After reading these posts, I emailed my sister in NC (who is planning to do early voting) and told her about the long lines already! I'm sure she doesn't want to miss out on this historic occasion of voting for a "sister" :>) I've already voted absentee (sheesh! there's still no early voting in VA) & told them I'd be in another state on election day (I voted in the elections office...no line). I have no desire to stand in a long line (and doubt my back could take it anyway). Thanks for the tip, NC voters.
  14. Cannot stand Joe and Mika. I read an article today about William Kristol accusing them of enabling Trump during the primaries by having him as a guest so often and tossing him softball questions (very true!). Of course they were outraged but hey, J & M: if the smelly old enabler shoe fits, so be it. Speaking of Chuck Todd--he's not so bad during the week and he doesn't seem so condescending any more (at least during the week...don't watch MTP on Sundays). Oh, Lord...it's slightly less than 3 weeks to go. Please give me the strength to endure it (altho' actually, when u-know-who wins, it's going to be as if the campaign never ended since it will just be more carping, anger & misery).
  15. Love this! Yeah...Jeffrey's a "brunette man"...unless there's sauted chicken livers on crackers and rugelach being offered :>)
  16. Just got back from a roadtrip to NY/New England so thank goodness I had Trader Joe's chicken burgers in the freezer. Thawed them quickly and served on hamburger buns. Made corn with cream cheese and green chilies. A quick, no effort supper when I was too tired to really cook.
  17. I'd have a hard time with my husband taking morning walks with a skinny, attractive blonde, period! Other than that, we've been on vacation so I missed the original airing and repeat of this episode. I'll have to keep a watch for another rerun. How many more new episodes will there be?
  18. That would be a perfect fit for Brian. He used to love going on the late night shows and acting silly. He could now interview all the celebs in town to promote their various activities and fool around with them on the set...have fun & show his silly side. Maybe do a little cooking with the celeb chefs. Good times. Then we'd be rid of him.
  19. Thanks for all the hilarious quotes, y'all. I loved that show, especially the early years. What was the name of that little squirt who lost Julia's money, disappeared and then they found him playing the piano and singing in some kind of theater (wearing his bellman's outfit). When he saw the gals enter, he began singing, "Delta Dawn". It was a real southern type name (similar to Ray Don).
  20. Well! Finally, I made a good meal (after those 2 disastrous recipes: the cauliflower soup, and then the eye of round w/ cream of chicken soup + dried onion soup mix + white wine...blech!!!!!) It was so nice to enjoy a tasty dinner for a change ;>) I made Medallions of Pork, plus baked pilaf, plus a wonderful creative tossed salad (complete with slices of red plum + a dressing of 1/4 ginger dressing and 3/4 Wegmans peanut sauce). I had to redeem myself!
  21. Happy Thanksgiving, neighbors in Canada! Have a wonderful holiday weekend :>) OMG...I can just hear that gelled Ocean Spray glob plop onto the serving plate. I haven't eaten it in years (once I made the switch to the kind with the berries in it, & then made another switch to making my own, I never went back). I can't believe it's holiday menu time already. I think I'd rather go out to eat (can't break my record of never having roasted a turkey in my life).
  22. @PRgal: I'm kinda boring myself so I always get the plain (dislike bbq rotisserie chicken)...and the Peruvian ones are more expensive.
  23. I like Whole Foods rotisserie chickens...they're just the right size with enough left over to make sandwiches the next day (I love sliced chicken on toast).
  24. Riley702: thanks for your very on-target comments. I'm glad I'm not the only one sick of seeing all this pink (am also mighty leery of the Komen foundation). Good luck in your continued recovery.
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