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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. It came w/o a jacket which is odd. It's used but looks new. Lesson learned! Hmmm, I wonder if our used book store would like it? Thanks for the tip DeLurker. In the meantime, I just picked up Ina's new cookbook at the library and will see if I like it enough to order it.
  2. @chessiegal: Like Ina says, it's not a great meal unless the fire department shows up (or somethin' like that!). Of course she was referring to grilling. We actually did have the fire dept show up one night, about a year or so ago but it turned out to be a bad smoke detector that had to be replaced. But at the time I was saute-ing mushrooms and thought it was my fault. Really embarrassing to face the firemen and tell them there was no fire.
  3. Well, I made a big mistake and ordered from amazon Oprah's Food, Health & Happiness cookbook w/o first checking it out via the library. It's a wonderful cookbook for people who have chefs or who really love to make those recipes with lots of ingredients. Just looking through it I realized it's not for me, so I'll probably donate it to my library for their book sale this spring ;>(
  4. Chicken curry. I had half an apple sitting on the counter so I peeled and chopped it and threw that in as well. Served the curry with basmati rice which I'm beginning to like more & more these days, and a tossed salad.
  5. Stouffer's Thai style Chicken and Ginger. It's the dinner in the bag thing. We'd never had it before but it's been sitting in the freezer for a while. I sprinkled a little garlic powder and Mural of Flavor on it and it was quite good--especially on a night when nobody felt like cooking. I like to keep one of these dinner bags in the freezer for such nights.
  6. Too bad the Barefoot Contessa isn't on much any more. That was a friendly & interesting cooking show for all levels of cooks. America's Test Kitchen and Cook's Country are good shows to watch to learn more about preparing different foods. What's for dinner? I'm trying to lose a bit of weight so I'm having a tuna salad with a tossed salad on the side. Love to add chopped apple & also put fresh lemon juice in it (the lemon juice tames the fishiness of the tuna which I don't like) + a little mayo.
  7. Good grief. We were watching CNN around 5:30-ish tonight and Wolf decided to show video of today's mtg between Trump and Capital Hill folks. Well, we really couldn't tell who was sitting around that long table because either the cameraman stumbled or was drunk--not sure which as the video bounced all over the room, including the ceiling. I can't believe CNN would show that on a broadcast. Anyway, I think the media is finally waking up and defending itself from Trump's "alternate facts" accusations, and now is zeroing in on his inane comments. Maybe there's hope for the media.
  8. Tonight I baked frozen calamari that I bought at Wegman's (Northern Chef oven ready sea salt & pepper calamari). It is delicious! I made some pesto aioli that turned out well and also served spaghetti and marinara in which I tossed cooked leftover mushrooms. Plus a salad. Easy and good. I'm going to buy more of that frozen calamari (cause I don't want to prep calamari myself).
  9. It was "free for all" night, trying to use up leftovers. But I was in the mood for something different so I sauted cremini mushrooms and then made a quesadilla with them and the last slice of Swiss cheese & some interesting cheddar I got at TJ's a while back, plus mild banana pepper rings. Now that was very good!! And what was interesting is that the flour tortillas are the smaller size, like about 8". I've never seen flour tortillas that small before. Is this something new?
  10. I too am tired of the Gracie Gold saga. Last night one of the commentators read a comment of GG's in which she said she believes she should've won Worlds, that she was "the best" at that event. I don't know where she gets that from because artistically she isn't the best. She has always been, IMO, a skater who may be technically great but she never connects with the audience, never conveys what her music is saying (story, mood, etc). The expression on her face is either wooden or a big grin. Karen, Ashley, Mariah, and Caroline know how to present the music's mood or story even though they also have to concentrate on completing those jumps and the footwork and spins to the best of their abilities. It's a tough sport.
  11. I love hummus that is made by Middle Easterners (not by me!) because it's so light. Mr. P914 has worked in the Middle East quite a bit and one day he was sitting at the counter of a cafe and watched the owner making hummus. He said the man put in chickpeas, lemon juice and not much else (and NO tahini) and their hummus was very light and airy and delicious. One of these days I need to try this.
  12. You just never know what'll be a hit. Last night I made potato salad to go with ham steak and steamed broccoli. Mr. P914 loved that potato salad (haven't made it in a long time...maybe since warmer weather). I personally adore rotisserie chicken!
  13. Ever since I was a kid, it's been chocolate chip for me--and they need to be crunchy, not soft. A close second are Black & White's (but I'm fussy...I want some crunch to them, not cake-y). Good thing I'm a PITA fussy big kid re: cookies or I'd be eating them all the time.
  14. Good Lord...I was cruising through the channels the other night when all of a sudden I saw a very hefty woman in an orange blouse scampering around a kitchen, then opening a door to let her kids in. What show is this on FN? I didn't stay to watch. Something called Big Table? or Farm Table?
  15. Just looked at Ina's recipe (and the reviews with suggestions) and I need to make this (but I'm going to only roast 2.5 to 3 lb). When I've seen the episode where Ina makes this and the gorgonzola sauce, I'm salivating like Pavlov's dog!!
  16. I just made Duncan Hines little cheesecake and it's good. I zested a little lemon in the batter first (a la Ina); next time I'll add a bit more lemon zest. IMO, this is a good deal if you just want a little cheesecake (and not have tons of leftovers tempting you all week). It reminds me of the ones my mom was making back in the late 60's, the kind with a little sour cream on the top (it's not THAT good, but hey...it's not as much effort). So, that's the chocolate cake and the cheesecake we've tried in this Little Cake line. Next will be the Strawberry Lemon Kiss, a 6" heart shaped cake and glaze mix (maybe closer to Valentine's Day!) They also have a Red Velvet Cake mix too.
  17. I used to watch Greta back in her CNN days. She was ok. Then she began to interview Palen and that's when I bailed on Greta (later finding out that Greta & spouse were besties with Sarah & spouse). Isn't she now on at 6? I'm watching PBS news then (it's a more tranquil way to take in the news these days).
  18. I was half watching Poppy Harlow tonight who was interviewing Rep Marsha Blackburn from Tenn (who just had to let Poppy and us know that she didn't read some pertinent email until she "got home from church today"). The woman just could not bring herself to answer Poppy's questions, constantly deflecting. Poppy did try to nail her down but to no avail. I think Kellyanne must give classes in how not to answer media questions. I finally hit the mute button and every time I looked up, Blackburn was babbling away and Poppy was sitting there wooden faced. What are they going to do about these Republicans who refuse to answer questions (chief among them being Trump)?
  19. My sister, who lives alone, is trying Blue Apron for a month. Neighbors were given a gift certificate for 3 months and weren't thrilled with the concept because she likes to do her own shopping/deciding on types of meals they'll have. I wish that place where you can pick up entrees (Delish...I think it's called) were still around here. I'm another one who wants control over portions and ingredients (but hey, if some place already made the dish for me? I'd buy it!!)
  20. Well, tonight was international night I guess. My husband has a friend staying overnight so he decided to cook a pork roast in sauerkraut. Whoa...I'm not eatin' that! So I made peanut noodles and then sauted a couple salmon fillets in a little sesame oil with seasonings. We had one of those Duncan Hines little cakes (chocolate w/ fudgy frosting) for dessert. The sauerkraut is the mild stuff from Wegman's which I've had on hot dogs and it's good (but don't cook me anything in sauerkraut, puhleez). When I emailed a friend about the pork in sauerkraut and that I wouldn't eat it, she said to let her know the next time and she'll eat my portion :>)
  21. Hope you feel better today, DeLurker.
  22. Thanks for the chuckle! I was just reminiscing the other day about diner breakfasts at 1:00 AM after an evening of dancing and imbibing (wow...this was back in the old days).
  23. Thanks for the schedule, Good Queen Jane. Wow--I'm going to be able to watch some ice dancing & pairs instead of just men's and ladies singles! Pass the popcorn cause I'm ready for some skating.
  24. When I was a kid, that's the way it was. Looking back at press clippings in the early 60's, you see captions under photos of Mrs. John J. Smith, Mrs. Edward V. Walker, etc., etc. attending a (whichever club) meeting. The occasional unmarried woman attending the meeting would be Miss Mary Jones (Ms didn't come into fashion until the 70's thanks to the feminists). So that co-worker's uncle must have been old fashioned, not comfortable with the modern way of addressing females. A few years ago, one of my husband's nieces, a medical doctor, sent out wedding invitations and the rsvp's were to be returned to her, addressed to Miss (first name & maiden name)...no Dr. so and so, no Ms. so and so. Miss! We found that so peculiar in this day and age.
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