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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I've always liked Robert Baer's interviews/opinions. This is amazing what he's saying.
  2. It was so cold out yesterday that on the way home I thought: it's a great night for chili! And it turned out delicious. Even Mr. P914 had several bowls (he who prefers his own vegetarian chili).
  3. I don't think I have ever been so alarmed by a president-elect's nominees & appointees as I am right now. Glad McCain and Graham are chomping at the bit to investigate Russia's meddling in the election (and other nefarious deeds). This will be interesting to see how Congress investigates Russian activities with Trump in the oval office.
  4. Gosh...I feel a need to edit my comment. I meant to say this (i.e., Trump's appointment of Puzder) middle finger is for you. Oh, Petraeus. His name shouldn't have even been brought up. I can't wait to learn who the real SOS nominee will be...another general?
  5. I just told a friend I feel like we're living in one of those awful novels (like 7 Days in May), the kind of novel we read years ago, never believing that this could actually happen to our country. Well, to all the union members who voted for Hitler Trump, this middle finger is for YOU. (by "middle finger" I meant the nomination of Puzder)
  6. I used to hate it and agree, it reminded me of soap. And then I started going to Thai & Vietnamese restaurants where it was tossed, fresh, into pho and other dishes and you squirt lime onto the whole thing and all of a sudden it started tasting really good. So I still don't like it really cooked into a dish but tossed in at the last minute is good.
  7. It's bad enough having them return to competition but their obsessive uber fans have come out of the woodwork (not their regular fans...I know they have normal fans!) V/M said they wanted to try something different but it looks as though they're doing the same type of programs all over again. I'd like to see them do something similar to what the Shibutanis did with Cold Play's music...something totally different.
  8. Uh-oh. I made clam chowder for the first time tonight, using the recipe on the back of TJ's frozen clams. Blech. Mr. P914 will have to eat the remains of the day (he'll doctor it up w/ stuff). Gosh, those clams had no taste and they smelled a bit fishy. I usually love clams but not these. Caveat emptor (or somethin' like that).
  9. Stop it, MSNBC. If I want lies and newspeak, I'll read 1984 for the tenth time since the election. Thanks, potatoradio--I needed that! It really has finally become 1984, hasn't it? I remember when we hit the real 1984 and life was still basically normal, I thought we'd escaped his predictions. But Trumpism was just 22 years late on arrival. It's here, it's ugly and it's scary. Now they feel free to lie and then half-lie their way out of the lie...and that's ok with their supporters. Fake news? A nutcase drives up from NC with a gun and storms into a pizza restaurant in DC because he believed the crap that is making the rounds via fake news. So, it really is up to MSNBC and the rest of the broadcasters to take back the news, and do it as soon as possible because things are getting out of control.
  10. Didn't know that. Strange state laws. I remember when I first moved to Raleigh, trying to buy a bottle of wine for my sister's luncheon (this was around 11 AM) and was told by the cashier that one couldn't buy wine or beer until noon. I was so embarrassed. I don't know if NC did away with that law. In VA there are no laws about wine...or none that I'm aware of. And then there were the blue laws in Massachusetts years ago where you couldn't dance on Sunday (but you could drink!) One more thing about TJ's: flowers! I like to get alstromeria. They're inexpensive and if you use the stuff that you put in the water, they last a long time.
  11. I like their Indian simmering sauces. The masala is great with sauted chicken breasts cut up. And they sell frozen naan that is quite good. So if you like Indian food you can do it yourself easily. I also use some masala simmering sauce now when I make chicken salad (they were selling samples and told me how to make it--it's delicious!) And their plain pork tenderloins are very tender. I no longer buy pork tenderloins anywhere else. I love their frozen chicken burgers. I also like their sourdough bread (it's great toasted). I buy their California estate extra virgin olive oil ($5.99 and IMO almost as good as Olio Santo at $29). And I like their Prosecco - the one with the screw-on top so I don't have to pop the cork (hate that) and it's under $7.00. Don't bother with the Two Buck Chuck (actually, it's been over $3 for a long time but people love the nickname for Charles Stewart wine). It's not good. Reduced Guilt Mac & Cheese is a great snack food for me or lunch (pop in the microwave for 2:30 and waa-laa). There have been a number of things I've tried that haven't been all that good so I make note of what we like and stock up on them. Oh and their frozen chicken breasts. I love them because they're flattish and easy to thaw + easy to pound thinner if you want to (unlike all the boneless skinless chicken breasts in the supermarkets which are thick). The employees are helpful & friendly. I like TJ's :>)
  12. I knew it was in the barn but kept forgetting that fact--there was just something about that episode that reminded me so much of the old days that I felt I was in the house kitchen :>) Still waiting to check out the book from the library (am now #74 on the hold list) but I went ahead and added Cooking for Jeffrey to my Xmas wish list. If I don't care for most of the recipes, there will be lots of tips about preparing for parties and other interesting tidbits. And the photos are always beautiful.
  13. I bought How To Cook Everything and it's been a lifesaver quite a few times in the few years I've had it. This too would make an excellent gift for a new cook (or even an older cook who can't find that certain recipe on how to make scalloped potatoes or noodles w/ peanut sauce, etc).
  14. Finally I remembered to watch! It was just like the old days (except she wasn't in her kitchen...but I kept thinking she was). Jeffrey's walking all around town, Devon and Eli are walking the dogs on the beach, and Ina's cookin' up a storm for brunch. My favorite was the fruit platter--it looked so pretty and delicious. I now like to place small sprigs of this and that on platters (a la Ina). She did cook way more than was needed for 4 people but I think she was trying to show what a brunch for quite a few people could look like. Eli put smoked salmon and creme fraiche on his Belgian waffle. I wonder how that tasted? I'm going to try her frittata (love the idea of those potatoes providing an interesting "crust" of sorts!) How many more episodes are there...or is this the last for 2016?
  15. It's the chicken sausage mixed in with the ground chicken that is so delicious! I got mild raw chicken sausage but even that had a tiny bit of zip to it (got it from Whole Foods). I had to stop myself from eating too many meatballs, and put them in the soup. I think I'll use this recipe for the meatballs to make chicken burgers too.
  16. Thanks for the idea, rhys. I just made the Italian Wedding Soup tonight and miraculously, it came out divine. I was greatly concerned because although the meatballs were wonderful, the soup was like water. Then, I tossed in half the meatballs and let it simmer and added a bunch of seasonings (made it with boxed chicken broth) + a little sugar. Threw in the baby spinach, poured into bowls, topped with shredded Parmesan and all of a sudden it was fantastic soup. With this recipe you really have to "make it your own".
  17. I can't believe that panel of horrors still appears on CNN. Is CNN so desperate for ratings that they're keeping this worthless hour of babble? I'd think getting parodied on SNL would make TPTB at CNN realize how ridiculous the panel format continues to be.
  18. Oh yum! I tried a new recipe tonight and it was delicious. Easy Sheet Pan Chicken from the New York Times. I used boneless skinless chicken breasts and marinated them in buttermilk with a little sambal oulek overnight. Then you smear a mix of whole grain mustard, Dijon mustard, garlic, thyme, & a little butter all over the chicken and roll in breadcrumbs (I used Panko), drizzle w/ olive oil and bake (or would that be roast in a 425 oven?) I've made something similar in the past called Pork Medallions.
  19. I'm speechless (after watching that video). But at least in this video he had a normal voice and spoke like a grown-up. Geez laweeze.
  20. Gam2: I gave you a "like" because I loved your comment about Katy's horrendous voice. How in the world is she allowed on TV with that voice? Back to Barefoot Contessa biz. Ina & Bobby worked well together and he wasn't his usual smug self (more like the old Bobby). That potato dish of his looked good but I think I'd have to season it a bit more. Hey y'all: Happy Thanksgiving! And a belated Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends :>)
  21. I've always liked With All Due Respect, mainly because it's a quiet show. No one screams over anyone else, they maturely discuss current events. Donny Deutsch I can do without (had enough of him several years ago when he had his own show--such an ego!)
  22. Is there another show this Sunday? I've got to tape some post it notes everywhere around me so that I won't forget (like last Sunday). I hate missing a new BC episode since there are so few these days ;>( I really do miss those 5 PM weekday BC shows.
  23. What was special about Gwen was that she came across as a really nice person, someone you'd love to have for a neighbor or a friend. I don't think you can fake that.
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