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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. This is shocking and so sad. When Judy announced early last week that Gwen was taking some time off for a health issue, we realized that something not good was going on. But so suddenly? She will be missed. A good journalist and a kind person.
  2. For me, Suzanne was the best part of Designing Women. I loved the episodes when she had a major role (staying in that motel with Anthony on their way to the convention was the funniest). What was the name of the pageant official she loathed...Helen Patton Van Patterson (or Patterson Van Patton)? And I especially loved her on those awful trips (the couples' trips to the mountains and Florida, the trip to Nashville, the camping trip where the gals met Big Edie).
  3. Good! Maybe they'll quit the presidency & DC early and head back to Manhattan to a quieter life. Surely someone has to do something about this lack of a blind trust. And back to MSNBC: Chris Matthews has got to go. He's turning into a Sean Hannity of the left (overly emotional).
  4. Well, I've always seen chicken parmegiana being prepared like eggplant or veal parmegiana, all together, quite a bit of sauce--almost like a casserole. This new (to me) way is breading the chicken and frying it, placing it in a baking dish with some parmesan and fresh mozz on top, letting the heat melt the cheese, and then drizzling some sauce on it before serving. It's not covered up by the sauce.
  5. Ooohhh...I love fried rice! Maybe tomorrow we'll have fried rice as tonight will be Deconstructed Chicken Parmegiana with thin spaghetti.
  6. Comfort food needed tonight--Ina's Mac & Cheese with the tomatoes and breadcrumbs on the top.
  7. That's the conclusion I came to earlier today while out and about (traffic seemed to be mighty sparse around the DC 'burbs--all the depressed Dems must be home under the covers; all the Republicans home w/ hangovers from celebrating). I won't be watching the news tonight and not sure when I'll turn on MSNBC or CNN, the folks who provided so much free air time to DJT early in the primary campaign.
  8. I think it would've helped if she wasn't seen in every segment in the same colored shent (maybe she changed clothes throughout the tapings but it looked like she was wearing the same thing since they were all the same color). But then again, it was supposed to be her day in DC, going from one place to another. Oh well...whatever! She's a peach and I enjoyed her DC experiences :>)
  9. I'm ready for tonight! I bought cream puffs, healthy multigrain tortilla chips (heh heh), and a bottle of Prosecco. After one glass, I'll be able to switch to MSNBC, just as long as I don't have to watch Bri, Bitchell & crazy Chris (am hoping he retires after this campaign).
  10. We'll mostly be watching PBS tonight (occasionally checking in with the others for numbers). I'm hoping to avoid Bitchell, Brian Williams and Chris Matthews if I can.
  11. Yeah, but she used to work there so maybe to her it felt ok to wear her shent (but she sure doesn't wear those shents to charity balls, as we've seen, so she can dress up on occasion :>)
  12. I'm just an East Coast moderate Democrat but I loved your comment, Mumbles :>)
  13. I am ready for this campaign to be o.v.e.r. And I am ready for the media (mainly TV) to take a good long look at themselves and the way they fell all over themselves this past year, providing so much free air time for Trump. How many times did we see the words "Breaking News" and then watch the media broadcast Trump making meaningless announcements? I'm tired of the talking-over-each-other panels and the inclusion of party shills. As the Italians would say, "Basta!"
  14. I know! I thought the same thing...Ina has staff to clean the dickens out of those half sheets she uses and they sure do sparkle. When I saw Elsa's pans I laughed (since I've got a few pans that look similar). I've got one new pan, though, that is easy to clean and is still sparkling so maybe the new ones have some type of coating on them that protect them. Re: the NYT Bureau segment: I didn't like seeing that woman pulling apart the chicken with her bare hands (I wouldn't have eaten it, using the excuse of my disliking duck).
  15. Gosh...I didn't think the Woodwards were stuffy/snobby at all. I'd have loved to be at that table (and maybe gotten an answer out of the guy who works for the CIA or whatever!) But they'd have had to pour me a glass of white wine. And that cake the hostess bought at the bakery? It looked divine--my kind of dessert! The only segment I could've done w/o was the bar segment since I only drink wine (but I loved the reformed ice cube).
  16. I really enjoyed seeing Ina in DC. Every segment was interesting to me. Don't think I'll be visiting Chaia any time soon, though. Those tacos (especially the ones with the roasted cauliflower in them) didn't call my name. I think my favorite segment was the visit to the NYT Washington Bureau office, with everyone making something they dreaded doing. Now that's a challenge (mine would probably be making, from scratch, a two crust pie~~shudder!) My second favorite was in the kitchen with the WH chef. Interesting that Ina noted it is a small kitchen. I'd have thought it would be huge considering the big dinners they have to do. Nice visit with Michelle Obama & I hope future occupants of the WH will continue that vegetable garden. I hope the President and First Lady really do pay a visit to Ina's home after they leave the WH--wouldn't that be a fun show! Poor Ina, though, would be a basket case fussing over that meal :>)
  17. Does anyone remember a cream cheese pie in a chocolate (storebought) crust? I've got a bar of cream cheese and a chocolate crust and want to do something with it but none of the recipes I've looked up sound like what I've had in the past. It's one of those simple recipes with some raspberries tossed on top at the end...I think. TIA :>)
  18. I know I'm looking forward to watching Ina in DC. Sheesh...if I'd known she was going to be in the 'hood, I'd have invited her out here to the 'burbs for some Prosecco and cheese straws! She's packed a lot into this one show so I hope it's not rushed (like that episode out in LA).
  19. Hey spiderpig--your husband's Sunday night special sounds delicious! I love grilled cheese sammies using Swiss or Emmenthaler. And good old Campbell's tomato soup is still tasty all these years away from our childhood days. Mr. p914 loves it and he dunks his grilled cheese sandwich in it. I like the Barefoot Contessa's idea of cutting up the grilled cheese sandwich into little squares and using them as "croutons" in the soup--something different for a change. Didn't care for her tomato soup, though, as I had to add too many herbs and spices in it to make it just right (so, back to Campbells!)
  20. I wonder if they (the producers of BC) feel they need to have storylines in every episode these days (to hold onto the short attention span people who usually watch the crazy "cooking" shows and/or competitions). Maybe they believe the old style cooking shows (where the cook demonstrates his/her technique, shares tips, etc) no longer belong on TV.
  21. I've never been impressed with Brazile and always wondered how she's gotten so far. I hope the Dems kick her out of the interim chair of the party position she now holds. She's an embarrassment. If there was one candidate over the many years of presidential debates who did not need assistance ahead of time with a debate question, it was HRC, for Pete's sake. Sheesh. And I still find it offensive that CNN employs Corey. I don't think any of the networks should be employing shills (or former shills) of candidates. Here's a question: Does Wolf Blitzer ever go on vacation? The man is always on CNN it seems--even on weekends. I'm so weary of his droning voice I could scream.
  22. Spaghetti & meatballs. I cheated and bought the meatballs at the Italian Gourmet Deli (their meatballs are better than mine but I'm not Italian so that's my excuse). Hmmm...those meatballs were not better than mine, we discovered. So, either theirs are getting worse or mine are getting better :>)
  23. I'm afraid to eat shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico (thanks to the oil spill and different marine animals which now have deformities). And I don't want shrimp from Thailand, where the farming practices are suspect. Just can't stand to pay $20/lb for North Carolina shrimp (they're so delicious!)--that's too much. So I'm left with buying Wegman's shrimp which come from a farm in Belize but I trust Wegman's staff to be keeping an eye on how it's run. Hope I'm not making a mistake. The shrimp are ok but not like the NC shrimp ;>(
  24. Even though yesterday's episode featured Jeffrey (and some folks weren't happy about that), the Barefoot Contessa is still one of the last of the good cooking instruction shows on TV. Before the show started, I had the TV on and noticed some show (have no idea which one) that featured giggling women eating & schmoozing. I sure wish BC would produce more shows so I'd have something to watch as I loathe those competitive programs.
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