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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Amen! I was thinking the same thing last night while watching a close up of "Joan". Where were those thick eyebrows? They're what made her look so fierce and tough.
  2. @MERYLINKID: you beat me to it. As soon as I heard those lines, I knew these three sentences are the best writing of all to date in this movie. It's so Hollywood: OTT self-centeredness. Is any else as sick as I am of seeing Joan Crawford drunkenly staggering around? It's gotten so that I look forward to the Bette Davis scenes.
  3. Watch out, QOASS! Let it thaw a bit more. You never know what that could be :>) This sounds delicious! I might make it one of these days as I always have those ingredients on hand. Thanks.
  4. A new Barefoot Contessa series can't get here soon enough for me! I've missed her and the calm atmosphere of her show.
  5. I'm enjoying this program and Susan Sarandon's portrayal of Bette Davis. She's got a lot of BD's mannerisms and the clipped style of speaking (w/o the OTT pronunciations that Davis used). So glad someone (was that "Victor"?) got her to say, "What a dump!" Only Bette Davis could say that and make it memorable (that's the only scene in Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf that I like, when "Martha" quotes BD as she looks at her mess of a kitchen). When they called a wrap of WHTBJ, I wondered what the heck are they going to do for the next 5 episodes. It can't all be scenes of conniving as to who gets which Oscar, and Hedda blackmailing them into stabbing each other in the back for her column. At least I hope not.
  6. Stouffer's chicken and noodle bake plus a tossed salad with a dressing I created today: pureed papaya, mayo, honey, little champagne vinegar, little chardonnay. Loved the color! It tasted good but I bet it would be great on a fruit salad.
  7. It just dawned on me this morning that Hedda Hopper had a son who was an actor, so I looked it up. William Hopper, who played private investigator Paul Drake in the old Perry Mason series, was her son.
  8. @MOVINGTARGETGAL: Thanks for the laugh! I had a wonderful vision of this happening, baseball bat and all :>) Just like in the movies!!
  9. Such a nasty person. She was an informant to the House Unamerican Activities Committee. Watch the movie, Trumbo (starring the wonderful Bryan Cranston) and you'll see the damage she and other lowlifes like her did to their fellow Americans. I think a lot of people think of big hats and silly celeb gossip when they think of Hopper but she was pure evil in reality.
  10. While watching The Feud this evening, they showed a preview of Season 3 and then it said on the screen: April 19th. Cannot wait!
  11. When Joan described her rapist stepfather as being kind to her, it made me angry that he got away with it. No one looked out for little Joan's wellbeing. No wonder she drank all the time.
  12. We went to a catered St Patrick's dinner last night at the clubhouse in our development. We had: corned beef & cabbage soup (wonderful--even tho' I dislike regular corned beef & cabbage); mini pot pies w/ cheddar cheese crust (meh); veggie Shepherd's Pie (delicious); and mashed potatoes with cabbage & bits of pork belly mixed in (they should've really diced & cooked that cabbage better). Great big cupcakes w/ fabulous cream cheese-y frosting for dessert. It was a fun dinner w/ neighbors & families. Tonight I'm making the Pioneer Woman's shrimp curry. Has anyone here made it? I think it will be good. Going to serve it w/ basmati rice. Edited to add: It was delicious but only after quite a bit of additions!
  13. @theredhead77: Your first sentence is soooo me! Frequently there will be stuff in the crisper that I bought (with great intentions) a week or so before. I think you should write a cooking blog if you can salvage forgotten produce and turn them into a yummy stir fry, like you just did. Go for it!!
  14. Gosh. I've never done anything like that. Sounds interesting. Re: poaching...I read somewhere that you get the water boiling (with vinegar in it), start swirling it and then pour the eggs in, one by one. The first time I did that, it worked. Perfect poached eggs and the whites weren't all over the place. But every time since then, it's been a bit of a mess with those egg whites traveling all over the place. Maybe I need the Krups egg cooker. Does it do poached, soft boil and hard boil? I could find room in my cabinets for one more item :>)
  15. Here's Ina's recipe for Roasted Shrimp. A lot of us have used this recipe and it's pretty darn good. I also love her cocktail sauce. I think she also uses this method of roasting shrimp prior to making her shrimp salad (which I've also made and that's very good too). http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/roasted-shrimp-cocktail-recipe2
  16. Make those Swedish meatballs when you're feeling a bit more energetic. I made "Norwegian" meatballs a la my mom (no gravy & with some spice!! her mom grew up in Arvika on the Swedish border with Norway). You can either serve them w/o gravy, or, make a simple gravy using McCormack"s less sodium brown gravy + add some Allspice + a little sour cream. Easy and quite tasty.
  17. Glad you made it through the night, Mr. Smith. I have no idea what was going on because if those were spirit guides having that discussion, some of them were not very kind (the ones that didn't care what happened to you). But I know one thing: you were/are needed here on planet Earth for some reason(s) and so here you are :>)
  18. Gosh, Mr. Smith...if it were me, it would just be my spouse and me taking mom and dad out on their birthdays. Life's too short & unpredictable for inviting brother and sister-in-law along. I noticed a while back that people were talking about seeing a black form. This past Christmas, my husband and I were staying at his mom's house (she's in an assisted living place). One afternoon I walked to the guest room, plopped down on the bed to take a nap and looked out the window. Right then a large black thing floated past the window. It looked like a square that had two sides cured inward. Could that have been a spirit? If so, I bet it was his deceased older brother who used to sleep in that room when he'd visit. He had a lot of mental issues all during his life. I've never seen anything like that before & at first figured it was smoke from a neighbor's chimney. But it was that odd shape that made me think it wasn't smoke.
  19. Tonight I made Chicken Mozzarella Pasta--it's a Pioneer Woman recipe that a friend sent me. I liked everything but the chicken (they were in bite size pieces). Not sure what I'll sub for the chicken next time but everything else (especially the fresh mozz which got nice and gooey) was good.
  20. I believe Sarandon has had some very good plastic surgery because she no longer has protruding eyes. And she looks better. The hairstyle helps too. Even from the side she has that Bette Davis look down pat, the way BD stood. Yes, when they showed that snippet of All About Eve, at first I thought they were showing the real movie and then realized it was SS coming down the stairs (smart move cause it didn't mentally pull us out of this production at all). Oh boy...give me more Mamacita. As I said previously, I think of Fred Armisen whenever I see Mamacita. Loved that scene when Aldrich was 1/4 of the way up the stairs and she told him Joan was out on the patio. He did a perfect 180 degree turn & came back down the stairs so fast. Interesting that he thought he could go up to her bedroom!
  21. Love Sabrette hot dogs (made in The Bronx!) and I always get B&M baked beans in that little brown glass jar. IMO, they're the best.
  22. But then, how would the viewer know what kind of vulgar, nasty man Jack Warner was? I don't like the vulgarity either but Warner was a controlling creep and it needs to be shown what kind of coarse environment these two women were working in.
  23. Got it--thanks! She's right about that infernal judging system. I wish they could come up with something like the old system. Cripes...when the numbers come up, I just wait to see what place my skater(s) made. I try to study the results later when I go to the results page but too often my eyes glaze over ;>(
  24. Thanks for the link. I only found parts I & II. I've always been a fan of MK's. It was a big thrill to see her skate her SP & LP just 10 days after '96 Nationals when she appeared in Champions on Ice (today she probably would've stayed home and trained for Worlds--which she won anyway!)
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