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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. @Mumbles: thanks for the link to the interview of Dick Button. I love that guy! But I don't see how he can be so impressed with Johnny (and also Tara). Laybacks improved when Dick was commentating because he'd zero in on crummy ones (one time he described someone's layback as looking like a broken leg). Wish I could've been in the same room with Dick while watching World's last week (of course, sworn to secrecy re: his comments!)
  2. Here are some Dick Button-isms (there are many more...just google them :>) The music of The Fire Bird is taking off but she sure isn't! That was really "spiffy" The program just didn't sing That will put him/her in good stead. And two shall skate as one. I'll give you dollars to donuts. From 2003 Worlds ... "it doesn't matter a rusty hoot ..." This program could use a little more swan and a little less lake Her back is so straight, you could iron a shirt on it. The position on that layback is first rate! "Well, that's an ugly spin." (Yoshie Onda's layback, GPF 2003?) There's no shizzzle in that twizzle Re Nagasu: Will the souffle souffel? on being cut from commentating at worlds, he said something like: "it's not the first dinner party i wasn't invited to, and it won't be the last" "Everyone in the arena is standing, including me!" after Rudy Galindo's Nationals win "It don't mean a thing, if it aint' got that triple" (from 88 olympics about Joanne Conway who skated to Ellington and .... fell on her combo). There's not enough death in that death spiral. From 2003 Worlds ... "it doesn't matter a rusty hoot”
  3. Terry gently, slyly teasing Dick--I miss that!!
  4. This is a good thread. It reminds us of the things we should be thankful for (e.g., a memory of watching petals fall from a tree years ago--that's a great memory, lordonia). We all need to have a memory like that, that we can focus on when the U-Know-What hits the fan. Mine is from childhood when I was playing one winter day in the woods by a gurgling stream with a friend & it started to snow.The sound of the snow hitting the leaves & looking so beautiful & serene--that's something I haven't forgotten. I remembered it a few years later in high school when we read Robert Frost's Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening.
  5. Joy to the world the Nats are in first place and won their first game! Go Dusty! Go Nats!!
  6. Gee...I'm grateful that I got to see so much figure skating during World's competition this past week. It started on Wednesday on NBC Sports Network and continued through today. NBC is usually very chintzy with the time they'll allow skating competitions to be shown so seeing many of the Americans' programs was new to me much less the skaters from other countries. The downside, of course is that I got so nervous watching my favorites that I started eating and eating some more and then some more after that. So I gained a few pounds...but it was worth it.
  7. Real exciting stuff...like leftovers that were frozen or sitting in the fridge. Got to make room in the freezer so the last few days I've been thawing frozen items and setting them on the counter. We just pick and choose items we're interested in and make our own meals :>) I've got a question: where do you buy masa? I've looked in the supermarkets nearby and can't find it (in the international section). I need it for a copycat recipe for California Pizza Kitchen's tortilla soup. I've been grinding up corn tortillas but they're not getting ground up fine enough.
  8. Yeah...what the heck is it with all the angst in ice dancing? My God, even in the exhibitions the French team was all over each other, clutching their heads, conveying despair to beat the band. Thank goodness for C/L's exhibition skate. I couldn't stop laughing. If you haven't seen the gala skate on NBCSN, I hope NBC will show the Italians next Sunday. I hope they don't retire because I just love 'em! Tracy and Ryan did the commentary for the gala and did a good job. In between exhibition skates, they showed snippets of each skater's competitive performance and made informative comments about them. I just sent an email to NBC.com thanking them for the coverage on NBCSN and NBC (also put in a good word for Ben and Ryan).
  9. Joy to the world...Ashley won the Silver medal at Worlds! I am so thrilled for her. She finally pulled it together and did two clean programs. Wish it could've been the gold but silver is terrific (and, she ended the USA drought at Worlds). And what a great audience in Boston too. I'm sending an email to NBC to thank them for the great coverage (mostly on NBCSN which, thank God, we have...I've been in skating heaven since Wednesday). Will also add a P.S. about replacing Tara & Johnny with Tanith and Ben and Ryan. I couldn't believe that Tara was babbling on and on about "what if's" while Mao was skating her exquisite LP.
  10. Fingers crossed that Ashley gets on the podium (and not for a pewter either!). Re: pairs long program...yes indeed, Peng/Zhang look very (uncomfortably) odd together as if she's skating with her dad. And he looked so stiff, lumbering around the rink. Couldn't even recognize a Lori Nichols choreography it was so awful. Scimeca/Knierim managed a quad twist but landed/caught awkwardly. They should've spent more time practicing other elements--pretty bad. I thought she was having a nervous breakdown coming off the ice and in the K&C. She looked beyond distraught. Illushich.../Moskovitch are amazing for only being together such a short time. They did a beautiful program and can only move on up through the ranks next year. I really like Tarasova/Morozov, maybe because they looked so classic today, elegant costumes, skating to piano music (Chopin), every element performed beautifully. Ryan said they are the future of Russian pairs skating. Sui/Han did a great quad twist. Maybe the pressure was too much being in first place because they had some problems. But I loved it when she skated through his legs--looked much snazzier than it sounds & the audience really liked it. Unique pair spin again (I loathe pair spins, usually so dragged out & boring). Wow--Duhamel/Radford performed a throw quad salchow. Then went on and did a triple toe + double toe + double toe. Then a throw triple lutz. Then an innovative pair spin, and on & on it went. A True Champions long program! Savchenko/Massot are so cool for only skating together a couple of years. They did a HUGE Triple Twist (wish I'd been sitting in the front row so I could've experienced the height). They had unusual choreo/music. Aliona 2 footed a throw triple lutz. Their overhead lifts were stunning. Their throw triple salchow was very good, very powerful. She told someone that skating/practicing now is fun (as opposed to work when she skated before...hint hint). And Voloszhar/Trankov should've gone out on a high note at Sochi. He said he wanted to but he returned to competitive skating for her. It wasn't a memorable program.
  11. Several of the men skating tonight were IMO uninteresting. Jump, skate to set up another jump, a few headshakes, jump. The guys who really impressed me were Javier (of course!!), Aaron Rippon (yay...at long last a clean skate at World's), and Shoma Uno. I can see Uno as a future champion. He's got the jumps but he also thoughtfully made use of the in-between moves. Also liked the skater from Latvia--he was quite entertaining. I wish someone would provide Max with a more suitable program to show off artistry without looking as though he's faking it or just going through the motions. Maybe something with jazz or R&B music. He doesn't need to be skating to Swan Lake. The US needs to make use of his strong skating skills. Javier was THE best. He did the jumps but he entertained as if he were in a show and as we know, that's what figure skating is all about, what sets it apart from other sports. I'm so glad he held onto his title. I'm so weary of Tara & Johnny babbling nonstop. During Brezina's skate I had to hit the mute. I may complain about Tracy but at least she and Ryan kept their comments to a minimum during each skater's performance. Who needs to hear all this backstage gossip or chitchat while they're skating?
  12. Ah...it's good to be back here post ice dance competition at Worlds (as opposed to Golden Skates or Skatefans forums where they're swooning galore over the French team). First of all Tracy Wilson needs to go back to Canada and commentate for CBC. Why can't American networks hire retired American skaters? Lord knows those folks could use the glory (and the salaries!). Tracy even called Evan Bates "Alan". She was really messing up names in the SD & FD. Ben Agosto was so good, letting us know what to look for so we'd understand why certain teams didn't fare so well. And Ryan Bradley also did a good job commentating for ladies (but why have a male retired skater covering the women?). I think Ben, Ryan and Tanith should replace the silly Tara and Johnny. The Shibutanis SD & FD were golden IMO. No OTT angst. No depressing music. No desperate clutching at each other. Pure gold and uplifting to watch. Loved Capellini & Lanotte's FD (not their SD...very dull, so atypical of them). It featured the music from that funny Italian film from the 60's or 70's (8-1/2??) and the choreography matched the music. Toward the end it looked like Capellini was tap dancing to the music...I laughed out loud. Love them & wish they were on the podium instead of the strange Chock & Bates (he still looks bent over the entire time he's skating w/ his very short partner). I felt so badly for Weaver & Poje. Maybe they need to switch coaches and choreographers. They have such long lines, both are tall and look beautiful together on the ice. Something needs to be fixed here. The #1 Russian team at Worlds, Sinitsina & Nikita K--gosh he's beautiful & such an expressive skater. Lots of folks wish he was still with his former partner but IMO it doesn't make any difference. He's the one you watch because he knows how to use his upper body & he must've had ballet lessons (& excelled at them) at some time in his life. Loved the Israelis. Gorgeous costumes, gorgeous music (can't spell the name of P.....Dances...the middle part was used in Take My Hand I'm a Stranger in Paradise) and gorgeous skaters. I've never seen them before (no surprise since we hardly get to see any skating these days on TV). Hubble & Donohue's SD of Hallelujah was sublime...but found their FD to be a downer (altho' well skated). The #2 Italian team are fantastic skaters but geez laweeze...can't Schindler's List be retired? She was in a 1930's gray dress and a scarf on her head and he was in gray pants and a white shirt that had "dirt" in various places on it. Did they escape from Auschwitz and are now skating for joy? It was very weird watching them when you wanted to feel excited about their incredible skating (the lifts were amazing) but were depressed thinking about who they represented. And the gold medal winners...I just don't get them other than that they're excellent ice dancers. Both programs she was clinging to him with her long skinny arms, a tragic look of angst on her face. And in their SD they approached center ice the same way V/M always did, totally engrossed in each other, letting us know they were "one" and all that goofiness. So now I'm getting ready to watch pairs SP. Gee whiz...I love seeing all this skating on NBCSN. It's a whole new world, seeing skaters I've never seen before (or programs from well known skaters that I've never seen before since NBC hardly shows anything). Arrivaderci for now (love C/L to pieces!!)
  13. I just can't get enthused over this house altho' I understand why she likes restoring it (it's a family thing--we wouldn't understand!) Liked that mirror for the bathroom, though. And the shower turned out nice.
  14. Just a once-in-a-while-poster but GO NATS!!!!!
  15. There's a review of Jeffrey's latest book in today's NYT: From Silk To Silicon: The Story of Globalization Through Ten Extraordinary Lives. Hah! Something to peruse while munching on Ina's blueberry scones ;>)
  16. I used to order squash casserole at a restaurant in Morehead City called Mrs. Willis'. It was made with cream cheese and had buttered toasty breadcrumbs on top. The very best squash casserole in the world! Anyway, it's such a zoo around here in restaurants on holidays that we're going out a different day to celebrate Easter and I'm grilling a pork tenderloin and making Lemon-Apple Coleslaw to go with it...and maybe potato salad to welcome summer (since it was 80 degrees today so I guess we're skipping spring?) I used to bake ham for Easter but holiday food traditions (for me) aren't as strong as for T'giving and Christmas.
  17. There's nothing wrong with televising kids cooking on TV. With the obesity of children rampant today, FN could do something positive with this--maybe showing kids cooking healthy (but delicious) food. Nothing wrong with that. But hey...what about the rest of America? There are a lot of people who don't know how to cook & are buying supermarket prepared foods (not healthy, usually) or fast food (deadly). Sheesh...we could all probably come up with an Easy To Cook Dinner Tonight show, catered to the millions of folks out there who never were encouraged by a mom (or foster mom or whoever) to experiment and try their hands with cooking. I am sure there is a need--& shame on Food Network for offering inane food competitions instead of some get-down-to basics cooking shows. Guy's diner/dives shows, Giada's creative yet weird cooking, all the cooking competitions...what a waste of TV time and attention.
  18. Thanks, SusieQ for the link and the tip. I'd forgotten all about Les Halles. That might be the perfect place. And yes we want to see the memorial but we've agreed that the museum will be too tough.
  19. I feel sorry for any actress who had to play a character in a love relationship with Jesse Eisenberg. How did that guy ever get in so many movies to begin with?
  20. Hey New Yorkers... I need help! We're going to make a quick visit to Manhatten on Sunday, April 17. The first stop out of Grand Central will be somehow getting down to Carmine St. to Joe's Pizza so I can have an authenic slice of regular pizza pie. If you're a former New York State native & trying to find this ancient relic, you understand why I'm making this trek. Then, we'll visit the 9/11 memorial and museum. So, after that, it's time for an early dinner before our train trip back to Beacon so I'm looking either for an American cafe or French cafe that serves really good food. Is there anything in lower Manhatten or do we need to head back to midtown? We don't want to be too far away from Grand Central because we need to catch a train back to semi-upstate before it gets too dark. Thanks in advance!
  21. Be sure to visit the Eiffel Tower in the evening (as well as the day, of course). When it gets dark, the tower lights up. Then, when it's really dark, at the top of the hour, all the lights start sparkling. Some may love the Louvre, some may be transfixed by Montmarte, but I was lit up the moment I saw the Eiffel Tower sparkling in all its glory. The boat cruise on the Seine was just ok (you and 1,000 other tourists in a cramped space) but when we got off and were shuffling toward the stairs, we heard ooooohs and aaaahhhs and looked up and the Eiffel Tower, above us, was just aglow with twinkling lights and I just went bananas! Try the roast chicken and whipped mashed potatoes at a cafe--I still keep trying to make them like that. So divine. Macarons were tasty & ok--I don't understand the hysteria over them.
  22. Thanks so much! The Hop used to be Mi-Ro's back in the day, a pizza/bar hangout that I only visited once being from the west side of Beacon which used to be two towns and was merged in 1913 (old habits die hard). I've heard great things about The Hop so we may have to try it out (it's also near Russ Cusicks gallery). I so want to get some pictures of the Fishkill Creek too. Beacon, NY has become a tourist mecca which is so amazing to a native of this old factory town. I haven't heard of the The Depot & Hudson Hill Cafe and will look them up. We always loved trips down to Cold Spring, a little village whose main attraction was the pier and bandstand on the Hudson River (when you go through the tunnel of Breakneck Mountain you have to toot the horn--it's a tradition I've now learned from the Beacon site--thought my dad was the only one to do that). Thanks again for the tips!
  23. Actually it's because the area was settled by the Dutch that so many towns in the Hudson Valley end in "kill" which means creek in Dutch (I think the Dutch spell it "kil" though...not sure). But the name sure does look peculiar if you're not from that area ;>)
  24. What was the name of that cooking show featuring Michael Symon and another guy? That was the first time I'd seen Symon and I just couldn't get over his crazy laughter. It was a fun show but featured really interesting cooking. And Ming Tsai ("East Meets West"). The first show I watched he made an Asian version of spicy fried chicken and some wild cole slaw to go with it. I immediately ran out to buy the ingredients and made it. Yum! I also loved his theme music and ordered a CD of Hiroshima ("Legacy") which I enjoy listening to as I drive around in this area's crazy traffic. It's very soothing. These days I hardly ever put FN on other than to catch a rerun of Ina. FN has become so uninteresting.
  25. I'm grateful for the internet--cause how else would I learn so many things from forums like this one? And Prosecco! I just discovered that it's only 10.4% alcohol w/ less sugar than regular wine (less calories, maybe?) And our almost 20 year old Maine Coon Cat, M. Tiger Lily. She's a piece of work and continues to bring us laughter and joy.
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