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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I've got a new term for what I do the week before/leading up to Xmas: Stealth Shopping. I'm at the mall or big store by 9:00 AM and out the door before 10 and off to other less frequented stores. I know what I'm going to get so there's not much looking/pondering. And I won't go to Wegman's until after Xmas. It's saving my sanity ;>)
  2. That reminds me of attending a Jewish friend's wedding many years ago. I was single at the time so of course I was seated at the proverbial "single's table", at the head of the table. So, after we were about 3/4's of the way through the meal, someone said, "Oh look, they're bringing the kugel". I said, "What's a kugel?" Every head, and I mean every head at that table swiveled in my direction and looked at me as if I'd said, what's butter. A very nice young man, seated next to me, explained what the dish was. It was quite tasty. That was not a friendly table filled with miserable singles ;>)
  3. Layered Mexican Salad. It was good the first time but now I'm stuck with the mighty leftovers 'cause Mr. P914 is out of town. Maybe he won't see me tossin' the remains of the day???
  4. All in all...after watching 2 seasons of Fargo, I'd have to say the most satisfying was Season 1 and the most exciting was Season 2.
  5. Today's washing machines have circuit boards. Ours went out after 2 years so we had a new board installed. Cost half as much as a new washing machine. I'm always nervous when I have towels, afraid their weight will screw up that circuit board. We got a machine that isn't top of the line with all kinds of bells & whistles but not the cheapest either.
  6. Well I'm confused. I thought the Terminator was sent by KC to take out Mike and the remaining Kitchen brother for failing to conquer the Gerharts. But Mike took out the Terminator and the T's two assistants instead. So, even though Mike failed to personally destroy the Gerharts, he's given a job by the KC corporate people. Was that little office and lowly position a "punishment" for not succeeding at his task? P.S. I didn't care for all the soliloquies.
  7. Thanks, vera charles. Many years ago I tried a piece of crystallized ginger and almost immediately spit it out. Wow--that stuff is hot! So I wondered what it would be like in a cookie. Now I know :>)
  8. Bobby's ok, a quiet man. But Barbara's constant oohing and aahing over Ina's food is annoying (no wonder she keeps getting invited to be on the show--she's Ina's biggest fan).
  9. Back to Christmas season songs for a few minutes. I hate to admit this but I love the barking dogs "singing" Jingle Bells. I don't hear it often, but when I do I laugh throughout the song. And thanks so much, GHScorpiosRule, for the video of Porky Pig singing I'll Have a Blue Christmas Without You. That's another favorite. I did hear a song, 12 Days of Christmas, that had stuff about being in debt thanks to going overboard w/ xmas gift buying and other things but I only heard it once and that was in the early 90's. It was very funny. I never cared for the Grandma Got Run Over song. Musically it's terrible and the lyrics, IMO, are stupid. Katharine Ross doesn't look good to me. She's not that old and her skin shouldn't be so damaged. She wouldn't be wearing that scarf around her neck if she were really proud of the way she looks. I think there's nothing wrong with a little cosmetic surgery to "clean up" certain areas (as opposed to face lifts!) if that's what you want to do. There are some terrible plastic surgeons in Hollywood, though. Priscilla Presley is the poster girl for bad plastic surgery. No one so beautiful should have come out of surgery looking so bad.
  10. Well, I didn't know about it but found it at 1:25 PM. I'll have to watch for reruns. Whose big "cottage" in the Berkshires were they using? Who were the kids...Barbara's grandchildren? I liked the food that I saw being prepared--especially the mushrooms and pasta. I always wish Ina's specials were longer--Michael was just a blur setting the table (it was just ok which is strange considering Michael was doing it). At the end, when they were discussing doing the same thing next year, they said Jeffrey could select the ice creams again (but he didn't...Ina selected all three!) Has anyone made cookies with crystallized ginger?
  11. I hate to admit it but I can't stand Sara Moulton on TV. I can tell she's a nice person but there's something about her voice (it's a bit "fried") and her ditheriness that are like fingernails on a blackboard. I tried to watch her show--the one where she'd stop what she was doing (cooking!) to take phone calls from the audience and it drove me crazy. Ree Drummond also drives me crazy with her constant little smile. She never, ever stops smiling. Give me Ina Garten any day!
  12. I just watched an episode...probably a rerun...about a couple who wanted to stay in the city (& the city was Durham!!!). David found them a really nice new home a few miles away but they decided to "love it" and stay in their home. I'm beginning to agree with people who suspect these folks sign up just to get a renovation...they have no intention of ever moving. The only thing renovated was the basement since they didn't have enough money for the upstairs. The episode that preceded this one featured a couple who bought a house w/o even seeing it. What a crazy house and they had plenty of opportunities to move to a better laid out house but did they? Heck no. It's getting so the only thing I watch is the last 15 minutes of the show so I can see the before and after that Hilary does.
  13. I'll be amazed if Simone comes back. Someone posted a link to an interview she gave in which she talked about her character's upcoming death and how it affected the other actors. Who knows...maybe it's (that interview) the writers' way of foolin' with us?
  14. Why was it accepted by Bear, et al, that Hunzee stayed back with Floyd when the rest of them approached the motel? She had a gun. He should've been with them. I'm just so glad that there will be a Fargo 3. I love this show and I haven't been able to say that about any shows (except Downton Abbey) for many years.
  15. Malvo? He be dead...real dead (as in, they couldn't revive him even if they wanted to). Which is sad because he and Lester were the best thing about Season 1.
  16. Yeah...I know & I understand & I hate being rude to them but they just don't take "We're not interested" for an answer and pester the daylights out of you.
  17. I do believe you have come up with the perfect greeting for this time of year. Thank you :>) OK...I've got a pet peeve. It's the folks who give a cheery knock first & then ring the door bell. Then, they step waaaay back so you can see them through the peephole. If you decide to open the door, they want to sell you windows or siding or maybe you need a new roof. To get around the No Soliciting signs in the 'hood, they say their company is doing some work on your neighbor's house. I know people have to do crummy jobs to earn a living but tonight there were two of them, an hour apart. They don't take no for an answer so you are forced to be rude and say no again and shut the door. I hate being rude, but geez laweeze. (I no longer open the door but my husband does and it ticks me off).
  18. I made Dan Dan Mien for dinner tonight. Didn't have all the ingredients the recipe calls for so I tossed in some raw fennel sliced and bell peppers and extra scallions. It was quite tasty.
  19. Good riddance, Dodd. I was so happy when Hanzee shot him. Dodd was pure T evil. Geez...last week and this week were really tense (but really good!)
  20. IMO, 4 year olds don't need a big birthday party. One for the family really is sufficient.
  21. Daggone it...I loved the A&P. What the heck happened to it? Jane Parker rolls...they were so good. The coffee machines...I loved walking past them because they smelled so Heavenly. OK...it's past time for Americans to whine about the glories of the good old days :>(
  22. All I can say is, Thank God you folks are discussing this show and explaining things cause I'm having quite a time following the story (cryptic comments, half sentences, etc). Last season was a bit easier to follow. But I sure do love this season. Something about murder and Minnesota nice that goes together so well.
  23. Wow...I just looked at the Lands End catalog and found TR looking quite grandfatherly. He was sitting on a couch (complete with grandpa glasses), slightly out of focus, looking at his "grandchildren" who were playing on the floor while their "parents" were front and center as the key models. Hmmm...viagra commercials, grandfather shots. Good thing he's making enough money to continue to live out there on the east end of Long Island.
  24. I happened to catch a rerun of the 11/15 special today. I'd go for the turkey, the potato gratin and the carrots but nothing else. Bobby and Ina were ok together but nothing and I mean nothing compares with Ina and Michael Symon. That guy needs to come back and cook with Ina again!
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