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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Speaking of tomato soup, I made my adapted version of the Barefoot Contessa's tomato soup (more seasonings; no orzo) and served with Brian Boitano's grilled cheese sandwiches (the ones with red onion "jam" inside the cheeses). Had to celebrate some cool(er) weather with soup & sammies (fingers crossed that really hot weather won't return).
  2. OK, tonight I finally made Marge's Porchetta Pork Chops but I sliced a tenderloin (about 1 to 1-1/4" thick slices). This recipe is excellent!! I also made baked pilaf and a tossed salad. Something weird happened with the baked pilaf (when I took it out of the oven there was still too much chicken broth under the rice) so I put the rice back in the oven for 6 minutes w/o a cover and put the skillet w/ the pork slices on top of the stove near the vent from the oven, with a top on the skillet to keep them warm. Everything turned out delicious. This Porchetta Pork is a keeper.
  3. @chessiegal & 3pwood: I don't really like the taste of amaretto but do like almond extract flavoring (altho' not too much!). Hmmm....a puzzle for sure...maybe a teeny microscopic dot of almond extract? ;>) I love Ile Flottante but never see it on menus (not even in Paris) except on a cruise on Princess a couple years ago. That had to be one of the best desserts I've ever had. As soon as the weather cools (gettin' closer) I'm making this.
  4. This afternoon I caught an old episode, the dress rehearsal one in which Ina made Baba au Rum and Ile Flottante while Miguel decorated two tables with huge floral centerpieces. Anyway...I have a question about the Ile Flottante. Instead of adding amaretto to the custard, could I add a little almond extract?
  5. Well...no one's told me to eat only skinless, boneless chicken breasts but--they don't have to. I like 'em! I also like chicken breasts on the bone w/ skin (but only when I roast them & then remove the skin). Any recipe I see that mentions chicken thighs I either skip over, or, substitute chicken breasts because to me, chicken thighs are the dark meat of the chicken and that flavor makes me gag. To each his/her own, I guess. There are plenty of recipes, IMO, in which boneless, skinless chicken breasts can be used and are pretty tasty.
  6. I find that situation (restaurant customers saying grace while waitress was left holding the food) quite odd. Where I come from, you don't say grace until the food is on the table, just before everyone "digs in". My pet peeve is tailgaters. If I'm not going fast enough for ya, just pass 'cause I'm probably in the right lane driving the speed limit and your being on my rear bumper isn't going to make me risk getting a ticket. I got a ticket back in 2004 and I haven't recovered from the shock of it (which is probably good 'cause I'm always checking the speed limit signs).
  7. I made grilled portobello mushrooms again - had them with roasted red bell peppers and aioli on ciabatta. Also made a watermelon "salad" with small cubes of melon, cubes of feta cheese and Greek mixed olives in a marinade from Wegman's Mediterranean bar. I sprinkled some chopped fresh mint in the watermelon mix and it was reallllly delicious! I think tomorrow I may try the Porchetta Pork using a pork tenderloin instead of chops (since I have a tenderloin already).
  8. It's an addiction and it's really pathetic. Last night I saw an ad on TV for a Stouffer's frozen dinner. Two parents, one teen daughter sitting at the table. The teen takes a bite and immediately puts down her phone or Ipad...and continues to eat. The parents look at each other with disbelief,,,and then relief. I'm tempted to send an email to Stouffers and let them know what a stupid ad that is for their product. If a parent doesn't have the fortitude/confidence/whatever to tell his/her child to place the phone, turned off, somewhere outside the dining area so that they all can enjoy dinner/supper together w/o any distractions, (s)he needs to sign up for some counseling. And the same goes for adults with their phones!
  9. @Tabbyclaw: Yum! I love chicken curry and I love that well known Thai soup (tom gai??) so I plan to make this coconut curry chicken soup. You're so right--trial and error, and then you figure out how to make this soup the way you want it to be. Thanks for sharing :>)
  10. @KnoxForPres: Ain't it grand to be here? You've found your people. Vent away and feel that pent up stress just slough off ya. I love this place ;>) Heh heh...your last comment made me burst out laughing. Thanks so much--I love to laugh!
  11. Fair and Balanced my butt. Remember the horrible Hannity & Colmes show? Poor ol' Alan Colmes, a very mild, quiet, guy personally selected by Hannity to be the representative of the left so Sean could present his program as balanced. Sure. AC could barely get a word in as SH babbled on and on every night. Wish I had a video of the night Sean featured the country singer Sara Evans, the wife (at that time) of a Republican politician, performing with her band. Alan's head hung low, he looked so embarrassed to be on the set. I didn't watch the show much but would tune in every once in a while to check up on Alan, see if he had a pulse.
  12. I made the Barefoot Contessa's Eggplant Gratin for dinner tonight. We demolished it! I used Trader Joe's Arrabbiatta sauce for the marinara & IMO it was the best tasting eggplant gratin I've ever made. I like to add some seasonings to it--a little garlic powder and a little Tuscan Sunset, and of course, extra parmesan ;>) @ALenore: Let us know how your home made bread and mayo turns out. I made mayonnaise only once. It was good and I should try it again (altho' having Hellmann's around is pretty good too). I'm also intrigued with your One Pan Pasta.
  13. This is a great thread. I've gotten some good ideas for xmas stocking stuffers (e.g., mini wet measuring beakers). I have several things in my kitchen that when I use them I think to myself "what a fabulous invention" and they are: Kitchen Aid mixer, food processor, microplane grater and my Braun immersion blender that also came with a very small processor which is great for mincing cilantro, parsley, almonds. And I love my old Black and Decker toaster oven for reheating pizza slices, toasting buttered hamburger/hot dog rolls, and baking/broiling small amounts of food...so nice not having to heat up the kitchen. Thanks for the tip re: using the Kitchen Aid to shred boiled chicken!
  14. Oh yeahhhhhh...tonight's dinner featured grilled marinated portobello mushrooms AND that fabulous Spanish Roasted Potato Salad (which I served "de-constructed"...had the aioli on the side), and sliced tomatoes with fresh basil (the tomatoes are from Michigan--pretty good but does anyone get tomatoes that taste as great as they did back in the day, maybe the 80's?). I had to tone down the aioli...way too tart...so I added more mayo and then added Trader Joe's Aioli Mustard Sauce and that was so delicious. Thanks again, Marge. And that's a good recipe website too. Halfway through the meal I realized that we were eating a vegetarian dinner (I always think of mushrooms as meat for some crazy reason).
  15. @Marge: Wow--I just looked up these recipes and I love both of them already :>) Lemon just perks up foods (savory as well as sweet) and I really like the idea of an aioli w/ the roasted potatoes. Thanks for sharing!
  16. Hey, thanks everyone, for all the info' on this wonderful actress. Haven't been to this thread in a while and just checked in. That scene in the coffee shop when George couldn't take it any longer and told her all the things she did that irritated him is one of my all time Seinfeld favorites.
  17. Please, may I have some pot roast? (spoken just like Oliver Twist). Oh...and please describe porchetta pork chops and Spanish roasted potatoes. Wish you lived next door to me, Marge! :>)
  18. OK, finally I've remembered a pet peeve (that I keep forgetting to mention until I see an example) that drives me nuts. Why do women put their hand on their husband's/boyfriend's chest in posed photos? What is that all about? This stuff started maybe 10+ years ago and it looks so peculiar to me. What does it mean? Is the woman showing off her ring(s)? Is it a statement of ownership of the dude? It's not as bad as the rare times I've seen a man put his hand around the back of his wife's/girlfriend's neck (now that really bothers me!)
  19. Heh heh...I'm still chuckling over the possibility of the Rev competing on DWTS. One two cha cha cha...three four cha cha cha.
  20. Actually, I learned something interesting from Joanne Weir: to roast beets, not boil them. She says roasting beets gets rid of that earthy flavor/aroma (that I dislike) and she's right. Her beet soup is a winner (but I emailed her to let her know that the part about adding the herbs and creme fraiche is difficult to understand and she agreed).
  21. Well...maybe any show having to follow the Grey Gardens mockumentary would feel a bit empty and Kunuk sure did for me. It was good but...a bit too subtle. I'm glad they made the switch due to what happened in Roanoke.
  22. I had no idea there was "Fred Armisen hate" out there. I've always gotten a big kick out of his portrayal of off the wall characters and his portrayal as Big Edie was fabulous. Loved Bill Hader as Little Edie...err Vivvy and yes, making a head covering out of sweatpants was brilliant. The two of these guys were so much like the wacky originals (Jackie O's cousins). I'm glad Documentary Now has been added to the forums.
  23. @harrie: Muchas gracias, girl, for symbolically stickin' it to that king of all jerks, Chris Kimball. Wonder if I could find an ATK used cookbook for one penny at amazon. I just can't watch ATK much because of his condescending prissiness (+ he's always reminded me of what one could expect a blind date to look/act like). But I have picked up good info' re: kitchen equipment and some product brands thanks to ATK. I think the one TV cook I've learned the most from is Ina Garten. Love her food & style, but especially her quiet yet interesting presentation. IMO, the best shows were from the early years when she cooked in her kitchen (in the house). It was so relaxing and cozy. Never dreamed I'd make fruity butter and popovers but after watching Ina do it I thought, "Hey, I can do that!" And it's delicious.
  24. I loved this movie and so did my friends who saw it with me. We were all impressed with the fact that Meryl learned how to play the guitar for this role (she is so dedicated to her craft) and we all agreed that we forgot Ricki was really Meryl after a few minutes but then, that's the amazing talent of MS who can disappear into any character she plays. Loved that the band members backing up Rick Springfield and Meryl were not youngsters--they looked so authentic in that crazy roadhouse (as did the audience, especially when they got out on the dance floor - loved that). And no lip syncing...they were filmed playing/singing for real.
  25. @Alenore: what are you rolling these ingredients up in? This sounds interesting!
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