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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Thanks for this info'. I knew George was supposed to be LD but didn't realize JA's knowledge (of Larry's bizarro life experiences) was what brought about the change in his portrayal of George. When I saw LD on David Steinberg's show and heard him talk about his stand up days (& how the audience treated him) and what life was like for him living in Manhattan, I had to laugh because some of it sounded like me and my reactions/attitudes a few decades ago. But I don't think Jason ever played George as huffy as Larry David says he was back in the day. Thanks too for the link!
  2. Congratulations! That's a long time and that's encouraging to hear. I'll be 4 years next month. I sure do love rainy days now.
  3. Hope everyone's having better summer weather than our neck of the woods. The humidity is horrendous. But, I've been thinking about an open faced Scandinavian sandwich I had in Paris and wanted to recreate it so that's what I did today. I bought a few slices of Nova Scotia salmon (after taking out a loan at the bank next door to the deli), came home and made my new sammie. I separated a slice of Panini Slims bread from Trader Joe's. Then mixed some TJ's Greek whole yogurt and regular sour cream, added some sea salt, white pepper & garlic powder, then shredded cucumber and a little red onion. I spread that yogurt/sour cream mixture on each slice of the panini slim and topped with slices of the Nova, and then placed paper thin slices of cucumber and red onion on top of that and a little shredded Boston lettuce (since I couldn't get watercress), sprinkled some sea salt and black pepper and voila! It was so much better than what I originally had. That Nova is the best I've ever had (should be--it was $34/lb which is why I only got two very thin slices!) I need to find a cheaper source for nova cause I love this sammie ;>)
  4. I'm in the metro DC area where it has been hot and OTT humid. Can't grill lately 'cause dinnertime seems to be stormtime. I was so uninspired tonight (after being out & about in this muggy misery today) that I made & ate a bowl of Uncle Ben's boil-in-a-bag rice (Mr. P914 ate leftover spaghetti + butternut squash ravioli...thank goodness he likes leftovers). Somebody please send us some cold weather (I'd settle for upper 70's ;>)
  5. The only reason I'd heard of Gar before was via crossword puzzles. It used to be featured all the time--a good 3 letter, unusual word (well, unusual word for folks not from Louisiana). Your dinner sounds delicious!
  6. I wish I could remember who did a skit showing TV news anchors pronouncing every Spanish name and/or word with a latino accent. They wondered why Irish names weren't given the same treatment, and provided a hilarious example of what that would sound like (lovely OTT old country pronunciations of names like O'Brien, Shaughnessy, etc).
  7. To me, the cheap (store brand) hot dog & hamburger buns are doughy, almost gummy which is why I stopped using them & went back to Pepperidge Farm (except I can't find Pepperidge Farm hot dog buns, only burger buns). I have to butter and toast my hot dog/burger buns--love them that way.
  8. Grilled portobello mushrooms tonight, along with some Aidell's sausages. I'd forgotten how much I love those mushrooms. I marinate them in oil, red wine vinegar & Worcestershire and, for me, they're almost like eating steak. We also had leftover pasta salad and fruit salsa on the side. It was nice to be able to grill since we didn't have any storms today (but I can't complain about having lots of rain recently--glad to have it knowing what friends & relatives on the west coast are enduring).
  9. Thanks, Quof. I'll do the same in another hour when we grill a few brats (just the two of us today) and I eat mine on a thawed hot dog bun (Ball Park brand...why can't I find Pepperidge Farm hot dog buns?) Gosh, reading all these pet peeve posts is fun/fascinating (especially learning about what military kids have/had to put up with). Here's a pet peeve--thought of as I dry off from getting soaked when we had a surprise sudden rainstorm and I ran out to retrieve the flag. I looked across the street and two neighbors left their flags out in the rain (and overnight in the dark, in sleet, snow, etc). Don't people take in their flags when the sun sets and/or it rains any more?
  10. Two nights ago I was watching The Rye episode (when George's parents have dinner w/ his prospective inlaws). During that disastrous dinner, Kramer is driving a buggy alongside Central Park and as he points out the park to some overseas tourists, he says something like, "That's the park that Joe Pepitone built". I just burst out laughing. I guess I haven't seen this episode in years and had forgotten that good ol' Pepitone built Central Park. Thank God these reruns are still being shown as I have yet to find any current shows that equal the topnotch writing and credible oddball characters that Seinfeld delivered.
  11. Were you at one of those ice wine vineyards? Love Niagara-on-the-Lake! We spent the night there while traveling from NYS to MI a few years ago. The B&B we stayed at served the best scones I've ever had and the owner gave me the recipe (she was so nice & had a lovely home). The town is absolutely gorgeous - window boxes filled with beautiful flowers, elegant old homes, stunning gardens. I felt as tho' I'd stepped into a beautiful coffee table book.
  12. I've heard Friends has devoted fans but I've got a strong suspicion that show has nowhere near the number of dedicated fans as Seinfeld (and I'm talkin' fans who can quote, who remember the cadence of the quotes and the expression on the character's face as (s)he made that memorable remark). I just loved the way Mr Krueger pronounced the name, "George". Very midwestern pronunciation. Especially memorable at the Festivus gathering.
  13. I just saw, at another forum, that Giada has a new 13 episode show starting Sunday, July 19th and it takes place in Italy.
  14. Glad to see Fusilli Jerry (and the A$$man, yay) at #14. But the Soup Nazi only at #143? Who is this person/reviewer? Obviously someone w/ no sense of humor. That episode is a classic, plus, it also introduced the two thugs, Cedric & Bob (whom they should've used a lot more). So he thought George buying what he believed was Jon Voight's old car episode should be at #15? Seriously?
  15. Here's the recipe. You can add whichever vegetables you have on hand. I forgot about the cumin that I use in the chickpea salad. Next time I make this I'm going to add it 'cause it's delicious in the original salad (esp w/ the cilantro added). Cilantro is an option! Marinated Cannellini Bean Salad I used the dressing from another recipe (Marinated Chickpea Salad) because I like it so much: Make this dressing in a large bowl: 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 Tbsps fresh lemon juice 1/2 tsp finely grated lemon zest 1 garlic clove, minced 1/4 tsp ground cumin (I forgot to use this so I guess it's optional ;>) Cucumber, peeled, seeded & chopped a few radishes sliced (optional) some diced red onion baby carrots sliced on diagonal Rinse & drain a (15 oz) can of cannellini beans. Add to dressing in bowl and stir to coat the beans. Let sit about 25 minutes, occasionally stirring. Before serving add remaining vegetables, season with salt and pepper to taste and you can also toss in some minced cilantro.
  16. When I was a kid, my mom would slice egglant, dip the slices in egg and then breadcrumbs and fry them until they were golden & crunchy. She'd serve them with a dollop of ketchup on the plate so I think that's why I consider fried eggplant to be "meat" even to this day. But then, I feel the same way about grilled portobello mushrooms. I'm not even aware that I'm serving a vegetarian dinner until Mr. P914 says, "Now this is a great vegetarian meal". Something new for me: cannellini beans. I liked a salad that I've bought from the Mediterranean Bar at Wegman's, marinated white beans. So I've been buying cans of cannellini beans, rinsing them and then marinating them in fresh lemon juice mixed with olive oil, some seasonings and I toss in some carrots sliced on the diagonal and thin slices of red onion and maybe some cilantro and some cucumber. I serve them as is and then toward the end, when there's not much left, I toss them in a salad. And they're cheap!
  17. Last night I only had two chicken breasts left (from Trader Joe's frozen bag). Thawed, then chopped & pulsed in the food processor, added some stuff & voila! Chicken burgers with lime aioli. Mr. P914 loves them but he especially loves that aioli (he gets the leftovers).
  18. I love the Puerto Rican Day Parade episode and the two toughs taking on poor Kramer. Now, the parking spot bugs me except I love the character actor who plays Mike. Geez...I've still go a ways to go with this list. Will continue tomorrow.
  19. I've just about given up trying to find a decent radio station in my area that plays music I enjoy (and I refuse to pay for Sirius). There's a station down in Fredericksburg, VA that fades in and out but plays hits from the 70's and 80's, a really good selection. Unfortunately, a downhome country station from Frederick, MD keeps bursting in with someone practically yodeling ****kicker music so now I'm ordering used CD's from amazon and I play them as I try to survive driving in this crazy section of the east coast. I think of these two stations as the Dueling Freddies. Paying for radio is a major pet peeve of mine these days. Old School Dessert? Could that be jello cubes with whipped cream on top?
  20. Sauted salmon fillets, Peanut Sesame Noodles, and a big ol' tossed salad.
  21. That's exactly what I thought by the end of the show! What a refreshing change from the folks in previous shows over the years. I hear they're now filming in Charlotte so there will be more episodes in NC. I wonder where the last house shown is located. I also noticed a difference in Hilary and David as they worked with this pleasant young couple (H & D seemed more relaxed, maybe more what they're like off the show?). Or did I miss major drama during the first 15 minutes?
  22. I wish I could find a skin moisturizer product that has collagen elastin in it but doesn't have a fragrance. St. Ives has a great product for this (it really smooths out underarms if you know what I mean) but unfortunately it has a cloyingly OTT sweet fragrance. Does anyone know of a product like this but w/o fragrance?
  23. I wonder if one could turn this quiche into a frittata by omitting the crust? This looks delicious! squash, bacon & mozzarella - yum :>)
  24. I don't watch this show much but happened to tune in and was immediately in love with the scenes of this grand old city. Glad Bourdain showed those old film clips. This country has been through a lot of misery (as have many other countries that survived being behind the Iron Curtain for so long). I liked getting to know the cinematographer and his friends a little bit, watching them prepare and enjoy a typical Hungarian meal and then seeing his musical friends performing. I think I enjoyed this particular episode because Bourdain wasn't his usual OTT intense about the food, the people, the life (he can really annoy me when he gets going about a certain food, culture, etc being the best, the finest, on & on). He seemed more relaxed in Budapest.
  25. I found this recipe at the old Cook's Country forum here (under the thread entitled something about using too many bowls and utensils). What a surprise...a homemade pizza that was decent. But I grew up in NYS where thin crust pizzas were served everywhere and I've been not too thrilled with the pizzas here in the metro DC area. Who knew that a flour tortilla cooked in a cast iron skillet could turn into an ok substitute for a pizza crust one just cannot find outside of the northeast? It doesn't have the big bubbly rim but it tastes similar (heck, I had some great little pizzas in southern France that didn't have the big bubbly rims so maybe that's what these are like). Anyway, this is what I had for a fun, quick supper last night: http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/10/cast-iron-skillet-tortilla-pizza-bar-pie-food-lab.html
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