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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. A fast dinner was made this evening: ham steak, Steamfresh Brussels Sprouts for Mr. P914 (leftover spinach for moi) and baked potatoes that I started in the microwave and finished in the oven w/ the ham steak. Sour cream & fresh chives on the potatoes (just like the old days!) Mr. P914 could not believe dinner was prepared so quickly. When I'm hungry...get outta the way ;>)
  2. I didn't get the impression that Bertie was middle class. I thought he was a younger son of an aristocratic family (so I guess he's the "loser" since he doesn't inherit a title/castle/estate/the works!). Or did I get this wrong? (which can happen to me due to some of the veddy British upper class accents/slang that I seem to keep failing to interpret correctly). I loved the last (xmas) episode and it made it even more difficult to know that this was the last wonderful Sunday evening of TV enjoyment for almost another year. Why the heck can't this series be on from Sept to April? Those wonderful British actors don't make the obscene salaries that American celebs in Hollywood earn for stupid sitcoms that run from early fall to late spring so for goodness sakes...why are we being deprived of real talent and quality programming?
  3. @BizBuzz: I agree - those fundraising cookbooks are wonderful and I've certainly collected my share (and my mom's) over the years (I remember being delighted when mom included one of my recipes in her church cookbook one year). You never know when you're going to discover a real keeper in those modest little cookbooks. Hope you find a good Greek, non-overwhelming cookbook. I have my own recipe for moussaka that I must have copied either from a recipe I found online or in a cookbook and with certain slight changes, made it my own. It's one of those simple but delicious concoctions of ground beef, onion, seasonings, a little mild cinnamon (the key!!), diced tomatoes, a 1/2 cup really good marinara along with sauted eggplant and then some bechamel on top. I don't bother with the potato slices that some moussakas have. Every once in a while I go through the gazillion recipes I've printed off from online recipes or cut out of magazines to try to whittle down the number of papers spilling all over the place. I also check cookbooks out of the library and if I find myself jotting down recipes I look it up at amazon to see if I can get it reaaaaalllly cheap (like a penny plus shipping...hey, I'll even go wild and pay 25 cents ;>) I've had to put a stop to the cooking magazine subscriptions, though...things were getting out of hand here w/ magazines piling up!
  4. Geez...those highwater pants crack me up every time I see them (and she's usually wearing white socks, right? or something like that). I was just thinking about Ina yesterday and how much I've enjoyed the BC shows over the years...way more than any other cooking show on TV. And it's because the show isn't all about her; it's about the food she's preparing or the flowers she's showing us how to arrange or the attractive table she's setting. Wearing her dark shents, Ina doesn't draw attention to herself...but only to whatever she's working on. There are a few others (e.g., Sara Moulton, Lydia B., Martha) who quietly show us how to cook/bake/decorate, etc., and the show isn't all about them. Ina, IMO, is the best at it. But Ina...girlfriend...ya gotta lower dem pants!
  5. Interesting tips from Ina re: keeping tulips looking fresh in her email today. I always fill the vase up to the top but she says tulips only need a small amount of water in the vase and not to change the water. I don't know about adding bleach to the water, though. I just love pale pink tulips (or white tulips).
  6. Well, tonight I saw the dining room and then the basement renovations (I'm presuming these are re-runs). Loved the window with the crest in the middle of the grids or whatever you call the metal crisscross things. I know she loathed that the ceiling beams in the dining room had been painted but if I were going to buy that house, I'd be pleased (do not care for dark or plain wood trim or beams indoors...too dreary for me). Nice that the neighbors noticed something funny going on with that house so that the thieves couldn't finish ripping out the hardwoods. Didn't they get all the glass doorknobs? (love glass doorknobs!) In the basement, I wonder why she left the mortar between the bricks looking so nasty. To me it looked like either it was filthy w/ 100 years of dirt or something had been smeared on it. That enormous bar is gorgeous in the basement, especially with the mirrors. Once again, my good friend Mr. Mute Button came in handy while watching both episodes tonight (why do these shows needs so much faux rock music?)
  7. If their recording won't allow you to hit "0" and insists that you tell them something? That's when I mumble something unintelligable. They ask me to repeat what I just said and so I mumble again. That's when they transfer me to a customer service rep :>)
  8. @Vixenstud: Enjoy that potato salad! I was surprised to hear about putting hot sauce on potato salad but now that I think of it, I put horseradish in my mayonnaise dressing so I guess I do have a bit of heat in my potato salad.
  9. I love Dave Lieberman's recipe for meat loaf and was delighted to discover it several years ago. It's not mushy & has great flavor. I don't make the topping (it's his Bubby's recipe) as it didn't appeal to me so I created my own. The original recipe is in his Dave's Dinners cookbook. Bubby's Meat Loaf 2 eggs 3 oz tomato paste 1/2 cup water 1 tsp salt 15 grinds fresh black pepper 1/4 tsp cayenne 2 lbs lean ground beef 1/2 cup plain bread crumbs 1 small onion finely chopped 1 garlic clove, pressed *Topping and Bacon Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk together the eggs, tomato paste, water, salt, pepper, and cayenne in a large bowl. Add remaining ingredients and work together until all are evenly distributed. Place meat mixture into a baking pan and shape into a loaf about 11" x 4". The loaf should be in the middle of the pan. Ladle topping on meatloaf and then strips of bacon if desired (I used microwave bacon). Cover with foil. Bake 45 minutes. Uncover and bake 40 to 45 minutes longer. *My Topping: Mix up some ketchup, brown sugar, a tiny bit of BBQ sauce, salt and pepper, garlic powder, and Worcestershire sauce.
  10. I've got a new pet peeve and it started during the recent Saturday Night Live anniversary special. Chris Rock babbled on and on about how wonderful Eddie Murphy was in the show, and the entire time he kept clapping his cupped hands together. Then Murphy comes out and does the same daggone thing. Now I'm seeing it elsewhere on TV. Is this something new that's thought to be cool? One more pet peeve and this one really drives me nuts. During that same SNL special, while Miley was singing 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover, (which she did very well IMO), the hand that held the mic became an irritant because she kept flipping up her fingers (something I've seen a few other singers do). I had to stop watching her. Maybe all these things are to help performers battle nerves but it's got to stop.
  11. I'm not positive it's mousse for the filling but that's what it tastes like to me. If it is buttercream...it's the most divine buttercream I've ever tasted! I went to the website but couldn't find a list of prices (for the cake and for shipping). For some reason, I thought there were more layers/fillings.
  12. All this talk about cakes (and the photo of the lemon cake) is making me long for Tiger Cake. Unfortunately, I think it's only sold in the Minneapolis area. It's a yellow cake with many layers and the 2 types of fillings are white chocolate mousse & regular chocolate mousse. Oh, it is a thing of beauty (and I'm not much of a dessert lover but this cake touches my heart). Has anyone had Tiger Cake? Is it sold outside of the Mn area? We only get to the Mn area once a year so I'd love to be able to get this cake in between visits if possible.
  13. Did anyone make Giada's lemon mac & cheese? I've made something on my own over the years that's similar to this (egg noodles, butter, parmigiano-reggiano, pieces of crispy bacon and then a squirt of fresh lemon juice)...it was my version of something my mom used to make us (Goodman's skinny noodles, butter, and bacon crumbled on top--my favorite childhood supper). Giada's lemon mac & cheese looks very rich (with the mozzarella mixed in) so I'd be interested in what people think of it.
  14. Thanks for your comments re: this movie. I'm still debating whether or not I want to see it (cannot stand Richard Gere for some reason...not sure why). I'll probably see it with the same friends I saw the first movie. Love Dench, Smith and Wilbon!
  15. Thanks for the link! I'll try these. One thing I've done over the past couple years when making brownies (from a mix, of course :>) is to add a teaspoon of vanilla. It really makes the brownies taste better IMO. But I always feel guilty for using a mix so at least now I'll have a "from scratch" recipe.
  16. Last night RA showed the powder room being renovated so I guess this was a re-run? Since I missed it the first time it was all new to me. In some lights, the walls looked like a deep grayish-purple. Also got to see the exterior worked on + the front door and screen door (which at first I didn't like since it hides that beautiful front door). I wonder who would leave the front door open so that a breeze comes through the screen door...in a house that's situated in a big city (not I, that's fer sure!) Toward the end of the 9:30 show, I figured out how to watch this program peacefully and that is to hit the mute button frequently.
  17. Since I've had chicken salad with grapes and chopped walnuts that was delicious, I'm sure the turkey would be just as good. I think Trader Joe's sells containers of chicken salad with grapes and walnuts (haven't seen it in a while, though, but I bought it once last year and it was great!)
  18. @MsChicklet: When you find that recipe, would you please share it here? I'm happy with Ghirardelli walnut brownie mix but if ATK has a way to improve the flavor, I'm interested!
  19. Lining up one's coffin with Barilla Thick Spaghetti? That made me burst out laughing all over again tonight. Thanks for the funny! But now you've got me thinking about fried chicken and potato salad (drenched in hot sauce? never heard of that). I've given up on making fried chicken--never was good at it and I'd make such a mess and then the house reeked. We have Popeye's around here but it's just ok. I really liked Bojangles back when I lived in NC (especially wings...I'd go through the drive thru, order 5 wings...such a piggy...and munch on 'em on my return to work...good times). And for a while, KFC used to sell skinless fried chicken which I loved (don't need the skin). I wonder if any fast food chain sells skinless fried chicken today?
  20. Judy Dench and the actor who played her husband on that show seemed as tho' they were really married and not just playing characters who were married. There was something comfy about the two of them, the way they spoke to each other, etc., (and I always loved to see that beautifully decorated living room of theirs--I wanted that couch so badly!)
  21. I'm back to suspecting Tony Gillingham. The last we saw of him (when he and his fiancee turned up at Rose's wedding), he gave Mary a long, very intense stare after Mabel turned to leave. So, IMO, he was probably thinking of all he did to make Mary happy and still she dumped him. I mean, the creepy Green was dead not long after that luncheon when Mary asked Tony to get rid of Green (w/o giving any reason why). But if next season's DA takes place 4 years down the road and we don't hear anything about who murdered Green...that's going to make JF look a bit inept as a storyteller. And surely, by now, JF has heard all the screams and groans about his treatment (and basically, ruination) of the Bates. The first season of DA--everyone seemed to love those two.
  22. I just bought cut up watermelon at Wegman's this past week and had it in a salad over the weekend--it's delicious. I guess it depends on one's supermarkets (where I live, it's the ones that have packaged cut up fresh fruit and/or salad bars). Ooohhh...I love paninis. What's the best type of bread to make them? Would pita be good?
  23. I can't believe I've got to wait almost another year for more Downton Abbey. This is deee-pressing! The Christmas Special was good. Other than the sadsack Bates saga, I really enjoyed this season finale. Relieved that Isobel turned down Lord Merton's proposal (his sons deserve a conniving, truly evil stepmom). Very glad the Russians are gone (hopefully for good). And I must say that Rose, this past season, has been the light of the show and if she's leaving DA (and thus was written out via her move to NY) I'll be sad. I couldn't stand her character the first two seasons but thankfully that changed this year. I'm hoping Rose will return. I have to admit I'll be glad to see Tom move away. This character was given less interesting lines than the employees downstairs. I don't think JF really knew what to do with Tom after Sybil died.
  24. @Betweenyouandme: I'm so sorry about your preg. nausea...hope it goes away soon so you can get back to a regular food regimen. I wonder if tapioca pudding would be easy to digest right now? At least you'd be getting an egg and some dairy into your system (and it tastes so good). Maybe sip some ginger ale too (ginger calms the stomach). Tonight I'm making Creme Senegalese Soup (Curried Cream of Chicken Soup), a recipe (I adapted) from The Essential NY Times Cookbook. It doesn't even need the Half & Half as the banana makes it creamy. It's a good way to use up leftover cooked chicken too.
  25. If I've already mentioned this...please forgive me. But I sorely miss Good Humor's vanilla coconut bars...and even their regular toasted almond bars. I'm talkin' the vanilla ice cream bar on a stick, covered with white coconut (my favorite!) which we'd buy from the GH truck...and also the toasted almond covered vanilla ice cream on a stick (which one can find today in supermarket freezers--but they're not the same). One more item that I believe no longer exists in restaurants: Biscuit Tortoni. I'm referring to the vanilla ice cream, packed into a white paper souffle pleated "cup", topped with toasted almond coconut, with a cherry in the middle. You used to see that in all the Italian restaurants back in the 50's and 60's. I bet that vanilla ice cream was really gelato. It was unlike any American vanilla ice cream I'd ever tasted.
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