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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I was reading the comments under the article/recipe for the chicken pastry and it seems it depends where one lives that determines the name of this dish. I heard all three while living in Raleigh (seems to be the "melting pot" of NC folks from all over the state): chicken pastry, chicken & dumplings and chicken slick (never understood the reasoning for that last one!).
  2. @Lura: what recipes do you enjoy making from The Silver Palate Cookbook? I have it (bought the anniversary edition) and haven't made a thing...nothing really tugs at me to create it.
  3. @stewedsquash: I buy skinless boneless chicken breasts and cut them into cubes, then toss into the food processor and pulse. (years ago I bought a package of ground chicken or turkey, & after cooking it, discovered it was OTT salty so never again!) I'm sure a meat grinder would be better but the FP works fine :>) It'll look a bit mushy but who cares? The end product is great. Thanks for the tip re: Barilla flat lasagna noodles. I was going through a stack of recipes last night, found one of my own creations--spinach & mushroom lasagna, and decided to upgrade it (wow--this recipe must be really old 'cause I was using shredded mozzarella & cottage cheese instead of fresh mozzarella & ricotta). I'll try the Barilla. I lived in Raleigh for quite a while and tried chicken & dumplings for the first time--at the Dept of Revenue cafeteria & it was divine. The next week that cafeteria staff left, another crew came in, and the chicken and dumplings were nothing spectacular. So I'm glad I tried this dish at its finest (never made it myself, though; maybe after I use the Barilla noodles w/ my lasagna, I'll give the C&D a try).
  4. I'd love to know where that tavern was where you could see the wide waterfall outside the front windows (it was the tavern that his old girlfriend now owns). Wonder if it's in Sherburne Falls.
  5. I miss biscuit tortoni, the rich vanilla ice cream in a paper souffle cup with crunchy toasted almonds on top and a maraschino cherry in the center. You'd see that on the menu at a lot of nice restaurants (especially the Italian restaurants) years ago in the metro NYC area.
  6. We saw it tonight. I loved it (I even said it reminded me of the old fashioned movies); husband thought it was hokey and cliched. I think whoever edited this movie left in some scenes that needed to be cut (especially a scene toward the end of the trial). But I really enjoyed it. Yikes, Vincent D'Onofrio has not aged well. The local attorney that the Judge initially hired reminded me so much of a young Michael York. I want to move to the town where this was filmed - it's beautiful!
  7. I saw a rerun of the 10/15 show tonight. For me, the best skit was the French restaurant. When Peele told his date to enjoy her meal and have a good life, got up and walked out of the place, I could not stop laughing. His facial expressions are wonderful + he can really deliver these hilarious lines. Also, the skit in the dentist's office--had no idea what was going to happen. Lots of good laughs.
  8. If I ever make this soup again I'll do things differently. First of all, I'll use chicken broth that is not low sodium (had the worst time trying to get some flavor into that soup...after adding different seasonings, we then needed soy sauce once it was in our bowls). Secondly, I'll put only 1/4 cup of pasta in the soup. I used pastina (the only star shaped pasta I could find...didn't want the little tubes or ditalini...they all expand too much). But I certainly shall make the meatballs again and soon, except I'll be making them as chicken burgers (with some aioli on the side). They are truly divine!
  9. Has anyone made Ina's Italian Wedding Soup? Last night I made the meatballs, figuring it'd be a lot easier today to just make the soup, then add the meatballs to warm them up and have them for dinner. Those meatballs are fantastic! I grind boneless skinless chicken breasts myself (don't like the packaged stuff). I bought two mild Italian chicken sausages at Whole Foods. So that went into the meatballs (along with some other stuff). When they came out of the oven and I tried one, oh my...I had to eat quite a few more! Have no idea what the soup will taste like but these meatballs are winners. I can see them, if made even a little smaller, placed on toothpicks, as great with drinks.
  10. Somehow I forgot to watch last night...does anyone know when they'll re-run this? There's an article about Key & Peele in the Nov issue of Vanity Fair.
  11. The last time I invited a young family over (for a small dinner party), after dinner, while the adults were sitting around the table with our coffee, the two year old, wearing her cute Mary Jane's, climbed up on her mommy's lap and mommy breastfed her.
  12. The fundraising bit totally cracked me up (used to work for a nonprofit and we were always going on & on about saving the kids). Loved the mattress store skit; just knew something was up thanks to Peele's hilarious, timid, limping character but had no idea what. These guys are so off the wall and yet they're still funny. The satan skit IMO was funny because there are people like that, constantly wondering what satan has in store for them (years ago I saw an older woman reading a pamphlet with a title like "How to Know Where Satan Is"...I thought of that woman during this skit, probably what made it so funny for me).
  13. First of all, I love the title of this thread (can just see that little kid, holding his bowl, sweetly asking for more porridge). If I could eat roast beef & whipped potatoes every day, I'd be a happy camper (and those whipped potatoes better be smooth and creamy). Second place would be grilled steak (medium, please) and a baked potato w/ either butter & S/P or sour cream & chives. Those are the only foods I can think of that I'd be happy devouring over & over, and never get sick of them. @Shannon L: I love oysters but had heard so many awful comments about them for too many years that I was afraid to try them. Finally, I tried someone's fried oysters and was hooked. Now I love them raw, steamed, grilled, fried. To me, they taste like the ocean and I love that. So, if you're going to try them, first just try a fried oyster.
  14. I don't think I have ever laughed so much throughout any skit on TV as I did watching Keegan's character trying to be cool and have a good time in that horrid neck brace. Every time he screamed, I burst out laughing. I sure do love this crazy show. Wish I'd seen it prior to watching Fargo so I could have truly appreciated that insane fight over fast food in the car during the massacre (like the rest of you did!)
  15. IMO, only Sally Field could show the raging grief and anger this mother felt after burying her beloved daughter. I don't know what it is about Sally, maybe she is able to get deep within herself and scream from the heart? I've seen this a few times but now only watch the earlier part of the movie (I like the backyard party and the reception with all the Louisiana dancing).
  16. I found this article online in the NY Daily News. IMO this food doesn't look very appealing altho' I'm sure it tastes great (Ina has a saying about things that don't look so good, right?) http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/eats/ina-garten-outlines-make-ahead-meals-new-book-article-1.1958399
  17. Jeezum, this show is awful. I only watch it so I can keep up with what y'all are talking about (love the comments here!) I can't figure out those bridesmaids' dresses. Did they buy 6 of the semi-skimpy original dress, then buy extra material from the company that made the original dress, and then Jana reconfigured the dresses (plus adding on those awful white "slips")? They're not as horrible as I'd imagined they'd be but no matter what, they're outgrossed by the shoes. With the money this family gets from TLC, (and these people do not have elaborate weddings/receptions), why didn't they send the girls to a nice dept store for dressier/better/more appropriate shoes? I guess for the girls getting unused shoes is a step up. I enjoyed Josh and Anna's little ones being honest about the healthy food. But were the two "older" kids sitting on regular dining table chairs? The little guy's head barely was level with his plate.
  18. @Lura...which model of KA did you buy? I'm amazed they'd make one where the top doesn't tilt back. IMO that would make it difficult to insert the attachments (whisk, dough hook, paddle). I've got the Classic (just like the first one Ina used in her earliest shows). It's not fancy. Sure do wish the bowl had a handle (I think that's for all the other models).
  19. Glad to see I'm not the only one who detests Friends. I've tried to watch the show but couldn't take more than a few minutes of it. Anniston was always flipping her hair in that "I'm so adorable" self-conscious style of hers; the acting seemed stilted (with the exception of Lisa Kudrow) and I can't believe it was supposed to be set in New York City. The dialogue just didn't have that NY edge to it. All reality shows. What a disgrace that these idiotic shows are taking up time on TV. I have to confess here, though, that I tried to watch that towing show only because I wanted to know where in NC they were located (Knightdale-oy vey) so I got a good grasp of the phoniness of this show (think of all the release forms the producers had to get signed by the folks who were seen fightin' and cursin' & shootin' at the towin' boys...yeah, sure it's "reality"). One other confession here: I have watched 19 Kids & Counting several times because it's such a bizarre family but can't take too much of it as I worry about those children (wish Arkansas's Child Protective Services would shut down the da**n show).
  20. The bank robber trying to unlock the door of the getaway car was so funny I couldn't stop laughing (maybe these guys should teach classes in how to write humorous skits?). They took something that we all have experienced (driver & passenger simultaneously, annoyingly trying to unlock a car door...a teethgrinding experience for sure) and turned it into something laugh-out-loud funny, complete with police sirens and the look of desperation on each character's face. So simple, easy to produce (and no snarky-comments-with-deadpan-stares-into-the-camera a la SNL & other supposedly humorous shows).
  21. Thanks maggiemae & tvchick. I'm intrigued with adding white wine to mayonnaise (also, adding chutney to the mix) so I'm going to make this in the very near future (but, adding the curry powder cautiously :>)
  22. I caught today's show about (what else) chicken! First was the "Engagement Chicken". Then Ina made curried chicken salad and in her intro to that segment, mentioned how curried chicken salad was the rage in the early 80's. I certainly do remember ordering it while out for lunch with friends in those new, trendy little bungalows turned into cute cafes. Has anyone here made Ina's curried chicken salad? She put a lot of curry powder in the mayo (that stuff can be hot!) plus, Ina added chutney which intrigued me. I haven't made it in years (and never with chutney). I'm not crazy about cashews and wonder if another nut might go well with this type of salad. Pig as in Piggly Wiggly Supermarkets?
  23. I didn't watch the show but can you make it into a regular frittata (cut recipe in half and bake in a pie plate)? Oh I love bacon with maple syrup brushed on it and baked. Leftover frittata is great for any meal...plus you can test it out at room temperature (w/o having enough for the neighborhood :>)
  24. Do you think Jim Bob and Michelle are aware of how awful this treatment of Ben looks to the rest of the world? I missed a show (last episode I saw was where Ben is given a tour of his "duties" on the plantation, then gets to see his glamorous new digs in the metal warehouse). Also, did I miss seeing his dad's disapproval of JimBob in a previous episode? I keep forgetting to watch, then get intrigued reading all the amazing comments here. Do any of you ever write to the Duggars to let them know how offensive they are? Over the years, I've found them annoying, boring, shallow, etc., but the Ben situation is OTT bad!
  25. Not quite...JD can drive a bus! Maybe Greyhound will have some openings for him if he ever wants to go dangerous and venture off the family compound.
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