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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Another mouthbreather is John Cusack. Is there a reason for these actors keeping their mouths open when not speaking? Sinus issues, maybe? or do they think it's sexy? Just discovered this little gem while browsing: http://www.zergnet.com/news/172847/20-worst-actors-in-hollywood
  2. Missed most of the show (remembered to turn it on at 4:20) but I did get to see the flower arranging and yes, Ina needed to let viewers know she's familiar with flower arranging (but then, we regulars already knew that). Loved that "nosegay"...if I had a flower garden, I'd enjoy making arrangements like that (I like the arranging, not the planting & weeding!). Just caught the end of the steak and swordfish segment with them eating the two items--looked good. I'll have to look up the recipes. I recently grilled swordfish and it was missing some flavor so Ina's recipe might help future attempts. One thing I've learned from watching so many cooking shows is presentation and the pro's are right--the look of food is about as important as the taste (love adding stuff to a platter of grilled chicken or pork, like fresh cut herbs and lemon or lime wedges...I get that "Ina buzz"..makes cooking fun).
  3. Re: Julia Roberts...with close-ups, it's just so darn hard to get past those big lips. I've tried to find photos of her as an aspiring actress, prior to Mystic Pizza days, to see if she was born with those lips. Really not sure...they may be her own but they sure are much like the fake Donald Duck lips we see on so many celebs.
  4. Oh no...did I miss a new BC show this morning? I just can't remember Ina having a show on Sunday mornings (when I'm usually reading the paper).
  5. Heh heh...I miss seeing Paula P on TV (she used to be on The Tonight Show a lot back in Carson's earlier days). Love that bit about the bottom corner of the screen!
  6. How, sheesh, just how could I have forgotten Kristin C and not added her to my list--probably because it's her voice that I cannot stand...her face is ok...but that squeaky, irritating voice that goes on and on and on and on...while I'm grinding my teeth into powder. I can hear that high-pitched squealing right now...grrrr! @ribboninthesky1 So glad someone else loathed that song. I'd never heard it until the Oscars (heh heh after JT's hilarious mispronunciation of her name and she owes him big time for that). Could not believe this song won the Oscar for Best Song...drippy, treacly and never ending complete with operatic-voiced singer (thank God for that; otherwise we'd be hearing it on the radio all the time)
  7. Does anyone remember the video of Tim Kasinsky (one of my favorites) hitchhiking and getting picked up by an attractive woman who begins to strip? This goes on and on with TK totally bewildered and then the car goes sailing off a cliff. OMG...Men Synchronized Swimming (what song were they "performing" to? whenever I hear it I think of those two in the pool). Christopher Guest was another of my favorites (amazing to realize he's an English Lord).
  8. I have a foggy memory of a sketch in which Belushi played The Thing That Wouldn't Leave. The scene opened with people mingling at a party. Then they start leaving, saying their goodnights, etc. One guest remains on the sofa. The hosts are exhausted but they sit down on either side of him and make pleasant chit-chat but include broader & broader hints that the evening's over: hint--time to call it a night, etc. I'm not sure if I've got the exact title of this episode but it was something like the thing that wouldn't leave. He also played Gilda's husband in several sketches as a Long Island married couple. Then there was the sketch in which he played an immigrant taking a lesson in English from Chevy Chase in which Chase's character suddenly keels over & dies. Of course, after parroting all the English words so robotically, the immigrant is so committed to learning that he too keels over & dies. I think that was in the first SNL show back in 1975.
  9. OK - just saw this photo of Vergara w/o make-up and I've figured out what's peculiar: her mouth is waaaaay too large for the upper part of her face. It's as tho' the upper face came from another person and was planted on the lower face...er...something like that. She really needs that major eye make-up to create some balance. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/08/sofia-vergara-unrecognizable-modern-family_n_5661832.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592
  10. What? (pardon me while I stand in for Jerry's ma) "How could anyone not like Jerry?"
  11. Another TV oldie featuring some OTT Americans--so no wonder WtS is a big hit over there. Bruce remains self-absorbed, oblivious--like someone who's never left his little ol' home town out in the middle of nowhere, not a professional who lived & worked (quite successfully!) in Manhattan. He's become a cartoon character. I'm beginning to really wonder about the Swedes who love this show. Count me in as one of the anti-shoe removal folks. I can understand when there's snow on the ground (w/ salt or sand on the driveway & front walk) but the rest of the year? IMO that's rude (and why we have vacuum cleaners).
  12. Interesting that we're seeing a lot of the same names over and over (hey Cameron Diaz...are you feelin' the love lately?) This woman is everywhere and I mean everywhere! Her face just doesn't look normal...maybe the features are too extreme? Hi Lura!
  13. I've got one more actor to add to my I Cannot Look At This Person's Face list: Leonard DiCaprio. Have no idea what it is about his face (or Cameron Diaz's face or Jesse Eisenberg's stupid scowling face) but I won't go to any movies that these actors are in (mistakenly went to see that awful Woody Allen movie, To Rome With Love, and Eisenberg's mug added to the misery of that experience). Eisenberg must have some type of Hollywood Big Connection to get roles in movies.
  14. Thanks! That guy was a caterer (but not famous so now I don't feel so bad for not remembering who he was ;>) Aw geez...now I feel bad! I never noticed that they didn't knead the dough. I loathe kneading dough (and don't do much of it whenever I make bread). But I didn't get a great look at the interior of the bread - does it have big holes like Tuscan bread? I love that stuff (and you need a biga to make that as well). If anyone makes Eli's bread, let us know what it's like.
  15. Because you were truly hoping it would eventually "right itself" and become something interesting, decent, fun, whatever (that's why I watched 3 episodes before I quit...or was it 2-1/2 episodes??). Right from the start the main character was OTT irritating...I just wanted to reach through the screen and punch his wide-eyed face (and I'm not a violent person...honest!) I'm just relieved to know that Swedish critics found it as crappy as we did.
  16. Re: Diane Keaton & her turtlenecks--it was just an observation of something peculiar. The real dislike expressed here has to do with her mannerisms that she brings to every one of her characters, which, IMO, take away from her acting and are annoying. The wobbling head, the wavering voice, fluttering hands, etc. Well, since I'm back I might as well take a few more swings. So glad someone mentioned Streisand. I've never understood the adoration of her voice (singing...sounds like a fire siren at times; acting...I'm from NY as well but that OTT nasal voice & accent affect me like fingernails on a blackboard). Need help here: what is the name of the actress who won a Best Supporting Oscar for Michael Clayton? I can see her odd, pale face. I was stunned when she won an Oscar for her work in that movie (about the only time she emoted a bit was at the end of the movie when her character's body shook--ok, that must mean she's upset). Tilman?
  17. Tim Matheson ("Eric Stratton: damn glad to meet ya").
  18. The best Phantom of the Opera movie IMO was the one that came out in 1962 and was made in England. Very creepy and quite memorable (best scene is the back of the Phantom as he's madly playing the organ early in the film).
  19. I third on Terrence Howard...he sure is in love with himself. Cameron Diaz - thanks for the reminder; there's something unpleasant about her & I can't figure out what it is (looks in general? smile?) Jennifer Aniston - how could I have left her off my list? She can't act yet makes $40 million/year (lots of that from residuals I believe) Diane Keaton - still irritating after all these years (too fluttery, goofy no matter the role; and what's w/ all the turtlenecks?) Ted Danson - except in scenes when Shelley Long's character was getting the best of him. Justin Timberlake - I just don't get it! Anne Hathaway - just because. Sandra Bullock - just because. Julia Roberts - a bit too much no matter what role she's playing. Ben Stiller - does he ever not glare?
  20. There is one actor I cannot stand even seeing his snarky face: Jesse Eisenberg Eddie Murphy--great at SNL skits but everything else is awful IMO Alec Baldwin --used to love the guy but after his behavior the past few years, I'm done Kristin Wiig - another sketch artist only Al Pacino - in non-Godfather movies (interesting that his voice in the Godfather movies sounded normal) Amy Poehler - cannot stand even seeing her snarky face Tina Fey - loathe the material she writes & her attitude Jonah Hill - he must have friends in high places to get hired so frequently Jim Carrey - has irritated me since the first time I saw him on In Living Color: way OTT Jamie Foxx - can still see those awful characters he played on ILC (in his face) Mel Gibson - smarmy Lauren Bacall - just because!
  21. I've encountered the Ugly Canadian on two separate visits to the Maritime Provinces (NS & NB). We all have our unpleasant citizens; fortunately they're in the minority! I have a feeling this show is a big hit in Sweden because first, they love being the focus of American TV. Second, from what I've seen of TV in Scandinavian countries, this has to be really exciting and novel for them (could not believe all the ancient American re-runs playing over there, especially on Norwegian TV stations a few summers ago--mostly those cool, handsome detectives hopping into fast cars, screeching around corners, etc).
  22. Ohhh...potato sticks! This brings back a memory for me too. One of my neighborhood playmates invited me over for lunch and his mom served potato sticks along with our sandwiches. I'd never seen them before and asked my mom to get them - loved potato sticks! Celery sticks with peanut butter in them and raisins placed along the top (Bugs In A Log)--Girl Scout campfire appetizer! Kids who have meals at other kids' homes really do discover new foods, don't they? I also remember my first recipe request, back when I was spending the weekend at another friend's home and her mom served apple crisp w/ vanilla ice cream for dessert. I was over the moon in love with apple crisp and the next day asked for the recipe (still have that piece of paper with the recipe written down in my awful script).
  23. I missed the show on Thursday night so last night I tried to watch it online. About one minute of watching that schmuck messily eating the semlor despite the fact that he didn't have the money to pay for it was all I could take. All the characters are irritating in one way or another. As a Swedish-American (2nd generation), I thought it would be fun to watch this show. What is it with the Poehler siblings? He's as obnoxious as his sister. Two ugly Americans showing the world how ugly some Swedes can also be.
  24. I enjoyed this morning's new episode, baking bread with Eli Zabar, & was watching closely as he prepared the dough (loved the stages of the dough). Years ago I'd make French bread--it wasn't too bad except the crust would always be OTT hard. I've never made any bread that required a biga, though, so this might be fun to try.
  25. Oh...thanks for the reminder. I definitely want to see how Eli makes his famous breads. Re: a potential "gigglefest"...wasn't she ok when Eli and another friend were there to grill steaks a while back? I think the other person (male) prepared some type of appetizer. All I remember is the grilled steaks...frighteningly charred on the outside but when they cut them open, they looked delicious. I'd grill with charcoal if I weren't so lazy. The only Country Cake I can think of is a white cake she makes and then covers it with strawberries and whipped cream. It looks divine.
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