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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I'm so tired of hearing, "That's a good question" on news/talk shows. Sure, the interviewee is buying time while madly trying to come up with an answer, but it's so daggone condescending--like a pat on the head. It needs to stop. (if this has been covered previously, please forgive me...just can't go back to page 1 and go through all the posts).
  2. Hmmm--maybe you should try "northern cornbread" ;>) It's yummy hot out of the oven with butter and black raspberry jam on top! Jiffy's is ok as a mix but I'm on the search for a better mix. I like to put a little vanilla extract in the batter--gives it a bit of depth (or somethin' like that).
  3. I'm not a fan of Carole King's singing voice but I grew up with her music (covered by other artists). At least others with better voices will be performing her works of art ;>) The selection of The Eagles says a lot about what this program is turning into (the Washington Post did an article about this recently...lots of fans of the KC Honors program are concerned).
  4. @Harrie: I just got back from Whole Foods where I grabbed a fresh out of the oven chicken they were loading onto the display rack. Also sent out several emails to friends and neighbors. Wow--WF was really busy and getting busier by the time I left. Thanks for the heads up from me too :>) And since I was so close to that refrigerated display case of gluten free cakes, I grabbed the last "confetti" chocolate cake, the one with the fabulous mousse/buttercream fillings. @ethalfrida: So you're sayin' that southern cornbread isn't like the stuff we northerners have always made from the Jiffy box? jk. I remember the first time I had real southern cornbread, in Raleigh NC. When I saw it, I wondered why it was white. Then, when I tried a piece I wondered why it wasn't sweet. So how did the Jiffy version become sweet (and yellow)? This has been a mystery to me for many years!
  5. Did I hear rotisserie chicken for $5 at WF? The Peruvian rotisserie chicken that usually sells for $8? I might have to make a special trip...I love rotisserie chicken (love to slice it and put on toast for a sandwich). Wish I could stop by and pick up some cherry tomatoes! Why are cherry tomatoes so difficult (make that impossible) to find these days? I liked grape tomatoes when they first arrived in the supermarkets but no longer like them and long for real deal, nice round, sweet cherry tomatoes.
  6. Okaaaay...Mr. P914 is off to the midwest to visit his mom so here I am, all alone...Hah! It's time for a baguette with gorgonzola and a glass of chardonnay while reading the paper and watching the 6:00 news. Rotisserie chicken to follow with some reheated leftover veggies. It's chill-out time 'round here.
  7. Good grief...TLC needs to end this show completely. There doesn't need to be any "special" featuring the Duggar family, ever again. M/M JimBob need to invest their time now in taking care of their family issues in private. You'd think TPTB at TLC would be worried about what (Duggar) shoe will drop next.
  8. Loved Globe Trekker back when Ian was the only guide. Such a character, wearing those ugly black and white sneakers. Some of his asides (looking into the camera at "us") were hilarious. Never could figure out if he is Australian or English. I wonder where he is today?
  9. I've only been on a couple cruise ships and on formal nights either a black dress or dressy black slacks and top are perfect (and some sparkly earrings :). My husband said, on the way home from Paris, that the most fun for him is the planning (altho' he was everywhere in that city, taking it all in w/ joy). I am so looking forward to hearing about your adventures on the Queen Mary II.
  10. Sheesh - I thought it was starting in mid-September. Guess I'm desperate for good TV. Rather odd that I'm a huge fan of both Fargo & Downton Abbey but I think it's the high quality writing and acting that pulls me in.
  11. I cannot abide Rick Steves. Yeah, I know he's a good man & a topnotch goodwill ambassador for the USA--but--he's just a bit too goody-two shoes for me & what he enjoys in other countries I find b.o.r.i.n.g. I've watched a lot of his shows over the years and while watching, I envision myself trudging behind Rick & his acolytes, furtively looking around for a place to hide so they'll forget about me so I can go off & do my own investigating, wandering around whatever town/village/place they're in. He also, IMO, sucks up to the locals a bit too much--sorta gush-y. I guess guided tours are not for me (been on one, in the Norwegian fjords which was great--we all loved our Italian guide who spent part of his teen years in the States so he was fun hanging out w/ several of us Americans & Aussies ;>) Ohhhh that grilled cheese sandwich w/ onion chutney sounds fabulous. I wonder if it's like Brian Boitano's grilled cheese with red onion jam sandwich?
  12. I agree! That's why we loved staying in the Left Bank (7th arr) in Paris. Nice and quiet for sleeping, resting, chilling out after a day of sightseeing.
  13. @chessiegal: Your trip sounds wonderful! Will you be driving in France or taking a train? One thought: go in springtime while it's still cool. They don't turn on the AC in hotels in Europe until they deem it's necessary (I don't know what American hotel over there do, though). And this may sound goofy but my favorite "souvenir" from Paris is that glass replica of the Eiffel Tower filled with e.v.o.o. It sits on my kitchen counter near the stove & a bowl of tomatoes and makes me smile (smiling from memories of a nice visit to Paris and how I had to elbow my way to the cashier at the Chas de Gaulle duty-free shop to pay for it; just about crawled out of the shop afterward. Great memory!)
  14. Thanks for the reminder of one of my favorite scenes. I remember the actor who plays Tor was also in Designing Women as a blase interior decorator who allowed crazy Suzanne to stay overnight in a design house and it burned to the ground. Anyway, I just enjoyed watching the Tor Eckman scene:
  15. My latest pet peeve is the horrid photos that appear online & then reappear again & again (e.g., the one of the poor animal trying to keep the crocodile's jaw from closing and it's looking at whoever is taking this terrible/frightening photo). It upsets me so much. Then there will be photos of snakes (got a phobia re: snakes) and other creepy things. And then there are the up close photos of psoriasis, toe nail fungus (ugh) or other nasty ailments. These disgusting photos keep popping up and I never know when they'll appear. Ugh. Blech.
  16. Sounds like Cooking Channel is going the way of FN...hardly any professional chefs but lots of celebs doing their cutesy routine while cooking OTT ordinary food. Have to admit I did stop channel surfing and watched a Rev Run show. His sister (or sister-in-law) was making dinner (while the celeb of the show, Rev Run, stood across the counter and made small talk!) and the vegetable dish looked good so I made it (Grilled Asparagus with Zucchini & Squash) and it is good. The show itself was not interesting nor instructional (but then, why was I expecting an instructional show in the first place today thanks to all the non-pro's taking over these shows?)
  17. Heh heh...not for me. I like just the crust with a little bread attached to it (reminds me of hard rolls that we used to eat all the time growing up in NYS). So, I'll package up the batard innards and ship them to you, tweetie! :>)
  18. We tried to give our cat pills back in her early days but she was such a strong cat (Maine Coon...big tough girl!) that I insisted that any medication be liquid and that's all we've gotten from the vet ever since (she's now 19 and a piece of work). We mix one med in her food (guess it has a bad taste); the other med is fine so it sits on top of her food. Did you all ever see that joke online about the person who tried to give his/her cat a pill? It's hilarious. Vocal fry...someone's got to put a stop to this nonsense. If I'm watching the news and one of these fryer gals starts talking, I hit the mute button fast. I've heard there's also baby voice being used by 20-something women these days but I haven't actually heard it myself (and hope I never do). And then there are the speed talkers. Glad it's not just me 'cause I've heard others complain about a certain generation talking 200 mph, words tumbling over each other almost into a vocal blur.
  19. I love marinated, grilled portobello mushrooms and that's what we had tonight (we grilled them last night while grilling pork chops). I sliced & threw them on my grill pan along with julienned red bell peppers & some onions, just to heat up the mushrooms. Made aioli, cut segments from a batard (pulled out lots of the bread inside & gave to the birds, then pressed down on the grill pan before I heated the mushroom slices). They were sooooo delicious (like having a steak sandwich). Mr. P914 said, "Let's have this again next week...every week!" Served with a big tossed salad.
  20. I think there were too many segments, too many interesting people and you could feel the hurried (almost frantic) pace. I felt badly for Jennifer Garner, someone who so wanted to cook with Ina and when it finally happened, it was during a miserable time in her life. Really couldn't stand the OTT hamminess of NPH and & DB; I just didn't like their segment until they were in the kitchen, cooking with Ina.
  21. That really was awkward! The first time he said "my kids" was a little odd, but then he kept repeating it which turned it into something else IMO. Later on NPH mentioned "my" house (which may be nothing but by that point I was like a dog with its ears pointed forward!!) Anyhoooo...the best segment of the entire show for me was when NPH, Ina and David were almost overcome by the ground spices being applied to the steaks. That was hilarious. And I keep thinking about how wonderful that steak looked once grilled.
  22. Last night we had French onion soup that I haven't made in quite a while. IMO it's just as good as what they serve in Paris. Of course, the best part is the melted gruyere that covers the little bowl :>) I'm freezing the leftovers so some night when the weather cools I can have onion soup w/o the work (actually, the real work is slicing the onions, everything else is easy).
  23. Wow--Fox sure is getting the treatment from the far-rightwing for daring to ask pertinent questions of the candidates who want to be in charge of our country. I guess they should've hired Rush to be the sole moderator.
  24. I guess this is what we'll be getting from now on if we want to see new BC shows. Better than nothing but still... Today's LA special exhausted me. Too many visits, too much talking fast and over each other. The best parts were cooking with Jennifer Garner and Neil Patrick Harris & his husband. Why waste such a short time with the great Wolfgang Puck? Why bother with the bartender teaching Ina a new cocktail? Cooking with the Wilson sisters could have been so much fun...barely got to see them (and we didn't get to see them enjoy the food they prepared either).
  25. I just checked the MSNBC afternoon schedule and after Thomas Roberts, it just says MSNBC (no name) for each hour, so hopefully, li'l Luke hasn't been given his own show. There is just something about that sweet, cherubic, bright-eyed, dimpled smile of his that makes me want to throw something at the TV screen, know what I mean? I'm sure his swift elevation (from college graduation to news desk) at MSNBC has not helped morale among staff. I really thought the world of Tim Russert, especially his interviews of authors and of course, his two wonderful books about dads, but I think his son needs to earn his way up through the ranks, just as his dad did.
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