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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Wow. I saw a re-run of this program last week and wondered at the seeming laxity of adoption in Arkansas. It sure would have meant something to have at least some of this information (if not all) in the program. Why bother broadcasting this if you're not going to give all sides a chance to air their grievances.
  2. Has anyone seen Ruth Reichl's latest book (a cookbook this time), My Kitchen Year? I'm thinking of adding it to my Xmas wish list. The reviews are very good at Amazon (except for one grouch).
  3. er...um...I feel stupid posting my latest pet peeve (I kept forgetting it) after y'all's rants about facebook (good ranting!) but...hey, I really dislike it when I'm getting my hair washed at the salon and the shampooer sez to me: "How's the temperature" AFTER she's scalded my scalp. I'll go back to lurkdom now and be quiet ;>)
  4. I've seen recipes for Romesco sauce over the years and thought it sounded odd (due to the ingredients). Tried it at Jaleo's, Chef Jose Andres' restaurant in downtown DC, and it is wonderful. I need to make this! Wow--those figs stuffed with goat cheese, wrapped in prosciutto and grilled sound wonderful. I really like Joanne Weir (her Fried Oyster & Caesar Salad combo is terrific).
  5. The way Hank looked at her when he said that was GOLD!
  6. Marinated and grilled portobello mushrooms with aioli and TJ's roasted red peppers; some pilaf, and a salad. I got the ones they called "sliders"...small portobello mushrooms that can be used as hamburger rolls, I guess (don't think I'd want a burger on them but that's just me...I prefer burgers on real rolls).
  7. Well...I'm sick of cooking (I go through these phases) and so I picked up a rotisserie chicken at Wegman's and made customized Stovetop Stuffing and steamed some fresh broccoli and made some gravy. I also picked up some roasted cauliflower at the buffet in Wegman's. So easy, so quick and maybe I'll be in the mood to cook tomorrow (not promising, though!)
  8. I like sweet potato casserole, the kind where you boil the sweet potatoes and peel them. Then add butter, vanilla & brown sugar and whip them, and then swirl some mini-marshmallows through, put some walnuts or pecans on top and bake. It's like one big ol' candy casserole :>)
  9. Tonight for dinner we had Deconstructed Eggplant Parmesan. Gosh I love that and I've been nibbling on the leftover eggplant slices.
  10. Wow! A little girl. Congratulations! Tiaras, pink, silver, leotards, ballet shoes, tea parties, etc. So much fun :>)
  11. That's why I've never watched America's Funniest Videos or whatever that show is called after viewing it once. A child was hit by a shovelful of snow and fell backward. That's funny? The audience thought so as did the host. And the word, "prank", IMO, allows people to get away with cruelty at the expense of others.
  12. I made this for tonight's dinner and it's a keeper. Love the sauted apples and shallots in the maple syrup/lemon juice and buttery sauce. Yum. Thanks for posting the recipe, ALenore!
  13. Hey, foodies...Happy Halloween! Don't eat too much leftover candy, now. Burp.
  14. I made chicken rice soup tonight (never had it with rice before and it was good). Since I was eating so healthy, I decided to dig into a bag next to the candy bowl and I found some miniature Hershey's chocolate bars. The kids won't miss 'em.
  15. As I walk through the stores and see more and more Xmas decorations, I repeat to myself: this is the one big event of the year for retailers to make or break it. The day Macy's, Nordstrom's, Lord & Taylor's, Bloomingdale's, etc., shut down is gonna be a dark day. Its time is coming but I hope it's a long way off.
  16. I like what David Pelletier said about Jason. What he does presentation-wise is beautiful but it is a sport and he's got to be able to do a triple axel and a couple of quads if he's going to compete. Otherwise, he needs to move on to the shows (and he'd be popular!) They were commenting on the intricacies of his skating in the middle of his program and I thought to myself: if only he invested as much time in tackling his axel and quad.
  17. I've noticed that type of accent among some German-Americans (even 2nd generation) in the Frankenmuth-Vassar-Birch Run, Michigan areas where my husband is from. It's a funny little lilting accent...similar to what Donovan's affecting.
  18. I'm a Nats fan but being a native New Yorker, I gotta go with the NY Metropolitans. Go Mets! Am at a loss, though, as to what to serve after a few victories (Sabrett's hog dogs? But, but...they're dangerous! Plus, they're from The Bronx, home of the you-know-whats) Wow, ALenore: I like that recipe of pork with apples. Copied the recipe and will make it next week when I get another TJ's pork tenderloin. Last night I made Kima, an Indian dish made of ground lean beef, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, and a few peas with curry and a few other seasonings, served with raita.
  19. Yea and nay. They're two different stories with a few similar characters. I still think Season One was outstanding but I'm liking Season Two (but it's a different kind of like if you know what I mean).
  20. backformore--you just picked up another pet peeve of mine: the glorification of a violent "sport". And I don't blame you for not wanting your sons to play football. If I had sons they wouldn't be anywhere near a football field.
  21. There's going to be something about Skate American tonight, from 10-11:30 PM on NBCSN. Yeah, thanks a lot NBC. I'm really sick and tired of the lack of interest shown by NBC to figure skating. Wish a cable channel would take it over (and get rid of Tara and Johnny; try substituting some other skaters for a change).
  22. I got a pet peeve. It's NBC's lack of enthusiasm over figure skating. I'm a fan of competitive figure skating (not the shows) and this weekend was Skate America. One lousy stinkin' hour is all that NBC dedicated to the sport. Everything is football these days and other sports are shoved off to the periphery.
  23. Boy oh boy...include northern VA in that rudeness-while-driving. However, other than the driving, I think the folks in this area are pretty nice. But a few years ago, while visiting some people in Portland, OR, one of them mentioned that he found the people in this area very unfriendly. Wait a minute...now that I think about it, when I walk around our 'hood, there are some people who turn away so they don't have to say "hello". Hmmm...I wonder if that would happen in MN? I'll have to try going for a walk next time we visit our daughter in Minneapolis.
  24. I'm in Fairfax and it's the Whole Foods at Fair Lakes Shopping Center. When they built it they said it was the snazziest of all the Whole Foods. Then they built one just like it in the Chicago area and I think they've built some more. We have other WF's in northern VA but they're all the same and not like this one--big and active!
  25. I sure wish we had a good selection of delivered food but everything tastes blah (Chinese, mixed Asian, very meh Italian, awful pizza). There was one Chinese that was outstanding but they went out of business too quickly. Tonight's dinner was pork tenderloin with my own marinade of lemon juice, Turkish seasoning, garlic powder, pepper and olive oil. It's the tenderloin that I buy at Trader Joe's and boy is it tender! I don't know where they get their tenderloin but it's better than any sold at the supermarkets around my area. And Spanish Roasted Potato Salad (made with Yukon potatoes and served with my own aioli) and a tossed salad. Yum. Thanks again Marge - that potato "salad" is so good. I let the slices get crispy.
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