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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I didn’t catch her name but the lady in the first episode didn’t seem very friendly. She was very odd about not understanding start versus finish. And she seemed mad the girl couldn’t pull out Hanukkah without much of a clue.
  2. To be fair if she is already sending him to daycare regularly she most likely wouldn’t keep him home for his birthday. Not really standing up for her, more just saying she doesn’t seem like she would deviate from routine on his bday. Also some kids do like to celebrate their birthday at school or daycare as mentioned above. They like to do the cupcake parties.
  3. I would probably still be watching the show if it was Chelsea like material versus all of the other stuff. But since I would have to watch Jenelle, Kail, etc I am no longer watching. They have become too much for me. So yes I am entertained by Chelsea’s calm lifestyle.
  4. I like this show so much better this season. The four changes enough to make it interesting but slowly enough that you have time to know the four as well. Last season was ruined for me with so much focus on the one member of the four, whatever her name was. I think this year the judges are allowing more opportunities to change things up.
  5. Cracks me up how much Cole accomplishes while working and helping with his family while David has nothing to do and pretends to throw some sod on his land and other similarly unsuccessful projects. Lol
  6. Can someone share more details on David and Jenelle's house problems? I no longer watch, but am very curious about this. I think I get the general idea, but more details would be great :-)
  7. I don't doubt that there will be something happening in the future, or even right now that we don't know about. But for the moment it is a nice break to see pleasant baby photos where the baby looks like they are in a much better environment that poor Leah had as a baby. And now the nice thing is that Leah has it good, and knows she is with the more stable parent, so in the end she wins :-)
  8. I know, right? But let's get real, none of that stuff was happening with Matt around. lol. Her new man is strange, but the fact they have a clean dining table with pleasant decor, and the baby calm and in a safe spot is pretty impressive. I am not sure what to think about all of this!
  9. That makes sense, but I think the money was just an add on with the updated series, and they do still have an option to make money--so that is why the audience votes. In the end some of the contestants didn't switch to the one that made them money last season. But it is funny how they just changed it with no mention of the change. lol
  10. I noticed they changed that too, but I like the change. It creates a more positive ending then sending someone on an overnight date that wasn't the intended party (when they choose the person for the money). On that note, I am surprised the audience didn't choose the same person she did--he checked the box of being outdoorsy and having a cultured side to him too.
  11. So once Kail gets over wanting to look like a weirdo, she will look back on old pics, and not think what most of us think--simple things like wow, I was kind of thin and cute back then but I put on a little weight over the years. She will say to herself--I was cute and thin, and then had surgeries and tried to make myself look like a fool. You can't tell me she will always love those huge tattoos, and her large butt. Nope, not buying it. One day she will have regrets and will see this pics and know she f***ed up.
  12. I know growing up our bunk beds never had the side panels, but now I always wonder why they don't always have them. If we ever had my son in a bunk bed I think I would always worry about him falling out (not because he normally falls out, but just what if, and how far of a fall it would be). I am finding all of the episodes boring so far, but I do think Becca has some really nice guys in the group and I like that she gravitates to the nice ones--not always looking for the bad boy or the one that won't treat her right, etc.
  13. And also, it didn't look like there was much movement to that muddy water. So I am thinking it is heavy with bacteria issues? Ya know how you are not supposed to go swimming in lakes after heavy rains, etc (not saying as a kid I always followed this advice, but it is more talked about now)? Well wouldn't this area pictured be even worse?
  14. Maybe I am weird, but I am not sure that is the kind of area I would be running around barefoot.
  15. I have hesitated to post this, but I have to admit her baby is very cute, and actually looks very well cared for compared to Leah. And Amber looks pretty calm and happy. I am sure something is about to happen to change all of this now!
  16. I am so tired of seeing more of Kail than I ever wanted to see. What is her problem with all of these almost naked pics? She has school aged children—I am sure Isaac’s friends have seen her pics. Kids that age are into watching YouTube videos and looking up stuff on the internet.
  17. My dvr did not record the end properly. How did the 3rd wedding go and how did the end turn out? I watched most of the episode but missed the end.
  18. I kind of think so too, however, I tend to be bored for the first few episodes when there are too many people around. I prefer it when there are less people left, and tend to get more interested then.
  19. I saw both rounds of episodes. Yes both of the guys mentioned are jerks. But I loved the girl on last night, and the guy she chose. They both seem so sweet--even if it doesn't work out.
  20. Kail: Whose child should I conceive today?
  21. Leah, all the more reason to quit doing this show and give the girls space away from tv cameras. When it gets this far, the last thing they need is for their life to be on TV.
  22. I am not watching anymore, but read here to get a summary of what is happening, and I have noticed also that there are a lot less posts for the episodes. Plus just reading what people say about the show tells me quickly I am not missing much. Gives me hope that the show might end one day! lol
  23. I really liked how both rooms turned out. That doesn't mean that I love every element personally, but I liked that they looked like high end rooms and fit with the spaces they were working in. I loved the use of bold/dark color in both rooms as well. This is what I expect from Trading Spaces (not from past history, but I would like to see each time)--I want to see nicely done rooms versus rooms that look like they were "crafted" together in some kind of odd mishmash--I am talking to you Hildi, and you Doug on occasion (such as I didn't like that brown/green room he did earlier in the season). Last week, Genevieve's room was too much the crafted together, blah room for me, and in contrast these rooms were just so much higher end looking when done. I didn't like Kahi's personality, but in the end if she can do a room that actually takes in account the homeowners' wishes, then that is great with me. And I was surprised to see Doug do a room like that--kind of elegant and simple.
  24. I was fine with that part, but I don't really like when people attribute a positive outcome to something they did exclusively. It is great they read at home, like many other parents/children do, and I don't mind that being mentioned--but there are other parents/children reading at home that their kids are not getting straight As, and that is okay too as long as they are learning and doing their best. I guess I just didn't care for how it was worded. I wouldn't go up to someone at work and say, oh, my son got As all year, and part of that is because we participate in his education and read to him at home/he reads a lot on his own, etc, etc. They would probably think, well, I don't ignore my child, and he/she reads too.
  25. I hate when people brag about their kids like this. The reality is that kids are at different levels. I have a child her age in the gifted program but I would not go around telling everyone his grades and test scores. I just feel like as long as each child tries to do their best and to learn that is the best achievement for everyone. It never helps to tell everyone that you think your child is smart and go into specifics. I find it awkward when people say things like that to me about their child. Like should I share back and give competing test results? Lol
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