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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Maybe I am weird, but I am not sure that is the kind of area I would be running around barefoot.
  2. I have hesitated to post this, but I have to admit her baby is very cute, and actually looks very well cared for compared to Leah. And Amber looks pretty calm and happy. I am sure something is about to happen to change all of this now!
  3. I am so tired of seeing more of Kail than I ever wanted to see. What is her problem with all of these almost naked pics? She has school aged children—I am sure Isaac’s friends have seen her pics. Kids that age are into watching YouTube videos and looking up stuff on the internet.
  4. My dvr did not record the end properly. How did the 3rd wedding go and how did the end turn out? I watched most of the episode but missed the end.
  5. I kind of think so too, however, I tend to be bored for the first few episodes when there are too many people around. I prefer it when there are less people left, and tend to get more interested then.
  6. I saw both rounds of episodes. Yes both of the guys mentioned are jerks. But I loved the girl on last night, and the guy she chose. They both seem so sweet--even if it doesn't work out.
  7. Kail: Whose child should I conceive today?
  8. Leah, all the more reason to quit doing this show and give the girls space away from tv cameras. When it gets this far, the last thing they need is for their life to be on TV.
  9. I am not watching anymore, but read here to get a summary of what is happening, and I have noticed also that there are a lot less posts for the episodes. Plus just reading what people say about the show tells me quickly I am not missing much. Gives me hope that the show might end one day! lol
  10. I really liked how both rooms turned out. That doesn't mean that I love every element personally, but I liked that they looked like high end rooms and fit with the spaces they were working in. I loved the use of bold/dark color in both rooms as well. This is what I expect from Trading Spaces (not from past history, but I would like to see each time)--I want to see nicely done rooms versus rooms that look like they were "crafted" together in some kind of odd mishmash--I am talking to you Hildi, and you Doug on occasion (such as I didn't like that brown/green room he did earlier in the season). Last week, Genevieve's room was too much the crafted together, blah room for me, and in contrast these rooms were just so much higher end looking when done. I didn't like Kahi's personality, but in the end if she can do a room that actually takes in account the homeowners' wishes, then that is great with me. And I was surprised to see Doug do a room like that--kind of elegant and simple.
  11. I was fine with that part, but I don't really like when people attribute a positive outcome to something they did exclusively. It is great they read at home, like many other parents/children do, and I don't mind that being mentioned--but there are other parents/children reading at home that their kids are not getting straight As, and that is okay too as long as they are learning and doing their best. I guess I just didn't care for how it was worded. I wouldn't go up to someone at work and say, oh, my son got As all year, and part of that is because we participate in his education and read to him at home/he reads a lot on his own, etc, etc. They would probably think, well, I don't ignore my child, and he/she reads too.
  12. I hate when people brag about their kids like this. The reality is that kids are at different levels. I have a child her age in the gifted program but I would not go around telling everyone his grades and test scores. I just feel like as long as each child tries to do their best and to learn that is the best achievement for everyone. It never helps to tell everyone that you think your child is smart and go into specifics. I find it awkward when people say things like that to me about their child. Like should I share back and give competing test results? Lol
  13. and at the same time proclaim she is a strong, independent woman, like she said in the article. lol. She just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. Maybe it is for the reasons you have mentioned. I also think the people I like best from this show are the ones that go back to doing "something" when they are done--to give Arie credit, he is working and racing, so nothing has changed. But Lauren is the little woman following him around and has no apparent goal other than to get a real estate license so she can "work" with him. I like that JoJo, Rachel, etc seemed to have settled down to fairly normal lives with their SO, and the SO seems to be doing things as well.
  14. Yes, I saw that. I just wondered if she would actually do anything or just was getting the license. lol. Anyway, you are probably right. I also saw in the article how they said they thought about televising the wedding but decided not to. I think the actual truth is that noone really wanted to televise their wedding--even if people moved on from the Becca thing, I don't think they are a popular couple. But perhaps the DIY or HGTV crowd might tolerate them.
  15. I am still not sure about Arie and Lauren. They seem decently happy, but is it because they have no existence of a normal life and so far just seem to be travelling together and doing fun things? Seeing some of their pics, of course Lauren is happy, she gets a free ride everywhere in the world, they are buying a big fancy new house, and she is getting married in Hawaii. But what happens after that?
  16. In some ways I liked the Meghan episode because she actually was able to learn some personal details that seemed to repeat itself in her family history. It was a nice change from some of the other stories, but certainly not a happy story...
  17. alexa


    I am so confused. Who are these people that think it is a good idea foe Deb and Farrah to have movies?
  18. I think for this show I have learned that the key to finding it interesting is to watch it without trying to do other things. On first watch I wasn't into Jon Cryer's episode, because I missed key details, but on the 2nd watch (actually watching it), I found it very interesting. lol. I liked how it blended some European history with American history.
  19. I didn't want a full reunion, but I was disappointed that I actually liked the final 3 and much of this cast and they didn't get anything more than one minute of time. Last year I hated the season so much and they spent much more time with people I didn't care to see. It just seemed bad to have them all sitting there virtually ignored, and I would have liked for them to have a chance to say a few things.
  20. I really didn’t like the wallpaper. It would have been better if it had a more obvious print or prominent color. For me it made the room look like it wasn’t finished or that it was a room with wallpaper already that no one wanted to take the time to remove it.
  21. Can we safely say the "Erica singing at the end of the epidose" thing has been overdone now? It was fine once or twice, but it has no impact whatsoever if so many episodes end the same way. How many opportunities would a normal person find to sing in front of a group as her character has, lol? I also didn't think it fit Erica to have her just expect her mom to pay for her gig at a different school. I know she is spoiled at times, but typically she would have been a bit insulted that her mom paid off the principal, much less then say to her mom, well pay another school for me to perform. I just don't like where they have gone with this whole thing. And I hope every episode is not about her breaking out in song next season.
  22. alexa


    I honestly thought it was a man paying for her services, like an escort thing. Lol
  23. I think you are misinterpreting many of the comments. Their room and reaction led to general thoughts about those things--and how so many people want and do those things now (spread out the toys, want open concept, etc), but it wasn't directed at the homeowners specifically. Just general comments about those situations. At least in my case it was, and I think the others I read I interpreted the same way--I never felt like the homeowners were being targeted--I took it to mean that people were just reacting to the idea of a room for kids, needing to change how you decorate for kids, etc.
  24. alexa


    That is just all levels of creepy. Her whole family is awful, but the fact that they brag about her while she lives a life like that is just gross. I really feel bad for Sophia.....that is just not a good thing to grow up with, especially when her grandparents are so rah rah about her mother despite her many "activities".
  25. I totally agree. I can't stand all of the home shows that the mother depends on having the kitchen so she can see everyone all of the time--goodness, as you said, how did we all survive in our homes that were not open concept? I also agree about the playroom situation, etc....it is like now people have to have a playroom or they have tons of toys all over their family/living room as if it is a necessity. I guess I have always been used to us putting our son's things away after we are done with them. We might leave something out that we built for a day or two occasionally, but not everything we have gotten out to play with. Storage in his room is key--it isn't a big room but it is his bedroom and where his toys/games/things to do are. We just find creative solutions for storage. I guess for those lucky enough to have a playroom I can see the benefit of having a separate place for the toys. I just don't have one...
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