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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Wow. She was an easy win. Oh Arie I will take you back even though you are a loser and America hates you. Lol
  2. He said he called her and said he broke up with a Becca. But I agree.
  3. I am beginning to think that the common thing in Bachelor shows will now be to say I love you to the final 2 or 3, and that noone will know if they get a proposal if it will "stick". It seems that there used to be less kissing, and then the new thing was for everyone to kiss the lead. Now we have 2 seasons of I love you...so we have broken new barriers there. And lastly we are on 2 seasons of the lead changing their mind... opens the door for the others.
  4. Thanks. I get it but I don't get it... I guess because very few people would actually be stuck out in the wilderness naked. But hey, I get that it could appeal to some. Wish you could do it :-)
  5. I am not sure I understand...why would someone want to go out in the wilderness naked? Was it just a way for the show to be a different type of wilderness show?
  6. And then follow that up with a taped version of the break up of his own (CH) marriage. I am sure he would love to have everyone see all that went down there.... I know he wants a paycheck, but you would think he could have some actual sympathy.
  7. I think if you read through you can tell that most people are just bothered by the break up being filmed and how he handled it. I don't think people want Becca to be with Arie after seeing all of this.... And yes being filmed is on Arie, as he could have broken up with her quietly on one of their meet ups without cameras. He probably got some sort of deal to do it on TV and add in the bit that will be coming where he gets to ask Lauren to take him back. This is what makes him a schmuck, not the fact that he changed his mind.
  8. He is so unemotional. It is creepy. What a treat Lauren is about to receive. Good luck to them. I am sure they will be loved by many—not.
  9. Oh, that is bad.... she had every right not to share that experience, and for him to say it on TV just really sucks. OMG.
  10. I have seen more than one holiday on her Instagram with the guncles but not with Mehran. Apparently she also posted on her social media about Beau’s bday the day after the news reports. But I agree she has never been right in the head and I am sure it will all come out again soon.
  11. Jumping in here to enjoy the positive tone (before someone ruins it) and say I love the current pics. Such a sweet family and so nice to see a happy and normal family in the TM franchise. I can’t think of enough positive things to say.
  12. I felt like this group had a bit more of a fun and interesting vibe than last season-- for me it wouldn't take much to exceed last season, though. Anyway I feel hopeful that this crew might change things up a bit more and keep things rolling.
  13. So, mystery... Tori has been missing from instagram since late January, and she usually posted regularly. Apparently Dean is posting twitter updates, but there isn't really any info that acknowledges Tori. Tori is usually pitching products no matter what, so this is a bit odd.
  14. If this was any normal mom, they would have said--I think I might try a local 5K--I can stay home, do a little training, and warm up for future events that might be a bit longer. They wouldn't jump into a half marathon that required travel to Disney right before another huge vacation away from their kids. Those marathons are serious business--they are meant for people that can keep a pace, and have actually trained. She was a fool to go do that.
  15. Other than adding the I love you's is Arie really any different than any other bach/ette with the whole fantasy suite situation? Not that I am saying I like the scenario at all because every season it grosses me out--but basically the bach/ette always takes the final three to the fantasy suite, and I love you's or not, they all go, and do who knows what. I don't find him particularly more slimy because of it.... Now, I did find Bob Guiney quite slimy--he totally creeped me out with the fantasy suite situation, lol.
  16. He’s got the sweater on again. Lol
  17. I guess I missed this one... had no idea it was on. Maybe that is a good thing from what you have all said? lol I would have liked the Krystal/Arie thing however, but I bet I can find that online somewhere.
  18. The Olympic channel is now showing hour segments of back to Peyong Chang. I got to see the women’s final finally! And they have segments of all disciplines and other sports. I might finally see some of the good stuff. So the gala might be there too at some point.
  19. Also I think the big thing with Mirai is that she had so many people rooting for her to go to the Olympics expecting her to give it her all throughout based on how hard she had worked. They might have felt different if they knew she would say after getting the bronze team event she was ready to go home. (I saw part of an interview where she said that along with saving the team). That is just not the Olympic spirit and as of right now the team event is not the premier figure skating event. It is all about the individual events still. So though I know she is happy about her bronze it is not like she will be well known for it.
  20. And unfortunately, she is going to be remembered more for this than the triple axel. Once you have put your foot in your mouth and get a little cocky, you are no longer a darling. She knows better, even if she was not fully meaning all that has been quoted--she knows you have to be careful what you say. And to have received a spot on the Olympics, and then act like you don't care about the individual event is just crap. I would have rather had a lower level skater come in and give it their all than to have someone receive a bronze team medal and say screw the individual event/I want to be a star, take me DWTS.
  21. Well, SI is reporting similar re: Mirai, and their article is a little cleaner and more specific: https://www.si.com/olympics/2018/02/23/2018-winter-olympics-mirai-nagasu-figure-skating-team-usa
  22. I will hopefully see a recast of the skating after the Olympics to see what I missed in figure skating. However in the meantime, I feel disappointed that none of the American women seemed to have any fight in them for the individual event. You would think at least one of them would have had a wow performance will all of the pressure off given they were so far back--so to see what they brought just feels very meh. I am all for them wanting to do well for the team event, but if doing the team event is going to make them rest on their laurels, then I don't like that. I want them to have something to fight for. The US men fought for their individual event as well, and I really appreciated their good showings. If that interview is remotely true, I have lost a lot of respect for Mirai. There were others fighting for that spot on the Olympics, and if you care so little, that just sucks. I don't really care about her achievement on the team event anymore, frankly. And to be honest she hasn't earned nearly enough in figure skating to have that kind of attitude. I was just reading another article on USA Today that stated Karen said her issue was that she couldn't be with her mom all of the time. Seriously people? We have one that wants to be on DWTS and thinks she is a star, and the other that went to the Olympics and couldn't handle being without her mom. So I have to think Ashley is really a bit upset at this point--not that there were guarantees she would do well, but at least she acts like an adult to some degree and definitely cares about her placement.
  23. Thanks for all of the discussion. I saw the last six skaters through your eyes—catching up this morning.
  24. So is having the team event a way for none of them to care about the individual event? It just seems like falling back on that bronze medal didn’t help two of them. I just don’t get the sense that Mirai cared about placing low.
  25. No. Just would have preferred that they hadn’t pushed for morning skating there to have a live evening event here which was based on NBCs request.
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