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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Well, and I think we could even be nice and pretend that Kail is trying to be "fashionable" with this sandal look and excuse her for it-- however, I don't think anyone will ever forget how she gave Jo such a hard time for wearing sweatpants in his house--in his house, repeat, in his house. All the while she goes out in torn pants, tiny clothes, and all sorts of other problematic clothing. So no excusing her here... sorry Kail, you ruined that one yourself! lol
  2. And to add to this honestly most of them aren’t successful. Having multiple children by different men, wasting money on things they don’t need, acting like jerks on social media does not equal success in my book. Who cares if they have a pool or whatever? I would rather be true to myself, kind, and share life with my husband and son. And hey, working a normal job is good too—nothing wrong with working for the same employer for 20 years. The point being these things take time and are worth more than flaunting temporary money on social media. Chelsea does have her priorities straight I think. She loves her family and that is her focus right now. Nothing wrong with that and she remains kind to others.
  3. Yes, this is the kind of thing you wear in the winter when you are stepping out to the garage. Not to actually go out and see people while wearing.
  4. alexa


    The acrobatics came on my Dvr. So interesting. I have never seen it before. I found both the pairs teams and women’s group very cool.
  5. I agree. There is something about what he did with the floor and the wall that I really liked. And also as others have said he created a great base for easy changes by the homeowners. I was really impressed with his room.
  6. Why do they have to make cute girls ugly? Even if they want to wear makeup there are a million ways to make it look good. The point of makeup is not to make you look awful.
  7. They rocked that. Finally some beautiful rooms on Trading Spaces. Ty’s room looked so polished and finished—loved it. Carter’s room was really pretty and well done. So now what has been the designers excuse? This is the kind of thing That should have been done all of the time.
  8. I was glad they had both Emmy and Jackie on this episode because i was confused at first. I forgot Jackie's name and was thinking Emmy was his girlfriend, so why was he calling her just a best friend. Then Jackie showed up and I remembered them both, lol! anyway I think it is cool that Jackie has been so supportive of his friendship with Emmy, and they didn't do the jealousy thing. And the whole Flashdance thing was kind of fun too. Gotta love momma Goldberg's boldness to try anything.
  9. As long as the good cars last these days I don't understand all of the new car buying either. It is an obvious expense you can avoid when you have a fully functioning already nice car. If they want to waste their money, well, okay, but really there is no sense in it.
  10. Two things. One. Cate does not need an animal to care for. Put it down now Cate! Two. You know the marriage is coming to an end when you put extra effort to profess your love publicly. Not that they are celebrities but how many celebrity marriages have ended not long after these types of public displays? Will they consciously uncouple? Or lovingly separate? Or continue to pretend they want to be married? Lol
  11. Do you remember a long while back when they were bragging about how early she was learning to potty train? I remember they would have the little toilet out and brag that she was learning younger than most. Well, how did that go for you, C and T? lol
  12. I agree. I think in Nova's case people feel that way because she seems behind in more than one area--not just potty training. As for potty training itself, my son was one of the last of the kids in his 3yr old class to potty train, but he was ahead of the other kids in everything else. He just is one of those that when it comes to physical development he will do it when he is ready and then will do it quickly. So he really held out until a few months before his 4th birthday and I just tried to be patient and it worked out. I was a little concerned though, I won't lie, lol. But Nova isn't getting a lot of interaction, and other things she needs to be closer to other kids her age. So I do think at times she seems younger than she is, but she will probably catch up.
  13. Thanks so much--this way I can see the one part I wanted :-) I was keeping up with the show by watching online, but after all of Cate and Kail's social media complaining about everything lately, I just can't support their show by watching anymore. I realize Kail is on TM2 but it is all the same. They don't realize they have been given a major handout and then continue to act like everyone should worship the ground they walk on. If they aren't going to grow up and learn something from what they have experienced in life, then I give up on watching their repeatedly bad behaviors.
  14. Thanks so much... I am very impressed with Tyler for this (I feel like you--I can't believe I said that!)
  15. Can anyone share a basic summary of what Tyler said to his sister (re; finally venting about his frustrations). I am no longer watching but am curious what he finally came out and said about the Cate situation. Thank you!
  16. I guess I am confused about all of the latest activity because I though both Leah and Corey were noticing the changes in Ali and how tired she was getting--even from the little bits of activity at school that prompted them to get her an aide. So why would cheer be okay now? Does she just not walk the rest of the day and saves her energy for ball and cheer? I feel like I need an update to better understand what exactly is going on...
  17. Add to that their previous show failed--they had something together a few years ago and it didn't last. Also, Jennie was on the 90210 reboot and she had a minimal part--it wasn't like she was an important part of that show. I think Tori thinks 90210 will be relevant to everyone, and unfortunately even though it had its fans, I don't think it would be successful either. It just doesn't help that Tori hasn't been relevant, other than being in the news for issues in her marriage and finances, so she doesn't have any star power to pull it off.
  18. On the topic of Doug’s room wasn’t too bad—but who would want burlap on their walls and a dark brown ceiling? Why are some of them so opposed to paint or as someone else suggested wallpaper? Why must they put odd materials on the walls and staples or glue?
  19. Honestly anyone that goes on TS must do it just for the experience because as much as I like the show the rooms are awful. The neighbors could just help each other redo their rooms on their own and end up with a beautiful room. Any room I have redone was done by not spending much money so we all know it can be done. It just seems weird to have a designer and then basically you are left with a room that is harder to fix than it was in the first place. I had hoped the reboot would actually have some well done rooms but not so much so far.
  20. Who wants to post pics of themselves in a swimsuit? I hate most of the pics of me fully clothed. I certainly wouldn’t wear a swimsuit and post it on Instagram. I just think Kail has a weird infatuation with herself.
  21. Although I don't agree with the decision to have Tonya on DWTS, I do think Mirai was not most likely going to be chosen. Yes, she had a good moment at the Olympics with the axel, but she has not been an overwhelming figure or star of the sport, and she didn't finish off on a great note. I like Mirai, but I don't think he axel moment made her a star--it was just a nice moment in her career to make up for some of the harder moments..
  22. I had noticed she quit putting new content a long time ago. I suspected she hadn’t paid up or something and couldn’t add to the site. Interesting it is gone now.
  23. Mac should be so proud of her husband! There is nothing better than having a child with someone that threatens to shoot people.
  24. I am so relieved that I am making last episode the season finale. After hearing about the new cast member, lol, I am done. Seriously they are out of material apparently and haven't figured that out.
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