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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I think we will have to agree to disagree here. First of all DWTS has alternated between men and women winners throughout the shows run. It has never really been all men or all women, and I don't think that is necessarily going to change. It just depends on who is competing in that given season, and how things play out. As for the online comments, just because Sharna doesn't like the negative comments, it doesn't necessarily mean that they were bullying comments. They could have just been comments that people weren't happy with the outcome, which is something that will be shared in social media if you are a "pro" on a show that relies on people voting. All of this talk here in a TV forum about people being bullied online is just silly as they are part of a show that the public watches. They get paid to be on this type of show, and it wouldn't exist if people didn't watch or have opinions. (if bullying takes place that is inappropriate, however, but those aren't the kind of comments I am referring to) And whether you are talking about me or everyone here: the comment about "it is more about you than them that you condone cyberbullying" is an inappropriate comment. First of all, it is making a personal comment about other posters, secondly, you can't really say someone is condoning cyberbullying when that isn't really the case at all. Lastly, the point is that it is good that DWTS is finally getting some genuine feedback because the show is going downhill, and if they want to return, something has to change or they will have to expect to keep losing viewers. It is really up to them what happens next. I think the key is that the majority of people want to watch some good dancing, or at least people with good attitudes that try hard to improve.
  2. Can I say I am glad that people have been vocal to the point that even she is hearing it? I realize she was just the pro, and it isn't her fault who she got, but at the same time I think it sends a message that people are so unhappy that even she isn't getting to have any glory in the moment. Kind of like what we all shared which is that though it is kind of nice she finally won, this wasn't at all how anyone wanted it to happen. I really think this win is completely different from any others--typically there is always some negative as not everyone is happy, but for the most part viewers are okay with the win, and happy for the pro. This is the first time I have seen where the majority of the responses are negative for the win.
  3. Her boots are scary too. I don't really like the look of the different sole underneath the black.
  4. I watched a video of Gracie’s performance. Eek, that was not good, and she is not close to her normal fitness. It was kind of like watching someone with an older figure take over her body. It was all just weird that she did this.
  5. I totally agree, and I would like to add that if you go to the majority of the general twitter feeds, the sentiment is the same. Which tells me that although he obviously had a large fan base to give him the win, he certainly is not regarded as America's champion. Sometimes you go out into other places in the internet on these things and you find a 50/50 response, well not with this one. Clearly there are enough people that did not get behind him either by his dancing or his personality.
  6. That's great that he had this following, etc. But I don't think he sold himself well on DWTS for those viewers that didn't know him. So many contestants are unknowns and become really liked as they go through this experience. I don't feel he fell in that camp at all. He just was not someone I enjoyed watching, listening to, etc, etc. I just wished he would go away.
  7. Plus I do wonder how much the west coast voting (lack thereof) impacted the result. Maybe it didn't, but there were definitely less people voting overall due to how they did it this season.
  8. Ya know, if this is the kind of thing America wants, I am not sure I fit in. Maybe I should move to Finland--they seem to have a good sense of humor these days. lol
  9. It is a good thing the show isn’t coming back for a while. I have hated the last 2 seasons.
  10. Can’t someone in twitter universe alert cops wherever they happen to be that they have a carload of drugs?
  11. Did Lindsay Price get a nose job? For some reason in this episode she looked different to me, but I honestly couldn't remember what her nose looked like before.
  12. Would it be terrible for me to agree with you, but also assume that there will be infidelity at some point (on Arie's part)? :-) Sorry, Lauren, but sometimes the trophy wife thing comes with a price..... (not that it happens with all couples, but it does happen)
  13. Her news stories just convince me she is as unintelligent and boring as people accused her of during his season. She literally has no substance other than to pose for Instagram photos and to follow Arie around--and to pretend she has a career doing what he does (real estate). At some point that would have to get boring for him, but maybe that is what he has been looking for. lol
  14. Just reading a couple of the articles makes me feel like ugh. First of all, I understand confirming your pregnancy, but to buy 6 tests? Come on, false positives aren't that common, and a couple tests should suffice. Next, Arie is doing everything around the house? She can cycle a few times a week but is incapable of doing things in the house this early in pregnancy? I am curious about their wedding in January though as I am sure she was hoping to be her totally thin self for the wedding. Well, maybe having a baby will give her something to do other than just waiting for Arie to come home or to take her on his travels.
  15. This show really just needs to end. It keeps getting worse. They should have just kept it in the original direction that it started with, and it might have worked out, but this back and forth stuff is just too annoying. They both know better than to do all of that stuff to each other when they have the 3 kids living in the same house observing all of that.
  16. The main things that bother me about Tori that are damaging to her children is that she uses them for her instagram ads and forced family outings paparazzi photos, even if they don't want to (and it is clear in many of the photos they do not want a part of all of her shenanigans). But the big one is that she simply does not learn from her mistakes or set a good example--especially with their money problems. Does she ever do anything to fix the issue? It doesn't seem so--she never moves to a much cheaper home ( I realize that CA is expensive but other families with little money or large debt do not avoid their taxes or live in mcmansions ), she still relies on Candy for their money for many things but continues to have children as if there are no concerns with the money to pay for them. The list goes on. She continues to vacation in expensive locales on a very regular basis (she calls them staycations to make them seem cheaper, but they are not). That kind of thing really bothers me and does not teach the kids anything about handling money or how things should be done.
  17. This season started off so promising to me on the first episode. A lot of energy and good dancing, and then down it went as one by one, people I reasonably liked left and then for the semi finals I was left with half of the pairs that I didn't like. It left me feeling very meh after the show. I can't help but think the people that actually care about the dancing are some of the viewers that were lost over the years, and now we are left with viewers that mainly go by choosing a random person to vote for and the rest of us are stuck with that person for far too long.
  18. I can’t stand Alexa, don’t like Bobby. Wow this sure is fun. Can’t wait to see them move on.
  19. They did seem to take it off the air, but I don't know if that means the show is gone for good or they are revamping.
  20. I agree about wanting the nice girl to win...she was really sweet and fun. And I think her wedding turned out beautiful which is surprising given the theme--plus hers cost a lot less. She did a great job. I didn't get why that one bride was so bitter either--it just didn't make a lot of sense. The older episodes are so much better than the new version--they move so quickly and have good pacing. Since it has been a long time since I have seen these episodes I can pretend they are new. lol
  21. I think it was especially noticeable to people because she does outfit posts of her kids often, so it probably seems odd that she would do this pic, and they would all be dressed much worse than they normally are. Plus I think people have a hard time with the fact that they don't seem conscious of the kids gaining weight. Both Tori and Dean were slender people so I think they suspect that the kids weighing more most likely is based on some lifestyle choices, not genetics.
  22. And she actually formulated the products? I sincerely doubt she did anything with them at all, and if she did then noone should buy the products. lol
  23. I was watching a rerun on CW last night and guess what--it was about Erica wanting to go to California for college, and I am sure you can guess--Beverly tried to do things to discourage her. Well, recycled plotline in some ways? lol
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