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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I do agree that the cities are smaller, thus if you are used to the larger cities there would be some adjustment. But they are really nice size cities for daily living. You have everything you need, traffic isn't a huge issue, and there is a lot of feeling of community in cities like these. Plus they do have a large number of working professionals so it isn't like she would be hanging out with just a bunch of farmers. It really is a nice size to be in if you want to work and raise a family as well. As for the flat highways, to each his own. I find it refreshing and beautiful...though I love the trees that surround me where I live now, I love the beauty of the open fields when I go back to Iowa. I do think Andi would get bored with it all though, and I am quite sure Chris isn't a frontrunner anyway...so it is a moot point.
  2. I didn't know that some episodes had aired until I saw that on her website last night. That link with the pics...eek! That is the ugliest interior of a house that I have ever seen, especially since those are the after pics? I didn't miss much. I will watch the next episode to check it out, but that is some low quality interior design there, and I am quite sure they didn't do most of the work...just bits and pieces.
  3. I don't mind someone that is quiet, not as good in groups, etc, but I agree with you. Although I know others feel his demeanor is driven by not being comfortable in the group dynamic, I just kind of see him as a jerk. He is definitely manipulating and selling himself...I don't see him as being genuine at all. He wants to "win", and I don't see chemistry with him and Andi either. She thinks there is chemistry, but I think she is just being led on. As for Josh, I am finally starting to understand him a bit more now. I think he genuinely does like Andi and wants to make her happy, and he has no issue being nice to other people at the same time. I love Chris, but I know he and Andi would never work out. But I like his quiet and calm demeanor, and that he is a truly nice person. As for being in the midwest, I am from the midwest so I can't rule him out for that. I think the midwest is a great place to live, and there are things to do other than just living on the farm. Just saying! I do agree that Andi probably won't see that, though.
  4. I agree about Trista and Ryan. They are clearly featured so little because they really have no drama to bring. That said, I think they handle this show well. They participate, don't get freaked out about the assignments, and give it a good shot. In the meantime they might actually learn a thing or two that will help them with their relationship. I have to agree with Trista that you can seem "reserved" in settings outside your norm. I think being at home in a relaxed setting would make it a lot easier to let loose, versus being on this show where you are trying not to show your "crazy".
  5. I have never been interested in going to Venice...it never looks inviting to me in pictures or on the TV screen. It does always seem dark and gray to me.
  6. I am not buying that Andi is really into anyone all that much yet. I would have thought she did with Josh, but their connection disappeared all of the sudden. I think she thinks she likes some of them, but I don't think they appear as "love" material at this point. I hated the lie detector testing. I don't blame Josh for being weirded out. That is just a strange reality show ploy that didn't put her in a very good light--regardless if she looked at the results or not.
  7. I agree. I think that they are shown so little on this show due to the little drama they bring. Don't get me wrong, this is a very stupid show, and I will never watch it again. But I have to say that Trista and Ryan handle this show very well.
  8. I don't necessarily dislike Andi as the Bach/ette, however, I find this season particularly boring. The guys are nice and okay, but noone is really standing out for me. I kind of liked Marquel, but he is gone now. Nick just seems whiny and pouty to me. Not just because of the group date situation, but he seems like he could be like that in a number of situations. I think he seems attractive to Andi right not based more on his elusiveness, and his ability to keep focused on her, etc. But in the real world I think he would get on her nerves over time. Josh is okay, and clearly a frontrunner, but I am not wowed by him either. I would like her to have more time with Chris, as they haven't shown much of him lately. I can see both sides on this... I think he got a bit upset over something that he didn't know happened for sure. He really should have addressed it immediately, and without other guys around. But when he did address it, at least he was clear, to the point, and gave him the benefit of the doubt, and then let it go.
  9. So, I feel stupid for admitting this, but I was reading some of the comments on the G & B Facebook page, as there are quite a few people fed up with G & B there as well. Anyway, the embryo thing is still confusing. One person was saying that on the show they made it look like the embryo didn't take, but they had really learned about the miscarriage (kept it private), so they have one embryo left. They claimed they read this in one of Bill's statements (no, I didn't feel like looking for it!). And then someone else said that timeline wouldn't work, as the show was filmed around Christmas, thus a miscarriage announced now at 9 weeks would mean a second pregnancy/implant would have been necessary since Christmas was many months ago. So strange they don't just come out and say exactly, since they do have a show and all...maybe I missed a confirmation of this somewhere but I am still confused :-)
  10. I think they did Andi a disservice by not showing the footage after her mini-breakdown on last week's episode. She clearly came back and explained herself, and it was clear to me she was just hurt and responding in the moment. Later on, I think she realized, per last night's catch up episode, that the other guys had nothing to do with what happened with Eric. I don't think she is anything like Deanna personally....I really disliked Deanna quite a bit, and I don't see Deanna and Andi being all that similar. I do think Andi is trying her best. Is she annoying at times, yes. But I think the guys do like her, and enjoy her company... I think many of the guys in Deanna's season were not into her, and for good reason :-)
  11. I mainly was surprised at Ryan's appearance. He never looked old and gray before. He is still young--not sure what happened :-)
  12. Regardless of why she is too thin I just have to say that tonight on Miss USA she looks even more thin. It is sad because this isn't what she used to look like. She used to look much healthier.
  13. I have noticed she seems to drink more than some of the other Bachelor/ette leads. I could tell on another occasion she looked a little drunk while talking to the guys.
  14. Well, for most couples yes--one nanny would be enough, but for G&B hiring another would be their way of showing they really care about both of their children while they are away from them all of the time. :-)
  15. Yes, the dates in CT were extremely depressing. There is no reason to leave CA for CT at that time of year. The Bachelor usually gets beautiful camera footage of their locations, and they clearly struggled to find anything that wasn't gray and depressing. CT in the fall would be great, or even the summer, but not after a long winter of cold. There is so much to do in the CA area, I have no idea why they left that for a train ride of gray-ness and a basketball game.
  16. I find the "non-restrictive" diet day posted above just as restrictive. One little thing for breakfast, brown rice for lunch, and cheesy pasta with brownies and ice cream--though the last item is fattening, she had hardly eaten all day so thank goodness she ate that. She is clearly lacking nutrients as well.
  17. I was confused about the embryo thing as well, but it does seem if she had a miscarriage, that had to be the 2nd embryo....it is clear they are leaving this season as having one left after the first one not taking. So, unless they miraculously come up with extra embryos in their TV empire, there isn't any left. I would never wish a miscarriage on anyone, so the following comment is unrelated. I think one child is the right amount for them....they need that flexibility that one child offers...it is much harder to do what they are doing with multiple children. Plus Duke is such a blessing, they shouldn't feel like they are missing out on a thing if they do stick with one. It bothers me to see G of all people acting like they need a second when she has no involvement with her first, but that is also probably why she is fine with another...she won't have to do a thing but hire a second nanny to help the first nanny out. I still don't get all of the push with the Chicago house...we know she signed another contract with E. She is not moving to Chicago. And Bill travels all of the time anyway, so when will he actually be home either?
  18. I agree that it is pretty clear this wasn't the first affair, but as much as I hate to give Tori any credit I was glad she admitted why she hadn't asked him-- because she would have felt like she needed to leave him and wasn't ready for that answer. Not standing up for her, but I was surprised she admitted she hadn't asked and why. I think there were several internet articles that referred to previous affairs (not necessarily from great sources), but I think that it alluded to multiple affairs. Plus since he admitted he cheated because he could, I doubt this was his first one. I was also glad that Brooke at least asked many of the questions that people have brought up. We know Tori and Dean's answers will never be satisfying, but at least Brooke did ask many of them. I like Brooke, though, and I think she does a decent job of not alienating those she interviews and does try to ask the difficult questions. I was very annoyed that they acted all private about their love life all of the sudden, but honestly I was more annoyed that Tori has been "intimate" with him already...such a short time has passed and it was clear she still felt very uncomfortable with everything. I personally would respect her more if she held out longer, but this is the Tori that "did things they had never done before" just to try to make him happy. I was glad that Wolf explained his role with Liam...since we had never seen him on any other show I didn't realize he had actually been a family friend for a decent amount of time, but it was clear that he does spend time with Liam, and they are close, so at least that made more sense to me. I was relieved that all we saw from Dean was a tattoo and a song...I was ready to cringe at him giving her that Neil Lane ring we have heard about. They have a lot of work to do...they can pretend all is well, but they are clearly all f***ed up individually and as a couple. Time will tell, I guess.
  19. I agree...I think it was fine of him to continue that conversation, but not to outright say she was being fake. Obviously, that will not endear anyone to you. Plus I think when they had discussed it earlier she was trying to make the point that "they" had a hard time in those formal situations, meaning perhaps there was something about the two of them not gelling in that way. I don't think she was particularly blaming him...just trying to get the conversation going. I do think it was wrong of her to have her little freak out with the other men though....don't bring them into the Eric drama when they had nothing to do with it. Dylan is obviously not ready for this, so I am not picking on him. But I hate when people come on the Bachelor and just have to tell their life story or something dramatic. Yes, down the line the person can learn about all of that, but they don't need to know it right away. Let the person get to know your personality a bit first rather than being drummed over the head with the sad story on the onset.
  20. I have never watched this show, but tuned in for Trista and Ryan. I am not sure I can handle getting through all of the other couples' drama, though. I have no interest in watching some drama queen yell for entire episodes. Perhaps the fast forward button will be in high use.
  21. Remind me to never go on a couple's retreat with G&B. They are so annoying. The other couples were invited so they could avoid alone time together; I am quite certain. I realize it is good to get away but they act like they do not even have a child most of the time. They clearly miss him very little --he is never discussed when they leave him behind.
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