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Everything posted by alexa

  1. The other thing I keep noticing is that the few times they show the kids they show the younger ones the most. I can't tell if Liam and Stella are avoiding the cameras (which frankly makes sense to me), or if not seeing them much reflects on how much this is all affecting them. Liam is not the same boy he used to be...he used to be so happy and joyful and funny. He would get so much good attention and they would do fun things with him. Now he is like an accessory that has been outgrown.
  2. Words cannot even describe how messed up Tori is. I had no idea she had a facility of junk while she complains about money. She can't even see that is hoarding? What value can items have while they sit in a crate? Her friends have had to deal with a lot. The whole vasectomy thing was so crazy. So they plan to keep their bond by having more babies? When do you stop and why can't you bond over your children you already had?. They actually made it sound like it would be just the two of them without the possibility of more babies? I can't even understand them. I never realized they were hiding this much crazy but it is all coming out now.
  3. I totally noticed that about Liam as well. I thought it was odd because usually kids that age just don't suddenly gain weight....if they are on the thin side like he was they generally stay that way for most of childhood. So, if he has gained weight, he really has been impacted by all of this. Plus that haircut that he had is just not cute. And I normally always thought Liam was such a cute kid, both in behavior and his looks.
  4. I really like this show too...I wasn't sure where they would go with it, but I really like the direction they have taken!
  5. This is just awful. I agree with so much said--that whole thing about getting the kids to school as if they were performing a difficult surgery. OMG. It isn't like the kids just moved into the house yesterday...you have had years to adapt to these kind of things. And I agree that though it is fine the younger kids are going off to preschool, it isn't like they "have" to do it, and they really have to be there so early. Most preschools are technically daycare for most of the day, and especially in the early mornings before everyone gets there. I haven't seen one where they are required to be there early in the morning--typically it is something like 9 am or so the official school part starts. Plus as stated, they just came home and sat on the couch and stared at each other. So obviously they didn't have anything they needed to do. And now Tori has admitted her businesses have failed, so she isn't doing much. I hated how they described they had such a great month and then suddenly they come home and they are really that bad off? I don't believe it. I don't think even with vacation mode in mind that you go from being really happy to your relationship in a mess when you get home....if that was true think of all of the families that would have shitty lives every year after they go on vacation. It would be one thing if they had work to do once they got home, but they have a lot of free time, and for me, free time is like a vacation, so wtf is the problem? Ugh. I think that her saying she needed to find a way to support the family after Mystery Girls ending explains it...she probably said, Dean we need to turn on the drama for the cameras so we can make some $$! That said I don't think she is a great actor, and she still appears weak and insecure, so their relationship is probably what we are seeing. And as said above Dean can do nothing right....if he supports her he is wrong, if he doesn't say the right thing he is wrong. I would give up at this point.
  6. So, did we need to know that Dean enjoyed watching Tori so much on 90210 that it helped him with the activities "that men do"? That is just gross. She is your wife now, and that is not sexy or romantic to talk about. He is not only disrespectful to their relationship, but to the viewers because believe me we didn't need to know that. I hated re-hearing about how they were intimate right away as if it was no big deal, and I hated that Dean went to that movie knowing he wanted to kiss Tori while he had a wife and child at home. I especially hate how easily they talk about all of this as if it is no big deal, and that their other marriage partners didn't matter. I appreciated that they finally admitted their troubles they had earlier in the marriage...it was obvious in that one season with the motorcycle but they always denied trouble.
  7. Yes, this special was awful....they ask stupid questions and just waste everyone's time. I kind of liked Amber last night though--I thought she had some good things to say, and she seemed self aware. Gary does look awful....omg. It makes me so sad to see people that large. You are all right, Tyler will not marry Catelynn. I am not sure how she doesn't see that his delay tactics have gone on for years, and that though he is eager for a child, that does not mean he will marry you. I think they are both still reacting to losing their child to adoption and now want their own, and for both of them that is their main goal in life at this point.
  8. I dislike Alison so much on this show that I hope she and Jonathon go before even Michael (sorry Jonathon, not your fault but I can't watch anymore of Alison making this all about her!). I thought it was great that America scored them a 6, and didn't overinflate scores. I agree with the above that says a lot about how people are perceiving this pair. Although Betsy is better than Michael, I don't mind that she is leaving....I think she brings a lot for her age, but she is still limited so her time was coming soon anyway. I loved Lea, Sadie, and Alfonso...all very good. And yes, Mark has been so much better the last 2 seasons...I no longer dislike him :-) I think Derek has chilled out some too...he has learned to bring his creativity without disrespecting the type of dance he is supposed to do.
  9. Is there any hope that Tori will ever eliminate the feet photo from her website? I don't visit often, but I cannot express enough about how much the feet photo annoys me. Noone needs to see their feet everytime they visit the website.
  10. I agree with the not caring about the timeline....meant to be a fun throwback to the 80's, which has so many fun things to comment on. It would ruin the creativity of the show if the writers had to focus on a specific year/date, and couldn't jump around to serve the storylines, imo.
  11. This was an interesting episode. As for Kail, yes, she showed her bad side for sure. That was just so unnecessary. Jo has been very good to her despite her behavior, and it annoys me to see her do that kind of crap. Leah and Corey--though Leah annoys me I was actually a little impressed with their conversation together. It is amazing how much better she is without Jeremy egging her on. They were honest with each other, able to communicate, and I think the both understood the difficulty for the other person. I liked hearing that Corey really mainly wants more time with them. And I liked hearing from Leah that being home with them means something to her....she doesn't always show it, but I do think she was really feeling how much a part of her life they are on a daily basis. Chelsea...I am liking seeing her have some fun. And Aubrey is so darn cute! Janelle-- I can't stand Nathan, so I won't involve him in this commentary. But even though I know Janelle is not trustworthy and has a lot of issues, I have appreciated that she has been thinking of her mom in the whole Jace thing. Some of her comments reflect this, and even if she doesn't mean it, it is an improvement over how she was previously. I also liked that Barbara stayed fairly calm, had good ideas of what needed to happen, and took the time to praise Janelle. That is an improvement over previous discussions. That said, Janelle has proven that she hasn't matured by the fact that she still can't thank her mom or admit she is/was a druggie, and it is her fault Jace hasn't been with her. By now you would hope she would see her past behavior but the fact she doesn't speaks volumes to me. I liked see Barb show emotion at the thought of losing Jace, but I appreciated her understanding that this is how it was supposed to work out eventually. It is just a sad story overall because we have no idea how soon Janelle will screw up again.
  12. It is pretty decent. There is a good mix of the remodel and design to make it better than the shows that rely heavily on showing construction. I absolutely loved the kids rooms last night. I wish I had rooms like that in our house--my son would be over the moon with a bed concept like hers. I am so jealous! I don't know if it was true that she did all of that work to set up the concept, but if it was, kudos to her. And yes, Tori's Cabin show was nothing like this...it was so fake, and the rooms were beyond awful.
  13. Though I liked that time has moved on with the Braverman's, I didn't like not knowing the details--especially Julia suddenly having a job. That was such a major storyline last year and suddenly she is in some office working doing something, and I want to know the deal. And I was so confused about the guy....after last season and a couple of guys in the mix I was confused to see someone totally different. I also wasn't sure who was living where with Hank and Sarah.... maybe I missed some parts, but do they live together? I can't tell one apartment from the other. I did find it funny that Max didn't want to go to their school, and I don't really like Max, but that was humorous.
  14. I did like the episode, and I love the show, but I have to admit I found it a bit freaky, even given the mom's tendencies, to actually think the mix tape was for her. That said, when she explained herself to her dad later on it came together in a sweet way. Barry certainly is not the brightest light, is he? yes, I am sure you can pass off your dad's ID in a small town like that at a local business. He is something else! :-)
  15. That is what I kept thinking about too. The fact that Corey is actually doing this, and that Leah seems genuinely concerned it could happen tells me she has been up to something. There is no way a mother would lose custody just because a dad asked for it, if she had been providing primary care and doing a fairly good job of it. The PT appointments alone would not change custody. But I do wonder about that....I have to believe Corey as he has the paperwork to back his claims. Leah just says she takes her all of the time. I was very concerned about Aubrey being on a motorbike with no helmet... bad enough she had a burn, but that is awful that someone like Adam that can't drive a car properly takes his daughter on a vehicle like that with no protection. That would be enough for me to update the arrangements immediately. Kail was really annoying this episode. Vee and Jo did a great job with Isaac, and he looked really happy with his time there. I was happy to hear Janelle speak up about keeping Jace with her mom (even if it was because she doesn't want full custody of him--at least she is willing to basically admit it). But to see previews for next week concerns me. I don't trust Nathan, and hopefully a court would be concerned about their records, etc.
  16. I can only echo what has already been said here. I totally agree that Javi and Kail were way off base about Jo and his decision to have his son for father's day. It made no sense to schedule a vacation on a time when you know Jo will want to see Isaac. And yes, if it were Mother's Day we would be hearing all about her need to be with Isaac. Leah just pisses me off to no end. And she is really starting to look drugged half of the time as well. By the way, her chewing that candy in the car, she looked like some kind of freak :-) She spends all of her time complaining, and I agree that she and Jeremy do not understand in insurance. When you call you get a customer service rep that can only read the status of the situation and repeat it to you. They will not make the decision to approve something since they have no authority. You can only go through formal processes for these things. Jace--I seriously cried last night over seeing this sweet little boy (and yes, I do think he is a good little boy--he only acts out on occasion because it is clear he doesn't get love or attention and has no other way to tell people this). It literally broke my heart, and still does at this moment, to see him standing there just wanting someone to include him, love him, hug him, and actually consider him as a part of their lives. He really has been quite patient given the circumstances, and I give him so much credit that he told Janelle that he wanted to stay with Barb--that gave me a little hope that he feels comfortable expressing his needs and knows that Janelle is not the right person to have him. That said-- I cannot stand up for Barb anymore...her yelling and now obviously ignoring Jace when he needs someone most is just not excusable. I can't think about this anymore today because honestly it just crushes me. It was SO SAD to watch.
  17. This is easy...because this show isn't designed smartly thus everyone is coupled up and she has been the only one that isn't in a solid couple (other than Christy). Who else is there for new people coming on to pick? I think she has actually had the best experience of everyone because she has actually had the chance to date rather then pretend she is in a couple. I have to agree with everyone about the swimming in the cave. I was a bit grossed out, because even lovely places like Hawaii posts warnings of the possible bacteria exposures in some waters.
  18. I just have a hard time believing that Cody is in love with anyone he says he is because he did the same thing with Andi. He sees a woman that could "potentially" like him, and he just goes on and on about how much he likes them without even knowing anything about them. I just don't buy that he "really" fell for both Andi and Michelle--he just thinks he did because he wants to have someone. I think almost any girl could walk in, and he would say the same things. I do find all of the coupling boring, and I don't get why they send in new bach/ettes if there is hardly anyone for them to date. They need to somehow liven things up a bit if they do this show again. Brooks should have ended up with someone, I feel, but there was noone left but Jackie who has dated the most of anyone. Graham and Ashlee are no way that into each other...he does not seem remotely "in like" with her. He is just trying to not piss her off.
  19. I really enjoyed both Kelsey's and Minnie's episodes. I am not a huge Kelsey Grammar fan but I liked his episode, and actually liked his approach. I loved the pioneer story as I love Laura Ingalls Wilder everything, so I find that kind of thing fascinating. Minnie's episode was very nice. I liked how personal it was with her finding out more about her father. I didn't catch the beginning...when did he die? It seemed like he lived to a decent age, but I didn't catch the specifics.
  20. I find this show to be so incredibly boring. I read magazines and napped my way through it. Even the relationships are boring because noone really gets to do anything but sit around and talk all day. And most of the relationships are there just so they can stick around...it is clear they are not really that into each other. It is just an odd show. It is kind of like Survivor would be without the challenges to make things more interesting.
  21. I liked him at first on Andi's season, but then disliked him when he became all accusatory about the blackie comments. Not that he shouldn't care, just that he had no proof and I didn't care for his ongoing accusations. Just overall made me think he would always be going off on other people for being disrespectful. On this show, I see no charisma or anything interesting. And I find this show boring, so admittedly don't watch every moment, but I don't think I have seen Michelle drink more than the others. And as mentioned above he says it while drinking wine. What a douche. Wanted to also add that I like the comment further above about Marcus' hair.....not that I ever found him that cute anyway, but he will be losing more hair and will be less cute then.
  22. I can't stand having shoes worn all over the house. Once you switch to no shoes in the house it is hard to go back. There is something very comforting about being able to go barefoot or wear socks and not be picking up random pieces of dirt and such while walking around the house. If I go to someone's house where they sometimes wear shoes, and I don't have shoes on, it always feels gross so I tend to put my shoes on all of the time (not that I think their house is gross..it just feels weird to me not to have clean floors). Plus it is so nice not to have to be continually cleaning floors.....love to save myself some cleaning time and use it for something more fun! For the most part, guests get used to not wearing shoes in our house...plus the light carpeting tends to deter them anyway. People get worried about getting carpet dirty :-) Agree with the above, my family does it in hotel rooms too :-) Makes it feel homier for us while we are there.
  23. Yes, if they keep both houses, it will be even harder to buy their "I'm low on money" claims. 20K per month...omg. Way to be frugal. She does not see what a cartoon she has become. She has no idea that her new shows sucks (Mystery Girls), she claims to be broke, but has 2 large houses to rent, the list goes on and on.
  24. I just saw a commercial for the Jennie Garth project on HGTV. Interesting. Funny how Tori's show was downgraded to GAC and Jennie gets the big channel. I love it!
  25. Agree on all levels of everything said. Ashlee is nuts, and she is single because she is desperate. She won't marry until she calms the f*** down about her single status and doesn't care anymore. Then, she will find a man. I love Michelle Money...I think she is funny, and not at all a villain. She is quite fun and friendly with others, and she has a good sense of humor. I think she does this Bachelor stuff just for the heck of it...not necessarily to find a guy. Mexico is not selling itself well here....we can blame the Bachelor for not finding a better place obviously, but they have camping conditions, and the stretch of ocean is not the best either. The water is not that clean and clear blue that people love...it is kind of mucky looking with all of the stuff floating into shore.
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