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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Ugh. Having to see the stupid proposal again annoyed me to no end. I hated it the first time, and could only roll my eyes at all of the over the top exclamations that occurred on elimination night. I, like many others here, hate when people on reality shows, etc, propose on TV as if they are so dang unique. No, you are just looking for attention, and it obviously has nothing to do with the other person as they would much rather have a private, intimate moment to enjoy it--rather than being ambushed in front of millions of people. Seriously, she couldn't even share that moment with him, as she had to go back to the audience, and he had to go dance. And you have to kiss in front of everyone. Now that I hear it is his 3rd marriage I am even more annoyed. Moving on, I am so disappointed he is in the final. I agree with many assessments that there are others that are unable to dance fully for many reasons, age, physical limitations, lack of rhythm, etc, and they don't get special treatment with their scores. I hated how they raved about all of his routines, as it was clear he didn't have to do much. I so wanted a good freestyle, and now we will have a chance for only 2, and unfortunately Riker/Allyson will probably be over the top. That said, I really wanted Rumer to go through as I think she has the heart and spirit I want from a contestant on this show. I hope they do really well. I was pleasantly surprised it was Nastia to go. Nothing against her as she had a good night Monday, but I think it is good to see that Derek isn't dominating and that voters are willing to go other directions (though in this case the direction toward Noah wasn't exactly what I was looking for!)
  2. I think I was so relieved for the show to end with Amanda, Jack, and Nolan alive, that I thought it was just fine. Perhaps my expectations are a little low, but at this point I just didn't want it to end with everyone miserable. I have lived with miserable and this show for a long time, and didn't need it to end that way. I actually thought they did a decent job considering how badly they had messed up the show and its storylines. I thought it made sense for David to die that way, and at least him and Amanda had time together. Of course I was glad to see Victoria gone. I was glad Louise came around, and Margaux as well. And though Amanda and Jack don't thrill me, them being together makes sense and brings a decent ending. I guess I thought the heart thing was real for some reason.... although she dreamed I guess I got confused between the flashback they had previously and then the dream. I thought it was kind of a cool twist for her to have Victoria's heart--kind of like will the heart impact her future or will it give that heart a kinder new life? :-) But I guess that is not the case, so forget that. I was confused at first about that guy coming to see Nolan, and what that picture in the paper meant, and then figured out it had to do with his future opportunities, and not that we are supposed to know that person.
  3. I was disappointed Noah went through. I have never warmed to him. I was confused why they had all of these other dancers, when they have their own dancers they could have featured? They have so little time in their regular shows to do that and then finally have this full hour, and you don't see any of their own dancers perform?
  4. I finally kind of liked an episode! I think part of that is knowing this show is coming to an end and we will finally have some conclusion in place, but I liked the discoveries that were made, the interactions of some of the characters, and that Ben actually followed through on Emily's suggestion. I don't like that he died so much, but at least he did find out she was telling the truth. I actually liked Charlotte this episode as well, as stated by others. That was refreshing to see her realize her family was not worth her time or energy. I didn't really think Margaux was behind all of this so that was kind of a surprise. I just hope Louise is faking about believing Margaux right now, as we don't really need to end the show with her continually falling for the wrong side.
  5. I will say I really liked having Kelly and Val on the show. They are both hot! :-) I think I like to see Kelly getting good attention as I always thought she never got enough credit for her season one win, esp with the John Hurley nonsense. Funny how they never mention him now, and she got her time in the sun (when she got to come back and shine with Val in another season) and still gets to participate in shows like this. Overall I thought it was good--given the short time they had to exclude a lot of people and dances. I don't get the JR situation--it was clear they didn't have time for every winner to dance, and to be fair, they have to pick who and what dances are best for a 1 hour format. Not every viewer will agree on who that should be, but regardless not everyone can dance. I thought the other participants in the audience seemed to just enjoy being there and glad to be a part of it overall--and that is how it should be imo. It was so nice not having Derek. It just had a more relaxed vibe for me not being so Derek centered. I felt everyone else had a chance to shine, which was nice.
  6. After seeing the aftershow, I am kind of annoyed with Catelynn acting like she was the voice of reason in regard to everyone getting along. I noticed neither Catelynn or Amber actually spoke to Farrah or showed any real kindness, yet Catelynn was acting all superior about the situation when the host was asking Maci how she felt. I understand not a lot of people like Maci here, and I can understand that. In this situation I can see how she feels because it is clear from the upcoming clip they show that Farrah is going to be Farrah and start yelling accusations. I can see why Maci feels there is nothing she can say to improve the situation because she is never going to like or respect Farrah. And to be fair, she had arranged to do the show without Farrah, and it was the producers that chose to air everyone's reactions. So, it wasn't like Maci could keep her reaction behind closed doors, therefore Farrah was going to know quite clearly that Maci did not want her on the show. And then to have all four girls sit together in the aftershow -- of course nothing is going to improve because it is very awkward.
  7. A few recent ones: Mrs Kim pushes Rory out of her house due to them having termites at her house, and calls her a "carrier". Michele running an extra hour for a secret CD dropoff for Lane--noone told him the time had changed by an hour. Emily's reactions to Richard driving her crazy when he first quit his job (her conversations with Lorelai were so funny).
  8. I feel this cast is way past their time in regard to having a TV show. As many have said, not much has changed, and when it does it is something like Amber's boyfriend just suddenly showing up. This is after she has been filmed with nothing happening in her life, and then even the producers are confused and surprised by this extra person hanging around all of the sudden. I will say she looks much happier, but I agree with everyone that it is too early to know if he is "okay" or not. Farrah and her parents are still just nuts. I just don't care to see this anymore. Catelynn and Tyler finally have a baby, but I want them to just live their lives without cameras. I don't need to see their new lives. Maci--I honestly don't blame her for her reaction.
  9. I haven't gotten through all of the recent episode yet, but so far they have spent 20 minutes on that court case. I am finding in this season they are spending far more time on one situation than they used to, and it is making it much less interesting. I used to love this show, but this season I am struggling to finish the episode at times. I feel they used to jump around more, look at more family members, and move more quickly.
  10. Yes, it was pretty bad. How was that voting even reasonably fair? Noah barely moved. Rumer is supposedly so good they feel they can nitpick.... but why can't she get the scores she deserves (compared to Noah)?
  11. Oh, Derek, you are like the annoying gnat that won't go away. I just laughed through that whole segment and dance, not surprised at all that Derek was always front and center and literally always between Nastia and Sasha. That is the first dance of hers I really liked (when she got away from Derek to dance with Sasha). She was so different and happy. I would so like to have a break from Derek, as this just emphasized for me that he doesn't quite get that he needs to give viewers a chance to want him to come back. I know some people really like him, but there are many people that would like Derek better if he would take a season or two off. I thought Noah's dance was absolutely awful. Then CAI was going off about it, and I was wondering what she had been watching. It was so slow, there was little movement, and I don't think the guy has the personality for performing. I was so disappointed at all of the raves because I didn't get it at all. I was confused during the dance off when Willow and Mark got all of the votes until they were voted off and I assumed they were trying to help them. I don't like Alison at all, but I did think her and Riker's dance was better than Willow/Mark.
  12. I don't think there is a topic on Christopher, so I will just put these thoughts here. I just saw season 2 -- the episode where Sheri wants to get involved in Rory's life. Christopher yells at Lorelai at the end of the episode in Luke's diner after she tells him she feels a little more free now that a door has closed (him being with Sheri, etc). I know Lorelai doesn't always express herself well, but I understood what she meant (and she did have a compliment lodged in her conversation--that there was a part of her that seemed to keep thinking maybe they could work out eventually). I have seen all of the seasons, and for me, Christopher most of the time ruins many of the storylines for me. He always has bad timing, he interferes at a time when things are going well in some of the other storylines, and just seems to always turn up when I would prefer he didn't. This episode was a good example of that for me--I was enjoying the episode mostly, it had good flow other than Sheri being very clingy to Rory, and then it ends with him having the Lorelai smackdown. I know this is just a small storyline in which this happens, and there are more to come, but it was just a good example of how he drags down the show for me most of the time. Occasionally I like him and the banter he has with Lorelai, but mostly he is a distraction from other storylines I prefer.
  13. This show is awful. So, does Ben or anyone think that Emily would actually be dumb enough to have all of that evidence in her car (and hand over the keys) after all she has accomplished? Really? That right there should clear her. I agree as well about all of the airport cameras and security that she would have an alibi for sure. I didn't really understand the Nolan relationship either....this close to the end why start and stop one so quickly? I also feel that Louise was an unnecessary character if all she was going to do is hang out with Margeaux on Victoria's behalf for the remaining of the season. it would have been so much more interesting if she would have worked with Nolan and Emily. This better be the end because I can't take another season. Just let it go, writers, let it go.
  14. I get the feeling that Maci and Taylor have a stronger relationship than we are aware of due to the lack of filming where we missed most of it. I think they have mentioned more than once being together for 2 years (I could have heard wrong but this stands in my mind from something she said). Plus I think they have a more mature relationship than she has had with anyone else. She seems very calm and easy with him--and he is great with Bentley. I really don't see any issues with them having a baby, even if it is unplanned. I don't think they are in a bad place in their lives to handle it, and it might benefit Bentley in the end.
  15. I just watched the season 2 episode where Richard is retired, bored, and visits Stars Hollow. I was a little confused that he acted new to her house though, given they had come to a party for Rory in season 1.... Other than that, it was such a funny episode (except for the end). Everything from them discussing which person to move to the morgue annex because there wouldn't be room for everyone if Lorelai eventually married (Rory was so funny being horrified at the discussion). And Emily being so distraught over Richard being in her way....too funny.
  16. I thought his reaction was rather odd. Everyone has packages from rehearsal shown, and it just seems like he has been through enough that a random view of him and Sharna having a minor disagreement should be no big deal. He does remind me a bit of how Amy was as well. I had heard a lot of good things about him, but I just haven't been wowed by his personality as I thought I would be based on what I had heard. He comes across to me as not wanting to be treated special, but then at the same time seems to need the judges to shower him with compliments. I can't really explain it other than he is much different than I thought he would be, and I am not a huge fan. But I do totally respect how far he has come in his life given what happened to him, and he is so very physically strong.
  17. Yes, this was awful. All of it. I just wanted to say...make up your dang mind already. I also didn't get the Louise thing and as stated farther up why would Nolan owe her complete honesty when their marriage was based on him just helping her out. Based on all of the things that Emily and Nolan have been up to I really don't blame her for being mad about the files. That is some serious stuff. And he did leave his computer available for anyone to come in and take data, even if he did want to keep the files and keep them private. Like any close friends, she was angry and lashed out at him, but I am sure they will be fine in the end. She couldn't exactly be happy about the files being exposed, and especially when it turns out that he kept them for sentimental reasons not because they both decided it was a good idea. I always hate how Victoria forgets that she did anything wrong, especially killing a man. She also forgets that Daniel shot Emily. It is all so convenient. The only reason I liked the clip show aspect is that it gave me hope the show might end. It must end--it has been grasping at straws for so long.
  18. I have no words about Ryan--he is so immature, and clearly is not showing Bentley any love at all. The fact he can't show up on time when they had a conversation about the time to meet, and then when he does get to his parents he continues to be a jerk--he only asked if Bentley was there. He didn't rush to go see him, or act like he had any interest in him. I can't blame Bentley for being so attached to Maci as she is really the only parent he has. I think the new girlfriend seems actually okay in that she tries to be nice to Bentley and had a sense of humor with Ryan's dad. I think the farther above post is correct that she should clearly see that this is how Ryan is, and he is not going to change. Like many have said, I was also proud of Catelynn for trying to speak up on the video issue. Especially when Tyler's mom was there she made some good points about all she cared about was having a relationship with her, not having some videos on their fanpage. Tyler is a complete jerk these days. I can't stand him anymore. He was so rude to B & T with his comments that he knew very well would be aired on TV. I would be pissed if I were them. I think Amber was a little better this episode because she had something to do, but other than that not much to say. I do agree about the school schedule even though I don't like Gary. It is distracting for kids to have too much back and forth during the school week, and they really need their sleep at this age.
  19. I am admittedly surprised at some of the comments not understanding why a mother would have an emotional reaction to her child going to school for the first time. Even before I had a child I would have not thought it was that they weren't happy about the child going to school. Of course we are happy to send our children to school, but it is emotional all the same. You see that child grow up from a baby and before you know it, they are starting a whole new phase of their lives. I can totally relate to Maci on this, or any mother. Plus I don't think she made that big of a deal about it, she just got caught up in her emotions, and I agree with what was said above that she probably didn't just talk to the therapist about this subject. I do think her being concerned for Bentley in regard to Ryan is justified--he is growing up and can see his father being distant with him. That is hard to watch--these little guys have a lot of emotions and feelings and they have a good idea what is happening. I also don't see how just because a child went to preschool how their first day of real school should be no big deal. Many children like mine have been in daycare/preschool their whole lives, and it is still a big deal that they start school.
  20. This. And didn't he have Betsy last year, and they did the same kind of things? It is like he thinks every older lady he gets has to have some sort of ridiculous costume on. Betsy was much more well received when they started doing more serious dances. Forgive me if Tony wasn't with Betsy, as I lose track of previous seasons, but I think it was those two. I just think Suzanne is going that route of not being taken seriously, and I totally got what Carrie Ann was saying. Tony annoys me when he gets all defensive.
  21. Why is this episode called Clarity when there is nothing clear about this show? I just don't even know what to expect anymore...it is like they change the story from one episode to the next. And though I don't care that Emily revealed herself it was very odd timing. I can think of many past episodes where it might have had more of an interesting impact. I am glad that Margeaux turned around on the revenge issue, but it seems a little too late. I am just overall confused about what the writers want from this show, and I just wish they would pick a direction and wrap things up. Even Victoria doesn't know what she wants from episode to episode.
  22. So much of what I feel has already been said. I just wanted to chime in on some things. Maybe it is Bentley's age or that I like Bentley but I find Maci interesting for that reason alone. I can relate to some of what she feels because my son is pretty close in age so it makes it interesting for me. Like in last episode where people were calling him out on his behavior and others chimed in and said that is what a 6 year old does--I agree--they can act bratty while they test boundaries even when they are good kids otherwise. In this episode I related to him starting to really notice and feel how others act around him, and though I know Ryan hates the cameras I do get the feeling there is something behind all of this discussion with Maci, Ryan's mom and dad, and now even Bentley about him not being really in Bentley's life. He seems so detached, and Bentley loves his dad, but he says those things to him because he wants him to know that he notices him not really being fully there for him. I also felt for Maci on the kindergarten thing as I know even I got a little teared up about my son going this year, and I didn't think I would. C & T--I agree they are really showing how much of a jerk he is. He doesn't really want to marry her, he really only wants a boy, he makes comments about her weight, the list goes on and on. She deserves better. April has been kind of fun this season, and it has been great to see how well Nick has done despite his troubled upbringing. He seems like such a good kid. Amber--I agree on all of the discussion about Gary. I also don't get why she is just sitting around....go do something productive. They have to tell them that in rehab--I can't imagine they say it is best to sit around by yourself bored out of your mind. Gary thinks he is quite the stud, and he is just rather gross in my opinion. I have to say I thought Amber looked great on the aftershow episode. So maybe that is a good sign? Farrah--she is a mess. So, now she is the down to earth one in her opinion? I don't even know what to say. And what friends does she have that she found that are to the level she described? No clue.
  23. As said above I am glad Gracie and Ashley came back and got the spots on the world team next year, but they both really have to learn to pull it together for 2 programs or they aren't getting anywhere. Personally I am still really bored by Gracie but willing to give her a chance--hoping she will add some form of personality or at least attack to her programs at some point. I don't remember her name, but I love how the Russian girl that won just really went for it. I could totally see the difference between her and the Americans in that regard. She didn't have a perfect long program, but she kept after it.
  24. I thought this was a cool episode..... it went a little bit of a different direction than many of them. I also liked how he remained interested in his family despite the not so positive information he was receiving. He was very realistic about it all, and seemed to enjoy learning about all of them despite their flaws and issues.
  25. I didn't expect that ending at all, but I really liked it! It was very charming and sweet, and a good send off for these great characters.
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