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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I loved this episode...very cute. Barry as Boy George was too funny. And all of them running through the rain....
  2. This episode was good in the sense that the tide changed a bit, and it wasn't just about Rob's character causing trouble for his family.... he kind of had his own story, so I liked that. While the husband and wife characters also had their own story, which was nice as well.
  3. I don't really care at this point she didn't tell him, mainly because his schtick about being "cool" and "irresponsible" is running really old at this point. He is grown up enough to not be stupid, and either you are going to show up at the girl's party or you are not. I am losing my patience for this type of storyline every week.
  4. Yes, Rory did have some ill fitting clothes early on. Her jeans were not remotely good (esp in comparison to Lorelai who looked great in her jeans). They were always baggy in an odd way, and just in general she didn't look like she had much of anything good. Then she goes to Yale and suddenly has this great wardrobe...i was never sure when she had the time or money to make such a drastic change.
  5. Too funny...I didn't care for the pilot episode much, but I really liked this one. I am the opposite of everyone I guess.
  6. I agree with the whole laundry conversation. Plus it is a pet peeve of mine when people that generally do not like to do laundry/can't keep up with it act like it is impossible to do. I have even seen moms in blogs use the excuse that spending time with their kids is more important, and in the end what kids will remember most is the time that you spent with them, not that you had a clean home and laundry done. Really? Yes, kids like time with parents, but they are forgetting the fact that many parents manage to pick up around the house and spend time with their kids. These kids benefit from not living in a home that looks like a tornado took over, and they get time with their parents. It drives me nuts the excuses people will make.
  7. I found the laundry comment coming from Janelle funny too.... especially since she mentioned Jace's laundry. I was like, and when would you be doing his laundry given he doesn't even live with you??? I am sure Leah was thinking the same thing given it was her laundry story that started the whole thing. Not to excuse Leah, as she clearly has never liked doing the laundry, but she does have 3 kids living in her house.
  8. I found myself bored through this episode. I personally don't know if this show has enough steam to keep going--I feel like they are already running out of ideas. I also get tired of John's character and the insistence of acting like a 20-30 year old--as if everyone at his age continues the endless partying, etc. I want to like it, but I am questioning whether they can move forward with storylines different than what they have had so far.
  9. I kind of liked it--not sure yet? I could do without the songs for sure, though. They dragged out far too long for me. I just wonder how long the premise can continue, but it is kind of a cute show.
  10. Those are actually decent pairings.... the only one I feel bad for is Hayes, as Allison doesn't seem to elevate the dancers that she gets. So he might lag a bit with her given that he has been in the middle of the pack so far.
  11. I like parts of this show. But I don't know how much of Rob's character I can take over time. It is funny at moments, but a lot of the moments just annoy me...especially when he messes with the parents trying to raise their children, etc.
  12. Most of this episode I had a hard time enjoying because I felt that John's character went so far the other direction than he did on the 1st episode. The 1st episode he seemed happily involved with his new family, and this one he was quite the jerk. He redeemed himself in the end, but I had a hard time understanding the big swing in character.
  13. I just always see this theme week as a way to get to know the "star" better. Whichever moment the star chooses to highlight I see it as ABC trying to help make the star more relateable and known to viewers. I guess it doesn't bother me much because in the end some of these shows have helped me to see the person in a different light.
  14. I don't think there must be much to tell of later years, because the Behind the Headlines show after the lie detector show basically said things were pretty calm after Shannen left. They didn't have much info for the later years either other than the show did pretty well another 6 seasons after Shannen departing.
  15. I can't really be behind someone that created the "honey, I'm good" song :-) Sorry Andy....
  16. Though I originally liked Jo, I have to agree with the above. He has come across as extremely lazy and unmotivated lately. I feel bad for Vee as I don't know how much energy he will have for her or her baby. Speculation, yes, but there is something not right about him lately.
  17. I don't think that is really an unpopular opinion. I think that many viewers like Emily and appreciate Kelly's acting.... it is more about the uneven writing of her character over time that becomes an issue. Otherwise I really like Emily, and love how Kelly plays her--I just find her behavior baffling because it is not consistent from one situation to another.
  18. As someone else further above mentioned what he meant was he gets up early to go to work for an earlier than normal person's shift so he can get off work in time to go to the games Not that he is trying to go to the game at 5am.... he is trying to be off work well before 5pm to go to the game.
  19. Kail did look really good.... and she was very restrained about everything, so even if it was all pretend, I give her credit for helping her part of the reunion show go well. I appreciate that she stood up for Jo in some ways, though I still think Jo is lacking in the motivation department. I think he was picked on more about the job because of the way he came off this season--he seems not very busy, but yet also not able to show up for things. It has been odd for me as a viewer to understand so I am kind of glad they pushed him a little. Normally he seems more on top of things than he has lately. I really liked how Vee handled her portion so well...good for her! On the same note, I can kind of understand Kail's somewhat disinterest in their baby. In normal every day life when you have two families like this the wives don't typically bond in regard to the other children (typically just the child that they parent/stepparent). Jenelle is a mess, but that portion went better than I thought. The previews discussed her made me think she would get a pass on everything, but I really appreciated how the segment started out with Barb being praised for doing so well with Jace, and isn't it great that she has raised him so well. I loved that, and you know Janelle just wanted to disagree but couldn't. From there it was clear her and Nathan are a mess, and Janelle only proved the point she hasn't learned a thing. I think Drew let some of her comments go because there was no point, and she wasn't making herself look good anyway....
  20. I think it is a fun show as well. So far they are doing a good job of keeping it fresh and interesting.
  21. gaPeach, yes, the fact the was so lost and obviously impaired enough to even wander as far as she did for a reason noone could really understand makes it all the more sad. I remember when this story first came out, I couldn't figure out why she was leaving a party alone anyway.... I don't know the whole situation of why she wasn't with friends, and when she did text them saying she was lost that someone didn't come get her. I know when I went to college we wouldn't have walked alone anyway, but I can't imagine someone not coming around quickly to help.
  22. As indicated further above the turtles have definitely resurfaced since the time period you are talking about. The updated version of the cartoon has been on Nickelodeon for the last several years, and the movies that were mentioned above as well. Turtles are very popular..... :-) I think it was good for Kim to be done. With not being able to fly, and with that health scare it is better for her not to dance. I do think some of this had to do with the fact that she had a serious incident, and they don't want to mess with that. I love seeing Tony get to actually dance, so that was nice they showed the routine. I thought it was funny how Kim acted like she knew the dance so well (in that one day she got to work on it).... yeah right.
  23. I agree...that is very creepy, especially since there was a fair amount of people walking around at that time. You just think, the fact that he noticed her specifically like that, and then what happened to her in the end is just awful. The one part I found interesting, as it was the only thing I hadn't heard before, was that the woman in Fairfax--I didn't know that someone else had come around, and that might have saved her life. I had always just read that she got away, but I thought it was of her own accord. I am so glad that guy came around with his car lights.
  24. He found her walking on the downtown mall. There is no known connection between the two. The bar was after he followed her.
  25. Janelle and Barbara at the end of the episode was amazing. I know Janelle will screw up again, but that was really nice to see. I am glad she admitted he would have been in a foster home by now if he had been under her care. I am starting to side with her more on the Nathan thing as well...he does seem to just want to come in and push her buttons more than anything. I agree with the others about still being confused about Jo. I honestly sided with Kail in that conversation a bit because he looked like he does not have it all together. He didn't appear to know how he was going to handle helping with Isaac or his new baby. And he acted like getting a job would just get in the way of his time with Isaac. I don't love Kail, but I will give her a little bit of credit for going to school to have plans other than MTV in the future, so her not working now at least makes sense to me--she is using her MTV money time to get the education.
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