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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I think the teeth post is fine as she chose to make them look that way. Kind of like Emily--those were something else! I admittedly am bothered by all of the duck lips posts that have been on these threads, however because I find them mean spirited and I just feel that she can't really change her lips (and shouldn't try to...they are the lips she was given).
  2. I doubt there would be a forum for this new show-- Most Desperate Kitchen, or something like that. I kind of like this one--it has a little old school HGTV to it with them picking homeowners and redoing a room for them. I like that they do more than just throw in some cabinets, etc.... they seem to have some good design elements and space planning. I find them more creative and interesting than the Property Brothers. There is also a new show called Listed Sisters, I think? and though the sisters are nice enough and a good change from always seeing the Property Brothers, the formula on that show is just too similar each show. They had 2 episodes in a row, and miraculously, the renovation was to be 35K for redoing a huge portion of the house in both episodes, and this 35K would increase their value by about 100K. If they didn't already have a ton of this exact type of show on already, it might be okay, but I can't take another forumlatic property selling and buying show. So this one is off my list quickly.
  3. alexa


    That is just crazy! I would guess that many actual Hollywood stars do not even given their kids 100s of dollars for missing teeth. That truly shows her delusion that she can't take a concept like the tooth fairy and understand that even a dollar/few dollars would make it fun for the kids--she really thinks that she has to give her hundreds. I have no words.
  4. I can't believe they showed Britt and Brady at the end. Clearly they are not together. This is obvious in the way they talk to each other. And he seems weirder and weirder each time we see him. I know Kaitlyn's season has been a bit of a mess, but every time they show Britt I am still relieved Kaitlyn got the gig.
  5. It is so annoying how she always turns her head that way for every picture. Her whole family will be looking ahead, and here's Tori with her head angled as if it is somehow her best side--when all it really does is make her look like a freak.
  6. I liked last night's episode okay too. The only exception being when Steve Harvey kept going on and on about one of the questions--I think it was when they said glutes and he found that funny. But he wouldn't stop going on, and I just wanted him to shut up. I thought that the Bachelor/ette group did pretty well...esp Catherine. That was impressive!
  7. A couple of things on a season 3 episode: When Jess was skipping school to work at Walmart, does it make any sense that Luke wouldn't have been notified by the school long before? Schools don't just have someone miss multiple days and not check in with the guardian/parents. Maybe in Stars Hollow they do? In the episode where Lorelai's father gives her 75K dollars from the investment..... later on Lorelai pays her parents back for Chilton, and though we all know Emily is sensitive to the whole Friday dinner thing--her reaction to being paid back just was a bit over the top. I think they knew that Lorelai may never be able to pay them, but that she did see it as a loan, and if she could she would pay them. What really irritated me though is when Rory gets on her case about it afterwards, which was totally unfair given that Rory got the education she wanted, and the fact that Lorelai went to her parents for the money was a big deal. I found it insensitive of Rory to not see that it was a big deal to her, and that paying them back was important to her. I haven't watched the full series for a few years so I don't remember what happens with the Yale education/how they pay for it, but I am pretty sure Emily and Richard are involved. The above is just a discussion on that specific episode.
  8. I totally agree, which is why it is hard for me to watch Janelle's segments. I will say that for the most part I am really proud of Jace for overcoming all of the drama in his life. Most of the time he seems to be an even-keeled kid, and even when he has his moments I am not certain it is much different than other kids acting out. I know Barbara is unstable at times, but you can see that when Barbara and Jace have time with no Janelle they seem like a very normal mother/son duo--much quieter and calmer. It is when Janelle comes around that the yelling starts, and don't get me started on her criticizing her mom for how she raises Jace. Ugh. I think you are right that it wouldn't make sense for Janelle to actually have Jace full time. I am dreading the upcoming scenes where they show Janelle and Babs discussing this issue as it sounds like Babs feels threatened she will lose him.
  9. Do we know in real life that Barbara still has Jace? I am pretty sure that is the case, but it will make it easier for me to watch Teen Mom 2 if I don't have to worry about Jace going to be with Janelle.
  10. First of all, I totally didn't understand why they included that clip of Brady and Britt and her mom. It was so weird. Did they do it to highlight there is no relationship or do the powers that be think there is one and this will somehow make all Britt fans super happy? The previous clip of Britt and Brady made it pretty clear they are not staying together...she can't seem to coherently say she actually likes him all that much. And at the very least the confusion at this visit shows what we have already seen--she just doesn't have a real sense of what she wants or how she feels. I thought when they went on the group date that she actually has a pretty good group of guys. They were a good mix, and seem to be decent, nice people. I loved a couple of the guys jokes at the wake...and even though it was odd, it was better than some of the other dates. I don't even know what to say about Nick. I think she got swept up in it all, but she definitely needed some restraint given that this is a TV show. And regardless if she cares what viewers think or not, she should care what her potential F1 will think. I think Ian's statements in the car were the comic gold of this show. People with inflated egos stating they should be the bachelor while all of the viewers laugh, and think--this is exactly why you will never have the chance to be the bachelor. ha ha!
  11. I totally agree with all of this. Literally this network has the same 4-5 shows on, and shows that same show for the whole evening. Typically it is either Property Brothers or the other versions of their shows, Love it or List it, Fixer Upper, Rehab Addict. Given that they used to have several different shows on each evening, I just can't understand why they can't mix in some new shows with their regulars and add some of the diversity this channel used to have. I do really miss the old style of HGTV shows, and would love to see something like that again. And it is so true they bury their new shows so that noone ever knows they exist. It is crazy. Or they will show it one night and it will disappear to some daytime slot, and you just assume they dumped the show.
  12. This makes more sense to me. She seemed too into Shawn and/or Nick to dump both of them. And especially now what we have seen with Shawn, they seem so into each other, or at least have that edit. I can't stand RS' site. As you all said, he goes on and on just about being wrong. It is like a freaking novel.
  13. I found Farrah giving advice in this episode strange as well. She is barely talking to any of them but now suddenly feels they want to take advice from her? I was especially confused when she asked Maci if she and Bentley were going to do therapy together. I think Maci said yes to be nice--because a 6 year old talking back to his parents is very normal and does not warrant therapy. I am not going to say they all do that, but it is very common. I knew exactly what Maci meant when she said there is a balance between discipline and also letting them be heard--it is true. Sometimes what they come out with isn't really an intentional talking back, it is their immature brain not handling their emotions/what they are trying to say very well. It doesn't mean that you don't teach them better ways or just take it from them, but therapy is most likely not necessary. We have seen Bentley on tv enough to know he is not over the top in regard to behavior issues. I just found that all very odd.
  14. Unfortunately it would have been rushed no matter what as that is the new order of things it seems. Instead of having a rose ceremony at the end, they seem to find a dramatic moment to end on so that they can wait a week to finish it. I really wish they would go back to the old formula of having the rose ceremony at the end of the episode. I don't really like how broken up all of the episodes feel. I know they are doing it to supposedly get people to watch the next week, but most people that are following the show would watch it the next week anyway.
  15. I agree, but she just always comes off to me as if she hasn't really decided what kind of guy or relationship she wants--she just likes the guy that likes her. And she is into everything he is into. I wasn't making any comparisons to Kaitlyn as Kaitlyn hasn't been impressive so far either.
  16. Probably true! But after seeing Britt and Brady together, and her fake generic responses I still feel happy she wasn't the B'ette. She doesn't really have a clue as to what she wants other than to be the chosen one :-)
  17. I have to agree with all of the basic sentiments. I thought Kaitlyn would be a great Bachelorette, but she sucks. I really hated how when the guys weren't causing the drama that she had to create it by ruining their date to think about Nick. That was so rude. She literally left their date to ponder over Nick, didn't spend any time with them after they voted for her/wasted their time on her, and then comes back and notices the mood isn't good. Really? I wonder why? And then she has a date where she doesn't actually spend any time with them as only one person can do that one minute Broadway performance. I know they have done this before but after the other dud date, does she really think she will get to know any of these guys if she just has them fight, rap, and practice Broadway? And then some current guys will have to go home while Nick moves in? How does she even think that will look to the guys that are there. The whole thing just baffles me. I used to like Nick, but seeing him now I can see why so many people didn't like him on Andi's season. He just wants the attention and to be "the one".
  18. I agree with the others.... and say give Lorelei a chance! She really created a great life for her and her daughter given the fact she came from a rich family, had a baby young, didn't accept help, and went from a maid to managing the inn. And she has a home, friends, and a great town full of people to support her. I love her relationship with Rory. I love how she raised her in a way that allowed her to feel safe but not too sheltered. And I love they are able to be friends along with mom and daughter. Adding to this that Rory's father was only present off and on throughout. Although Lorelai has her flaws, I have always seen far more good from her than bad. And when she is "complex" I feel that is real life rearing its head. I think given her past, and basic human behavior, it is to be expected.
  19. In addition to what I already said about feeling like it is over the top, I think the other issue for me is that the constant hyperactivity by those in charge--yelling and analyzing every possible scene--became really old to me fast. That will obviously continue in the future episodes, and even if that aspect is true of tv sets, it isn't something that I find interesting to watch. I also just feel that future episodes can't differ a whole lot from what we saw on the first episode. I get the idea, the cast is manipulated, and the producers have to do a lot of crazy things to egg them on.
  20. I had hoped to like this but just found it too over the top for my taste. I am not thinking reality tv is all unicorns and rainbows but I just don't think the sets are quite so intense. I am sure there is manipulation, etc but I just found the intensity of this as too much to depict what goes on.
  21. I won't go too forums on forums talk, and will try to address this to share my opinions versus being confused about everyone else's. My feelings are that Maci is pretty harmless, there is nothing so out there about her having a second child in her 20s given that she has waited several years. She does make money in some fashion, she is not living on the street and seems to provide a stable home to her existing child. I personally feel she has good intentions when dealing with Ryan and other people in relation to her son. She may not always please everyone in how she does it, but I truly see her as the one with the least issues of the 4 moms and I don't find a lot to get upset about in regard to her storyline.
  22. I get confused by Emily as well. On the one hand I like that the writing shows their complicated relationship, and in many ways that is a very normal life experience for many families. So I like that I don't always understand it and can view their relationship as complex and not one dimensional. On the other hand, Emily really is inconsistent, and how she acts on an issue in one episode often doesn't correlate about how she acts in another episode on the same type of issue. I don't think she would be that "complex" to the point that her brain can't figure out from day to day how she feels about something.
  23. I think you all have a good point about Rory. I know I made those comments being annoyed with Jess, but now that I am a few episodes further it clearly reminds me of how she acted and her part in it. I have seen this series more than once but forget aspects over time. I hated how she did what she did to Dean throughout most of their relationship, and especially when Jess came around. At that dance how she went on and on about Jess and didn't think anything about how Dean might see how obvious it was that she was into Jess was just crazy to me. I am happy he stood up to her and just said forget it. She really is an idiot when it comes to guys sometimes.
  24. I wasn't talking about whether people were being too judgmental about the situations in my comments. I agree some of the behavior is over the top. I was referring to the fact that these kids are now 6 and have no business being on TV--this series should be done based on their age alone. I was just saying that some of the behavior for this age is normal, and I don't think we all have to see it. Regardless of whether we are seeing the occasional bad day or they are always like that. I wish the kids had their privacy and that the moms would quit signing up for the show and that MTV would quit asking them. I wasn't really making a comment on how they are parenting/not parenting in these behavior situations.
  25. Along with everything else that has already been said, I think this season is a clear reason why the show needs to be done. I think the kids ages make a huge case for that, as they are at that time in their lives where they are becoming more and more of the person they are going to be, and they should be allowed to do that without cameras following them. Much of the behavior that is commented on here is fairly common for this age at one point or another, but is typically handled in a fashion that makes it not feel like it is happening all of the time. Plus I think it isn't beneficial for them to go through these moods and stages on camera. I just feel it is inappropriate and they should be allowed to live their lives, including their bad moments, without a camera following them around. I am relieved for Bentley that he has gotten a break from it all even though Maci's segments are more boring now. I hope it doesn't come back, and these parents need to move on with their lives without MTV dragging them all back in. Of course they are going to say yes for the money, but it really doesn't serve any of them well. I was confused about the "April's husband" situation too. I missed the marriage somehow? And agree that I wondered where Tyler's mom was in the conversation about who could help with Nova. And yes, they all get too involved with Carly, and I don't blame Theresa for not bringing her to the reunion. They need distance at this point, I feel.
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