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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I really enjoyed this episode. I liked that there was a little appreciation for Bev, even though she does get on my nerves quite a bit (but in a good way). I thought it was funny the things she was able to accomplish for her kids.
  2. I think what you are saying makes sense. I think at times it is hard to tell between the timing of filming, etc, what took place when. I do think Kail looks better this season than last. And as a side note, there is not doubt that Chelsea looks terrific...her weight loss and health are very clear. Kail doesn't come off as the skinniest of people anyway, just by her body type and how her face/chin looks, so I think with her that is why she can look thin one moment and not so thin the next. Plus the tattoos are horrible and do not help in making her look better.
  3. I guess we will find out more later, but if she texts a picture like that he is adult enough to ask if he doesn't understand what it means. She isn't going to just text pictures of a sign for no reason. If he really wants to be a parent, he has to be able to pick up on things, and ask when he doesn't understand. I do this all of the time as a parent. Schools often send out information that is somewhat unclear and I make it my responsibility to understand what is going on. As much as I like Jo more than Kail, I am not buying all of the excuses, if those are what his excuses are. And maybe they used "moving on" because parents said they thought calling it a graduation was stupid or something... who knows?
  4. Yes, agree with the above. The parents can now cover older children, but it doesn't mean they all do or want to cover for that long. It is up to them. Plus some people have very expensive insurance they may choose to drop their children at a certain adult age to make their policy a bit cheaper (not have to be on a family plan).
  5. It drives me nuts when people put the TV up so high. Talk about neck strain coming their way.....
  6. I just think Tony needs to give this gig up. He has been sarcastic and rude about the judging for a few seasons now, and last night they weren't even saying anything bad. He kept harping on learning two dances, blah blah blah... well, they all were and the other pros acted like pros about it. I really don't like him anymore, as he is too whiny. I was glad to see Victor go, as I agree with further up that Karina looked uncomfortable with him. I think she did the best she could, but I don't think that was meant to be a long lasting pairing. I also hope Hayes stays around mainly because I like Emma...she is so fun, and she has had her share of bad partners, so it is refreshing for her to have someone decent this season.
  7. That song has been listened to by many young people since it came out way back when.... I don't think at this point it matters who listens to it/performs to it. Anyone that grew up hearing a lot of ACDC heard that song quite a bit. And it sounds like her parents really liked that kind of music, so she grew up with it.
  8. So true, and I am part of a two parent family raising a child, and I am sure at times my son would say I am flawed but devoted :-) Parenting isn't easy, and I think Barb has done a pretty good job considering the situation. Plus I love how she has gotten smarter over the years about limiting her and Jace's time with Janelle (to avoid arguments, etc).
  9. I honestly don't see Jace as doing as badly as is often mentioned here. We see him rarely and occasionally he has a bad moment that seems similar to any other child his age. Most of the time he seems very calm, well behaved, and happy (when he is shown playing or having quiet moments at Barb). I do think most of his issues have come from the transition from Janelle's, as for a while he was going there more often and would then act out when he got back home to Barb's. That is pretty normal. I feel like sometimes more is made of the children's bad moments in this show because we see them in random moments. Even the best of young children have bad moments, and go through phases where they have more than usual.
  10. I feel confused too, as it doesn't sound like Jo. He should know the game and graduation were important to him, and it isn't like he doesn't know his dad is close by...so obviously he could jump to the conclusion that he didn't want to go if he doesn't show up for an event. And based on how little Jo cared about being late for the game (which is sad that Isaac was with him and he was the responsible parent at that moment), I don't really believe he did his part to know the time of the game. I do think that Kail is the type to remind him, and she said she texted the picture of the time or whatever. I don't like Kail, but she is anal about these things so I do actually believe her. If Jo was really just misunderstanding the time, he would have felt really bad for Isaac missing the game--and clearly he wasn't.
  11. I get really bothered by the child support these dads are expected to pay as well. I understand the formula/based on their salary, etc, etc. I just don't get why it would be so much, and why the moms are basically then paying nothing for their children. I know it doesn't cost that much for a child. I really think this just proves that Leah has children (at least her last one) for the money from the future child support. Because knowing she makes a working person's salary (and one that someone had to get a full education to get that salary) for literally doing nothing really frustrates me. I don't understand Kail's situation either.... I agree with all of you. She chooses the expensive school, the new expensive house, etc, and Jo has to pay up? Why doesn't she have to make choices based on her income--just because the son has a father that has to give you money doesn't equal entitlement to the best life has to offer. I think she isn't serving the Teen Mom series well as she definitely makes it look like--oh if you have a child as a teen look how much money and houses and cars you can end up with!
  12. I am doing a rewatch of the full series, and am just at the parts in Season 5 where they are starting to date. I do actually like this couple, and I like how Rory "goes for it" so to speak in asking him out. This couple is a bright spot compared to a lot of the other things that are going on--- Emily and Christopher meddling with Lorelai and Luke, etc.
  13. I think the other issue with her dishes were that they were too easy for the chefs to make on the spot. I think the home cook does better when the chef has a bit more of a disadvantage.
  14. I find this practice very annoying in all of the teen mom series.... It never occurred to me as a mom to not participate in the feeding process and hold my baby when he was feeding. I never would have just said here....hold your bottle and drink! They seem to do this all of the time (not just Jenelle), and I don't get it.
  15. I was thinking the same thing. The article I read even said she tripped.... I don't see how she would have evidence to blame a restaurant for that. The patrons know the grills are hot--considering that is the whole point of the restaurant. Ugh.
  16. Thanks, that actually makes me feel better that it is seen (by others as well) as a bad episode as a whole. It is funny, that in my last full run of this series I felt that I found more feel good moments, and this run through I am finding so many less of them. And cringing as the bad stuff comes along.
  17. I just finished the episode where Richard and Emily throw that Yale party for Rory (this is a rewatch of the series), and it is amazing how much I forget yet also start to feel that feeling of dread of the various things to come. I left this episode and the one before it kind of depressed for the various reasons. Christopher returned in the previous episode, which I had forgotten about, and when Chris returns we all know what that means--he screws everything up. I like Luke and Lorelai together, but I can only think that I know the happiness doesn't last long so that bums me out. I like their early dating scenes--I think they are sweet to each other. Rory and Dean--though I don't really think they should have gotten back together I like that they try to date and make it work, only to be messed up by that stupid party (I hate how that whole party plays out and how stupid Rory looks at the end). Lastly, I hate how Richard and Emily interfere with both Lorelai and Rory at this time just because they don't like who they are dating--I know they never learn, but you would think they would learn that this isn't the way to keep them in their life. And how dare Emily blame Lorelai for not talking to her about things, when this is exactly what she does every single time. I do like Logan and Rory, however, so that is one thing that is okay...I just wish that Dean didn't have to have that embarrassing moment at the party. I know that Dean is no saint, but it still is hard to watch.
  18. I totally agree with the above many times over. These are young kids, most of which displaying young kid behavior. I can't even conceive of thinking because a 5 year old might be bratty at times that they will become a teenage mom? That is quite a leap! Kids can change so much over the years, and how they act now might not be how they act in a month or a year, or they may act out now, and be angels as a teenager. You just don't know. What I do know is that Aubrey appears to have enough love and structure to set her up for a good life with good values. Where I would say differently is for Leah's oldest child--I think Corey and Miranda have a chance to balance out her life at her mom's house, but her life at her mom's house is not one that creates the necessary structure that she seems to really need. She is definitely more at risk in my mind than the others. I think even Jace seems to be doing well because he seems comfortable at Barbara's house, and seems to understand that Janelle isn't a real mom (just a place he goes occasionally). Kail's children seem okay as well. I think that we see their random bratty behavior, and most of it seems typical to me (even Leah's oldest child--she is acting out due to the life she has at Leah's house from what I can tell--she seems to be a different person at Corey's).
  19. I respectfully disagree.... I don't think at all that "we'd all be saying what a dumbass she is". That is a pretty strong statement, when there are many of us that clearly see her as harmless and living a fairly normal life. I also don't see Aubree and Leah being similar at all--that comparison confuses me.
  20. I personally don't see Barb's situation as anything that would make her sympathetic to Farrah. Barb was beaten and treated badly by a man, and had to stay in that situation longer than she wanted to. She didn't choose that. I feel Farrah chose to do everything that she did, and she didn't need to do any of it...she was on a MTV tv show making enough money to make a decent life for her daughter. And also could choose a better career path in general (had the money and time to pursue education).
  21. I think Chelsea and Cole are just being Chelsea and Cole. it is not like we follow around everyone in their daily lives to know if their normal way of being might annoy someone. Honestly I can't pick on them because they have it together--they are happy, Chelsea has a decent life and is a good mother, and she is not Kail, Jenelle, or Leah--so she is doing great in my book!!
  22. I liked this home cook--he seemed organized and ready to compete. I think that is about right--win 3, lose 2-- they still end up with decent money to take home.
  23. I just rewatched this storyline, and I totally forgot about all of this from watching before. Yes, after all he did in his marriage that was awful (yell at Lindsay, stay out at night, not put in any effort), he had no right to blame Rory for anything. Rory wasn't married, and fell for his lie that the marriage was over (stupid as that was). What was Rory supposed to do--stay at home all summer and have an affair while he remains married? I also never understood why Lindsay was a stay at home wife--at that age, why isn't she doing something more productive? Noone needs to cook and clean that much.... it was just odd.
  24. I agree with not using children... I prefer a more even match up (even though the child is good), as the intention is to see if a home cook can hold up to a chef. I think it also puts the chefs in an awkward position.
  25. That is the thing with him. Putting aside how he treated Juelia (because I could care less about that situation), I never understood why he was so mean and rude to everyone when he came in. Even if he was waiting for Sam to come, why did he act so awkward about being around people when he had no issues making friends during his B'ette season? I think most of the guys liked him, so I just don't get what he was doing or why he was acting like such an idiot.
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