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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Yes, the episode described above was awful. They have no real interest in their children, and just the way they discussed the whipping they do is typical of those that do that on a regular basis. I hate the idea of instilling fear in your own children. I loved last night's episode. The family was so great about participating with the bedtime routine of the children, and clearly kept it up while Jo was gone...as they didn't have any issues shown on camera that needed to be handled. I think it will be like a new life for them to have their children in a separate bedroom, and to have established those boundaries.
  2. Even if the premise is that Stewart will be found to be "right", this storyline has made this show not an actual "sitcom"--I am not sure what they would call it. If the idea is that the show is supposed to be funny, you can only have storylines that extend out this way if they are pleasant and funny to begin with. It is one thing if this was a long running sitcom and was trying something new...but when you are still trying to entice viewers you can't bring them into a several episode storyline that many do not find humorous, and hope they will keep watching.
  3. I agree...it was good. I love all of their interactions together, especially the siblings. Erica is great when she is the voice of reason for the sibling relationships, and I like that she cares about her family. Barry is a nut, but I love how funny Lainey is when she goes along with him...her reactions are so funny.
  4. I agree with the other sentiments. I am not sure what is supposed to be funny, or how this is remotely a sitcom. Even as a drama this material would be bad.
  5. alexa


    I am admittedly not a fan of Gwyneth Paltrow, so of course I found this funny.... Gwyneth is on the cover of the new Glamour magazine, and it is really not a great cover photo, and it reminded me of someone. I realized in that pic she looks like Farrah's mom to me. If you go to the Glamour website, you can see the cover somewhere on their homepage.
  6. We know that his parents knew, so they would have told him. We aren't certain what communication took place, but it was clear from Ryan's discussion with his parents that they all knew about it, and the parents wondered why Ryan didn't go. That tells me he knew, and could have easily asked -- what is a good time to go to see my son at the hospital for the surgery?
  7. I agree with the above. Butch's story really explained a lot. I find violence directed toward children as so heartbreaking. Even when children aren't loved, listened to, valued, etc, it breaks my heart. I guess having a child it just makes you really want children to be loved and cared for--when people don't care or treat them badly I find it so sad. And yes, it makes such a difference in how that child grows up. They grow up not knowing what it is liked to be loved.... they don't have a good reference point to start with. Though many overcome it, not everyone can, especially when violence is involved as well.
  8. I think part of the reason that Stewart is the way he is on this show is because Dean is a PITA all of the time. The times they show Stewart and Deb safely in the company of just themselves, Stewart can be a lot of fun. I would be tense with Dean around as well.
  9. I must be on a different hemisphere. I thought it was awful....just a continuation of the stuff last week I didn't like. My issue is that I like Stewart and Deb, and I think in order to like this show you have to like Dean more than you like everyone else. If this show was Stewart, Deb, and Claire, I would love it. I just can't stand to see everyone being so negative to Stewart all of the time when he is the only one trying to actually accomplish something or actually cares about things. I am curious to see what Stewart found out about his dad, so will watch for that next time, but if it is a continuation of everyone disputing Stewart yet again, I have to be done with the show.
  10. I personally think Emily was put in an awkward situation and handled the best she personally could. She hardly knows Ben, and when he finally takes her on a one on one date, he takes her to meet his parents--without even warning her? She hasn't had time to form a relationship where she knows a lot about him, but has to talk to each of his parents individually about why she could be good for him? I found it odd. I can see Lauren or Jojo, as they obviously have more of a relationship with him and will most likely be doing this later on, but it made no sense to me to put Emily through that. I can't fault her for how she came across as chatty...I am sure she was nervous as heck and had no idea what she was supposed to say.
  11. I don't watch TBBT but as for the Grinder I would guess it hasn't taken off for many viewers because it comes across as one note. Most episodes have a similar storyline that gets old for some, including me. I know I am probably about 2 episodes past where I should have stopped watching. Great cast though so it is too bad they haven't evolved the storylines much from the beginning.
  12. Thanks so much...I keep thinking she reminds me of someone, and you are right! I agree about the pig date...I would have been grossed out about having to swim among the pigs. Here they have these beautiful beaches, and he couldn't just take them to an island without pigs? Or stay on the boat? Anything but that? Seriously, that was nuts. Plus, not that I am excusing Leah after what we saw later in the episode, but why in the evening, didn't he ask her to go talk first--knowing she was feeling left out from dates/one on one time. He just grabs all of the girls he has talked to multiple times and makes her wait. Not very smart if you are actually trying to pretend you want her to stick around.
  13. I saw that she posted another weird pic with Jack as well. 2 in a very short amount of time....I don't get it. Wow, another move. Only proves she is a mess financially. I am sure it is true that Candy is paying for most of their living costs, which is really sad.
  14. This storyline is confusing because it came out during filming, is playing out in real life, but yet there isn't much happening with it right now. Amber is obviously in denial, Matt is waiting for his court case, and in the meantime, isn't Gary a bit worried about Leah spending nights at Amber's house with a conman? I am wondering if he has tried or is able to limit Amber's time with Leah even more due to the Matt situation. Or if the courts don't care about that kind of thing? I just don't get how it just goes on like nothing happened when the reality is this is a big deal. if it was just Amber it would be fine, but she has her daughter with someone she knows/knew little about.
  15. Wow.... okay, Amber, you can't ignore all of this. There is no way he can explain away court cases for several children, random nice and normal women coming forward to say he conned them, etc. I just don't get how he thought he could hide all of this while on national tv???
  16. I watched the aftershow last night, and I found Amber's segment interesting. I don't think she totally swept it under the rug, and I got the impression she is still processing all of this, and also that she is not necessarily okay with him having a lot of kids (she says if it is true, and admitted he probably has at least 2 more than the original 2 she knew about). She stated that she doesn't understand how you could not want to be a part of their life, so I do think she is thinking about all of it versus just saying--I love him, I don't care about this news, etc. Plus I am sure she couldn't say everything as not everything has come on tv yet, so they have to talk about what is current on the show. The Farrah stuff was interesting. I didn't think all of that was going to play out this season since she was on the show this season at all... it also gave Catelynn a reason to get fired up about something, and admit Farrah is over the top.
  17. Tori is now representing a psychic group. She is one walking billboard. She really has no idea what a mess she is with this constant selling of products, services, etc, that she does on her instagram, etc.
  18. I am not standing up for her encouragement, because I think he and Catelynn are so lazy, but I think his mom was just trying to get him to do something, anything, but just sit around on his butt. She sees him have no normal career, and sees that he doesn't notice his child is missing 2-3 days a week while he is sitting on his butt. So if she can encourage him to do something, perhaps that will bring motivation, and at the very least some money for their future? Again, these aren't normal people we are dealing with here... I left this episode just freaked out...omg. I really felt for Amber and the awkwardness of her guy just sitting there while she is saying, "if it is true, if he is lying, etc". That was just too weird and spoke louder than any words he could speak. I thought Gary handled it well. He did mull it over, go to his attorney, etc, and I think he knew Amber wouldn't listen well regardless if there were cameras or not...plus they are on TM, so it isn't like the media isn't going to find out at some point if he can find these records. Tyler and Catelynn annoy me so much. After all of this Carly talk, you would think they would love to be parents, until the reality of parenting shows up at their door in the form of Nova. Oh, it is actually work...we don't just get to sit and play and do what we want all of the time. And for Catelynn to volunteer to be a SAHM, and then dump off her child half the week just pisses me off. Then go get a job, and get a break that way. Sometimes people aren't meant to be a SAHM, and that is okay. I just think they are showing Brandon and Theresa why it is a very good thing Carly is with them and not C & T. For Tyler, to be like, oh, I guess you are right, mom, Nova has been gone a lot. Really, you live there doing nothing.....and she is your child! This just bothers me to no end. I liked Macy's storyline this week. Ryan was just too funny about Macy, and his interactions with Bentley, etc, were great. I really like Ryan, when he is being fun Ryan. Farrah is just nuts. Is there more to say? I do think Michael is trying harder to stand up to her....last night was one of the first times I saw him stand up for himself, and she did somewhat seem to listen...(at least a little more than she normally does).
  19. I didn't see the episode, but I agree with the above. I felt that if they were fine without Dean previous to his arrival, they can be fine again. I am one that gets tired of Dean getting his way all of the time, so I prefer him out of the house.
  20. Thanks! Glad to hear that in the end Dean will be "close" but not in their house :-) I find that idea just odd in general given he can probably afford his own home....
  21. Can someone share a quick summary of what happened? I forgot to watch, and meant to catch it since I saw it last week...thanks!
  22. I think this show is quickly losing steam and running out of ideas. The first one went well, but since then there hasn't been enough material to make the show worth it.
  23. I know I have already commented on Farrah, but I hadn't seen the last 30 minutes of the show yet, and that was even more heartbreaking. Farrah was just awful, which made Sophia act awful. It was like Farrah was purposely insulting and upsetting her mother so that Sophia would hate her too. I have always thought Farrah was bad, but this takes it to a new level. I honestly don't know what I would do if I was Deborah. If she tries to stay in Sophia's life, she is just going to push her away because Sophia is at the point where she doesn't like or respect her anymore, and she knows it is okay to insult grandma because mom says it is okay. If she stays away from Farrah and Sophia, Farrah will say that she doesn't come around and isn't trying to be a part of their lives. What could she do right at this point?
  24. I think if Nick has made it this far okay, he has a pretty good shot...hopefully the worst of his family issues are behind him! :-)
  25. Farrah's scenes really were the saddest thing I have seen on TV in a while. All of those messages she is sending, as discussed above--teaching her daughter to be disrespectful, encouraging the behavior, demonstrating the behavior on a daily basis.... it was truly awful. I felt so much for Farrah's mom, as she is no saint, but she didn't deserve to be embarrassed and harrassed on television. I think the producer talking to her was expressly to show Deborah some support, knowing how hurtful all of this would be while happening and then again when it showed up on TV. The list of things that Farrah did here were just so much I can't even express them all--trying to get Sophia to favor one grandparent, and dislike the other, teaching Sophia how to treat Farrah later on in life, not showing a bit of human compassion and teaching Sophia what that is. No wonder Sophia sticks her tongue out at her grandmother..she is learning from the best, and the fact Farrah didn't care just proves that she is trying to get Sophia to dislike her grandmother and use that as a way to create distance.
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