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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Sometimes I don't like engagement photos when they come across as too cheesy, but these are a lot of fun... I really like them! Maci looks fantastic.
  2. Funny enough I did see him in a commercial for the Odd Squad movie (a kids show on PBS)....so apparently he does some of that as well.
  3. Normally when I watch things live it doesn't feel anything like this, and in fact sometimes I go to the kitchen thinking I have enough time to do something and I return to the show being on. This show was completely different for me.... I could have gone and done 5 things and still not missed the show. lol I also think that the show snippets were very short.... it just felt like the characters barely had a chance to say anything before their segment was up.
  4. I love Jack McBrayer. I had no idea who he was before...but he is great at this game.
  5. I liked the reveal of the twist quite a bit. What I didn't like...I am not a fan of the jumping around. I get involved in a storyline to just have it snatched away for a while. It becomes too jumpy for me. Plus the commercials felt very long....longer than the actual show. I felt like I watched 3 minutes of story, and 7 minutes of commercial, regularly repeated. I think I like the parents storyline best, and wanted the story to keep going back to them. I will have to give it a few more episodes and see how it goes. But I do think I will just DVR it so I can forward through commercials.
  6. The singer winning is why I refrain from watching much of this show, but I did watch several episodes this year. I am always so disappointed to see so much great other talent just go to waste because a few singers enter the competition and often get the win. I didn't really care for any of the singers, and was really hoping for one of the talents to win. Other than if they handle the money right, I don't see this as a good thing for Grace. I think she is going to be overwhelmed by the attention. I think she would have been better off in 2nd or 3rd place as she is still getting recognition online, etc, but not being the winner would have made it a little calmer for her.
  7. The main thing I was thinking was how funny it is that "sweet, wonderful" (not my words) Amanda is in a relationship noone supports. I am sure she thought she would get the relationship where everyone would rave about it, but instead she is in the hotseat of a relationship that noone cares about. I love how all of the poll numbers they run so heavily favor Carly and Evan and the other 2 couples barely get a response. So cool :-)
  8. I know, I know, most of these parents don't care about car safety. But seeing Bentley in the front seat with Ryan drove me nuts. I am pretty sure he has a backseat in his truck, and I am pretty sure he could also afford a booster seat. Oh yeah, this is Ryan I am talking about.... what am I thinking?
  9. I am with the majority here, I was totally surprised by the announcement, and I was very happy about it. I have always liked Nick, and never could figure out why Andi chose fake Josh over Nick, but it is better for him anyway that he wasn't chosen. Jared annoyed me the most on the after show.... Ashley will always be annoying, but Jared is a loser, officially. The way he sat there and tried to sell their friendship and couldn't see how toxic it is, or relate to anyone else on that set spoke volumes. He will never find a long term relationship with that going on. I thought Caila handled it well and spoke to the situation politely while telling us all basically what happened. Have fun with your life with Ashley, Jared!
  10. I found the wife of the cousin funny as you could tell she didn't agree with her husband, and she is probably a key reason why Matt and her husband haven't been in touch much over the years. She looked like she was struggling to keep up the facade of how wonderful Matt is. Really, this cousin wouldn't try to see Matt, even when he lived close, if they were so close? Come on! I will say that I can see Amber having more doubts, and she clearly isn't happy with Matt, but that said, she is still an idiot for sticking up for him all of the time. And shame on her for blaming Farrah...Farrah was actually sane, as many have already stated, and she didn't really say much to get Amber upset. Amber was just upset because Matt was mad, and of course Matt was mad.... ugh. Farrah is acting a little more sane this season, and her crying and hugging her mom on this episode... I am so confused! Macy, though I understand the talk surrounding her pregnancy, is fairly harmless to me. She is good with her kids, Ryan's family, and her and Taylor do seem happy and comfortable. I can't really get too worked up about her other than she shouldn't pretend she wants a job or that she knows how to prevent pregnancy. Catelynn is making strides for me this season...she is actually admitting her problems more than before, and I do think she is starting to see issues that Tyler causes but she is too weak to do anything about it. It is sad, but I do think in some small ways she is making strides to start to think about what she needs to do for herself. Tyler was completely inappropriate about B & T. He could have waited until the cameras were off to talk about his frustration....I am sure they don't follow them to bed at night.
  11. I admittedly am one that really only wants to watch it on TV. I have never been interested in even watching short videos on the phone/tablet. I get impatient, and just don't enjoy that kind of viewing. I want to sit and relax and enjoy it on the cable system Comcast makes me pay dearly for. So I guess this means in future years as streaming becomes even more popular, I will just have to accept I won't see much of the Olympics.
  12. I agree with many key issues mentioned in this thread. Someone touched on the fact that many times they didn't actually air what they said they were going to air. I finally started checking the other channels more so I could actually see something I wanted to see, and most of the time, I would review my dvr recording to find something else airing. I also agree that they could have mentioned some of the other sports in primetime and given people an idea of where you could find them and when. They did used to do that a lot. They would feature another sport briefly to show a highlight and they were much more forthcoming about what was on the other channels. This year seemed very off to me for coverage.... there was just hours and hours of one sport versus mixing things up a bit. I had a hard time enjoying this Olympics due to the coverage.
  13. I did really like Daniel's and Ashley's date. There were some real and refreshing moments there...it was kind of cute. Then they just ended it abruptly and we never saw the end. Obviously nothing came of it, but I liked how they played off each other, and I kind of liked both of them in that moment. I do kind of get Daniel better now. That said, she had no reason to come to BIP if she can't handle seeing Jared with other people. Not a smart choice.
  14. I think Evan doesn't really come to mind so much because he isn't literally making out with someone every moment of the show. Do I think he acts like a bit of a dope and that might be embarrassing in the long run? Sure. LOL. But I think Amanda comes off worse for me because she mentions her kids more, and then at the same time is overtly making out with someone on national TV. I can't imagine her family and friends think this is a great thing either. But yes, Evan would not get a pass if he was doing the same thing.
  15. I don't think it is awful, just that in the long run it will be embarrassing for her in community circles. I don't think much about the single people on this show acting stupid on television because they don't have many home responsibilities, etc, but once you have children you become involved in the schools and community more. It won't bring her a lot of respect in her day to day life...
  16. I just can't help but think that Amanda is nuts for thinking it is okay to make out with someone on TV on a regular basis when you have 2 children at home you claim to love so much. Even if they aren't watching, the rest of the community can see it, and obviously she isn't coming across well. The children will be going to school at some point, and the rest of the parents will know Amanda as the girl that looks for a husband on TV and makes out in front of everyone constantly.
  17. I just have to say for me this has been one of the worst Olympics in regard to coverage. I get that they want to cover swimming and running, but they literally have hours of coverage of those events in the prime watching time, and then give the other primetime disciplines just a little piece here and there at the end of the night--when most people give up and go to bed. And they show a million interviews of Michael Phelps, but I have rarely heard any interviews of the gymnastics women (most likely because it is at the end of the night), and they have done what everyone had hoped they would do. I end up having to watch most of the end of the primetime event the next day, and so I am able to see what they had to offer, and typically it isn't much. They really took away much of the fun of watching gymnastics with their late and broken up coverage. Oh, and I was so shocked to see they had yet another interview with Michael Phelps the other night! So glad I got to see that because I haven't seen or heard from him at all. LOL
  18. On the Gabby topic, I do wonder why she ever chose to do a reality show if the criticisms started back when she won the gold medal. I am not excusing people, but at the same time, it doesn't help to put yourself on a reality show--it certainly won't stop the comments.
  19. I finally got to actually see some gymnastics without watching it on DVR. I was getting so annoyed how it was almost always after 11 pm.... I was surprised they actually showed it before then last night after the couple hours of track and field. I was almost giving up. I just find it funny how they hype up the gymnastics and then put it on so late that it is in one of the worst viewing times of all of the disciplines.
  20. I am in the camp of Luke's date was a bit overwhelming. I think it is a bit much to throw someone into a situation where they are meeting so many people at once without much warning. That is just not for everyone, and you could tell how much more comfortable Jojo was when it was just the smaller family together. I guess on the other hand if Luke wants to know if a woman is right for him, he should continue to have this as a sort of first date type thing--he can quickly weed out those that don't really care for his day to day lifestyle.
  21. I feel differently about the Barbara/Jace thing than a lot of the recent posts. I don't think she is perfect, but I think Jace can clearly see the difference between what he has with Barbara and what he has with Janelle. I think he sees that Barbara provides him with a fairly stable and normal life, and I think it is clear when we see Barbara and Jace together on a normal occasion and Janelle isn't around. They seem to live fairly peacefully and normally. I don't agree that he will have issues with Barbara keeping him from Janelle on occasion because I think he feels glad to have someone to do that for him. He might say things to please Janelle that he wants to be with his mom, but I don't have any doubts he would be just fine without her, and he knows it...he knows his stability comes from his real home. Not the one that Janelle and Dave provide for him.
  22. Thanks for the updates on Nathan's custody. I read the Janelle thread often, but I am sure I miss things here and there. I am glad he finally has time with Kaiser as it will be good for Kaiser to be away from Janelle and Dave once in a while. Not that Nathan is a prize but I honestly like him far more than Dave. Scary!
  23. The thing that always gets me, is as much as I don't like Janelle--what is up with Nathan always leaving it up to her to give him time with Kaiser? Why hasn't he had time petitioned from the court yet? Has he still not tried? I am so confused by this....
  24. I agree with others that she isn't really developing any relationships or using her time wisely to get to know the guys. And why she kept the two guys at the end, only to dump them very soon makes no sense to me.
  25. Has Miranda asked to not be on the show? We don't see much of her anymore. I would think she would want to be on, even if it was just for quality control to counter what Leah has to say about her. I do appreciate that Leah is trying to improve, but we will see where that goes. I have little faith... I think Cole and Chelsea are great...they are a simple couple that enjoy being together. Works for me!
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