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Everything posted by alexa

  1. I think it was fairly obvious at the end that she was forced to choose Chad. Just the way she said it spoke volumes, and she seems very distant from him in many of their interactions...he becomes weirder and weirder at each conversation. Though I can see why people like that he was "honest", he was really quite the jerk in an obvious way so I just don't think honesty matters much at that point. He could hardly even be warm to Jojo, and she would have to see that is not exactly the kind of person you have a relationship with.
  2. I just find every interaction with Janelle and Dave (is that his name?) just disgusting. He is so weird, and I hate how he is just like every other deadbeat boyfriend that says, "you should get custody of Jace!", and they say it like it should really happen and would be the best for him. It grosses me out watching him for some reason. I do agree Barbara shouldn't question so much, but I do think she is trying to gently find out what is going on for his own good. And yes, I expected to see comments on the frosting here! Too funny!
  3. I like Wanya, but I think he lost his way even before last week.... for me he didn't seem to be improving or showing much change. He was good from the start, but there was room to improve. So I think last week, some of the public just kind of forgot about him a bit because he didn't really come out at his best (even if you factor out the prop issue). As for this week, I didn't really think his trio dance was all that, but apparently the judges loved it. I do think he did well in his second dance. I thought Paige rocked it this week. I loved both of hers.... and that AT was hot, and I would not normally associate Mark's routines with hot. lol I don't really care for Ginger, so not thrilled she went through. And Nyle I am hot and cold with him.
  4. That's fine you don't agree blackwing. I don't agree with you either. I think you gave examples that actually led to my feeling of not much movement. Even when a team made up some time while another team had an issue there was no remote chance of the order changing. I didn't feel that way just because the team I liked didn't win. Other legs of the race were much more interesting and competitive in my mind.
  5. I am okay with the ending but I really wanted Tyler and Korey to win. As said above I didn't like that there was no room for movement in the order of the teams. It feels like an easy win for the team who starts out in first after the first task.
  6. I have liked Tyler and Korey all season. I like that they have fun throughout the race and make the most of it.
  7. It seems like they have been in Europe forever by her instragram/twitter. I can see taking a trip to Europe but staying there that long is not cheap, esp with so many kids with you. I don't get her either... I think it really gets to how clueless she is. I think she truly is having money issues, that she sometimes admits to and other times denies, but then she goes on to do things that are extravagant.
  8. Who is Kyle (referenced further above about FTC)? I keep seeing that in these threads and need to finally ask.
  9. I found this episode to be very funny. I laughed out loud several times. I loved how Beverly pulled out her years of coupons and the horrified reactions of Erica and Barry--as well as when they had to do the things on the coupons. I love Gramps interactions with Adam....he was funny in that costume with the martini. I also thought it was sweet how he understands everyone's situation, such as what Adam's father went through growing up, etc. Sweet ending to the episode as usual.
  10. I was wondering that also, about the father not knowing since it was clear he had already met the cousin. How could he not know that the rest didn't survive...it just seems like something he should know.
  11. I am sure it was editing and timing but the one disappointing aspect of Lea's story for me was how she just heard about all of her relatives dying in the Holocaust except for one, and then goes to her dad and says how excited she is. I know that she was going back to the other things she had learned, but it just sounded awful on TV to have it happen like that. They really needed to insert her comments about that right away versus waiting until the very, very end of the episode as it looked like she was insensitive to it. I felt more horrified by her news than she did...how sad. Otherwise, I loved her episode.
  12. Molly's episode was interesting. Her reactions were subdued, and at first I wasn't sure what to think, but my feeling is that she was just taking it all in and then decided that she just felt very upset for what her ancestors had to endure. She seemed relieved to learn about the one that moved to Nebraska. I liked that this was kind of a simple episode with ancestors that were fairly normal to the times--people looking for a better life in America.
  13. I am not sure I would have liked that combination of ice water and pushups. Wow, that was rough.
  14. I think this episode was more on track, but for me it is too little, too late. They diverted from this kind of episode for too long, that I no longer find these types of episodes as good as I would have before.
  15. I just don't understand why they have Keo around most seasons. Other pros only get a chance once in a while and yet they won't give up on Keo, but he hasn't shown anything that makes most viewers feel he needs to be there. He rarely has good connection with his star, and he hasn't really shined at choreography. I think he just hampers whoever is chosen to dance with him. So, I didn't really mind the criticism last night--if he didn't do a VW, then I am fine with that being an issue with some of the judges.
  16. I found Katey's reactions to be completely genuine. I felt like she loved hearing about any family member she could because she didn't realize she would find something that went as far back as it did. Plus to find out that she descended from something unexpected--the Amish--seemed to be something she really identified with. I understand why they make connections to their ancestors because I do think there are bits and pieces that are connected through family, even if it is farther back than our immediate families. I think in her case she did seem to be pretty much in the the "peace" mode about a lot of things and was very clear about that--so of course she is going to find it interesting that her ancestors felt so strongly about the same. Overall a good episode in that she was clearly grateful for the news, and found some good information. She will be able to find out a lot more with that family tree and knowing more names.
  17. I agree with this, Though the others are right that it finally moved away from some of the annoying storylines of late, it doesn't matter to most viewers now--it is too little too late for many. Though the episode annoyed me less, I didn't find it to be all that interesting either.
  18. Re: Barb asking Jace the questions. I agree that I don't like that he keeps getting asked these things by both Janelle and Barb, but I do feel Barb's are out of actual concern about the environments he keeps getting put in at Janelle's since none of her boyfriends ever work out and are all losers in the end. Whereas Janelle just does it to try to win some war with Barb over Jace. She doesn't actually care about him much at all.
  19. Seeing some of the recent pictures above makes me feel even more that Parenthood didn't do any favors for Lauren Graham in regard to her look and costuming, etc. She always looked off in that show...older than she really is, and just not nearly as pretty. Seeing the current GG pics, she seems more like herself....she looks good. When watching Parenthood, I could never figure out how she went from looking so great in GG to what she looked like in Parenthood. I realize she had gotten a little older, but not that much older. I guess Parenthood was trying to make her look rough around the edges?
  20. Did they ever say why Janelle wasn't at the aftershow?
  21. When Leah was taking the kids to school that one day in this episode, and she had them up only about 15 minutes before they were supposed to leave, I swear I saw her sitting on the floor looking at their school work. She said something like, you are doing so good! I was thinking, you wait until the morning before school to look at what they bring home from school the night before? She is so weird.
  22. Scott Foley clearly loved learning about his ancestors, and I can see why... wow, such interesting discoveries, and he also has some great family tree info now as well. I loved his enthusiasm, and I am sure he really enjoyed sharing this with his dad.
  23. I thought it was another good episode... I think they have really hit their stride this year. I love the combination of funny and sweet. I like that Barry got to get involved as well in a positive way.
  24. Honestly I just pray that they will stop both Teen Mom shows for the sake of the growing kids. They are getting too old to have their family dramas play out on tv. Seriously, at some point the parents have to stand up for their children and understand how this is not good. I admit I watch every episode, but I feel upset at the end of every one because of what I see and the impact it must have on the children. Not only is there parent drama for all of them, but they have to have it shown on tv for everyone to see as well. It is just sad. Even Aubrey who is raised well, has to deal with the situation between her mom and dad--that is a lot for a child, and to have cameras following you around while your parents ask you questions about what the other one does is just too much. Think about how it must feel for Leah's children to see how everyone can see how messed up their mom is. That is so embarrassing, and they will keep that around with them for a long time. You don't forget those times, even as you grow up. As for Jace, well, you know his situation shouldn't be aired on tv.... he has enough against him already, and add some mean kids to the mix as he continues to get older--well, that is just not good. My thoughts on the Kail/Jo thing are mixed. On the one hand I have no idea why she cared what he wore on some random day in his own house. As others have said, Kail is not the queen of home dress up. As for the bath and the shirt.... that confused me as well. First of all not every child gets bathed every night because they don't need to be at the younger ages. You can just run a comb through their hair, have them brush their teeth, and they are good to go in the morning--especially for boys. Some pajama shirts are just like tshirts, and noone at school probably knew the difference (as long as the pajama pants weren't on too). That said, Jo is lazy as heck. Even without the baby he seemed very unmotivated and he needs to make some plans for his own future as well as his family. So I agree with Kail on that wholeheartedly. Vee and Jo can't just sit around the house every day for the rest of their lives. At some point, they will need to make money and just have some sort of focused life.
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