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Everything posted by alexa

  1. It always makes me bummed when they forget about Des and Chris. No mention of their marriage.
  2. Agree about the format. Does anyone even care about the end now? This sucks.
  3. I don't agree. I see him as hurt and deflated that he is being treated like crap just because he isn't stupid enough to propose in a short time.
  4. I hate that she is so smug and bitchy. She is being very insulting to him over him just being honest about taking proposals seriously. Ugh.
  5. And then she gets all feisty about living her best life. Someone who protests too much? Her emotions for him were no lie. She is just mad he didn't want to propose. Good luck Brian. And I am sure he loves how little the story is about him. Lol
  6. This is weird especially because it didn't seem certain Peter and Rachel were done. I just think she is too desperate for a proposal and it seems if she chooses Brian she is settling. It feels clear to me she is far more into Peter.
  7. Doesn't Brianna just drag down an already down show? It is not as if she has grown up from becoming a Teen Mom. It is like her 16 and pregnant all over again. But she is just older. I can't imagine she will help ratings if Teen Mom 3 didn't last, and she was on that show.
  8. Before I could actually buy Bryan as being into Rachel, but he was way too rehearsed and awkward with her family. I agree with the sister--it lacked in sincerity. Maybe he was just uncomfortable, but I didn't buy a word he said. Though it seems that Rachel would rather have someone that can say all of the right things and propose, and break up fairly soon after over someone honest like Peter that wants to give this a real shot the normal way. Since when is engagement not serious, and not mean that you intend to get married? I don't get what she is saying other than she doesn't want to leave the Bachelorette not engaged. Otherwise has she expected every boyfriend to propose before he knows he wants to get married? She made it sound like the relationship that you have before the engagement is the same thing and it is not.
  9. How do we know she doesn't express concern? She isn't on the show all that much, and we only see a small handful of the interactions, and typically MTV chooses the drama encounters to show us (with Jenelle)--they don't often show her regular day to day conversations and activities. It is a far stretch to say she doesn't express concern when we hardly see her on the show. She probably worries about Jenelle and her children all of the time. We have seen how upset she gets about their relationship and how she brings men into her life that only make things worse.
  10. In a normal situation I could see that it would be odd for Barbara not to have a relationship with Kaiser, however given all that has happened with Jenelle and Barbara, and the situation with Jace mixed in, I can't blame Barbara at all. Jenelle isn't going to let her have a relationship with him anyway, but if she tried, as said above it would just lead to more concern and worry than she can probably handle. Plus it can't hurt to have someone fully focused on Jace because he is probably used to split attention or no attention when he visits Janelle.
  11. I did find it particularly interesting that Jenelle chose her moment of frustration at the hotel parking lot to add the issue of Jace and his custody--this is after she spent the day complaining about the one son she did have with her. She really makes no sense, and between her and the newbie on the show (that adds nothing as many have said), I really think I need to avoid this season of TM2 (and all future installments).
  12. Oddly enough I can get in fine. When I signed up for my MTV user ID I did have cable but MTV wouldn't have known that. I chose my cable company but there was nothing I did that linked me to them. Now I don't have it but after choosing a video when it says sign in I sign in by clicking on my old cable provider and then click on sign in/ register. Then you can create an account or choose to sign in if you already have one. Once signed in you can choose from the list of full episodes or it will take you to a video you already selected. Just now many of the videos were locked but it just required that I follow the process above and sign in again.
  13. I agree with you. I found Jenelle and Kail very upsetting last year. I couldn't take them anymore....
  14. Honestly, Dean should have gotten to stay just for the fact that he was put in the position of having to see his father after 2 years on television of all things. Why would Rachel even encourage that kind of thing and then dump him? She could have dumped him last week and avoided the situation as well. Anyway, this kind of thing annoys me, and I felt bad for Dean. That was a raw moment for sure.
  15. This isn't about the synopsis, but if you do want to watch it, you can watch the episodes online a day later at MTV site. You just have to create a sign in and register. It is a bit confusing when you first sign in as they seem to want you to pick a cable company, but even if you don't have one, and choose a cable company there is an option to sign in after that page. I used to have cable, but do not any longer and have been able to just use my sign in to watch episodes. I am not sure if they have that cable page first to make you think you should have cable to watch online? I have no idea. That said ,you are probably better off thinking you can't watch the episodes based on what people have said so far about this episode. :-) I am not sure if I will watch...last year I swore off the TM 2 version because of Kail and Jenelle--I was getting bothered that I was contributing to their money making to allow them to continue to be able to show the world how awful they are on TV. I think they have not improved, so perhaps I will tune in for one episode to see Chelsea. and then move on.... See my response above--this applies to you too :-)
  16. I can see what you are saying, and honestly I don't have an issue with people discussing Maci as she is fair game like all of the others. I think recently it has just been all of these pictures of her with alcohol while pregnant and not, and I just kind of felt like, okay, we get it. She drinks.
  17. I think it was clear from Farrah's second segment that she clearly is still very troubled over whatever happened in her family. I thought Deb was just awful and honestly I can't blame Farrah for avoiding her and keeping Sophia away. She is not helping the relationship by saying what she did about Farrah and their past.
  18. I hate to be that person but is it possible to just agree that Maci drank while pregnant and move on? I am not condoning it but it is over and done now, she is not currently pregnant, and so far her drinking post pregnancy has not been to the level of interfering with her family. Yes she could drink less but compared to the others she is pretty even keeled.
  19. I don't mind Rachel, but I just feel like her episodes drag out forever. I don't think she is doing anything wrong, and for the most part is handling it well, but she and her guys just happen to bore me.
  20. Why can't anyone (cough, cough, people showing off nurseries in magazines, online, etc) seem to observe the rule of not putting things in the crib? They put all of these bumpers and objects completely ignoring the safety advice for young babies. I can't believe they haven't just quit selling bumpers entirely.
  21. But shouldn't Jen be responsible at the actual moment to evaluate whether Ryan is okay enough for Bentley to be around? I don't think Maci should follow them all around when it is their time with Bentley. I think the key is that now Maci probably knows she can't trust Mac or Ryan's parents.
  22. Let's also remember how Mac handled the one time Maci did talk to her about things. She went running to Ryan and his parents to spill all. I dont see that she would have done a thing if addiction would have come up but only make fun of Maci again. I just thought that letter sucked given she and Ryan's parents see him so much more. They have responsibility to Bentleys safety as well.
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