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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Are you talking about all of the stories that came out last spring, or has something new come up? I think since then a couple of pics have come up of the person Dean was with, and I didn't think Jack had been talking about it much since then.
  2. I went back and watched some of what I missed and I have to say that although CW was not amazing he and his pirates were the only remotely interesting parts. Any scene with Peter Pan made me cringe.
  3. I found this so boring, and I just couldn't get into any of the characters. I think some of them did "fine", but they certainly weren't attention grabbing. I don't know if it is that they chose that wrong musical or if it could have been done better to be more interesting. Peter Pan was especially difficult for me to watch--she did okay but I just didn't care about the character at all.
  4. I agree with all of the above comments that Tori needs to realize that if she thinks she has mommy issues, she needs to start looking after her own children. It is obvious the older children are showing signs of feeling unhappy and somewhat neglected. The younger kids just haven't gotten old enough to catch on to it yet. I also agree with all of the comments that she needs to move on and grow up. Even if she felt her mom could have loved her more, you just have to accept things and move on at some point. I think many of us could point back to something less than perfect in our upbringing, but I don't think we all go on about it every day for the rest of our lives. At some point you recognize them as human beings that weren't perfect and be grateful for the ways they did show you love and care for you. Didn't Tori just admit on some show recently that she regrets that her dad created a divide between her and her mom? I am pretty sure she said that on that hour long special about Tori and Dean. If so, that alone should make her see her mom as a human and just let it go. Also, it is nice to see at her website that the majority are not holding back on telling her how they feel. Some still kiss up to her, but many are telling her how it is :-)
  5. You all have already described all of the weirdness in last night's episode, so I mainly want to nod my head in total agreement! I just can't believe how awful Tori is, and why on earth she actually wants this show on the air. If she really think it makes her look good/Dean look bad, she clearly has no idea the fool she is. Dean is looking totally with it compared to the crazy she brings. I cannot see why the "friends" didn't just say -- forget it, we tried to take you out for fun, and you dampen the mood every time, and then turn around and go home. I did appreciate that Courtney wouldn't give up pushing back on Tori...I think she is getting really tired of it and can't quite hold back anymore. It is sad for Mehran I am sure, because I remember how much fun they used to have together in previous years and now she is just a manic mess. If she would actually try to deal with her issues I could respect her, but since she just drags everyone down with her while not working on them, I have no respect for her.
  6. They just bring too much extra stuff into this show that doesn't matter. Even though we would assume David's story would have to be somewhat complicated (since after all it is completely stupid that he is still alive), do we need to add all of these mystery people that I can't figure out who is who and who is trying to do what? Once they do that I don't really care what David was doing for the last 10 years, and I don't have a clue who is doing what now. I also hate that they keep targeting Nolan with people and situations that make him the enemy. The David situation, and now Louise.... seriously, he is an interesting enough character that does not need to have all of these extra things going on. And I am a bit baffled by the safe. I am hoping that the previous poster is correct that it is a good sign that he hasn't mentioned the safe to Victoria.
  7. I was happy with Alfonso's win, but pretty much bored by most of the show. Seeing Allison again reminded me how much I dislike her on this show, and I have to say I don't enjoy her dancing even with the pros or Twitch. I just think she tries to hard and comes off as trying to hard. I don't remember if I saw her season on SYTYCD or not, so I can't really compare to that show. I hope they don't bring her back. So glad that Lolo wasn't featured....she seems so unhappy and brings down the overall mood of the show.
  8. The article states that it goes back to childhood that she didn't feel that she was worth taking care of herself and puts everyone else first. Excuse me? She was completely taken care of as a child.....is she confusing herself with Dean who actually did lose a parent, and may have possibly had to put others before himself at an early age? She is full of it.
  9. Can I add again, why is this show still on? I thought it was only supposed to be 4 episodes, but it seems there is no end in sight?
  10. Yep, I am definitely on team Dean now. I think a lot of his issues were probably caused by her and he is finally seeing the light. He made some great points throughout the episode, and it shows she just reinforced what he was saying. As said further above, I love how he called her out on how she does one small thing and makes a big to-do about it. In all of their reality shows, I have always felt that Dean was more active and at ease with the kids, so I can only laugh when she claims she does so much more. All she does is run around like a neurotic mess and ignores her children most of the time. Did you see Stella hug her as if she was like saying "hug me too mommy!" Because Tori continued to give her attention to the younger kids. And I never see her talk to Liam anymore either...it is pretty much just Finn she pays attention to. She is very delusional and as everyone has stated, she is only making herself look bad, and making Dean look pretty good at this point. I am glad he is standing up for himself.
  11. A few thoughts. First of all, though I loved Tara and Johnny at the Olympics and still like their commentary, I think the clothes/fashion thing feels a bit overdone at these small events. It is so awkward how in the beginning they have those 2 and the 3rd commentator (his name escapes me because he is just covering for a short while) stand up in front on of the camera in what seems to be only to see what T and J are wearing. And then when you see Johnny in one of his "creative" get ups, it just seems a bit unnecessary now. It is like it worked at the Olympics to me because it was kind of a fun thing, but now it seems too silly and takes away from the actual sport they are commentating (for me). Ashley--I used to really like her as well, but she bores me now too. I just think she is missing something that will keep her from being a true contender. I just feel like she has been in it for a long time, and she had a promising last year, and then it just kind of went downhill from there. As for the Russians, I agree it feels like too many, but this seems to always happen...in the past it was a ton of Japanese skaters, and now the new trend is young and motivated Russian teenagers :-) I will say that they are more interesting to me than Ashley or any of the US skaters right now because what they lack in polish they make up for with their attack.
  12. OMG...check out this post at her website. Has she never heard of the millions of websites that make Christmas cards? She acts like she has come across something that has never been done before. What does she think that everyone else was doing when they sent her photo cards? Also have to laugh about the one comment in the post, as it asks if Liam as gained weight. (not laughing at Liam, but just that it was the only comment) http://torispelling.com/2014/11/our-gorgeous-holiday-card/
  13. I am glad to see that some people are being up front with Tori that though this is somehow comforting for her, it isn't appropriate to keep the cameras around long term. It is clear that Dean needs to heal without them--he is right that we don't all need to see his journey take place on camera. Though the scenes with the guru were something else, that is clearly something that should have happened off camera--he should be allowed to cry or whatever and not have his wife have cameras following him around. I think more and more people are calling her on her crap--even the great Dr. Wexler occasionally. I hope it is true that the series was cancelled as the media reported so that Tori will be forced to leave their drama away from all of the world to see. I think at this point I have completely forgotten that Dean cheated as I think it is a bigger sin how badly she is treating him and handling the situation overall. I see her with just as many problems or more, and she has no right to judge at this point. Plus I thought this run was only 4 or 5 episodes, so why is there a preview for next week? I am confused.
  14. I can't fault you for your opinions, but keep in mind a large number of actors had families that did the exact same thing. It is not unique to her at all. It is similar to those that move for their child's interest in a sport like skating or gymnastics. How is this any different than a 4 year old pretending at anything (singing/dancing/acting/role playing)? That is such a typical thing for a young child to do, and if she is giving sermons to her family who are fellow Christians she is not doing any harm. I think it just reflects her family's interests, and it would make sense she would role play something she was familiar with.
  15. I just wish this show would go away. I like it best when it is campy and on the edge of your seat at the same time. I hate it when it goes "dark", such as with Emily and her torture room. It just ruins the show for me. I just hate that we had this premise that Emily did all of what she did for her father, and now he stupidly keeps hanging onto Victoria, when he clearly has to know she had a part in his downfall. I can understand to a point that Emily could have misinterpreted his intentions. HOWEVER, how can he not see what a rough life she must have had, thus causing her to be angry at those that took him down, or at least forever being a bit messed up in the head. He left her as a little girl, and she had to deal with all of this with very little help. That alone should help him gravitate to her as her father. It just feels like a waste of time to have him be such an idiot. It makes Emily look like a rocket scientist in comparison. And yes, he does owe Nolan an apology.
  16. I love this show.... As for the scooter ball if you would have asked me about it without seeing them doing it, I would have had no idea what you were talking about. But seeing it brought back some far memory in my brain, so I must have played this in gym. I saw it and was like OMG! That is too funny. My husband was the same way....he kind of remembered something like that after seeing it. I love all of the 80's references, and yes Trivial Pursuit is almost impossible for a lot of people because of all of the categories :-) We always found ways to play it so it could be finished more quickly. I do kind of miss the days where people played more games together...that was fun to see.
  17. I find it odd that after trying to convince the viewers that things were on the mend with Tori and her mom, that clearly there really hasn't been much progress. I also am confused because Candi was reportedly on some talk show not that long ago stating how she provides them money and that Tori is doing fine, but this article makes it sound like there is little communication, and currently no money being shared because Tori doesn't respond. I can't keep up anymore! :-)
  18. It was just a bike ride. I can't really see that it is something to get all that worked up about. I can't really feel bad for Tori. She chose to have that many children while knowing how much work it is just even having one. Plus Dean probably wanted time away from the cameras as I don't think he had any desire to do this show.
  19. I totally lol'd during the party scene. I have a hard time finding sitcoms I like but this one is a keeper for me.
  20. I really liked it. I kept thinking the lead looked like a Ritter but didn't know there were more of them so thought it was a coincidence. Too funny that it actually is a Ritter. I did laugh quite a few times.
  21. I do have to defend Tori in one area of discussion on this forum. I don't personally view Office Max as an expensive place, and I really dislike Dollar stores quite a bit. No offense, but I always find them kind of haphazardly put together and a bit junkie at times. Do I think she needs fancy weekly calendars? No, but I also don't feel like it is a big deal that she went to an office store to buy items. There are probably a lot of high end stores in her area that she could have gone to that actually are "expensive". There is a lot to pick on about Tori, but not going to Dollar General should probably not be one of them -- given that many "normal" people would go to an office store or Target instead.
  22. I totally agree with the discussion above about how his addictions suddenly came into play after the cheating. That has gone through my head more than once how it makes no sense that they were on TV for several seasons while he was supposedly a complete addict to drugs and alcohol, but it never showed through in any way--appearance, the way he acted, their relationship, etc. Suddenly he cheats, looks like crap, goes on and on about all of his demons, etc. I know addicts and depressed people can hide their problems well, but I am not sure that Dean could hide it that well. I think especially when his appearance is discussed that makes a great point. Even Tori's issues were kind of obvious in the early seasons, so you would think there would have been some form of Dean's issues being shown unintendedly.
  23. This what I know about the house moves as limited as it is: Tori eventually admitted that all of the early moves were part of her issue with wanting more than she can realistically afford long term (along with that I guess she was also shopping a lot, etc). Then they had that big story a year or so ago about having to downsize everything, sell their home, and they rent their current home. That said, none of this makes sense given we now know they can rent a house in Malibu for the month, and that she pays a mortgage to have a bunch of crap in storage. So basically they could afford an "appropriate" house for their family, separate bedrooms and all if she would give up her storage warehouse. I do remember all of the moves you describe. I remember the one that baffled me the most was the season where they showed the cute farmhouse as their new forever home, and it was clearly a downsize, but we never saw it again--in the media they all of the sudden had another mega mansion somewhere nearer to town.
  24. I totally agree.... for his age Tommy is bringing it, and actually trying. Michael just feels to me like he puts no energy into any dance he does and he is 3 decades younger than Tommy. Plus Tommy is much smoother as you stated. It was a no brainer for me that he get more votes and points than Michael. I think what doesn't help Michael (or Emma), is their inability to see how poorly he has been doing. The jive last week should have made her be more real with him as he virtually did nothing in that dance. Mark was actually not annoying me this season, until the last couple of weeks where his attitude has resurfaced. I dislike him so much when he gets like that. It ruins everything he does for me. And Sadie will pay the price which kind of sucks because she has had a great attitude and has really worked hard this season. I don't know why Derek doesn't try to get Mark to understand he has a good gig and to STFU. Derek used to have his moments, but he has come a long way in this regard. I mean, you get paid to dance on a national show--what is there to complain about???? And you don't get the contestants that Tony gets, so even better. Lea--I have been rooting for her, but she is lacking something for sure, and I do think a lot of it does have to do with a lack of strength and power in her legs. Everything seems so light when she moves. So, I am not so much in her camp anymore...the other girls are definitely outperforming her.
  25. I am in such agreement about how frustrating this all is--the combination of David not actually being clever at all, the fact that Victoria wins for the moment yet again, the fact that Nolan has to take the fall yet again, the fact that Emily has worked her butt off for revenge for her father who is actually a stupid idiot and somehow has no idea she is alive but seems to know so many other things. Ugh. Can't stand any of it. If they truly drag this out, I have no words to describe how bad the show will be for me this season.
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