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Everything posted by cmfran

  1. I get that. Don't get me wrong - this show is ridiculous and my wife and I have always hate-watched it, but the name just seemed like something out of a bad comedy about some middle-aged dads that start a motorcycle club.
  2. The "Honor Dogs" sounds like one of those goofy names that Boyle on Brooklyn Nine-Nine made up for one of he and Jake's random stakeouts. Couldn't the writers have come up with something more, umm, militia-y?
  3. I really want to like this show, but so far it feels like a retread of all the post-apocalyptic narratives I've seen many times before. Especially the zombie tropes. It's well made and acted, but I'm not sure I need another show about a quest with a magical child to find a cure for something. Meh.
  4. Late to the party as well, but I'm enjoying it overall. I have a few thoughts, though. -Selena is very likable and seems like she's really trying, but she has a difficult time remembering how to do things she's already learned in past eps. And she really needs a knife skills class. I'm always waiting for her to cut a finger off. -Does she do any cooking off camera in her spare time? I kind of doubt she'll ever make any of these recipes again. -It seems like someone bought every kitchen appliance/gadget available for her, but she doesn't know what she owns or how to use it. -What do her friends do for a living?
  5. I like Dan Levy, but this one is bad. Nothing much new to add, but I agree with many of the opinions in this thread. Even if the other elements were better, I'm not sure how much of an audience there is for a show that focuses on "brunch" that's assembled with tweezers and edible flowers. Not that there isn't a time and place for that, but most of what they're cooking would never interest me as brunch.
  6. I vaguely remember this story when it was happening, but I didn't know how it ended. I thought this series was well done, told with the right not-so-serious tone, and just as long as it needed to be. I thought Leonard and Hoffman were both great, and if I had F You money like Hoffman, this is exactly the kind of thing I would get involved in.
  7. Was the Shoe Guy the Crank Dat Killer? The pic sure looked a lot like him, but it was hard to tell.
  8. Snoop Dogg will do anything for a paycheck. My wife and I have a running joke about him being in everything these days. Advertisement for diapers? Snoop will do it. Judging a baking show? Call Snoop. I don't think he has a viable musical career at this point, so I get it.
  9. Watched the first 2 eps, and it's definitely not for me. It's not nearly as funny as it could be, and if anything, it needs to be raunchier. As it is, it's somewhere in between network and cable/streaming with the 4-letter words and such. Compared to other great shows about making shows (Episodes, The Comeback), this one doesn't even come close. Also, Johnny Knoxville is a terrible actor. Not sure why he was cast in this.
  10. I was looking forward to this season after the incoherent mess of the Europe season, but it seems we may be getting more of the same. Ep 1 was yet another waste of an episode, and ep 2 didn't really amount to much. I loved the first 2 seasons of Atlanta, and I definitely don't have a problem with unusual shows that don't follow a set narrative. But this one seems to have gone so far inward that it's barely watchable. I'll finish the series, but I'm not excited about it.
  11. I described CK to my wife as the Road House of TV shows. You really can't take anything that happens seriously. For example, in the real world, Daniel would be committed to a mental institution based on his obsessive behavior. He's willing to sacrifice his family, business, and safety for...karate? Specifically, someone teaching a kind of karate he doesn't approve of? And Johnny, after learning he's going to be a dad (lol), continues to put himself in life-threatening situations, and his girlfriend is OK with it?
  12. Finished this one last night, and wow, what a mess from top to bottom. Burt was a POS that deserved what he got. He was definitely on a path to killing or seriously hurting someone, and it's amazing that after numerous arrests and police visits, he was still walking around free. Considering that there were cameras mounted all over the inside of the house, it's interesting that there was no footage of the shooting. I don't recall them showing anything from inside the house except the reenactments.
  13. Right. It was like Fight Club for losers. I was hoping the other guy would kick the shit out of Berwick. The funniest thing about their obsession with Mexico is that Berwick chose it by complete happenstance. He randomly sailed into Acapulco and said "huh, this place is a fun place to party," and that was the end of it. And on a random note, none of these people could pronounce Acapulco correctly. They all kept saying "Acapoke-o." I first heard Berwick do it, then several others. Is it that hard to say?
  14. A few takeaways on the finale (and series in general): Jeff Berwick: just your typical d-bag tech bro. Now that he's decided that a lack of "real men" is the real problem, he'll probably be buddies with Joe Rogan soon. Lily/John: terrible that he ended up dead, but their relationship was never going to last. I kept wondering how she supports herself in Mexico, especially since she's undocumented and doesn't seem to speak Spanish. The Freemans: Nathan basically committed slow suicide. It sucks that he wouldn't get the help he needed, and the scenes of his kids at his death bed were tough to watch. I hate it for them, and I hope they have a shot at a normal life without all the nonsense. And my god, he was YELLOW on his death bed. I didn't know cirrhosis did that. Anarchapulco: an excuse to party in Mexico and complain for a few days. Nothing more.
  15. I was thinking the same thing. What a sad life they lead. Nathan is no different than a high school kid complaining about who likes him or doesn't like him, not getting invited to things, etc. So anarchist. Funny how they pivoted to yoga and peace when Jeff kicked him out of the conference.
  16. Absolutely not. I'm a straight married guy, and even if I could have a chance with her with no repercussions, I still wouldn't. Even if she looked like Gal Gadot, I still couldn't with that weird personality.
  17. Seems I was wrong about John and Lily. Definitely not from privileged families. After watching so much footage where everyone talks about how psycho Paul was, why were so many people helping him, letting his stay with them etc.? Regardless of whether or not his veteran status was legit, dude is mentally ill and a danger to society. I hope he's in jail somewhere.
  18. Hunter is lucky that there wasn't any underage material on his server when he was busted. He would have been in jail for much longer. I have a feeling his "age verification" system wasn't exactly thorough.
  19. Agreed - the tech stuff in that segment wasn't well explained. Also agree about the naked pics thing. I've never done it, and even though I'm married now, I still wouldn't. Even without malicious intent, you never know where the pics could end up.
  20. I'd be shocked if Lily and John weren't from wealthy families. They probably followed Phish before getting involved in "anarchy." I was going to bail on this after the first ep because all these idiots made me irrationally angry, but I kept with it and chose to laugh at all their nonsense. My favorite was when they moved the conference to a different resort because the first one wasn't nice enough for their standards. Hilarious.
  21. I did a little research on where Hunter is now. It doesn't appear that he's up to much, but he somehow has a new Twitter account that seems to be devoted to shitposting about women (big surprise) and bragging about how much money he's making in crypto. So much for the "social media ban." Strangely, I'd never heard of him before the Netflix doc, which is probably a good thing.
  22. Can someone remind me why Lalo keeps visiting Saul? I know Saul represented him last season, retrieved the bail $ in Mexico, etc., but I don't recall why Lalo might still have an issue with him.
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