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Everything posted by cmfran

  1. I don't recall if she had a dating coach, but someone needs to explain to her that she needs to hold off on asking questions about life goals until she gets a few dates with the person under her belt. And that they don't need to have the exact same interests/job as her. Not sure how effective that would be, though.
  2. Time seems to have no meaning on this show. I've learned that you can't apply the normal rules of the universe while watching. My feelings on this season are mixed, but love it or hate it, there's nothing else like it on TV.
  3. Re-watched the opening sequence of ep 1, and there are so many little things to notice. -The "Panavision" baseball hat in the closet from his TV ad days, as well as the guitar he scored from the music store guys. -The secret room was definitely a panic room. In the brief shot, you can see a water cooler, cameras, and paper products in case he has to camp out there for awhile.
  4. This ep seemed like a waste. I love this show, but it's starting to feel like the 4 year break affected the writing. We're 5 eps into this season, and nothing has really happened. I realize it's not a plot-driven show, but why even bother with the core cast if you're not going to use them?
  5. Turns out Fernando is another typical petty grifting billionaire. He took Al's money with zero intention of paying him what he owed, just because he could. And everyone else at the table scattered since they knew what was coming. He's lucky he didn't get a beatdown, but the tree cutting might be worse for him.
  6. The weird assisted "suicide" segment reminded me of the suicide scene in Midsommar. I'm not sure which way of dying seems worse, though. My jaw dropped when the plastic sheet dropped over the guy's head. As usual, Atlanta is the most unpredictable show on TV right now.
  7. We definitely didn't need to hear an entire song from Elliott. I've noticed that a lot of shows are starting to do this, and it's irritating. I don't know if it's a situation where the music writers want more publishing (longer song air time = more $), but for the viewer, it's boring.
  8. A few questions from this episode: Why did Nate bring the gun if he knew Cal's arrest was imminent? Why did Fezco want to take the fall for the murder? It's pretty clear he was going to jail regardless, and now Ash is dead. What will become of the drug money Rue owes? Will Laurie's place get raided next, which would possibly absolve Rue of the debt?
  9. Random observation: the music playing over the end credits was the theme from the notorious 80s horror film, "Cannibal Holocaust." I recognized it immediately since I'm a horror nerd, but considering how obscure that is, I feel like it has to mean something.
  10. That could be true about Ash, but I sure wouldn't want to try to find out. Not with a shotgun pointed to my head, and Fez on the other side of the room with a weapon likely in reach.
  11. One thing I've noticed about this show is how detached all the parents seem to be. Their kids say they're going somewhere, and if the parents ask where, the kids just say "out," and it's all good. It definitely didn't work that way in my household. But with stricter parents, the show wouldn't be what it is. I really enjoyed some of the creative choices they made in this ep. And yeah, Rue and a suitcase of drugs is not going to end well. The drug boss saying she knew some "real sick people" who could disappear Rue was chilling.
  12. This ep felt a bit all over the place. The show usually doesn't cover all the characters in one ep, but now that all the backstories are out of the way (I think), it might be necessary from now on. How was Nate already healed and driving around like nothing happened? I'm not sure how much time had passed since being admitted and released from the hospital, but he got a savage beating that seems like would take weeks (if not months) to recover from. Good to see Minka Kelly as the hot babysitting client, but as a Friday Night Lights fan, it made me feel a bit old.
  13. I've been wondering for awhile what Antoni contributes to the show. I've watched 3 of the new season's eps, and he's not really cooking anything or showing the candidate how to cook something they can easily incorporate into their daily routine. For Terri, he just stood there while she made the cake recipe she'd already made a million times. For the cowboy, he showed him how to make...carrots? And for the prom, he clearly didn't know what flautas were, and made taquitos instead. But didn't actually make them for the prom. Meanwhile, Bobby is basically building people a whole new house. I hope he gets paid more.
  14. Enjoyed the Alanis episode. Some great nostalgia there, and a reminder of what live shows were like pre-internet/cell phones/etc. The Kenny G ep: meh. Dude is so normal that he's weird. And his obsession with perfection in his life was a bit odd, but probably normal for artists. Mr. Saturday Night: boring. Too much narration on top of still photos, and the Bee Gees' contribution to Saturday Night Fever has been well documented in other shows. No need to rehash. Haven't seen the Juice WRLD ep yet since I'm old and don't know anything about him, but I'll likely check out that one and the DMX ep soon.
  15. Ugh, this ep was a slog. I'll be sticking it out till the end, but I still can't believe this was the best they could come up with. My wife and I were talking about other ideas for this season (hello, writers), and she said it would have been much more interesting if Kurt had tried to get Harrison to come over to his side, then try to kill Dexter/Jim. That (or almost anything else) would be better than this. And yeah, the oil billionaire is never coming back. Figures.
  16. It was strange to me that Angela didn't question Kurt at all about the other missing girls. Even if there wasn't enough evidence to nail him down to Iris's murder, why not ask him about the others? Also, the idea of Kurt rooting around in the town incinerator (which I guess is a thing?) for evidence is ridiculous.
  17. Just finished season 2. With only 7 eps at 30-ish minutes apiece, it was an easy watch. I enjoyed the first season, but this one didn't do anything for me. The first season was much more creative visually, and there were more layers to the story to keep things interesting. Season 2 was basically one thread with no real surprises, and by the end, I was underwhelmed. It felt more like a standard drama. I noticed Esmail didn't write or direct any of the S2 eps, so maybe that had something to do with the dip in quality.
  18. Finally watched the pilot a couple nights ago. I think it's too dark for me to devote 8 hours to, but there was definitely some interesting visual stuff going on. If Gaspar Noe made a TV show, it would probably look and feel like this.
  19. cmfran

    Season 4 Discussion

    I'd love to know why the farmer guy's wife left him with no warning. I was hoping they'd get into explaining that, but I'm guessing he didn't want it repeated on TV.
  20. At this point, there's a strong chance that any new episode will feature the Cookies or some sort of VR simulation. Conceptually, it's getting to be predictable and a bit weary. This ep was just OK for me. I didn't take much away from it, and the trope of "pop star controlled by their image just wants to finally be their true self" has been done to death.
  21. This might have been my least favorite ep of this show so far. I think the writers had some sort of idea where they wanted to imply that present day technology is just as complicated and potentially dangerous as the not-so-distant future technology, but it failed miserably. If this ep had been released 15 years ago, then it would have worked. But in 2019, everyone is well aware of how all this social media stuff works (as well as the negative aspects), and the ep doesn't leave you with anything to think about. I can usually find something positive to say about any other BM ep, but this one was incredibly subpar. Even as a suspense drama, it was too long and not particularly well constructed.
  22. Ugh, I hated "Blurryman" so much. As soon as Jordan Peele broke character and the camera pulled back to reveal what was going on, I rolled my eyes. And unlike the other eps, you really needed to watch all the previous eps (as well as the original run of TZ) to get all the references. And yeah, the CGI Serling was ridiculous. I had high hopes for this reboot, but overall, I've been hugely disappointed. If there's another season, I won't be returning. Thankfully, Black Mirror returns this week.
  23. As I was half asleep in bed this morning, I thought "OH My GOD, what if Julie Purcell is the documentarian???" I obviously hadn't watched the episode yet, And yes, that would have been insane, but possibly more interesting than the actual finale.
  24. I'm a fan of Jeremy Saulnier's movies, so I was excited when I learned he was attached to TD as a director. It's definitely too bad he's only doing 2 eps. But I'm still looking forward to seeing where the rest of the season goes.
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