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Ms Lark

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Everything posted by Ms Lark

  1. So glad I watched Walking Dead instead of this. Caught up OnDemand and now I know which one is the real "walking dead." And we thought last week was bad?
  2. Watched this because a) everything else is in reruns, b) hatewatch time! and c) promise of Michael Ealy. Turns out he doesn't show up until Ep. 6! Curses. I thought he'd be a regular. Last year I felt sorry for Kevin Bacon having to do a second season of this bilge. This year, he's dug his own grave. No sympathy from me anymore. What have you done with your career, Kevin?
  3. OK, Harvey said he loved Donna. He did not say he was "in love" with her. There's a difference. I'm not seeing this as the beginning of a big romance yet.
  4. I wondered that, too. Figured something must've gotten cut and it was an oversight. Another question is, how did Caroline, a so-called "graduate of Wharton," not know you have to sign a photo release granting permission in order for someone to publish or use a photo of you, especially for profit? I think she must've graduated last in her class. They could/should sue Lola's ass up one side and down.
  5. Next week is a 2 hr Dog Show, don't know why no Jane for 3/2. Couple thoughts: if Rose kills Luisa, I think Rafael will probably inherit her shares. Also, Rafael said he has Luisa's Power of Attorney. That's not a one-shot deal just to get her out of the institution. He can do almost everything with that. I hope this comes into play quickly regarding the assignment of shares. It just bugs that Petra has her voting rights, Rafael can probably reverse that in Luisa's absence.
  6. This had its moments, but I felt much of it was too predictable. I'll still keep watching, just to be supportive. I found the 2nd episode an improvement. Except this show takes place 20 years ago in 1995. Back then, we still called it "Chinatown," so the usage here is correct. The exodus to the 'burbs started in the late 90s with gentrification, but "Chinablock" was not a term used in '95.
  7. Oooo, can we trade one useless "Agent" Lizzie for one awesome badass Hellboy? For keeps?
  8. Thank you, this is exactly what ran through my mind. Worst lifeguards ever. OMG! I don't think I can stomach watching any more of this dreadful show.
  9. Five minutes online with the Universal Life Church will get you a free ordination. Not all states/counties recognize it for wedding officiating and New York is one of them. So, hopefully they got married at the courthouse beforehand or have a real wedding planned after. That's what she said.
  10. If Louis doesn't stop threatening people and pissing them off, he's gonna wind up dead and it won't be pretty. Seriously, he's pissing me off more than Mike and/or Harvey at this point! Chill the F* out. Hmm, maybe they should just rename the show "Shits." Would suit them all well enough.
  11. And that's what I call a happy ending!
  12. I'm really surprised, too. With the low ratings I didn't think it stood a chance. Yay! One more season to follow Genevieve Valentine's Reign blog, which is the real reason I watch!
  13. Agree with those who think the episode should have ended at least 3 min. earlier! That would have been perfect. Looks like we're stuck with the "I'm smarter than the Doctor" Clara Show for yet another season. Bummer. I must've been very bad this year to get this lump of coal. Thanks a lot, Moffat.
  14. Renewed for a 2nd season! I'm surprised, too, but Poppy has been tweeting about visiting America for Thanksgiving (hysterical), so I wondered. So glad, I love this funny little show. Can't wait. "She wakes up..." Hmm, maybe I can wait a little longer.
  15. In the article posted above they indicate that "Additionally, the second-act number "Ugg-a-Wugg," ... which shows the opposing worlds of the Indians and the Lost Boys, has been updated — due to lyrics and phrases that have been deemed offensive in recent years. "The song, now titled "True Blood Brothers" (a lyric in the song's original version), replaces lyrics such as "ugg-a-wugg" and "gugg-a-bluck" with traditional Native American terms that have been approved by Native American consultant Jerod Tate. "Now and forever, this will hopefully be the version [in the show]," Meron said." So, the answer is, thankfully, yes!
  16. I must confess, I didn't hate Grumpy Cat as much as I thought I would. The main story wasn't that great, but I enjoyed the cat. It doesn't take itself seriously, even announcing (via the cat) it's going to be a bad movie! Grumpy is loaded with snark and she would be quite at home posting on these and the old TWoP forums! (spare the snark...) I agree about Cookie Cutter. That rivalry was inane and demeaning! Wow. Would you really want either of these women teaching your children? Erin Krakow was the only reason i stuck with it and I probably should have bailed early on. I'll just be glad when When Calls the Heart returns (I believe they began filming about 2 weeks ago). Another movie I only watched for a surprise romantic lead was Crazy for Christmas. I was going to bail on that one, too, but Yannick Bisson (Murdoch from Murdoch Mysteries AKA The Artful Detective) showed up as a pesky reporter/potential suitor. Well, it was ok, better than most, but I should have just watched reruns of Murdoch!
  17. I agree. They're not visions, they're probably hallucinations. I also think she's a bit of a nutter.
  18. Gorgeous, but why would you show up at a convent with 2" orange acrylic nails? What are you thinking? Will probably wind up with a modeling contract instead.
  19. I'm a little late on this, but I really like the idea of a seasonal thread, rather than every season lumped together. Less digging!
  20. Oh, she's always been a jackass. (Couldn't resist.)
  21. I find it odd that they take all these unsupervised outings, but are still considered sick enough to live in the hospital. Given that, shouldn't they be on an outpatient basis or in a rehab (physical or otherwise) facility? Usually hospitals want you out ASAP, not just for the beds, but due to exposure to all kinds of communicable diseases. Psst, Nurse Sass, kids are frequently not where they say they are going to be. So, you probably don't know where they are at all times unless you've stuck tracking devices in them. OK, while it was a rather sweet story, I wonder why in heck would a kid with cystic fibrosis, a respiratory disease, and needing new lungs, be creating a mural with spray paint?!?! That stuff is really toxic even to those with healthy lungs. And no respirator or even a cheap dust mask. Granted, it's hard to deliver lines that way, but they're managing over on Bates Motel, believably! This could have been a good show, but it's becoming more mediocre and ridiculous by the ep. Sadly, it is sure to be cancelled fairly soon.
  22. We have to stop stupid-watching or we're all domed!
  23. Let me join in the celebration for Linder and Eva! I was so glad he wasn't dead and they got their happy ending. Yay! Eleanor got her happy (sorta) ending even though she wasn't able to kill her dad herself. I agree that the old man should have been more feeble. She could have broken him with one hand. Maybe one last burst of adrenaline? I really did expect her to castrate him, especially since he was pants-less, and was surprised when she didn't. Big question: How come handcuffs alone render even the most violent perps immobile? It's like magic! I counted at least 3 occasions in this ep alone where they cuffed someone (Fausto, his sidekick, Eleanor, I'm sure there were probably more), sat them down, put the gun away, and then turned their freakin' backs on these guys to make a phone call. Hello? What? It just doesn't compute that these guys would sit there passively without fighting back, snatching a gun, or making a break for it. Even Eleanor's dad managed to do that! Doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Still, I hope we get a third season. I like that they're bringing awareness to the border issues that go way beyond the illegal immigration issue.
  24. I watched Season 2 on YouTube right after Season 1. Can't say it was overly memorable. I tend to confuse some of the characters from Mr. Selfridge with those on Paradise, even though I'm halfway through the novel -- it's quite long and a bit of a slog. (English translation from French; bears little resemblance to the TV show.) It is nice to watch in HD to see the costumes and sets better. There are also some interesting interviews with the cast on YouTube that explain some things.
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