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Everything posted by howiveaddict

  1. This makes me so made but I'm not surprised. The United Methodist Church preaches inclusiveness but isn't. I'm from where this was filmed. Unfortunately I did not even know they were filming at the time. I live in a very conservative area and I guess the word wasn't spread at the time. I didn't recognize anyone on the show except the methy guy outside the fireworks store. But, that's because he reminds me of a lot of people I see around town.
  2. I love that Michael is not even pretending not to abhor Ramona. He is so over her. Someone above mentioned she is one of the oldest house wives. She is the oldest house wife, I'm sure at 65. Unless you count Mama Joyce from Atlanta. I was cracking up at her trying to pose sexily at the beach and further exacerbating Michael.
  3. Christine is a liar mc liar. I believe she had a surrogate and totally made up the c section story. Probably why she wasn't around the women too much when she was pregnant. Who cares if you had a surrogate. In the words of the loathsome LIsa Rinna "own it!" I hate her husband, who looks like the twins, but taller and with a beard, saying the other women are jealous of Christine. I feel like most of the homes look alike. Big boxes with sliding doors on hills. I have trouble telling them apart. I do like Chrishelle's new house and also the Calabasis house that was for sale.
  4. Kenya talking about her nanny's clothing on the private plane. And she has rules now. Wonder how many nannys she's gone through? Ramona not wanting to pay her hair stylist without seeing a receipt. She is so an elitist that she does not realize that woman probably needs the money to survive. Or, maybe she just doesn't give a crap. Her behavior on this episode reminds me a lot of her behavior at the black shabbat. Going into the kitchen to get food, leaving the table. And yet, on WWHL she said she was embarrassed by her behavior at the shabbat. I wonder if she is getting alcoholic dementia. Her behavior has become more out of control. Or maybe she is just an attention seeker. Teresa and Melissa come off the best. And I don't even like Teresa and don't watch NJ because of her. Cynthia is jealous that Kenya is hanging more with the other ladies. And the Bailey Q was a bust with those mean girl awards. Kyle seems nice on her, but I don't watch Bev Hills after what she did to LVP. LuAnn is LuAnn. she has mellowed over the years. Sobriety is good for her. Now someone tell me why I can't quit this show!
  5. True story. My mom was in the hospital and told her nurse she was as nervous as a whore in church. Nurse wrote it in her chart and mom's doctor read it back to her the next morning. So yes, people do say such things. Boy carrying the box handcuffed him. Good thing the money didn't go flying out of that box in all that wind. I figured it was really fake money he was carrying around.
  6. My Nit pick. Emma doing CPR while Will laid on his side would be totally ineffective. You need the back on a hard surface to do compress the chest adequately. Also, bad guy would be on a vent too after having his head bashed in with a rock. Not sitting in a jail cell with barely a scar. Also, how did Emma get her wheel chair out of the car? Who was the guy putting on the Gomorrah mask at the end? So many questions and so unbelievable, you would think this was a US made drama.
  7. Hopefully Leonard can continue a lay ministry at the prison.
  8. Me too! Can't believe it's been 10 years. There are several books. All are really good.
  9. Read on another forum that Mary lived in NYC about 10 years ago. She used the same gym as Andy and would always wave hi to him. When she came on RHSLC, she was upset that Andy didn't remember her. She really does think that she is above everyone else. And what a grouch in the evening. Who'd invite her to a party if it wasn't for her work. I don't get why Meredith keeps defending her. Lisa really throws things out there and then refuses to elaborate. I hate people like that. Loved the bull shit Jen was spewing to her lawyer. And notice with all her stress, she had time to have those braids removed and glam squad it up. I don't think that was filmed immediate days after the arrest. Her and her lawyer would need time to rehearse that scene.
  10. So Josh Flagg can have a show where he hosts fabulous dinner parties and show iconic LA home. I would totally watch. Jeff Lewis should be the Doris Day house and restore it. He would be good at that. I tried to look at it on Google Maps Street View , but it has a large shrub barrier out front and can't be seen from the road. I did find the Brit's house, they were showing. I think it's still for sale. Also on Google Street View, the house at the end of the cul de sac is blurred out. Wonder what is up with that?
  11. Didn't Mary fly to Vail because of a migraine? And then she is jumping on the bed. I think she just didn't want to ride in the van with those people. Then she has that guy ( uber driver?) carry in her tiny bag that she could very well carry her self. I hope she is the next one to get her criminal comeupance.
  12. They are all assholes and I wouldn't buy a house from any of them. I bet they lose business from this. LOL at Captain Lee saying he had 2 root canals.
  13. Mary is bat shit crazy. I'm sure they are all terrified of her. I am. I'd lock my room at night if I went on a trip with her. Did anyone notice those tag things hanging out of her beret when she was face timing people. She reminds me of a bag lady with her mish mash of clothing she wears. Jen's braids were something else too. I guess she had her hair styled that way in case she didn't bond out. Ain't no glam squad in prison. Can't wait for next week. Satan Andy said it's one of the best in house wife history. Probably because they couldn't say what was really going on. It's reasuring you haven't been hunted down, yet......
  14. That is my dream location. I also want to see laurel canyon, where all the all the rock stars lived in. I guess I'll just have to tour via google maps.
  15. Except it made me sad to hear that she has two sisters stuck in Afghanistan still. Especially since that last few month and what has happened there. But I do not want to hear sob stories. It seems like every reality show does this over and over. I don't care. I want you to win or lose on your own merit. As to the cooking gown, that sounds dangerous. All that flowing fabric could easily catch on fire. Expecially with a gas stove. Also, I can see those long sleeves dipping into the sauce pans getting covered in food.
  16. When I have to apologize at my job, with a customer, I say the same thing. That way they know it’s not the norm. However, it’s not for nick picky complaints like trash and towels.
  17. She had to pull the daughter death card to get the attention focused on her. I doubt it was even the death anniversary either. Maybe Mary thought that Lisa meant google eyes. Cause, Mary has them.
  18. The butterfly incident reminds me of the book "Must Love Dogs". The main character is a preschool teacher and had some type of school program that had butterflies being let out of a box or something. These butterflies were dead too. It's a funny book and there is a movie also. The crab boil did look good. I prefer shrimp to crab. Crab legs are a lot of work for the little amount of meat you get out of them. And very messy. Wouldn't want to wear designer clothes like these ladies.
  19. Kind of reminds me how police departments, especially the LAPD cover up crime made by the Church of Scientology.
  20. You've just wrote the episode. Too bad PBS will cut a big chunk out so they can show for the umteenth time a short about making the series.
  21. Once the Brit Shows reel you in, there is no going back. They are so superior to US shows.
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