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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. Cheezwiz

    S01.E06: Tuffy

    This was such a great episode. Will's story is heartbreaking and I love that they featured it prominently in the series - it shows how ordinary people can sometimes get caught up in the machinery of big historical events. Was so relieved that Tuffy found his way back to him. I know nothing about John Dean, but I'm curious to know how close the portrayal of him is to reality, because although it's hilarious, it is NOT flattering. Betty Gilpin is just killing it as Mo. I initially thought Julia was miscast as Martha, as they look nothing alike, but her performance has really grown on me. Goodness, I wanted a dragon rice bowl with secret sauce after watching this!
  2. Holy hell, poor Steve and those crazy bat things! Distracting impossibility: No one could possibly hold their breath underwater for that long. That was Shelly Winters in the Poseidon Adventure long. It was a relief to see the Russian prison stuff start to go somewhere. I really like Hopper's Russian accomplice Dmitri, and I fear he's going to bite it (probably in a heroic manner). Eddie continues to rock! And yes, as others have stated, he's Robert Downey Jr. with Eddie Van Halen hair! I have to say that I am so, so, sooooo very bored with the lab scenes - even more so than the Russian ones. It's just the same thing over and over ad nauseum. Also already bored with the re-emergent Nancy/Steve/Jonathan love triangle. Suzie's house was like some sort of Wes Anderson fever dream - well done, show! I loved Argyll falling in instant love!
  3. I actually enjoyed this episode more than I expected. The plane situation was silly, but I thought the fight scene between Murray and Yuri (hey, they could be a vaudeville duo!) was well staged. Eddie is definitely my new favourite - he needs to live to the end of the series! Why were the jocks all dressed like Mormon missionaries when they were hunting him down? Sadly, instead of Eddie being cleared of Chrissy's murder, top jock is now convinced he has demonic powers. Ugh. Like everyone else, I'm bored with the Russia stuff, but David Harbour's monologue about his time in Vietnam and the fate of his little daughter was some Emmy moment stuff. Me too - it freaks me out, because I'm old enough to remember when Modine was playing characters in 80's teen/young person movies, and now he's a silver-haired older gent who looks like he should be on the cover of AARP magazine. I feel the same whenever I see Kyle MacLaughlan as well. I like that they've incorporated a spooky old house into this season, because I'm all about haunted houses, but I must confess, I'm really kind of bored with all of the supernatural plot elements because they don't hang together for me. What is Vecna's origin story and how is he related to Hawkins and the upside down? Does he hang with demo-gorgons in his free time? or is he in a completely different environment? I kind of don't care. I also kind of don't care that much about Eleven. I watch mainly for Steve interacting with the younger kids, 80's nostalgia, and occasional shots of spookiness.
  4. Co-signing this 100%. A lot of people forget that it takes awhile for new looks to take hold in a decade, and usually around the turn of a decade, fashion still has one foot in the previous one. The early eighties were a bit bland, nebulous, and still stuck in the late 70's in a lot of ways. I can remember things starting to shift a bit in '82/83, which is when I moved from elementary school to junior high. The 60's were the same. If you look at clothing catalogues and pattern books in the Pre-Kennedy assassination era, skirts were still quite full and long like they were in the 50's, although much sleeker more tailored influences were creeping in. The mod stuff didn't hit until the mid-sixties, and the hippie stuff came shortly after that. I will shut up now, as I'm WAAY off topic! But fashion and period detail fascinates me - I think this particular show is hit-or-miss.
  5. I enjoyed the first ep - was glad they did a recap at the beginning, because I forgot almost everything about the prior season. Dustin and Steve still make me laugh. I still don't care about Nancy's relationship with Jonathan. Rumour has it that the actor who plays him is a major druggy in real life, and he certainly appeared that way - he did not look well at all in the 2 minutes we saw him onscreen. I felt sad for Eleven being bullied, and assumed she would go full-Carrie on her bitchy classmate, but I guess her powers are on mute for now. I'm hoping the episode opener was a fake-out. Nice to see Matthew Modine and his luxuriant silver mane back again. I like how they're showing the friends following their interests and drifting apart - that happens in high-school. Poor Lucas - no one to cheer him on at basketball. I don't think Max is necessarily just depressed about what happened to her step-sibling. I'm guessing it's more a case of her current home life being really lousy on top of prior trauma. What is UP with Will's bowl cut circa 1986? C'mon show, not even the nerdiest most awkward kid was sporting that hairdo in that era! I wasn't sure about him at first, but I really like Eddie, and think he's a great addition to the show. His character reminded me of the affable stoners who hung out in my art classes in high-school. I enjoyed his kind interactions with Chrissy. RIP Chrissy. Speaking of art/graphics, I had to smile looking at Nancy doing paste-up work at the newspaper . I was on yearbook committee in my high-school that same year, and looking at the blue graph paper and exacto-knives brought back memories. That's how we assembled printed things prior to computers, kids! I think the school's Tiger mascot was giving it his all - he amused me all episode!
  6. Oh, good grief. She needs to just stop. They also should have added an eye-roll emoji to all the new emoticons!
  7. I think that's actually kind of the point of these shows. Despite all their material stuff, these people are mostly pretty awful, so I'm happy to sit in my dumpy apartment in my bargain clothes and be glad I'm not them! Also completely off-topic @Fig Newton, but I love, looooove your profile pic! Is that your puppy? Ridiculously cute!
  8. I'm enjoying the 2nd season just as much as the first. The dynamic between the two actresses is great, (Deb can be bullying toward Ava, but I think Ava understands that much of it is a put-on ant that she got herself into the situation). Deborah is a decent person when the chips are down. What an unexpected treat to see Laurie Metcalfe pop up! I didn't recognize her at first! Josephina looked very pretty getting ready for her date - good for her. I also don't really care about Marcus's love life either, but DAMN that little puppy was cute! GIMME!!!
  9. As with all the new HoWife shows, I'm having a lot of trouble distinguishing the various cast members from one another. Only a couple stood out: Caroline Stanbury looks like an older, plumper Margot Robbie to me. I giggled about the snarky speculation about her young fiance, because frankly I thought the same thing - it's a business arrangement. Ayan looks like a dollar-store Iman, and seems desperate for camera time. Her histrionics are going to wear thin quickly. Dubai seems like a bizarre place - fabricated out of nothing in the desert - kind of like Las Vegas. The cast members all seem genuinely wealthy. I dunno that's all I got out of it for now.
  10. Yikes! This is kind of sad. Even the comments on Josh's Instagram (which are usually from supportive fans) are pretty brutal. Can't say I disagree with most of them - he really needs to learn to be on his own and stay single for a good while. I really miss Bobby.
  11. I'm almost through Season 2. I've been stressed out lately so this is exactly the kind of mindless entertainment I needed. Christine really needs to stop calling her kid Baby G. It's a great way for him to get beaten up at whatever rich person Montessori pre-school he winds up in. I actually felt some sympathy for her when she was discussing her grief over her Mom, but for the most part she leaves me cold. I like Kane, he's generally fun and light-hearted, but he got the annoying shit-stirrer edit this season. He needs to keep his trap shut, and he REALLY needs to lay off the cosmetic surgery - he's starting to look like Anna. I'm curious as to what kind of scandal his family is embroiled in, but am too lazy to research it. I liked Anna's other house - it seemed to have more character. Her new one is a similar Mediterranean style, but blander and tackier. Mimi and the ancient doddering dude with the bad dye job she's married to - what's his deal? Where did his money come from? What is the point of Jamie? She's a complete non-entity - absolutely NO personality whatsoever. Just a wind-up automaton who tries on outfits and takes selfies. No wonder her date bailed as quickly as he possibly could. It wouldn't surprise me if she pulled her face off and it was full of electrical circuits. Dorothy seems like a major beeyotch. Dear Kevin: Kim is just not that into you. Let it go.
  12. The only thing that stood out to me on this silly episode was Kyle's bafflement and inability to even guess the meaning of the word "Francophile". Could she not even intuit what it might mean from the context of the sentence? The catfight was dumb - but yay for Sutton for bringing actual receipts and for Garcelle for backing her up. Sutton is definitely getting the villain edit this season. I don't care about Diana Jenkins, and yes, as someone mentioned upthread, she is reminiscent of a character Jennifer Coolidge might play.
  13. That guy was actually a slimey douche, so I can't blame Chrishell for not taking any interest in him, (not that I think the rest of your analysis is wrong). Chrishell could definitely be thirsty, but I don't mind her - she doesn't annoy me as much as some of the other cast members on the show. I'm surprised, but my attitude to the Oppenheimer bros has actually softened somewhat. Jason seemed genuinely pained by the break-up - it didn't seem like a performance to me, but maybe I'm just gullible.
  14. This was the main thing that hindered my enjoyment of the show. Of course all teenagers can be obnoxious and self-involved, but Adlon's character never called them out or read them the riot act, and it was hard to watch.
  15. I think I would have been fine with this show ending last season. I was actually surprised that a 5th season was added as a series finale, because I thought the season 4 ending was satisfying. I enjoyed the first couple of seasons, but the daughters became unbearable to me. Yes, I know teenage girls can be awful (I was one once), but they were just so over-the-top hateful, and Sam never checked them. It was exasperating to watch. The episode formulas became predictable: Sam is in the middle of something that makes her frazzled. Phil does or says something weird or offensive. One or more of her kids has a meltdown of some sort. Long cooking montage (I actually liked these at first, but I started rolling my eyes after awhile). Poignant indie music at the episode conclusion. Rinse, repeat. I think I would have enjoyed more glimpses of Sam's career and the strange avenues it took her on, because those were genuinely interesting and felt real. I like Pamela Adlon, and could envision being friends with someone like her, but I wanted to strangle all three of her kids. For some reason my cable provider isn't airing the finale until May 2nd, so I'll have to wait for that. Enjoyed it for awhile, but not sad to see it go.
  16. This show is so silly and soapy. Christine is over-the-top ridiculous, and while I'm not crazy about Chelsea, she definitely seems a shade better than Christine - at least she was willing to speak to the other realtors face-to-face. It has to be exasperating to the office veterans to keep having to explain Christine to newcomers who are being used as her latest lap-dog. I see Vanessa no longer appears keen to associate with her, and I'm curious to see if Chelsea will be observant enough to see Christine is no victim. I can't stand Davina, but good God, her client seemed like an unreasonable nightmare: "leave me alone for a month, you're putting too much pressure on, but I'm not getting enough attention from you!" Ugh. So far I'm actually liking Emma, and the house she was considering buying for her parents was lovely (if it was indeed a real thing). How amazing to be in a position to do that for family. The Maple Drive house Chrishell was selling was nice as well.
  17. My wish for the both of them as well. I'd love to see historic homes handled by Josh to be sprinkled throughout the season. It would be a nice change of pace from the concrete and glass boxes we normally see on the show.
  18. You can certainly tell the lack of enthusiasm for this season by the lack of comments on this finale episode! They will definitely need to shake things up if they go another season. Gina is a mean-spirited dumb-ass. At least her boyfriend seems nice. Emily, Emily, please find a better wardrobe. Also, you would think a lawyer would know the difference between the words "inhabited" and "inhibited". Oh well. I am amazed at how much Shane grew on me this season. Dr. Jen - the title card at the end said she had separated from Ryne. No surprise there. Heather and Noella: Clash of the Narcissists! They are both exhausting in different ways. Shannon needs to leave the show for her own mental health. That's all I got. This whole season was a snooze-fest.
  19. Aww.... Boo. Sorry to hear about the Brits leaving - I enjoyed them, as they were low-key and pleasant, and any shenanigans on film were usually gently amusing rather than about drama or back-stabbing.
  20. Yeah I was wondering the same thing. It's possible she's shaved several years off of her age, but the teen years are prime-time for modeling, so it's also not out of the realm of possibility that she got the gig as a teen.
  21. Ugh. These women. What a bunch of harpies (Shannon excepted). I used to really like Gina, but she's become such an ass. As neurotic and annoying and self-absorbed as Shannon can be, unlike the rest of these ladies she's not mean-spirited. I don't know what was said at the very end of the episode, because my sound cut out for the final 5 minutes or so, but it looked like everyone was piling on Shannon for simply trying to be decent to Noella. It's not like she was starting any shit with the others in Noella's defense she was simply quietly trying to calm her down. Noella is batshit, (and thirsty, and probably a liar) but it costs nothing to be polite and civil. Gina was just drunk and embarrassing. Emily & Shannon are actually funnier together than Emily and Gina. Handsome miner guy was handsome!
  22. Seconded (or thirded?). I wasn't really familiar with her prior to watching this and was a bit surprised by all the breathless fandom. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie "Gone Girl" and I know she played Ben Affleck's sister, but I actually have absolutely NO memory of her from that film. Nada. I never saw The Leftovers, so maybe I missed a bravura performance from that one? I was puzzled as to why everyone was fanning themselves over her work in this - she seemed pretty one-note to me, although things picked up slightly toward the finale. I readily admit I could be missing something though. Louisa Jacobson on the other hand, was just painful for me to watch in a lot of episodes - like watching a bad high-school play. I was honestly pretty bored throughout and mainly watched for the gorgeous sets and costumes, (along with nice work from actors in the more secondary roles). Awesome title sequence that I never skipped, so well done to whoever came up with that!
  23. Yep, Same! I've never been a fan of Amy's stand-up, but she made me laugh the most throughout the ceremony. I think she could definitely host it on her own in the future if she wanted to. I enjoyed Wanda's segment in the museum. Regina, unfortunately, was stuck with some REALLY bad cringey material.
  24. May I join you and share a bottle of wine? I'm so dismayed at the way they have taken over the entire industry in the last decade or so. Escapist popcorn movies are totally fine, but to have them completely dominate the industry to the exclusion of all else is depressing. To quote Ridley Scott, they are "boring as shit".
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