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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. They both seem like jerks, and both seem very possessive of Julia. It's weird. As someone mentioned above, it seems like Julia & Adrianna are one drunk evening away from a hook-up. I feel sort of sorry for Martina, as she seems like a nice woman. It's clear she's not particularly fond of Adriana, but perhaps she's already over Julia and looking to move on. I get that having animals can be fun, but their home feels super claustrophobic and muddy. Adrianna was a goof to be wearing a designer dress and heels in that environment. Man, I barely recognize Larsa - I recall her from watching the first season of the show years ago, and she looks like a different person (a Kardashian to be exact). I absolutely loathed her back then as she seemed like a spoiled vapid beeyotch, and apparently not much has changed. The only other people I remember from the show's early seasons are Marysol - still like her, and Alexia. The rest aside from Lisa & Adriana are new to me.
  2. I've only watched the first couple of episodes, and am surprised that I found it a bit more interesting than I expected. The problems & conflicts seemed a bit more realistic and less fabricated than Selling Sunset - they centered around work and commission issues, as well as typical personal problems that crop up for people. I wanted to like Sharelle, but I don't think she's that great of a leader - she likes to be boss, but isn't great at treating people equitably or fairly or mentoring others. I was immediately impressed with Rena and her prior work history - she really does seem like a badass who could be successful if she struck out on her own. I got the feeling the other women (including Sharelle) were intimidated by her intelligence and were freezing her out. I did not care for Colony & Sophia-Sharon (or is it Sharon-Sophia?). They seemed ditzy and their ageist comments about the other women really rubbed me the wrong way. I really wish they would display the names more as I had a hard time remembering who the remainder of the cast were - I had the same problem with Selling Sunset in the beginning. I'll keep watching for now, because I'm bored.
  3. Apparently Meredith got mugged by an ostrich on the way to Whitney's branding do. She looked utterly ridiculous. Mary feigned ignorance and doubled down on her comments about Jenny. Not surprising. I'm baffled by Meredith's support of her - and were they always this tight? I can't remember. Agree with the theories up thread that Mary must have some dirt on her. Same deal with Jen Shah and Lisa. Oh, Jen Shah's Mom, don't do it! Do not scupper your retirement savings for your grifter daughter's legal fund! You'll be lucky if you wind up living in a broom closet over an SLC bowling alley! I wanted to smack Lisa when she was micromanaging her kid's prom photos. Ugh. It's always about her. I would hate to be her kid.
  4. Just finished the final season. Sorry to see it go. Despite the crass & often gross humour, it actually had heart & sweetness. I'll miss the characters. I can't actually believe it's been on for five seasons already (I know some of them were short), but I'm shocked at how time flies - I wasn't keeping track and thought it had only aired for two - three at most. I grew up in the 70's myself, so I loved all of the period details - they really nailed all of that stuff. Did anyone notice (sadly) how many dedications there were at the end of episodes? It looks like the actor who voiced Smokey the vending van driver passed away, along with a couple of show producers. Sad.
  5. This was a fun episode. I'm not usually a mountain person (even though I live near some) but the Aspen scenery was just spectacular. Architecturally, neither house was my style, but they certainly made the most of the surrounding scenery, and it was fun looking at all the collectibles and oddities in the 40 million $ home. The two sets of parents were cute, and it's neat that they decided to befriend each other even back when their sons were not getting along. Same! Their portion of the show was so relaxed and enjoyable. For those who haven't done so already, I highly recommend looking up Bobby's YouTube videos - they have a similar vibe. I'd also like to stroll with Flagg around the neighbourhood martini in hand and have him give me a run-down on the history of the houses. Both Altman and Flagg did well when they chose their respective spouses. If any of the press leak story is true, I can understand why Frederik would be dead to Flagg. Holy stress - I could feel the anxiety of that situation coming through the screen. Glad Flagg was able to exit and get set up at his new agency, because that could have gone horribly sideways. Really loving this show so far!
  6. Interesting video from Sweet James, - especially the part about Noella angling to get on the show for years. I'm not sure I'm buying either of their stories 100%. Why is he filing from Puerto Rico? Is he taking responsibility for their kid? And has she really been left high and dry money-wise as she claimed?
  7. His cooking segments on YouTube are a lot of fun to watch (with some nice easy recipes). He seems like a sweetheart, and am glad he's being featured a bit. Re: Palos Verdes - the view YEAH! The house? Meh. But as Flagg said, the entire price is for the land. Can you really see all the way up to Malibu from there? Anyway it was a stunning view.
  8. An interesting and plausible theory! Oh and one more thing that adds to his douche-factor - his name is "Ryne" not "Ryan". You know he probably changed it because he thought it sounded cooler. It's certainly the perfect name for a perpetually shirtless dimwit.
  9. Mary, is that you? Seriously, you are being so obtuse in your responses, it's hard to even know where to start. Mary was clearly raised and groomed in a bizarre manner - she's an ignoramus and completely socially inept. She's also provided ample evidence that she has all kinds of racist notions about various ethnic groups including her OWN. In no way is "slanted eyes" a neutral descriptor of an Asian person. Mary is BOTH an unhinged wackadoo AND a racist. One does not make the other defensible.
  10. I'm really puzzled by this as well - neither of them seem extravagantly wealthy, nor do they seem like they have outsize or interesting backgrounds/personalities. I wasn't around for the seasons when they first started appearing on the show, so I don't really have any context, but they both seem pretty ordinary to me - Gina especially so (have we ever established what Gina does for a living aside from the show itself?). Re: Noella - I'm surprised that I didn't mind her quite as much as I thought I might, but add me to the chorus of "if you marry for money, you will wind up earning every penny". I feel sympathetic to her being suddenly stranded with a special needs son, but if you're expecting a life-long (or at least years long) free ride with no financial contingencies of your own, you're asking for trouble. I don't think it's so much that he's been filmed shirtless, as it is that he is ALWAYS shirtless, and seems super impressed with his own shirtless-ness. He does not appear to do anything other than tote a tiny purse dog around sans shirts - to the point where it seems like his appearances have been contractually mandated. In short, he seems like a dim-bulb, and something of a mis-match with his spouse. The shirtless status is just the whipped cream on top of what appears (so far) to be general douchebaggery. This was long-winded, but it's been awhile since I've experienced such immediate irrational hatred for an incidental reality show character.
  11. Jen always looks insane, but she looked particularly insane in a few of her TH's where she was wearing bright pink eye make-up: was she wearing blue contacts? She looked completely unhinged. Paying family members 50,000 per year? Such a persecuted saint this one. I REALLY hope the charges stick. She really did not want to deal with the practical matters of paying her legal bills. I can't believe it's taken these women this long to clue into the fact that Mary is a creepy loon, who is essentially pulling the same kinds of scams as Jen. The Pho luncheon in the park looked really nice, but I actually fell asleep once everyone started bickering, and missed most of the rest of the episode.
  12. The other house of Sue's (near Griffith Park) looks truly beautiful, and sounds like it's priced more in line with what they were quoting for that part of L.A. Loved getting a peek inside something a bit different - I wish these shows mixed things up a bit more in terms of architecture.
  13. Agreed. I could not care less about updates on any of these scummy people, much less sit through another series. I hope the staff who seemed pretty vulnerable come out okay, but for the repellent main players? They can disappear back into obscurity. The show had its moment at the start of Covid because there was a captive audience, and it won't replicate that success.
  14. Minus the fake-fighting, the costume broker party was super fun. Frederik looked great in his Marilyn get-up, and everyone else had great costumes. The Sue Wong property ("Cedars") was bizarre but in a fascinating way. I loved Flagg's commentary on the house. I wonder what it would look like without all of Sue's crazy embellishments. The diagonally painted stripes on all of the gold columns were driving me absolutely crazy - I wanted to go in with a bucket of paint and erase them all! The grounds were absolutely gorgeous. I'm a sucker for Hollywood history and lore, so anything that gets me away from boring glass and concrete boxes for awhile is entertaining. The manufactured fights between Altman and Frederik are dull. It's weird, because I thoroughly enjoyed Frederik on the NY series, but he's such an annoying clown when transplanted to L.A. I enjoy all of the other cast-members.
  15. Ditto. I've only seen hime briefly in two episodes and I have an out-sized irrational loathing for him. It's clear Dr. Jen thinks he's an idiot as well - any idea if he actually does anything for work? Does he just swan around shirtless with his tiny dog? Still no clue as to why she's with him. Heather Dubrow should actually be on RH of Beverly Hills, but only if Lisa returns. I'd love to see Lisa Vanderbucks go toe to toe with Madame Puppet (TM I don't know who, exactly, but it's a brilliant descriptor!). Gina seems like she should be on the RH of New Jersey to me (even though she's from Long Island). I was rooting for her, but she's become more unlikable this season. Shane always looks miserable with Emily. I know their Covid crisis supposedly temporarily brought them closer together, but they do not seem like they're on the same wavelength at all. Shannon continues to look like a sad mess, and needs to stop the apologia tour.
  16. I've only seen the first episode, and although I love Andy & Maya, I found them extremely awkward as hosts - the humour felt forced and painful, and they were just plain unfunny most of the time. I guess just because people are talented sketch comedy performers, it doesn't automatically make them good competitive baking hosts. I did love the grannies though - they were fun. Will keep watching because I' m a sucker for baking shows.
  17. I like Whitney, mostly because she's so good at owning Lisa, but her whole product re-brand thing seems totally hare-brained. Jenny totally had a good point - where are the products? WHAT are the products? More fake tears from Mrs. Shah. Coach, grab that Popeye's and run! RUN LIKE THE WIND COACH SHAH!!! The scene with Jenny and her precocious kid was irritating, but now I'm hungry for Vietnamese food. I'd really love to know why Heather is still so eager to be Jen's ride or die friend, especially since she doesn't seem especially convinced of her innocence. I'm also hungry for Popeye's.
  18. While I can see that Jess definitely needed to pay more attention to detail, Heather and cabin-boy had it in for her from the get-go, and switching her to service was clearly an attempt to set her up for failure. We were never shown what, if any training she received. I could almost see Heather gleefully rubbing her hands together when she was chirping about "switching things up!". Rather than someone who gives clear expectations about the tasks that needed to be completed, Heather strikes me as someone who will search relentlessly for faults after the fact. I honestly don't think it would have mattered how much Jess hustled, those goal-posts would have kept changing. It's probably time for Jess to go as she's not jelling with this crew, but I hope karma comes for the other two with a truly useless replacement.
  19. I found it really hard to look at her because one of her eyebrows was stuck in an exaggerated raised position, and it was distracting as hell. I find the plastic surgeon's awful bolt-on boob job distracting as well - she seems hellbent on showing it off when she should be in scrubs. It's not a good advertisement for her practice. What a dumb obviously Producer-driven tempest in a tea-pot this episode was. None of it made any sense, and it was all clearly manufactured. I normally like Gina & Emily, but they both should have kept their mouths shut and just enjoyed the party. Shannon continues to look pitiful, and is now the target of everyone's ire. Not sure why Noelle is so eager to befriend her. All of these ladies would benefit by halting the fillers, and wearing longer less tight clothing. I will say that I loved Heather's black dress for the event - much as I dislike her, she knows how to dress elegantly. I too am puzzled as to why Emily and the Plastic Surgeon Doctor who's name I keep forgetting are with their current husbands - talk about mismatches! I dislike Shane intensely, and shirtless househusband is an even bigger tool-bag than he appeared to be last episode. Ugh.
  20. Agree - they're both total assholes in slightly different ways. One does not negate the other. I wouldn't want to have anything to do with either one of them.
  21. What a dumb episode. Again with the Pickleball front and center. Randall is such a tool. DUDE, SERIOUSLY, NOBODY CARES. Schwartz is also a tool. A branded tool. Probably a fake for the show. The tea party looked pretty until Charli decided to bring the drama. I don't care about either Scheana or Charli - they both suck.
  22. Dammit show! Don't make me feel sorry for Ramona! I think we can all agree Ramona is an irritating embarrassing asshole much of the time, but even if deserved, I don't like to see gang-ups on people. That just never feels nice. John wasn't into her anyway, but Lu and Kenya teaming up to go all junior-high mean girl wasn't a good look. Not having seen Atlanta, I had no read on Kenya, but now I can see why people strongly dislike her. She really gets great enjoyment out of being mean and hurting other people. I was totally with Kyle on the picture-taking - how totally annoying. I would have tried one of those floating hamster balls just for the hell of it. Maybe I would like Cynthia in another context, but she was a major Debbie downer this trip. The rest of this ep was unmemorable to me.
  23. Good for her. I've actually developed a soft spot for her, and whether this is manufactured for the show or not, I hope she runs like the wind and never looks back. James is never going to improve sober or not. Maybe James and Lala will re-hook up now that they're both at loose ends. If ever there was a pair that deserved each other, it's those two!
  24. Same! It's my proletariat peon version of a towel-warmer! Agreed - they are both insatiable fame-whores.
  25. Oh, there's a spinoff with Josh squared? I hadn't heard about this! Altman is actually tolerable when paired with Flagg. Could be fun. I liked when they explained that they enjoyed walking the neighborhood in Beverly Hills together and comparing notes on houses.
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