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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. Amazed someone finally sprung for Somer's desert pile. A shame Josh only got partial commission, but he's smart to keep things cordial with them if there's a chance more referrals come his way. Is that house Tracy's currently in (where Flagg & Altman were raiding the fridge) a rental? It's nice, I like it. It's interesting watching the realtors slowly creep out of LA and into new territory. Holy smokes, that colossal Spanish-style estate (former Nixon mansion)that Frederik was trying to list was UNREAL. This is the stuff I love seeing on the show as an antidote to glass boxes. I don't think I have ever seen a more gorgeous ocean view on any real-estate show EVER. Why anyone would want to be crammed onto Malibu if they could afford something like that is beyond me! The back and forth about Frederik's faux-ward is boring and clearly manufactured by the Producers.
  2. So from what little I read, it appears her dream life of luxury goes a bit south on this season (shades of Erika Girardi minus the embezzling part). Saw a photo of her ambulance chasing husband and was surprised to see he was slightly younger and more attractive than his cheesy billboards make him out to be. I already dislike her - she seems "extra" as the kids say these days.
  3. Amen to that! The new house is a massive temple to their egos, rather than a place to live. I thought the Dubrow's LAST house looked like a cold mausoleum/train station, but it was actually miles better than this new one. I laughed at the kaleidoscope TH montage of Heather blathering endlessly about her party plans. Like others upthread, I thought I liked her at one time too, this time around? NOPE. Not sure, but I think I hate the two new housewives already. I keep mixing up lawsuit lady with plastic surgeon housewife for some reason. Do NOT like the plastic surgeon's shirtless house-husband at all. Noelle - no. We don't need to know about much less see your sex dungeon. Shannon continues to look like a sad hot mess.
  4. Ditto. It was really a tour of his living room mostly. I really like his house - although it's a Beverly Hills estate, it appears more human-sized, and is filled with interesting memorabilia plus charming architectural features.
  5. Wondering what the next set of guests will be like - as weird as this group was, they were very pleasant, low-key and appreciative. Now I see what everyone upthread meant about Rachel's French toast. I was drooling over that (and everything else). She really is killing it with all of her meals. She's pretty funny at times too. Fraser & Heather are toxic together - individually they might not be so terrible, but combined, they are the epitome of junior high mean girls. I haven't seen Jess doing anything wrong - it appears she's been carrying out all of her duties, and they're continually talking behind her back and claiming she's "doing nothing". Fraser became a raging jealous little bitch as soon as the Captain briefly mentioned Jess at the table - he wasn't even praising her, just including her in a pleasant comment. Jess seems quirky but harmless, and is naturally pretty - from the previews it looks like she's being set up to fail. I hope this duo gets dragged big-time when reunion rolls around. Poor single unrequited Wes. Mustachioed Jake is such an attention-seeking man-whoring tool. He can go away anytime. I'm not fond of Rayna, but I agree she was correct on the subject of the tongs. That's supposed to be Heather's department. I laughed out loud but at the same time reared back in horror when Eddie was messing with that blowtorch. That could have gone sideways very quickly and very badly - we're not talking about pillows flying overboard here. He's very lucky someone was standing beside him to put out his flambeed hair.
  6. I'm totally surprised at how much I'm liking both her and Melissa. Teresa's dinner looked delicious - too bad it was soured by Ramona's delusional loopiness and other petty sniping. Loved the PJ's Melissa gave everyone - beautiful colour! Totally would have worn those! If I were on this trip, I'd probably be hanging out with Kyle, Melissa, Teresa & Luann, which is pretty surprising to me. Not fond of Cynthia's sourness, or Kenya's drama. Ramona is just embarrassing beyond words. I laughed when she wound up alone with the crew on the speed boat. Felt sorry for the kitchen staff she was blathering to at the end of the episode. How many episodes in total are there? I'm watching as they're being doled out week by week - just watched episodes 4 & 5.
  7. Yes, THIS. All of those house locations look so fragile given the potential for earthquakes, wildfires & mudslides. As lovely as some of the views are, I'd be shopping for something on flat land thanks very much. Co-signing everything in THIS post as well! I wish more people understood that the best way to drive a narcissist absolutely crazy is to just politely ignore them and refuse to engage. I notice that Christine pulled one of the favorite techniques from the narcissist playbook: she was whining to her husband and Brett (or Jason?) "Everyone's being so MEAN to me!" Uh, no. People just compared notes and finally decided to call you on your bullshit. Narcissists always play the victim when they're confronted with their misdeeds. (See also, Jen Shah for those who watch Real Housewives of Salt Lake). Someone up thread mentioned that Vanessa reminded them of someone else famous only someone who had a different hair color. She reminded me of someone too, but I wasn't sure who - I'm thinking it might be Tanya Roberts (RIP). Vanessa has beautiful eyes, , and that's who came to mind for me. The jury's still out Vanessa her for me, but so far I cautiously like her. The more I look at Emma, the more she resembles a long-lost sibling of Paris Hilton. Someone in one of the articles commented that she's the type of person who could look anywhere from 19 to 39, and I think that's totally accurate. Maya continues to remind me of a darker haired, dark eyed Gwyneth Paltrow - it's quite an uncanny resemblance.
  8. Yep. Nothing makes me sadder than seeing a gorgeous Craftsman bungalow exterior, anticipating an interior filled with beautiful built-ins and colonnade room dividers, and then going inside to view what is basically an open-concept bowling alley. Ugh.
  9. She's been wearing a lot of tummy baring outfits lately, and I'm all like... hmmm... where's your scar? A c-section is major surgery and if even if you're super-fit, it takes awhile to bounce back. So conspiracy rumours about a surrogate don't surprise me. It also wouldn't surprise me if she fabricated the "I almost died" story to drum up sympathy from viewers. I'm also a bit puzzled that Amanza is all chummy with Christine this season - she seemed pretty skeptical of her in prior seasons (and even confronted her at a party?) so this about-face seems odd and perhaps producer driven? I feel bad about her custody situation (if her ex had completely checked out, who the hell called CPS on her?)- how sad for her kids. Ugh. Davina's back. Looks like a lightbulb finally went on for her about Christine's loose relationship with the truth. That was so creepy and gross. The minute I saw him, my reaction was ew, noooooo... that guy had dumb-ass dude-bro written all over him. Yuck. If I ever thought that a couple of friends who hadn't met might hit it off romantically, I would actually never mention it to either one of them - I'd just have a gathering and let things happen (or not happen) organically. Those kind of set-up situations that take place in front of everyone with everyone knowing, watching and anticipating are incredibly awkward. We have seen Christine's husband in several episodes, but he never speaks. He seems to be relegated to a role of background extra - he's basically the Silent Bob of Sunset significant others. Side note: I never watched Flip or Flop, so I don't have a read on what he was like on that show, but Tarek seems like kind of a tool.
  10. LA has so much interesting architecture. I love all of the styles you listed above and wish we could catch some glimpses of these - although I imagine a great deal of them probably get mowed down in favour of monster show places. There seemed to be a bit more variety on Million Dollar Listing LA, but lately they've mostly been featuring the mega glass n' concrete boxes as well.
  11. Hi! I should have been more specific - I'm in Canada, and am able to watch episodes on the Slice Channel (which carries Bravo programming). I was able to watch the first 3 episodes, and the rest will be airing weekly on Mondays. This is probably of no help to you if you're in the States!
  12. I don't know if it is or not, and am too lazy to research it, but it definitely has a canned pre-fabricated feel, and logistically would be a much cheaper way to insert music rather than getting rights from actual recording artists.
  13. Yes! THIS! It's like it's the canned background music equivalent of an Instagram selfie account. I bet they have a barrel of pre-fabricated music clips they just pull from for scene intros and transitions. It's super annoying.
  14. I cannot tell Brett & Jason apart at ALL. It looks like both Mary and Maya messed around with their lips - it was especially noticeable on Maya in episode three. I haven't progressed through the whole season yet, so it will be interesting to see how the two additional realtors will shake up the dynamic. I'm glad Davina is mostly gone. It seems Christine is deliberately attempting to dress in a way that makes her look as ridiculous as possible. I couldn't believe that transparent get-up she was wearing while touring the luxury house with one of the bros.
  15. I think those would be hazardous for ME, never mind kidlets! I'd defintely be at risk in a place that was all sharp angles, glass and concrete!
  16. What a WEIRD assortment of guests on this charter! At least they seem pleasant and easy-going. I actually felt sorry for the Captain with that woman following him around and trying to flirt with him. AWKWARD. Hey deckhands, all of the outdoor soft furnishings are screaming "tie me up, tie me down!". All of the meals on this episode looked especially delicious to me - I think I'm craving poached eggs and avocado or something. Jessica seems like a really odd bird to me, but I wonder why Heather was giving her such a hard time about the staterooms - isn't that Fraser's job as well? I'm not sure I like him very much - he seems like he might be a bit backstabby in a stealth kind of way. I don't really care for Custer-mustache dude either, but none of them are outright villainous. First Officer Eddie is not good boyfriend material. Looks like Part Deux will have a weird Birthday celebration with the weird guests. I was trying to figure out how they all related to one another, and was having a hard time reading the screen titles. Sometimes the Captain pulls out the guest dossier and reads from it before they board, and I'm wishing he had done that this episode, as I'm curious as to who these people are.
  17. So I'm accessing this on Bravo, and have watched episodes 1-3 so far. It's been interesting seeing how these women interact outside of their normal environments. The beaches look absolutely stunning, and I think it would be pretty hard to have a bad time in that locale. Random thoughts so far: As expected, Ramona is the biggest asshole of all. No surprise there. I haven't watched Atlanta in years and years (I last watched it way back in the She by Sheree days), so I don't know how Cynthia & Kenya normally behave, or what their dynamic is. It was certainly rude of Kenya to show up an hour late for dinner and help herself to food while everyone else had been waiting politely for her to show up. But good God, Cynthia was a ball of passive aggressive fury all night, and was misplacing her anger on Kyle. If anyone was a buzzkill at that dinner it was Cynthia. Let it go lady! She did not come off well at all. Melissa & Tre have been pleasant with everyone, and despite some minor sniping, seem to be managing their truce okay. I'm also liking Kyle in this environment. I really like the simple white dress with the long balloon sleeves that Kyle has been wearing in her TH's - it's very flattering on her. Yes, the Concierge Michael is very cute, and no, Luann, you do not need to slaver over him like a dog staring at a hunk of meat. I like Lu most of the time, but she's cringey when it comes to flirting with men. Any men. Love those funny funny editors digging up Lu's old volleyball footage. So far, this has been more fun to watch than I was expecting.
  18. I noticed that too - I thought it looked like Teresa's face was actually starting to collapse in on itself. She needs to stop with the surgical tweaking - she's getting that rubbery look like those puppets on that British TV show Spitting Image.
  19. Seconding this! I don't care who shows up - I just like looking at the fancy place-settings. They could include recipes!
  20. I'm curious about this too - I'm guessing it's because of proximity to... probably everything hip. On camera, the bird streets just look effin' awful to me: a potpurri of hideous architecture haphazardly crammed together, telephone wires, and non-stop construction. I don't need to be near a beach, but that is NOT a neighbourhood I'd be shopping in if I had megabucks - I don't care how prestigious it's supposed to be. What I have seen so far looks ramshackle and ugly. I guess that architect's home has ultra high-end finishes, but it's not my fantasy at all. All I could think about was how many lovely inviting homes I could buy for the cost of one mega-mansion that looks like a dressed up airplane hangar. The rich are definitely different alright. Josh's dinner parties look like good weird fun. I wonder how he's managed to obtain all the recipes from long defunct LA restaurants that I remember hearing about as a kid (Chasen's!) - I LOVE that kind of stuff. Still have no clue who his Entertainment tonight friend is.
  21. When she's seen on the show, she appears to have a perfectly normal bustline, which is why her TH's are so distracting and confusing as hell! It's almost as if she's deliberately mashing them apart and down from either side to get the Ken-doll pecs. I don't get it at all - does she think this is a sexy/flattering look? It's like ANTI-CLEAVAGE! I wish I weren't wasting so much time thinking about a reality show cast member's bizarre decolletage, but am grateful there are others out there who are equally baffled and not afraid to say so.
  22. I don't know much about the mechanics myself, but I'm guessing the ill-gotten gains are probably funnelled through a bunch of shell corporations first, and then sent out for "cleaning" by various methods. These scams were running across state lines, which is considered wire fraud, which is a HUGE big-deal sort of crime, and why the Feds & NY investigators were there to pick her up. And no doubt, there was all kinds of tax evasion chicanery happening as well - not sure if anything has emerged on that end charge-wise, but I'd think that would be inevitable. I'm sure Jen will feign ignorance about everything.
  23. Bingo. Also might be a clue as to why Lisa was so far up Jen's ass all season for seemingly no reason. I wonder if they had some sort of mutually assured destruction deal on their respective shady businesses. Also possibly why Lisa was panicky and yammering to her lawyers on the phone. Mary isn't the only other suspect one in this crowd.
  24. Eh, she wasn't describing anything more than what I have picked up myself watching HBO crime shows like Breaking Bad or Ozark. Plus she was actually reading all of the content in the news articles as opposed to the others who were freaking out and getting hysterical. Hat tip to Jennie for calmly swigging wine and munching on snacks while everyone else went apeshit. Why the hell was Lisa calling all of her lawyers? Her fake-ass tears on the bus were even worse than last week's fake-ass tears. I was sniggering away at Mary getting freaked out and claiming that she "couldn't sleep at night" if she knowingly defrauded vulnerable people. Uh huh. Riiiiiight. I think her wig reached peak awfulness this episode. I wish they hadn't included that dumb footage of Meredith lounging in the bath (she must've been a prune by the time they finished filming that footage). It was unnecessary, and the tea she spilled on the missing item from her store (with video footage!) was VERY interesting. I want to know more about where they think Jen might have gone the night she ditched the uber that Heather had arranged for her. I don't think Meredith necessarily got the ball rolling with the investigation, but she may have contributed info at some point. I did feel bad seeing Jen's sons being led out of the house by the cops. Those poor kids having to cope with a narcissistic psycho hose-beast like Jen for a Mom, and on top of everything else they get stormed on TV by an armed swat team. Who knows how much Coach Shah knew (I'm sure he must've known something), but I wish he had ditched her and run far, far away with their kids. Next week's previews: Jen crying and whining to some lawyer that she "doesn't understaaaaand!!!". Her typical go-to response when she gets caught out. Also a phrase oft-repeated by Lisa. Hmmm...
  25. This episode was apparently a duel of the stupid hats. Everyone on all the Bravo shows seems to be wearing those silly Smoky the Bear meets fedora hats these days. So the Altman bros bought a house for their parents as an ego boost for themselves? Was Flagg's picky friend supposed to be British? She had no accent that I could detect. I haven't watched Entertainment Tonight in years, so I don't know who the hosts are.
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